View Full Version : Ive been absent, here is why.

12-10-2012, 10:45 AM
I would like to formally apologize to anyone who has tried to contact me since the 28/29th. Whether it be PM's here, Facebook, phone, etc - you have probably gotten no where.

Early in the am on the 29th my wife went into labor with our 3rd child. We headed to the hospital, my thoughts were the same as my other 2 boys and that we would make this happen, be at the hospital 48 hours and head home to our normal life as parents. This isnt the way it happened at all. Here is a detailed story from my wife, if you care to read. Hot Toddies: Welcoming Baby Hulk and a Whole Different Kind of Surprise (http://thehottoddiesofwa.blogspot.com/2012/12/welcoming-baby-hulk-and-whole-different.html)

This is a bit personal and I debated whether or not to share it, but Im a person just like the rest of you and many of you are my friends at this point. I just want everyone to know I wasnt out on a yacht somewhere ignoring my customers, although a yacht sounds nice right now.

As of today, I am back and Im working hard to get all of these emails answered and if you dont hear from me - please call me and we can sort out whatever you need. I will be in and out of the office today due to doctor appointments and such, but I will come and go and keep up the best I can. Tomorrow should be a normal day for me.

drift freaq
12-10-2012, 11:16 AM
Heavy duty man, I wish you the best.

12-10-2012, 11:23 AM
Congrats on the new child man! Despite the struggles that will come with Down's, it'll be a whole different learning experience. He will take some time to get use to, but after you learn how to overcome this, you will realize that he will be an inspiration, and kids with down's are some of the most creative and loving kids. I work with kids with down's, autism, and mental/physical handicaps, and they are amazing. Keep on keeping on man!

12-10-2012, 11:39 AM
Heavy duty man, I wish you the best.

Congrats on the new child man! Despite the struggles that will come with Down's, it'll be a whole different learning experience. He will take some time to get use to, but after you learn how to overcome this, you will realize that he will be an inspiration, and kids with down's are some of the most creative and loving kids. I work with kids with down's, autism, and mental/physical handicaps, and they are amazing. Keep on keeping on man!

Thank You!

Be aware that we are feeling positive about this and know the road ahead is a long one that we just have to navigate day by day. My wife doesnt have experience with many special needs children, but I have been around them a decent amount. I had a really close friend that was autistic and he was an inspiration. This child is a blessing to us and I feel he is in good hands and in a loving home that will be perfect for him. 2 older brothers will be awesome too.

12-15-2012, 11:38 PM
Congratulations on your 3rd child and I truly wish you the very best.

12-16-2012, 05:44 AM
Life over everything else Russell, congrats on having your 3rd baby.

12-16-2012, 08:09 AM
Your child is a blessing. Although I'm not super religious, I do believe that the big man up stairs chooses great parents like you to do the honor of raising a beautiful child with a special need. He knows you two will make sure his life is a great life. I truly believe with the right structure and immediate stimulation, a child with down syndrome could function, learn, and progress at a steady rate. I have an autistic cousin and his parents went to a seminar that taught them to teach and communicate with their child, by acting and behaving lime him. Yea they looked bat shit crazy when you saw them hollar and make awkward noises and gestures, but he was able to connect his behavior to theirs and surprisingly now, he is able to function, communicate and learn at a steady, although slower than usual, pace.

Your baby is beautiful and is a blessing!

12-16-2012, 09:49 AM
Thanks for all the kind words. We are slowly growing day by day with the idea.

You are right, he is a blessing and we feel we were chose to raise this child. We are not religious either. Our two older boys go to preschool at our families church and they had a Christmas event during the week and one of the children in another one of the classes has Downs. Her mom came over to see our new one and my wife told the mom that he had Downs as well and they talked for a long time. I was pretty busy trying to keep an eye on my 3 and 5 year old, but caught the last bits of their conversation and it was pretty awesome. The lady was over the top nice - Id go as far as inspirational.

My wife is doing really well at this point and we just keep taking it day by day.

12-16-2012, 06:58 PM
You are blessed with a beautiful baby and kids.
Congratulations on your third child.

12-16-2012, 07:15 PM
I live in a "group home" with my girlfriend. 4 autistic children live with us, all teenage boys. I know autism is A LOT different than down syndrome, but I'll tell you that I've never met a child with down syndrome that isn't the kindest, happiest, and sweet person you will ever meet, you literally walk away from them feeling so much more humble. Good luck to you and your family. It's not easy, but it IS worth it.

12-16-2012, 07:48 PM
I haven't felt this teary eyed and heavy hearted in a while, especially from reading something haha but in all seriousness I hope you and your wife the best with this new bundle of joy in your lives and know just your story has inspired me to become more aware in this and makes me want to help.
Thank you for that

12-16-2012, 09:57 PM
I'm not lying when that's the most I've read in years. Well worth it, I have a insperational feeling inside now. Good luck with your new baby! God blessed you with him for a reason

12-17-2012, 12:48 PM
Good luck with your new baby, take it one day at a time you'll be alright.

12-19-2012, 07:36 AM
You are blessed with a beautiful baby and kids.
Congratulations on your third child.

I live in a "group home" with my girlfriend. 4 autistic children live with us, all teenage boys. I know autism is A LOT different than down syndrome, but I'll tell you that I've never met a child with down syndrome that isn't the kindest, happiest, and sweet person you will ever meet, you literally walk away from them feeling so much more humble. Good luck to you and your family. It's not easy, but it IS worth it.

I haven't felt this teary eyed and heavy hearted in a while, especially from reading something haha but in all seriousness I hope you and your wife the best with this new bundle of joy in your lives and know just your story has inspired me to become more aware in this and makes me want to help.
Thank you for that

That is awesome - pretty touching that her story has moved you to feel that way. Looking at statics over the last few weeks of Downs has really changed my thought process, its humbling, and eye opening.

I'm not lying when that's the most I've read in years. Well worth it, I have a insperational feeling inside now. Good luck with your new baby! God blessed you with him for a reason

Good luck with your new baby, take it one day at a time you'll be alright.

Ive shared your responses with my wife. We really appreciate all the kind words.

12-19-2012, 11:10 AM
I didn't know you had 3rd baby????? Congratulation !!!!

12-19-2012, 08:46 PM
wow man, i don't know you or your family but that was truly an amazing read! i too am a dad of 2 boys with another on the way. our first boy had a defect that was glaringly noticeable as soon as i saw him. some sort of growth on the right side of his jaw. they had it tested and found out it was a very benign sack of fluid that grew by his inner ear. it's called lymphatic malformation. it's still very noticeable to this day and something he will have to have removed when he's about 4, but nothing too serious.

the first ultrasound we had of our unborn now, they thought he had a hole in his heart. the nurses and technicians look fairly concerned and they sent us to see specialists about the matter. well it turned out he did not have a hole and everything was fine.

i say all that to say this, there is something about child's struggle that makes you love and appreciate them maybe a little more. kids are truly a blessing no matter the hardships! congrats dude and stay strong for your family!

01-04-2013, 09:07 AM
There have been some updates posted to my wives blog. Im not sure if any of you browsed and found these, but I wanted to let everyone stay informed of our the family is doing. Ill sum it up with - AWESOME! This little boy is amazing. I was scared to death, didnt know how I really felt about all of this, and it was just so unknown. Right now, I wouldnt change it if I could - things will be better this way. He is in the right now, has the right parents, right brothers, and he will we be just as great as anyone else. My eyes have opened to a whole new world.

Its safe to say that Im over the top proud of my wife for being able to express her feelings and honesty to the world in these. I would have never guessed she had it in her. I have a good one!

We really appreciate all the kind words and Im relaying back to her everyones feedback.


Hot Toddies: How we're doing ~ Baby Hulk (http://thehottoddiesofwa.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-were-doing-baby-hulk.html)

Hot Toddies: Baby Hulk ~ Awaiting the Doom and Being Delusionalal (http://thehottoddiesofwa.blogspot.com/2012/12/baby-hulk-awaiting-doom-and-being.html)

Hot Toddies: Baby Hulk ~ Eyes (http://thehottoddiesofwa.blogspot.com/2013/01/baby-hulk-eyes.html)

01-04-2013, 09:15 AM
I'm going to give them a read right now

01-04-2013, 09:45 AM
Russel and family, what a beautiful child! That story made me cry. I wish you and the family the best!

05-02-2013, 08:16 AM
Its been a while since I updated this, but wanted to update all of those who were kind enough to share their feelings and be supportive. It really was nice to come here and read the comments that some of you shared.

Baby Hulk is doing very well. All of the things you worry about with a child with Down Syndrome have been avoided for now. The big thing that was looming over us was his heart and that all checked out perfectly. Physical Therapy is going well and they said he is doing great and they see a great deal of development in his ability from visit to visit. The kid truely inspires me and has really changed my views on so many things.

My wife is doing here thing by writing her blog and talking about Baby Hulk and Down Syndrome in general. I decided to do my own thing as well. We are using NDSS (National Down Syndrome Society) as our charity for our event this year, we are also using South Puget Sound Up with Down Syndrome as our Raffle Charity and using them as a charity of the month in our dealerships locally. In addition to these things our drivers are all rocking "212121" decals on their track cars this year to further advocate for people with Down Syndrome. Its been really awesome to hear my friends tell people what the decals mean.


05-03-2013, 12:28 PM
I'm not huge on stickers, but this one has a true meaning behind it and I support the cause. If you an extra one sitting around, I would love to put it on my car (pm me if you do). Since many won't know what that means, it'll drive them to ask.

06-10-2013, 09:57 AM
I'm not huge on stickers, but this one has a true meaning behind it and I support the cause. If you an extra one sitting around, I would love to put it on my car (pm me if you do). Since many won't know what that means, it'll drive them to ask.

I sent you a PM. If anyone else wants to purchase these send me a PM - I have them up for sale online and they are being used to raise funds for a local group.

Big Zee
06-10-2013, 11:53 AM
Congrats on your 3rd son!! I believe that all your kids are in excellent hands will grow up to be great men!!

06-10-2013, 10:29 PM
Congrats, glad everything seems to be getting bette

Not gonna lie, I kinda expected to see a green baby.