View Full Version : Woman tazed for buying to many iphones?

12-13-2012, 03:55 PM
Taser used on woman who tried to buy extra iPhones | The Lookout - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/woman-tasered-trying-buy-too-many-iphones-174321967--finance.html)

The iPhone is a hot commodity this holiday season. But is it worth the risk of being stunned with a Taser?
As surfaced by CNET (http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-57558888-71/woman-tasered-after-trying-to-buy-too-many-iphones/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=title), a 44-year-old Chinese woman from Newton, Mass., experienced just such an action after she tried to buy more iPhones than the Apple Store limit of two at the Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua, N.H.
While the accounts differ, Xiaojie Li, through an interview translated by her 12-year-old daughter with local news station WMUR-TV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xocxNw988g0), said she was buying the iPhones for her family in China. When she was unable to buy more than two last Friday, she returned to the store on Tuesday to try to buy more.
Instead, the Apple Store apparently asked her to leave. (Li said she didn't understand what the store was asking.) When she didn't leave, the store called police to remove her. Police say she resisted arrest, and the video shows what happened next: The police used a stun gun on the woman, shown lying on the ground, struggling and screaming.
Li's fiance, John Hugo, tells the local news station in an interview with Li sitting by his side, "I was outraged. You go to a store to buy a phone. You end up getting brutalized by the police."
He added, "Is that proper procedure, beating her up? I beg to differ." He said they plan to fight the misdemeanor charges and may file a complaint against police.
Capt. Bruce Hansen of the Nashua Police Department saw another side, saying of Li's grasp of English, "She's certainly capable of coming up here and purchasing these things from the Apple Store here. Whether her language inhibited that, I really don't know."
Police said the store had been concerned about reports of resellers buying the iPhone and reselling it at a marked-up price overseas. Police claim Li had $16,000 in cash in her bag.
Li is due in court in January.

Ipod game is CRAY. I dont know where to start...the taze, or the 16k....

12-13-2012, 04:24 PM
I'd believe it.

Chinese people quite often go around buying desirable items up so they can go back to Asian and sell it for more.

12-13-2012, 05:23 PM
I was on the same thinking scheme then i said....nah... to much work. i wonder if the work and payout is worth it.

12-13-2012, 06:00 PM
"Instead, the Apple Store apparently asked her to leave. (Li said she didn't understand what the store was asking.) When she didn't leave, the store called police to remove her. "

She wasn't tazed for buying iPhones, she was tazed for refusing to leave when the Police told her it was time to go.

12-13-2012, 06:10 PM
I really doubt it would be profitable, seeing how China has stepped it up to full blown counterfeit Apple stores with fake apple employees working in them, selling of course fake Apple products.

I'd find a link but I'm lazy typing this at work

12-13-2012, 06:12 PM
i hate being the ONLY person in this thread not premie. ThatGUY needs to fix this asap! lol

12-13-2012, 06:19 PM
Itz kus ur a blk.

But on the real though, profit can be easily had if you know what you're doing.

Just like how there are dumb shits on here willing to buy Rota Grids, there are also legitimate people willing to buy Volk TE37s.

12-13-2012, 06:19 PM
i hate being the ONLY person in this thread not premie. ThatGUY needs to fix this asap! lol

Come on CG. it's only $10...
Link is fixed I guess


Itz kus ur a blk

Woah !!! I didn't see that coming..

12-13-2012, 06:23 PM
A few of my friends work at that exact Apple store, resellers come in all the time to buy phones and it's usually 1000 iPhones at a time, this lady was upset when they wouldn't sell her more than 2 because thats the limit for people who don't have a "business" account with the store manager. People come in with briefcases of cash with thousands and thousands of dollars.

12-13-2012, 06:25 PM
Woah !!! I didn't see that coming..

Neither did Manny.

12-13-2012, 07:30 PM
Neither did Manny.

Yeah that was a "low" blow.

12-13-2012, 09:46 PM
I'd believe it.

Chinese people quite often go around buying desirable items up so they can go back to Asian and sell it for more.

By Bulgarian buddies made a considerable amount of cash scooping up the Iphone 3 and now the 4...they ship it overseas and profit. Good thinking!

12-15-2012, 09:03 AM
Yeah that was a "low" blow.

By Bulgarian buddies made a considerable amount of cash scooping up the Iphone 3 and now the 4...they ship it overseas and profit. Good thinking!

Yeah, one dude was telling me he can sell his old iphone 3 for like $700 overeas.

12-17-2012, 12:06 PM
Us Asians are always scheming. I have friends/family that always try to rope me in on this ever since the iPhone/iPad came out. A friend is currently making an average of $60-100 per unit and she's only the middleman. The person she does this for has an army of peons collecting for him. If he's able to allocate $60-100 to his minions, imagine how much he's netting on the front end. Insane.

12-18-2012, 03:27 PM
mos def buying bulk to ship to china for profit. I had a coworker at my last (chinese) and he said they LOVE name brand designer everything. They make the counterfeit stuff for the rest of the world but they are suckers for the real thing.

He said that when the Iphone 4 came out his family was able to sell them for 800-900 a phone just because it was the name brand.

What I don't get is why does apple limit how many any one person can buy?!

If I were a manufacturer and someone wanted to buy my WHOLE supply like a week after I launched it I wouldn't hesitate.

Being sold out is a GOOD problem. Its not like you can't make more. You're the manufacturer!

12-18-2012, 04:14 PM
Wonder when they will implement a taser function into mobile phones.