View Full Version : S15 Hid Help!

03-24-2004, 08:36 AM
Hey, guys I have a S15 conversion and I am looking to buy HID's. I have no clue what bulb size are needed and I dont really know where to start looking for HID's for my specific lights. Any recommendations would be greatful. Thanks

03-24-2004, 08:59 AM
Hey, guys I have a S15 conversion and I am looking to buy HID's. I have no clue what bulb size are needed and I dont really know where to start looking for HID's for my specific lights. Any recommendations would be greatful. Thanks



I have put HID's in all of my cars, LOVE them!

03-24-2004, 09:55 AM
haha.. retrofit rubbish baby!

03-24-2004, 11:31 AM
Don't S15's come with HiD stock? So theoreticaly you could just slap on stock hardware and get perfect fitment....

Unless i'm totally off and they only have projectors

03-24-2004, 12:16 PM
there are two types of S15 lights you can get. There is one that comes with its own ballist (which gives a boost to the HID lights) and there are the lower version of the S15 light which does not come with its own ballist. I have the lower version one, that is why I am hoping to find the light bulb fitments for my S15 lights, but I have no clue what size my bulbs are. That is why I posted this tread. Thanks

03-24-2004, 02:05 PM
there are two versions of the S15 headlamp, HID and HALOGEN. if you want HID headlamps, its highly recommended you get the HID versions and have those modified from RHD to LHD lighting pattern. Making the halogen version HID isnt adviseable if you are the type of person who cares about lighting pattern.

- Mike / ClearCorners.Com

03-24-2004, 05:03 PM
Mike is right..only two types HID and Halogen

i have a halogen with HID retrofit

lowbeam: H1
highbeam: 9005

03-25-2004, 06:32 AM
The Low beams are H1's and the high beams are 9005's in the halogen S15 lights.

03-25-2004, 10:46 AM
ok. stupid question.. what is a ballist and how do i find out if my headlights are the halogen or hid?

03-25-2004, 11:46 AM
ok. stupid question.. what is a ballist and how do i find out if my headlights are the halogen or hid?

hey i saw pics of your ryde can you tell me wher you got your s15 parts from....tnx..

do you have aim?

03-25-2004, 12:20 PM
ok. stupid question.. what is a ballist and how do i find out if my headlights are the halogen or hid?

ballast.. and you dont have one. if you did, you would have realized this when you forked over anywhere from 1500-2000/pair for HID S15 headlamps.

you dont accidentally get HID.. you purposely attain it. even then, it will require work to make them useful in a country that isnt RHD.

- Mike / ClearCorners.Com

03-25-2004, 02:12 PM
^~^ yups like he said...HID S15 headlights are expensive as heck but just to make sure, take a pix of the inside of the headlights and post it up just to verify that it is Halogen H1s. If it is, then goodluck getting HIDs because they are ILLEGAL now in the states. If you do find a set...goodluck again cuz they'll suck. Only set id ever recommend are McCulloch/G-Garage but they no longer exist in the states since DOT said so.

03-25-2004, 05:07 PM
If it is, then goodluck getting HIDs because they are ILLEGAL now in the states.

A lot of things are illegal in the states, like HALOGEN S15 headlamps.. why? Because they arent DOT-compliant. They may conform to Japanese laws but NOT to US laws in terms of lighting pattern.

Only set id ever recommend are McCulloch/G-Garage but they no longer exist in the states since DOT said so.

The only thing that changed was the amount of enforcement from the NHTSA because these "retrofit kits" are not DOT-compliant. When companies sell something like an HID kit, most of them dont even understand what they are selling and have no interest about lighting patterns -- they just sell you something that turns on with that funky blue color. The things I've been saying years ago I still say, retrofitting to HID by simply changing a bulb/ballast is rediculous. The proper way is to do the ENTIRE retrofit. But of course, most people cant afford to do this type of work OR are too lazy to put in the work. So, this is why "retrofit rubbish" was being sold.

So what happened? Enforcement was kicked up due to high amounts of complaints -- and in return, vendors STOPPED selling such kits because of the HIGH fines involved in selling "retrofit kits."

So, if you're going to stick halogen.. get the halogen version. If you want the HID version, buy the HID version. BOTH versions will require full disassembly of the light AND modification in order to emit a LHD-friendly lighting pattern.

And there we have it..

- Mike / ClearCorners.Com

03-25-2004, 09:16 PM
ok. stupid question.. what is a ballist and how do i find out if my headlights are the halogen or hid?

if ur asking that question..u have Halogen

if u bought ur headlights off ebay..u have halogen

if u paid ~600-700 for headlights u have Halogen

03-25-2004, 09:51 PM
The info's are very helpful guys. But I am looking for more of a specific site which sells the retrofit HID for my S15 lights. I am sure that I have Halogen. just looking for a retrofit kit for my lights but have no idea where to find the retrofited kits...any recommended sites which sells it. Thanks a lot for the info's, keep it coming. Thanks again.

03-25-2004, 10:00 PM
Only set id ever recommend are McCulloch/G-Garage but they no longer exist in the states since DOT said so.

i wouldn't be too sure about the quality of it. a lot of complaints about G-garage kits have poor quality wiring and cheap ballast units. the only way i would recommand is do a full hid retro with either bmw or audi hid projectors and either hella/philips ballast along with a set of 4100/4300k capsule. you can either do all this by yourself if you think you have the knowledge to complete the job or pay someone to do it for you for a fee. that is the way to go if you really want quality hid lightning.

03-25-2004, 11:10 PM
The info's are very helpful guys. But I am looking for more of a specific site which sells the retrofit HID for my S15 lights. I am sure that I have Halogen. just looking for a retrofit kit for my lights but have no idea where to find the retrofited kits...any recommended sites which sells it. Thanks a lot for the info's, keep it coming. Thanks again.

people have been giving u info..i was like the first

people do NOT sell kits for HEADLIGHT SPECIFIC...its BULB SPECIFIC!

ur low beams are H1..so buy an H1 HID kit

where u buy it is ur choice and wat company u go with is ur choice but in the end ull need to buy a H1 HID kit if thats the road ur taking [HID retrofit]

people mention HID projector retrofit..not all projectors will fit some might be bigger than the other so you have to measure

03-26-2004, 12:18 AM
i wouldn't be too sure about the quality of it. a lot of complaints about G-garage kits have poor quality wiring and cheap ballast units.

I havent heard anything negative about Gormet Garage's quality of components. I can definately say though that retrofit kits in general will result in a poor lighting pattern. More light, yes. Better lighting pattern? NO.

I dont know why I repeat myself so much. I guess if you want to purchase some crap retrofit kit and have shitty lighting.. go ahead!

haha man.. some people just dont get it. Its like turboing your car while still running stock 195/60/15" tires... have fun.

- Mike

03-26-2004, 12:26 AM
i want some black market HID.

03-26-2004, 02:45 AM
Ricky Chu has an article in super street where he installed HID's on the S15 healights, i remember there was cutting involved for some reason. I'm too lazy to find the article and scan it for you but the title of the article was "light my fire" or some shiet like that. Go to their website and find it.

03-26-2004, 09:02 AM
Ricky Chu has an article in super street


where he installed HID's on the S15 healights


i remember there was cutting involved for some reason.

[email protected][email protected][email protected]!

"light my fire"


Translation: William Hung wrote an article for Super Street where he PAID to have someone install a retrofit kit into his low-buck halogen S15 headlamps for his USDM S14 240SX. They had to cut because its a universal kit. The gave it a catchy name, like "light my anus on fire."

muahahaha SHE BANGS, SHE BANGS! she moves, she moves!

03-26-2004, 12:33 PM
hahaha ok its funny but i was just trying to help. I guess i forgot that they just sit and watch.

03-26-2004, 06:13 PM
Ricky Chu has an article in super street where he installed HID's on the S15 healights, i remember there was cutting involved for some reason. I'm too lazy to find the article and scan it for you but the title of the article was "light my fire" or some shiet like that. Go to their website and find it.

1. Ricky Chu is Gay.
2. Super Street is Gay.
3. i have HID in my s15 headlights and NO cutting was involved.


i still need to readjust the beam

03-27-2004, 04:33 AM
hey SilviaDrifter,

could you tell me if your beam pattern has a step cutoff or a slant-step like this _/_/ ? Either way, is it higher on the left or right side? a pic against a white wall would be great too!

Most likely it's higher on the left side right? I've been opening up my s14 headlights many times since I started retrofitting late last year, and I don't know what it is, but I am really anal about blinding OTHER people.

Also, retrofitting any OEM HID from Audi, BMW, etc into another car w/o stock HID is also illegal. Since OEM HID wasn't meant to be in DOT halogen housing...yeah. so i'm running illegally, oh well.

03-27-2004, 09:24 AM
could you tell me if your beam pattern has a step cutoff or a slant-step like this _/_/ ?

thats not a beam pattern my friend, you cant describe a beam pattern with ascii characters...

dont confuse beam pattern for CUTOFF.. as daniel stern says, you can put a lighter behind a projector and as long as there is a shield, you will have a cutoff.

- mike / clearcorners.com

03-27-2004, 12:14 PM
could you tell me if your beam pattern has a step cutoff or a slant-step like this _/_/ ?

thats not a beam pattern my friend, you cant describe a beam pattern with ascii characters...

dont confuse beam pattern for CUTOFF.. as daniel stern says, you can put a lighter behind a projector and as long as there is a shield, you will have a cutoff.

- mike / clearcorners.com

a cutoff is part of a beam pattern, right? I didn't say, is your beam pattern this: ?

I said, does your beam pattern have a cutoff such as this:

All I'm trying to figure out is whether or not the car has a slant cutoff or a step cutoff, because it makes a huge difference in glare.

03-27-2004, 12:40 PM
well.. every projector setup i've EVER seen has a cutoff shield.

so.. what i am trying to say is, dont confuse the CUTOFF for LIGHTING PATTERN .. there is a difference.

yeah.. no reply needed. ;)

03-27-2004, 01:37 PM
hey SilviaDrifter,


ill take a pic of the lights tonight with my camera phone hopefully