View Full Version : received negative rating for tirekicking.

11-20-2012, 10:12 AM
im sorry if this is in the wrong section but i was going to buy some tires off a member here and got a quote and was waiting on more money so i could purchase.

well long story short he gave me a negitive rating and i want to resolve this because i dont want to scare anyone from buying from me or me buying from them.

admins please help and im sorry again if this is the wrong section.

11-20-2012, 10:22 AM
heres the convo we had i said he could sell them to someone else first

Re: Wheels Again
Originally Posted by Lucky736
Originally Posted by h2v7
Originally Posted by Lucky736
Heading to the Post Office in a bit to see how much shipping would be. I assume you have Paypal. I assume your address is verified.

yes and yes i would just call them with an estimated size and weight of packages.

those wheels are sex but im HARDLY able go over 1000$ if at all... lmj
Alright. So I looked at USPS and UPS, went to each, and then got my measurements and went to FedEx online.

Looks like shipping would be substantially more than I anticipated.

Here is what I am willing to do..... I can do 1k + PayPal, I will pay the rest of the shipping. Fully insured and everything the right way.

If you have the funds available and you send gift I BELIEVE you can save yourself the Paypal fees as well, I think if you do gift on a Credit Card they still charge them.

I have lots of feedback on other forums under Lucky736, and under eBay at Lucky7366.

Let me know.

I could get these out either late tonight or in the AM. Just tried to put one of these boxes in my Z. Not only did it not fit in the hatch but it was sideways in the front seat, LOL... yay for practical cars. Considering I couldn't fit a broom in it the other way without twisting and turning I'm not sure why I thought that box would fit. I'll ship them in 2 large boxes, original boxes in the ad then even a box over those.
ok give me a day to get funds allocated.

in the mean time if someone else offers or pays you before me go ahead and sell them.

do they have tired on them or wheels only?

11-20-2012, 10:25 AM
Yeah and he had me running to UPS and USPS, and there are more PM's than that.

He might want to include his PM's now too. Looks like I am not the first person he has had an issue with regarding a buy/sell on here upon doing a quick search.

11-20-2012, 10:27 AM
These are some of the PM's he sent me.

1. well i was working on having all the cash with my paycheck this friday but after posting a negitive comment fuck that shit you cant just do that man!!

2. i sent you this fucking message you dumb shit

3. no bro fuck you you gave me negitive because of your own fucking stupidity

And now he leaves me a negative. Lol. Laughable.

11-20-2012, 10:28 AM
Yeah and he had me running to UPS and USPS, and there are more PM's than that.

He might want to include his PM's now too. Looks like I am not the first person he has had an issue with regarding a buy/sell on here upon doing a quick search.

So? There called flakers. If he didn't actually buy or sell you something how can you give him feedback??

11-20-2012, 10:31 AM
Everything this guy is a part of seems to have the same common problem, him: http://zilvia.net/f/sale-items/483232-fs-nismo-titanium-shift-knob.html

11-20-2012, 10:31 AM
yeah just cause he flaked doesnt mean you give him a negative feedback.

The feed back rating/scores are there to describe the TRANSACTION PERIOD with the seller and buyer.

not the interest and beating around the bush about buying an item lol

11-20-2012, 10:34 AM
yeah just cause he flaked doesnt mean you give him a negative feedback.

The feed back rating/scores are there to describe the TRANSACTION PERIOD with the seller and buyer.

not the interest and beating around the bush about buying an item lol
^^ this, Feedback should only be given when a transaction has been made.

11-20-2012, 10:34 AM
Everything this guy is a part of seems to have the same common problem, him: http://zilvia.net/f/sale-items/483232-fs-nismo-titanium-shift-knob.html

Who cares?? He wasn't selling it to you.

11-20-2012, 10:34 AM
Everything this guy is a part of seems to have the same common problem, him: FS: NISMO titanium shift knob

11-20-2012, 02:39 PM
if you look at that thread people said knob WAS worth $50

anyway we did not do a transaction so this negative is not right some admin please help!!!1

bump:L does anyone want to buy that knob 55 shipped?!?!?!??!

also thanks everyone for having my back!!!

11-20-2012, 04:50 PM
bump any admin or mod help?

11-20-2012, 05:10 PM
I figured you left this mess alone judging by your last PM to me but I guess not.

And to the prior poster in the thread, the reason I posted his other thread is b/c it is just another instance where this members integrity in his dealings was questioned.

Anyway, carry on whomever.

11-20-2012, 07:33 PM
Ok I'm going to chime in here .

Feed back / trader rating is for transactions completed not for you to take it out on people because you are a bitter little kid that had to jump through hoops to get a possible sale. We all go through it and anyone that sells something online will. I don't know how many tire kickers i got when I sold my ls1 240 just get over it man and sell them to someone else.

People these days next your going to see a law suit up for lost money for your time.

11-21-2012, 08:13 AM
thanks again everyone now wheres a mod to remove this bs negative!?!?!?

11-21-2012, 08:24 AM
Ok I'm going to chime in here .

Feed back / trader rating is for transactions completed not for you to take it out on people because you are a bitter little kid that had to jump through hoops to get a possible sale. We all go through it and anyone that sells something online will. I don't know how many tire kickers i got when I sold my ls1 240 just get over it man and sell them to someone else.

People these days next your going to see a law suit up for lost money for your time.

Bitter little kid. Lol. Right bud. It's clear who the child is and children are with the responses given above. Someone berating me for "negative feedback........." ooooooooo negative feedback, your life is over.

Give me a break.

It's clear that, again, this person has had issue with more than one person and putting a thread like this up in the first place is pointless. I love when people ignore the obvious.

A "little kid" I love it. Look how "tough" people act online. Give me a break. :bs:

11-21-2012, 08:26 AM
Ok I'm going to chime in here .

Feed back / trader rating is for transactions completed not for you to take it out on people because you are a bitter little kid that had to jump through hoops to get a possible sale. We all go through it and anyone that sells something online will. I don't know how many tire kickers i got when I sold my ls1 240 just get over it man and sell them to someone else.

People these days next your going to see a law suit up for lost money for your time.

Furthermore in looking at your own feedback it doesn't look like you've been any kind of angel so I think it's funny, and not shocking, that you're supporting this other persons poor business practices. I guess shit attracts flies though.

11-21-2012, 08:57 AM
Yeah and he had me running to UPS and USPS, and there are more PM's than that.

It's clear that, again, this person has had issue with more than one person and putting a thread like this up in the first place is pointless. I love when people ignore the obvious.

A "little kid" I love it. Look how "tough" people act online. Give me a break. :bs:

lol... "He had me running to shipping companies to find out how much shipping would be" That sounds awful lol...

The obvious is you left him negative feedback for not buying your wheels, seems childish lol...

Calling you a little kid is acting tough? Oh boy:wiggle:

11-21-2012, 09:33 AM
lol... "He had me running to shipping companies to find out how much shipping would be" That sounds awful lol...

The obvious is you left him negative feedback for not buying your wheels, seems childish lol...

Calling you a little kid is acting tough? Oh boy:wiggle:

Not really. I left him negative feedback based on him wasting my time and being dishonest. I could care less whether these wheels sell or get turned into tables really.

The fact is that the behavior is consistent with prior members' experiences with him and it's a pattern of behavior. People are entitled to know who they are dealing with and that was the best way to go about it.

I think it's funny everyone is cosigning his PM's as okay, but hey, to each their own as to what healthy behavior entails apparently. Lol.

11-22-2012, 09:30 AM
i was never dishonest i said in the pm to sell them to someone else if they come before me

as seen in this thread the BIGGEST child ever is lucky736

you need to grow up and learn how to use this forum or leave


11-22-2012, 09:32 AM
"1. well i was working on having all the cash with my paycheck this friday but after posting a negitive comment fuck that shit you cant just do that man!!

2. i sent you this fucking message you dumb shit

3. no bro fuck you you gave me negitive because of your own fucking stupidity"

The above are the PM's you sent me, over leaving you a negative, lol.

Who's the baby. :rolleyes:

11-22-2012, 09:34 AM
And a few things..... I'm not your bro, learn how to spell, and work on that grammar instead of how to install "spreeengs and rimz on yo ride." Maybe that paycheck would be better allocated to some form of a formal education. Then again, I'm pretty sure I can tell who you ended up voting and the type of person I'm dealing with since it's likely the "spreeengs and rimz on yo ride" are coming from my tax dollars anyway. Food for thought since you keep poking the bear.

11-22-2012, 09:38 AM
Lol are u guys 10? Get over this dumbshit. Follow the rules. Dont give a dam if he is a flaker. Feedback is after a transaction is made. Is your own dam fault to follow up with him if u knew he was a flaker. You wasted your own dam time. Be smart and choose your buyers as well. And mext time if u doing all that work ask for a deposit. Jeeez childish people

11-22-2012, 09:40 AM
i just want my negative removed

those are reserved for finalized buying and selling transactions

not a place for little baby's like yourself to cry at !!

and lucky go fuck yourself and fuck romney

11-22-2012, 09:40 AM
Lol are u guys 10? Get over this dumbshit. Follow the rules. Dont give a dam if he is a flaker. Feedback is after a transaction is made. Is your own dam fault to follow up with him if u knew he was a flaker. You wasted your own dam time. Be smart and choose your buyers as well. And mext time if u doing all that work ask for a deposit. Jeeez childish people

Must have voted for the same guy as the OP. :picardfp:

11-22-2012, 09:42 AM
Not really. I left him negative feedback based on him wasting my time and being dishonest. I could care less whether these wheels sell or get turned into tables really.

The fact is that the behavior is consistent with prior members' experiences with him and it's a pattern of behavior. People are entitled to know who they are dealing with and that was the best way to go about it.

I think it's funny everyone is cosigning his PM's as okay, but hey, to each their own as to what healthy behavior entails apparently. Lol.

Re-read. Could care less about the wheels. It's a pattern of behavior the OP continues to engage in.

11-22-2012, 09:44 AM
you obviously do care about your wheels as you left a negative and continue to post and post and post

my goal here is to have a big long thread so that a mod finally sees this and helps me out

11-22-2012, 09:47 AM
you obviously do care about your wheels as you left a negative and continue to post and post and post

my goal here is to have a big long thread so that a mod finally sees this and helps me out

I care about wasted time and other peoples time being wasted by a dishonest buyer/seller, just like your other failed sale where the buyer had to file a PayPal Dispute. :picardfp:

11-22-2012, 09:52 AM
long story short you left me a negative feedback for not getting back to you in time for a sale on wheels this is not right thats the issue here

you want to reach and grab for so many different things

all the users of the forum are on my side with this issue AND my last nismo knob issue.

11-22-2012, 09:56 AM
I left you negative feedback so others would know what it is like dealing with you. Go look up what feedback means.

Nowhere does it say leaving it is only "allowed" on a completed transaction, and if this was the case, which it is not, then you wouldn't be allowed to post it without completing a transaction to begin with so quit crying about what I can and can't do, that goes to the others too.

This wouldn't be an issue if you weren't dishonest to begin with, as evidenced in your other dealings.

11-22-2012, 10:13 AM
happy thanksgiving bump

11-22-2012, 07:01 PM
You dont need to bump this thread. Youve had your negative feedback removed, if you have any other ass- soreness take it up with an admin.

11-22-2012, 07:02 PM
^^ this, Feedback should only be given when a transaction has been made.


if negative feedback were given to all the flakers, zilvia would be a ton of people on zilvia with overall negative feedback.

11-22-2012, 08:37 PM
long story short you left me a negative feedback for not getting back to you in time for a sale on wheels this is not right thats the issue here

you want to reach and grab for so many different things

all the users of the forum are on my side with this issue AND my last nismo knob issue.

WRONG, everyone agreed the knob was NOT 9/10 condition. The one or two people who were "on your side" only offered advice as to how I can fix that POS shift knob. Simply put h2v7 is NOT a legit member when it comes to buy/selling. I could showcase his barrage of hateful and childish emails when I took the initiative to file a dispute....but I won't because its over and done with. There's a lot of people on here who prob promise to buy all kinda of things and then flake hard. It's tough that you got negative feedback h2v7 but life sucks and this is an Internet forum....get over it....:spank:

11-22-2012, 08:53 PM
I stopped reading as soon as I saw the word gift

If you have the funds available and you send gift I BELIEVE you can save yourself the Paypal fees as well, I think if you do gift on a Credit Card they still charge them.

11-23-2012, 03:29 PM
wtf we can get negative feedback removed?! lmao iom pissed i got -1 fb cuz seller f*cked up not me!