View Full Version : Tailgating? Wtf

03-21-2004, 10:26 AM
Seriously how many people have been pulled over for tailgating? this cop pulled me over the other day and said i was tailgating and wrote me up for it. I then thought to myself WTF they actually pull people for tailing like 20 feet behind on back roads.

03-21-2004, 12:18 PM
maybe they were bored

03-21-2004, 03:34 PM
tell them you were drafting...

03-21-2004, 05:45 PM
my dad did.. he got out of it.. cuz he jus said. "no i wasnt.." and the cop was like.. "umm ill give you a warning." haha

03-22-2004, 03:06 PM
I'm glad you got out of it, because I didn't! Cop was an asshole, but anyway. In NC tailgaiting (following to closely) is the same as careless and wreckless. Good luck with it, cause it's not likely that you'll get out of it! Cops word against yours and unless you had a camera in your car recording everything there's no way to prove your case which means YOU'LL LOSE! Sorry, but that's the way it is!

03-22-2004, 07:27 PM
It causes wrecks....thats why he gave you a ticket for it....same as speeding. He was trying to save you from finding the other persons bumper.

03-22-2004, 07:54 PM
ok yeah i was Tailgating at a distace of id say 30 feet on a residental road behind a friend going 25 mph. if i can get into an accident at 25 at 30 ft clearance i shouldnt be driving cause i obviously dont know what a brake is.
Cops are just assholes period, and u know every single one of them do all that same sh*t. Cops all the time drive 80-90 on the highway "scanning for speeders" and 2 minutes later will pull you over for going 70-72 on the interstate.

03-22-2004, 11:30 PM
cops juss pulled you over cuz...they "think" it's dangerous...shiet..i got pulled over for having lazy eye on mah car...he juss gave me a warning and told me to get it fixed..lol

03-23-2004, 11:09 AM
ok yeah i was Tailgating at a distace of id say 30 feet on a residental road behind a friend going 25 mph. if i can get into an accident at 25 at 30 ft clearance i shouldnt be driving cause i obviously dont know what a brake is.
Cops are just assholes period, and u know every single one of them do all that same sh*t. Cops all the time drive 80-90 on the highway "scanning for speeders" and 2 minutes later will pull you over for going 70-72 on the interstate.

How old are you 12?

What would be our place without Cops. Please tell me. There is a reason why they drive 80-90. To keep up with another speeder. They are train professionally with the law in regards to driving. Im sure they had lots of training.

If he was being an ass about your tailgating from 20-30 feet then he is an ass... However if you were tailgating then you deserved it.

I hate morons that tailgates like they are running out of breath.

03-23-2004, 12:57 PM

tailgating is one of my biggest pet peeves...i can't stand it!..makes me want to get out of my car and beat the shit out of the person behind me...

it's like, look asshole..i'm leaving myself enough room in front of me to stop in an emergency...but guess what i have to look forward to...your stupid ass running into me from behind...


your case, who knows..it was your friend, low speeds, etc..good luck with it i guess..

03-23-2004, 02:55 PM
im in complete agreement with you in cases where tailgating actually occurs I.E. highway where following a guy at 70 mph at 12-15ft is not bright and does annoy me as well. this whole rant is really just about how a cop got done eating his donut and was like "DAMN I GOTTA ACTUALLY FILL MY TRAFFIC QUOTA" saw my outta state tags and said to himself mmm... good target. Pulls up behind me shoot his radar gun Damn... not speeding what can i get him for. AHHH following to closely, got ya sucker. then proceeds to write me a ticket for not having the correct address Printed on my liscense as well.
COPS= assholes i mean im sure there are a few decent ones out there but hey ive rolled the dice a couple times and ive always been a winner of SGT ASSFACE.

03-23-2004, 11:46 PM
female cops=assholes with a power trip

got pulled over cuz i didnt "yeild to pedestrians" see this cop knows me he is my school cop and he hates my car and me as well....pulls me over bcuz he said i revved my engine at a pedestrian who was my friend.....well shit he didnt beleive me...and my exhuast is stock and i revved it to 4krpm?....total bullshit if you ask me

03-24-2004, 01:55 PM
lol...go to court and explain to them why you reved up to someone heh

03-24-2004, 02:08 PM
I tailgate when some slow fuck is cruising in the fast lane with no one in front of him, and plenty of space to the right to get the hell out of my way.

I also hate when people drive right next to each other, or one person hovers in anothers blindspot on two lane interstates with NO ONE IN FRONT OF THEM. That is no only obnoxious b/c it is slowing me down unnecessarily, but it's friggin dangerous in it's own right.

Of course even when I do tailgate, it's usually only for a very short time to let them know I want to get by. I do the same thing on track..

03-24-2004, 02:16 PM
Of course even when I do tailgate, it's usually only for a very short time to let them know I want to get by. I do the same thing on track..

i just call that Drafting..:D

03-24-2004, 02:18 PM
I never tailgate on the freeway. The only time i do it is in the mountains. I get up behind the Explorer(every time it's an explorer) , and let him know that i want to get around him/her by getting close, trailing a little bit and closing in again on the exit of the turn. Every time the driver ignores an ideal place where he/she could have pulled over, i get closer, and closer, and closer every time a passing place is ignored. If it lasts too long i do the honking, hazards, or high beams....then i just pass them with my slow ass car as they high beam me wondering why *i'm* so inconsiderate.