View Full Version : WTB: Epsilon mesh!!

03-21-2004, 02:46 AM
I know a lot of 240z and 280z guys own them, but cant seem to locate a ste for sale...if you have a pair or know someone with a set or epsilon mesh, either 15 or 16" Email me @ [email protected]

12-11-2004, 06:20 AM
i have a set of 15x8 inch epsilons. 4x114. you and i know that they are VERY rare so i don't want to sell them but if you give me a good offer then i will sell them. i will sell WITH TIRES. i have them on my 240z with fender flares. they have 4 inch lip so if you are planning on putting them on your 240sx expect wide fenders or fender flares. they don't have caps. i am located in LA area. what is your REASONABLE offer with tires?

*please reply back to [email protected]*