View Full Version : shipping lowered cars overseas.

12-10-2012, 08:03 AM
was wondering if anyone especially military here has any experience shipping there modded cars. im getting stationed in oahu and need to get my car shipped over. its not a 240 lol (05 wrx) but i figured you guys had the most experience with low cars. i know they have a saftey inspection before they inspect it so im affraid they might say no because its to low/ doesnt have cats. i have to drive to nola and drop it off the day before i fly out so i dont want it to be stranded. btw i talked to the shipping lady and she has no idea what im even talking about lol.

if any one has any experience with this it would be greatly appreciated!

12-10-2012, 08:30 AM
raise it until you get there? that's the biggest hassle but would fix the problem entirely.
i can't say i know if you'll pass or not but with my experience in these "inspections" they don't really prioritize ride height, let alone notice it.

12-10-2012, 09:47 AM
You're talking about recon inspection in Hawaii. You dont have to worry about it till you get there and settled in but you have to raise the car close to stock height, maybe higher if you have a kit, so itll be easier for TMO to ship your car. They could refuse your car if its too low because they dont want to be on hook if the car gets damaged from being too low.

As far as recon, from what my roomate told me, they're fucking anal. Bring back a set of stock suspension, exhaust (including cats), OEM lights if you have aftermarket lights too. If you dont have your inspection done, you can't get a base sticker and itll be harder to get on base from what he told me.