View Full Version : wheel installation HELP ME!!!

03-24-2004, 02:38 PM
First of all i want to say i searched everywhere and i couldnt find the answers so dont flame me!

My question has to do with wheel installation. I got some 5 hole wheels but my 240 only has 4 screws sticking out from the brake rotors?!!? Is there any way i can use a hammer to make it fit?Can i use the same hammer to camber out my wheels? is there any ways i can have 5 screws in my rotors for less than 10 bucks? Also , when removing the wheels should i disconnect my battery? I heard on the honda forum that metal conducts electricity. When putting the nuts on the screw, which way opens and which way closes? can i hand tighten or do i have to go buy a wrench? Also my friend from Japan said i should grease my brake rotors while the wheel is off.

03-24-2004, 02:58 PM
i guess this is this an early april fool's joke?

Sil Beer S13
03-24-2004, 03:01 PM
haha ya i guess it is. dont forget to refill your blinker fluid also check your muffler bearings.

03-24-2004, 05:25 PM
you also need to fillup on your halogen headlight fluid... but buy the halogen/xeniox version.. its more xeniox.. its like 55w = 150w

thats serious stuff.. no wire upgrade on harness either.

03-24-2004, 07:24 PM
This thread is making my balls hurt

03-24-2004, 08:55 PM
Westboroughpimp you should be fine. You really only need one screw to secure a wheel to the hub. The other ones are for safety, aka a redundant backup system. But if you are concerned about safety you can take the car to a welder and have him weld the wheels to the rotor. I suggest using a crow bar to adjust camber, its very important to be precise. To put on nuts remember this old saying " lefty loosey, loosey means slut and sluts are cool." so always turn left. When disconnecting the battery its important to lift it out of the car properly, take both hands and grab both the nubbins on the top of the battery while lifting. Also, grease is good, grease everything, i suggest steak grease, lard or crisco, they are high quality. You shoudl probably just lather yourself in grease while you drive. It makes you 'slick'.

03-25-2004, 12:03 AM
This is truely Great Stuff!