View Full Version : assualt on my 240sx

03-22-2004, 09:37 AM
Hey all

just wanted to drop a kinda funny but scared the shit out of me story. Driving after Deny's on a friday about 3 in the morning and im going about 50km in a 40km zone. all i see in my rear view is a car racing up my ass he blows by me doing about 100k and we both end up in a turning lane. by the time i pull up he has his window down and is yelling screaming telling me i drive like a snail and i say f**k off man its a 40 and its 3 in the mornin. he then tells me he is going to kill me and gets out of the car. now im thinkin im getting a punch in the head threw my window or somthing crazy. well im wrong he releases the trunk pulls a bat out and starts running at my car. swings busts my antena and bends my wiper and takes another swing and hits me in the back 1/4 by my marker light, as im laying rubber blowing the red to get my ass out of ther. scared the crap out of me i thought he had a shotgun.. crazy.. crazy crazy....

03-22-2004, 09:42 AM
sounds liek a retarded drunk asshole. I woulda called the cops.

03-22-2004, 10:06 AM
i would've told him to bring his ass to LA and try that shit...

...mothafucka would gotten a cap busted up his ass for doing stupid shit like that.

dont whip out a bat unless you have a gun to back yourself up with out here. and even then, dont whip out a gun unless you have a SCUD missle like in Dont Be A Menace. ;)

...U..S.S.......R? Whaaaa?! haha

03-22-2004, 10:08 AM
anyone comes at my car with a bat, thier gonna be getting thier ass beat.

plan b
03-22-2004, 10:09 AM
bahh, when you saw him get out of the car, you should have dipped then.
OR, like i prefer, you get out too and beat him to whereever he is walking to, live a little, you can afford to buy pepper spray right? bring a bat with you, you see him get out of the car, get your pepper spray, spray him, then beath the fuck out of him with the bat, while he is on the ground, spit on his face, teach him a lesson. :spank:

03-22-2004, 11:12 AM
sounds liek a retarded drunk asshole. I woulda called the cops.

ya as he followed me i dialed 911 and reported his dam piece of shit acura to the cops and his plate and the cops arrested him by 4 am ... sweet justice

dam acura driving .... steroid freaks

03-22-2004, 11:19 AM
thats good man.. but still.. now you have to fix the car.. :(

03-22-2004, 11:58 AM
Glad you got his info..but I would have said "fuck the red light" and dipped right when he pulled out the bat.

03-22-2004, 12:24 PM
drive slowly then call the cops. when they get there get the police report and file small claims suit against him, call the insurance give them your report.

although....wouldn't probably want to see him in court though...but then it's canada i dunno the laws there and procedures.

but good job though......one less HOMO on the streets.

03-22-2004, 12:46 PM
maybe you could have turned the steering wheel at the way to the left, slammed on the gas, and batted him with the rear end of your car. That would have been a little ironic.

Baka Sama
03-22-2004, 12:49 PM
Post some pics of the damage! :axe:

03-22-2004, 12:55 PM
dont whip out a bat unless you have a gun to back yourself up with out here. and even then, dont whip out a gun unless you have a SCUD missle like in Dont Be A Menace. ;)

...U..S.S.......R? Whaaaa?! hahaHa ha hahahaa....That movie is classic..I rmeember that part..Yeah when people yell at me and flip me off and stuff like that i just shrug it off...Especially if I'm driving the speed limit and doing nothing wrong.Too many crazy people out there today..Just isn't worth it.

03-22-2004, 01:53 PM
what afucking asshole....I swear man.....I don't know what I would have done...if I had a freind or my brother with me,no question we would have gotten out and beat his ass ESPECIALLY if all he pulled out was a bat,motherfucker would have had another thing coming.....I'd cut that bastard up...if I was by myself,it depends on how big he was...what he looked like etc.

Me and my bro were going down this extremely curvy road in a maxima SE just enjoying it,ya know? It was about 12:30-ish am,and this damn explorer cuts us off and goes like 20 (speed limit is 45mph I believe) and so my brother rides his tail....we stop at a stop sign and this fat guy with a stogie and some kind of stick/dowel thing gets out,and my bro hops out,and hes about 6' 2" 250lbs with 3 tattoos wearing reg. jeans and a T-shirt(hes alot more intimadating then he sounds like)and I hopped out following his lead, I'm 6' 180lbs wearing a wifebeater and jeans,5 earrings and a very pissed off expression and we get to the guy and he was like begging us not to hurt him....lol

03-22-2004, 02:33 PM
let this be a lesson, road rage can be fun, and educational. well i dunno about the educational part... well ya...mess with a guys car, you will get beat!

03-23-2004, 01:49 AM
exactly how fast is 40km..iduno my conversions doh!!

03-23-2004, 02:04 AM
God, if i were you i would have killed the guy for trying to hit my car with a bat. Would have ran his ass over. Car > Bat

03-23-2004, 07:05 AM
i thought everybody was nice in canada?

anyways i have a similar story.. cept the guy broke my taillight.. punched in my passenger window. right about then i ran the red.

03-23-2004, 07:46 AM
um, if i saw someone come at my car with a bat, there would be nothing left of him...god knows what id do to their car too...

anyway, some little punk asshole was egging my friends house and i pull up with him and some of my friends...and this kid throws an egg at my car (thankfully for his sake it missed). so i chased his ass down and he got into a car, the drivers side window was down, so i yanked him out of the car and gave him a good once-around and taught him his lesson...

i hate when little jackoffs think that its cool to destroy something that isnt theirs and when they get their ass beat, then they have something to tell their friends...dont fuck with my stuff...or for that matter, anything that i care about, or else you will be hearing from me


05-04-2004, 10:44 PM
What's the latest? I hope that didn't guy hunt you down and kill you or something. Update!

Andrew Bohan
05-04-2004, 11:29 PM
reminds me of the time 3 of us were riding in my friend's '86 maxima and this yellow riced out civc was next to us at a light, and the guys were tryin to stare us down. then the light turned and they went left and we went straight. then the civic came hauling out at the next light and chased us. we were goin like 80, then turned into this housing area and pulled over. the civic passed us and stopped and the passenger got out with a bat. as the driver got out, my friend just backed up, turned around and left...

05-04-2004, 11:32 PM
hahaha, a biker guy fucked with my friend. When they stopped, the biker guy got off his bike and started bashing my friends rear quarter panel in. HAHA, my friend thought to himself "What the hell does this guy think he's doing?" "I'm in a car, and he's outside?" ...so my friend backs up past him, and runs the idiot over. The guy tumbles over my friend's car, breaking his windshield, and rolls over to the side. My friend backs up, and takes off in the other direction! hahaha. Fuckin idiot!

If I were you, I would have ran that fuck over too. Remember, you have a car, he has a bat... hmmmm.

a gun's a different story though.

05-04-2004, 11:42 PM
wow man, thats crazy, don't hear much about crap like that around here, hope the damage gets covered.

And for the guy who asked how fast 40Km/h was, SLOW, usually a school zone.

05-04-2004, 11:51 PM
Everybody has stare-down stories but me... maybe I'm just not noticing these guys.
What's the point of staring someone down anyway? Seems pretty gay if you ask me.

05-05-2004, 06:38 AM
i would've put him in the hospital at least. that stuff just ain't right...

05-05-2004, 07:52 AM
A friend of mine has a Glock stowed in his glovebox for situations exactly like that. Hasn't had to pull it on anyone yet. That asshole is lucky YOU didn't pull a gun on him. Someone WILL, if he keeps pulling shit like that. Man with gun > Drunk asshole with baseball bat.