View Full Version : Suppliment regimen/exercise advice please

12-01-2012, 06:28 PM
I've lost a substantial amount of weight over the past two years through diet and exercise. Last month I decided to go a step further and joined a gym, and have been putting in an hour of cardio five days a week on average, but have been neglecting anaerobic exercise during that time. I'm now about to begin half hour cardio sessions coupled with weight lifting three days a week, and squeeze in an hour of straight cardio one or two more times per week. ANYWAY,

I've always tried to take vitamins on a regular basis but tend to forget/neglect them. I've been good for the past week, (and this is where I'd like your advice) taking: -walgreens men's daily multivitamin -3g fish oil -5000iu vitamin d3 -Eca stack (25mg ephedrine, 200mg caffeine, 3x/day; omitting aspirin because fish oil makes it redundant/i don't want to die) -6g creatine

I've gained significant weight over the week, which I believe is water retention due to the creatine. I'm pretty weak, and thinking I jumped the gun with it anyway, so I'm going to stop taking creatine for at least a few weeks to see if my weight drops back to where I think it should be. So, does this sound like a decent regimen? I have normal blood pressure, my cholesterol is fine, no history of heart disease or any other issues like that in my family. I know there's a lot of body conscious people on this forum, which is why I'm asking here, obviously. I know some people are against the Eca stack, but I like the energy and appetite suppression and have had success with it before. Opinions please! Thanks.

12-01-2012, 07:04 PM
I lift aswell, I eat OATZ, lots of em, they do work, dont take suppliments or vitaimns or creatine (not even once) since you are starting, eat healthy, u wont need em.
Try 20 min of cardio before and 20 min after lifting. Ive noticed that cardio helps relaxing my muscles. A massage roller is also excellent for dealing with the pain of the day after lift. When lifting focus on doing the correct form. lifting is supposed to burn, not hurt. its better to take a a kg or 2 off than not lift for 2 months.
Do you have a gym instructor? If so ask him for help.
U wont be seeing significant gains after like 1.5 years from when u started lifting, but dont get discouraged ,We are all going to make it brah.

12-01-2012, 07:12 PM
We have a thread for this already

12-01-2012, 07:23 PM
right now i am on the weight gaining phase. I am taking gnc multivitamins, omega fish oil, t-boosters, bcaa, c4, and whey protein. before i started i weight 175 lbs. i ran a lot but also did a little bit of weight lifting. but now i am dedicating in just gaining 10-15 lbs in the nest 3-4 months. in a month i gained 5 lbs and gain strength. I am now benching 80-85 lbs dumbbells, 275lbs deadlifts, 250lbs squats on the smith machine.

I do cardio on the weekend but only for 30 mins. my calorie intake in one day is between 4000-5000 calories. i still run a 9:30 min 1.5 mile.

make sure you take your multi vitamins daily and drink plenty of water ( 1/2 gal to 1 gal a day) if you are doing cardio and trying to gain weight or maintain a certain weight, you have to take in a lot of calories or balance it out.

with supplements, i do them through cycles. when i go to gnc or vitamin shop, i just ask the sales rep which is their most popular supplement that people are taking and what's their opinion about it. i also ask people at the gym as what are they taking.