03-25-2004, 11:20 PM
hey all
this is to vent mainly- I live in Sudbury Ontario and we have among the worst roads in Canada. I drive a few hundred KMS a week on them, mainly highway which are just as bad. Its horrible this time of year, the roads heave, buckle and crack everywhere. Potholes that want to hang onto your tire and send the rest of the road flying are everywhere. Few days ago i started to hear this awful clunk every time i hit a bump. I had my mechanic check things out- my balljoints are shot, as well as the end links and tie rod ends. I also need front struts. A pothole claimed half my little bumper skirt thing too but im probably getting that replaced by the city. I cant believe this. The parts cost me over $200 not including the struts and thats dealer cost.
this is to vent mainly- I live in Sudbury Ontario and we have among the worst roads in Canada. I drive a few hundred KMS a week on them, mainly highway which are just as bad. Its horrible this time of year, the roads heave, buckle and crack everywhere. Potholes that want to hang onto your tire and send the rest of the road flying are everywhere. Few days ago i started to hear this awful clunk every time i hit a bump. I had my mechanic check things out- my balljoints are shot, as well as the end links and tie rod ends. I also need front struts. A pothole claimed half my little bumper skirt thing too but im probably getting that replaced by the city. I cant believe this. The parts cost me over $200 not including the struts and thats dealer cost.