View Full Version : How do you make your Top Ramen? (Cheap Kind)

03-19-2004, 06:35 PM
So I was thinking the other day as I was on my 3rd bowl of Nissin Top Ramen, How does everyone prepare their wonderful 50 cent meal?

Personally, I break the noodles up in the bag by pounding on em then boil very little water, just enough so it cooks the noodles and is left without any water, add the flavor when its boiled then add noodles. 1 min later im set with a wholesome meal that doesn't require you to eat those 3' noodles and get them all over yourself.

Anyways... how do you make yours?


03-19-2004, 06:38 PM
I wait till my friend makes his and when hes not looking sneak into his house and steal it.

03-19-2004, 06:40 PM
smash them to hell, stick them in a bowl, fill with water so it just covers the top, and pop in microwave for 2 1/2 mins. :)

03-19-2004, 07:03 PM
First I smash the noodles on the counter (while in the bag of course), then boil them with some water. I usually add the flavor packet thing about halfway through, along with some other spices and crap from the cupboard. I let it boil until there's just a little water left, and put it in the bowl. Crush up a handful of saltine crackers and I'm good to go! :yum:

Lately I've only been using half of the flavor packet because of the ridiculous sodium content (I know adding saltine crackers doesn't help, but hey).

03-19-2004, 07:09 PM
But your Salty X... sodium GOOD.

Ill have to try that with the saltine's. I usually do that with my Spagetti-O's :D

03-19-2004, 07:27 PM
I like to eat ramen raw, its a good snack when you are on the go, just grab a pack of it and eat it like a big noodle bar, and then sometimes I sprinkle the flavor on it for that elegant touch. :bigok:

03-19-2004, 07:45 PM
If you prefer to ingest lots of MSG, the best noodles raw are hte vietnamese ones in the silver bags with the spicy powder. My old jr. high friend used to sell the for 50 cents a pop at school! dammit, and I couldn't resist.

03-19-2004, 07:46 PM
I like to eat ramen raw, its a good snack when you are on the go, just grab a pack of it and eat it like a big noodle bar, and then sometimes I sprinkle the flavor on it for that elegant touch. :bigok:
Word, thats the best food when you drink to much. #1 Hangover food of all time.

03-19-2004, 07:46 PM
ive heard if you eat that stuff raw, u can get worms and stuff

03-19-2004, 07:49 PM
ive heard if you eat that stuff raw, u can get worms and stuff
Thats why you only eat it when your blood content is .04% liqs :) It kills worms on contact.

03-19-2004, 07:51 PM
Thats why you only eat it when your blood content is .04% liqs :) It kills worms on contact.

Haha...sounds like a listerine commercial. But I second the raw top ramen with booz. Too lazy to cook anyways.

03-19-2004, 08:01 PM
i get a big enough bowl to put all the noodles in together without breaking them. cook em in water, drain the water then add flavor. i dont like soup.

Baka Sama
03-19-2004, 08:49 PM
Its all bout the Maruchan cup ramen! You know the kind that comes in the lil cup with the paper lid :yum: The ONLY right way to eat ramen is to boil the water in a seperate pot. Pop that lid, pour in water, let sit for exactly 2:00min. Eat up! People these days...always microwaving ramen...
Anyone tried that barbeque flavored one that was out for a while? :barf:

03-19-2004, 08:57 PM
im a ramen microwaver, my roomate says im an idiot cuz he's the ramen boiler type.....i leave the chunk whole, micro for 3 min, drain, msg the hell out of it then eat...yum

03-19-2004, 09:09 PM
I stopped eating ramen like last year, mainly because I was scared that I might die from lack of nourishment.... but since I am poor as hell right now I am going to get back on the good old ramen diet. :yum:

plan b
03-19-2004, 09:27 PM
the packages of like 5 for a 1.00 or something.. ill take one of those and boil it in 2 cups of water until the noodles break apart, usually around 3-4 minutes.. take it off the heat, add the little silver bag, some spices from the cupboard, like italian seasoning, and garlic salt.

after i put all that in there with the water and the ramen, i stir it.. then i drain the water...

add about a tablespoon of milk, and stir it into it.. the noodles come out extremely fluffy and full if my recipe is followed to a T.

enjoy :rawk:

03-19-2004, 10:07 PM
big pot of water, bring to boil with some olive oil in it (maybe a teaspoon for 2 cups of water). drop the whole brick o' ramen in there. Let them boil till they break apart, stain it. Add silver packet and, if i have it, the corresponding meat (pork flavor-->little bit of kilbosa sausage stuff..that is, if i have any..but the idea is that this meal cost $0.50) If there's meat in it, olive oil up a pan and stir fry the the whole thing with some green peppers. I give you Ramen Stir Fry :bow:
I'm leaving for college in July, so i gotta get back on the diet.

03-19-2004, 10:30 PM
i love this thread i thought only hood rich people and myself eat ramen well i put two packs in a pot boil them once they start to simmer i throw on the seasoning wait a few and then drain the water and viola a hood rich meal for a king!!!! :bigok:

03-19-2004, 10:46 PM
i eat it with 1 egg in it and sumthing pickled as a condiment

240 2NR
03-19-2004, 10:50 PM
I'm a big fan of Shin Ramuen (sp?), very spicy and ever so slightly better then the basic supermarket offerings.

I cook mine the way my Korean housemate cooked his Ramen. Boil the water, break the noodles and cook. Then strain the water and place the noodles in the bowl. Then boil a small amount of water (enough for the broth), add the seasoning AND dried vegetable packets (I told you this is premium broke food) until heated, then pour over noodles and enjoy.

I think I like this method better since the starches from the pasta that end up in the broth are removed or maybe I just want subconsiously to justify the extra effort. :fruit:

03-19-2004, 11:40 PM
Ramen :rl:

i don't even bother w/ the boiling anymore, i grab some wheat bread and chow down...

but before.. i used to....
1) boil the water
2) break the noodles in half and chuck the sucker in
3) throw the sauce packs in
4) CAN'T FORGET THE EGG !! :bite:
5) turn off the fire and add the spinach... or...
6) while still boiling throw in some cabbage and then turn it off...

complete meal. !!! :naughtyd:

03-20-2004, 12:55 AM
I like U.F.O. Yakisoba better than ramen.

03-20-2004, 06:29 AM
raw, just crunch it up real good and sprinkle topping on it

03-20-2004, 06:32 AM
Dood you know youve been a broke ass when you know theres 34 different flavors of top ramen. You can make ramen as a non-soup. Just boil the water, drain, mix half the packet, slap some soy sauce for good measure and im good.

03-20-2004, 08:23 AM
i usually break the pack into 1/3's and toss it into an already heated pot. strain and add soy sauce and beef flavoring. then you have my specialty, salty blackened beef noodles (not quite as good as chocolate salty balls).;)

Sneaker Chimp
03-20-2004, 12:05 PM
I get a pot of water set it on the stove for 1 1/2 minutes or until you start seeing little bubbles before the actual boiling starts then I pour in about a table spoon of sesame oil and chopped up green onions sprinkle a tiny bit of garlic salt or powder mix it around until the salt/powder is desolved then I break the pack of noodles into 4 squares dump that in and stir around until the noodles are seperated from eachother then I poor the flavor pack/msg (LOL) in mix for about 30 seconds find a bowl or eat it straight out of the pot. TRY THIS IT'S REALLY GOOD TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!

03-20-2004, 12:17 PM
I give the package to my mom and say.. Turn this into a steak woman!!!

03-20-2004, 12:44 PM
NONG SHIM fo' life!!!

03-20-2004, 01:19 PM
50 cents is alot for ramen!!! I don't eat it anymore, it makes me sick, but when I could down it I just put it in a bowl with some water, sprinkled the flavoring on it and microwaved it stopping it from time to time to mix the noodles for even cooking.

03-20-2004, 01:35 PM
[QUOTE=ca18guy]50 cents is alot for ramen!!![QUOTE]


Go to Sam's Club. They're like a box of 50 or 100 for $5.00 or some rediculous ammount. Hell.. 20 Ramen-In-A-Cups were like $5.00.
For the bag kind.. all noodles must be intact. Not broken. Then chop some celery, carrots, and a 1/2 tsp. of Cayenne Pepper (or my favorite, Cajun Seasoning). And make 2 packages at a time, with 3/4 cup of water instead of 1 cup per package added. 2 packages + carrots + celery + seasoning might be $.50.

03-20-2004, 03:36 PM
stick the whole thing in the bowl
add water
nuke that mofo 1 min later im less hungry....lol

03-20-2004, 03:56 PM
wait for shin ramyun sale at arilang or anykind korean market and buy about 3boxes for rest of the year

03-20-2004, 07:21 PM
i eat it with a dash of loneliness and a side of suicidalness.

btw, sometimes you can find top ramen at rite-aid : 12 or $1.

03-20-2004, 08:27 PM
wow....this is a thread....just wow,thats all. Actually I love that stuff,.....boil water,put in the noodles+seasoning packet+other seasoning;) then drain water and enjoy

03-21-2004, 10:10 AM
I get a wide bowl and put in the water and seasoning. Stir it to disolve the seasoning. Then, put the chunk of ramen in there and microwave it for 2 minutes. Then, take the chunk and turn it over, microwave for 2 more minutes. Once it is done.....use a fork to break up the noodles....and let it sit for about 3-4 minutes. The key is to let it sit so most of the liquid is absorbed and the noodles get fat. Now...this way isn't a soup...because I dont use enough water to have any broth left over once the noodles absorb the water.

My cousin used to make this "dish" where he would combine like 3 packs of ramen noodles, some cheese whiz, some pizza sauce, and some pepperoni slices. I was pretty good actually....looks like sh!t tho.


03-21-2004, 10:47 AM
So I was thinking the other day as I was on my 3rd bowl of Nissin Top Ramen, How does everyone prepare their wonderful 50 cent meal?

you get what you pay for, look on ingridients and nutritional value. high in sodium, sat. fats. its empty callories. to each his own, :angel:

03-21-2004, 11:26 AM
you get what you pay for, look on ingridients and nutritional value. high in sodium, sat. fats. its empty callories. to each his own, :angel:

but at the very least, you get some dietary fiber. :drool:

03-21-2004, 09:59 PM
Wow, I wish I could eat Ramen everyday. I would be rich. Nowadays I can only eat it a few times a month or else I would feel sick.

But when I was actively eating it I would add dry shrimp, or cook the noodles, drain and stir fry it with something.

nismo skyline
03-21-2004, 10:24 PM
add just enough hot water to cook the noodles, i leave them long. then add a lot of lemon juice and tapatio sauce.

03-21-2004, 11:14 PM
Well, since I've had a job, I pretty much stopped eating it. In college I was pretty simple, I'd just put it on with a little less than the prescribed water amount on the pack, and keep boiling until the water cooked down and it was like one big squishy mass. Then I'd either put the flavor packet on if it was a good flavor, or just toss in some soy sauce if it was a crappy flavor. That was with the Maruchan, 8/$1.00 stuff.

Now that I'm a man of wealth and taste, I buy the shin ramyun in big multi-packs at the Grand Mart (DC people know Grand Mart, it's a grocery store that's like, half Korean food, half Mexican food). I just cook it according to the package, maybe dump an egg into it. Good spicy soup on a cold day.

03-22-2004, 12:01 AM
RAMEN= BLAH! God I hate that stuff. If I ever eat Ramen, I end up putting an egg, sugar peas, some shrimps, a bit of lettuce, some tomato bits, cilantro, and a dash of lemon. Then it's Ramen!

03-22-2004, 02:27 AM
bah damn unoriginal people .. all yous boil it in some way... i boil it half way... for about 1 and a half minutes.. make sure the noodles are soft... but not saturated with the water... then i drain the suckers... cut up some ham, veggies, mix in some scrambled eggs, throw in some soy sauce and throw it in a pan ( or Wok) with some peanut oil.. a couple of strips o steak i jack from my mom whenever im home and voila instant home cooked pan fried noodles with veggies and steak and scrambled eggs :)
down with a cold one or some sake if you can get your hands on it.
try it some time

03-22-2004, 08:26 AM
here's mine:

1) boil water + add seasoning / soup base
2) throw in noodles without breaking
3) add in any preferred sauces (sah tzia, soy sauce, ketchup, whatever)
4) add in secondary foods (hot pot stuffs, sliced beef, fried tofu, veggies etc)
5) throw in egg
6) put it in a huge bowl steaming hot and throw in yet another egg
7) add your secondary sauces

the second egg ends up being partially cooked with a raw egg yoke that u get to eat at the end if your careful and don't pop up. the first egg will turn into fluffy stuff. secondary sauce is the main flavor but u can make it taste really different depending on what sauce u put in step 3.

03-22-2004, 09:10 AM
You guys are all missing the method of the ramen champions. Boil the water, throw in the noodles, get it almost done, throw in the egg.
Then Drain and add CHICKEN of BEEF Broth (half a can, if you can).
Throw back on the stove for a couple, then put in a dish and add Some of the silver packet but be careful. OT, or Over Taste is a bad thing.

Right now the Cajun Chicken Nissin is my fav. The draining is critical to removing the Slime and haziness caused by the excess starchs and egg. But that broth is critical to overall taste. Just cooking it like a normal human being with broth gets good results also. Happy hunting and remember to use your bonus card:)

03-22-2004, 10:04 AM
West: You mentioned it was a nice 50 cent snack, I don't know if you have longs out there but if you do stop by and see if they have a special going on. They recently had a deal of a lifetime for top ramen, 10 packages for $1!!! it rocked! anyways, just a heads up, every bit counts right?

03-23-2004, 09:41 AM
I got it at a smith's beside my college in Santa fe back in 2000 for 6 cents a pop with the bonus card thingy. 'course thats 4 years ago.

03-23-2004, 02:17 PM
NONG SHIM fo' life!!!

Hell fuckin yeah. Kimchi flavor ownz.

Ive been learning how to perfect the ramen noodle making here in my dorm. *currenly waiting for 2nd bowl to finish microwaving*. Man, actually im kinda poor now, so i had to settle for the non name brand ramen. I bought it at walmart (yeah there isnt so much choice out here in the middle of nowhere VA). The brand is "SMACK". WTF? it was a funny name. I made first bowl. wasnt bad for $0.11 per pack :). BUt im a traditional college ramen maker. BOwl w/ water, unbroken noodles, 3 min in micro. Add flavor packet, mix, micro for 2 more min. $0.11 meal goodness.

well, now that i think about it, i have to eat like3 to get full. damn. Im not a freshman so i cant claim the freshman 15. Its more the the sophmore 30 :)!

03-23-2004, 02:34 PM
hmm. if i had an extra 10 grand i think i'd send a gang of those noodle meals to 3rd world countries....or build a race motor. But damn i think we've covered every angle of cooking noodles. LOL who's got a new one?

03-23-2004, 03:42 PM
Anyone tried cooking them in beer? It could work...

03-23-2004, 05:21 PM
Am I the only one that likes to add BBQ sauce to the chicken flavor?

03-23-2004, 06:57 PM
Hmmm, BBQ with Chicken, Ima try that.

So far the best one (and only one I tried) was the stir fry method. I had some left over Mu Shu (SP?) and put the noodles in some oil, fried em, then added the Mu Shu and it was better then putting it in the pancakes they give you! MMMM

Hmm, beer and ramen... maybe someday when im to wasted to know what im eating...

07-08-2004, 07:16 PM
http://www.asianmunchies.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/NongShimNeoguriUdonGif30.gifJust finished a bowl of this... god damn that's some good shit.

Anyway, I brought this back up to ask a dumb question: How do I cook the egg?

I tried boiling an egg for the first time tonight with disastrously cool results (microwaved egg in water, it exploded).
If someone could help me out and give me a rundown on how to properly cook the egg I would appreciate it. I'd like to give it a try. :)

07-08-2004, 09:05 PM
[QUOTE=ca18guy]50 cents is alot for ramen!!![QUOTE]


Go to Sam's Club. They're like a box of 50 or 100 for $5.00 or some rediculous ammount. Hell.. 20 Ramen-In-A-Cups were like $5.00.
For the bag kind.. all noodles must be intact. Not broken. Then chop some celery, carrots, and a 1/2 tsp. of Cayenne Pepper (or my favorite, Cajun Seasoning). And make 2 packages at a time, with 3/4 cup of water instead of 1 cup per package added. 2 packages + carrots + celery + seasoning might be $.50.
That's were I get all my ramen(Cups and Bags). People look at you weird when you walk out with a Case of Ramen.

Name that Ramen:
http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/beefT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/ChickenT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/CajunCknT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/ChkMushT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/ChkvegT.jpg
http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/SCChknT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/CrmchkT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/orient.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/PorkT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/PicBeefT.jpg
http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/PicchkT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/PicShrpT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/ShrmpT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/SpcyVegT.jpg http://www.nissinfoods.com/images/TeriChknT.jpg

Top Ramen Recipes (http://www.nissinfoods.com/recip.htm)

07-08-2004, 09:10 PM
i begin by throwing it in the garbage.

then, i call up my friend glenn and meet him up at Kyushu ramen in the valley. if we're lucky, other friends will come out too.

- mike

07-08-2004, 09:36 PM
mmmm, ramen, im pretty hungry actually. For me, i put the noodles in unbroken, boil the m in the pot of water, then when theyre done, or sometimes before theyre done, ill put in t the seasoning. Then, and this is crucial, i put in the hottest ass hotsauce i can find. im talking the stuff made from the habaneros here. So the i let it cook a little bit more , let them soak up the spicy goodness, and then i eat it, burning the living shit out of my mouth and lips, enjoyin it the whole time. damnit i need ot eat.

07-08-2004, 11:15 PM
Yum, $.15 worth of nutrition...
Should try Thai Kitchen

Around $1.69 per, good stuff! And if your not feeling lazy, they got tons of other products to cook-up :)

07-08-2004, 11:18 PM
Retailers offering a large selection of Thai Kitchen products include:
- Whole Foods Market
- Wild Oats Marketplace
- Cost Plus World Markets

And have seen limited selections at:
- Hen House
- Wal-Mart
- Super Target
- Hy-Vee

07-08-2004, 11:21 PM
Anyway, I brought this back up to ask a dumb question: How do I cook the egg?

I tried boiling an egg for the first time tonight with disastrously cool results (microwaved egg in water, it exploded).
If someone could help me out and give me a rundown on how to properly cook the egg I would appreciate it. I'd like to give it a try. :)

You're going about it all wrong man... the noodles cook the egg!

You make the soup, then you just break the egg into the soup as soon as you turn off the heat. Remember, the broth is still boiling at this point. When you drop the egg into 212 degree broth, it cooks it right there. It's also good to stir as soon as you drop it in, or you'll just have a big chunk of egg white in the bottom... unless you like that...

07-08-2004, 11:31 PM
You're going about it all wrong man... the noodles cook the egg!

You make the soup, then you just break the egg into the soup as soon as you turn off the heat. Remember, the broth is still boiling at this point. When you drop the egg into 212 degree broth, it cooks it right there. It's also good to stir as soon as you drop it in, or you'll just have a big chunk of egg white in the bottom... unless you like that...
Sweet, just what I needed to know. Thanks. :bow:

07-09-2004, 12:09 AM
I cook the noodles, place the noodles in the bowl w/ the seasoning already in then add as much (or little) water as I like

07-09-2004, 02:12 AM
OMG!! haha u put an egg in the microwave HAHAHA!!! great stuff man!!

But dam Ramen full of goodness!! I'm surprized to hear u guys put eggs in there also!! Guess its natural, been doing that forever. Exactly the same way you do it AKADriver!!!... kinda

Boil water
drop 2 bricks in boiling water
once noodles break apart put in pounder and what ever green veggies u got and mix
then turn off fire and crack an egg on top of ramen and put a lid over pot for 1 minute
by now the white should be done and the yellow is hard enough around it not to brake
noodles are real soft and fluffy and not alot of soup left
put in bowl eat with some pickled stuff...

07-09-2004, 02:37 AM
OMG!! haha u put an egg in the microwave HAHAHA!!! great stuff man!!
LOL, yup. Aside from the cleanup it was totally awesome. That shit went off like a M-80! Haha.
That would make a great practical joke... :naughtyd:

07-09-2004, 08:20 AM
You're going about it all wrong man... the noodles cook the egg!

You make the soup, then you just break the egg into the soup as soon as you turn off the heat. Remember, the broth is still boiling at this point. When you drop the egg into 212 degree broth, it cooks it right there. It's also good to stir as soon as you drop it in, or you'll just have a big chunk of egg white in the bottom... unless you like that...

similar to what you do i like doing it korean style... where you drop in the egg but purposely leave it alone. when you're done with the noodles the white will have cooked off but the yoke will still be raw (but cooked enough so its still one solid yoke).

the other way to cook egg is just dump it in while ur still cooking the noodles. stir it along with the noodles and cap it off. it comes out as bits of white fluffy stuff distributed throughout the noodles and soup.

07-09-2004, 10:47 AM
i dont cook mine, that takes WAAY too much time, well that and i dont own a stove, microwave, or even a pot for that matter. I smash em up, pour on the seasoning and eat up

07-09-2004, 12:18 PM
ahhh man, i havent ate that stuff in years...
but when i did i just:
-cook in chicken broth
-let noodles get semi-soft, but still a little hard
-add lemon and black pepper (lots of it)

but traditional Ramen houses are where its at :)

07-10-2004, 12:48 AM
I cook per directions.. I dont microwave cuz that makes the noodles all soggylimp. Sucks here cuz my mom stocks up on the spicey salsa picante chile crap and chedder cheese cup noodles now..

Back at my old job, i would stock up and have alot in my desk drawer lol.

I love the ones that come in cups that you jsut add boiling water, cuz they got lil pieces of meat and vegetables.. hehe

07-14-2004, 03:13 AM
you all have to try the taiwan fried onion instant noodles. got this recipe from a viet friend.

put the noodles w/ spice and oil pack in a bowl and pour boiling water on top and cover. wait til its soft to your liking (medium for me please) and add siracha hot sauce and some fried red onions or scallions. it's the bomb, greasy and spicy.

11-10-2008, 11:29 PM
smash them to hell, stick them in a bowl, fill with water so it just covers the top, and pop in microwave for 2 1/2 mins. :)

i do the same, except i do it for 3 minutes :drama:

wow, i totally brought this thread back from the dead... i didn't find it, my bf did, lol.

11-10-2008, 11:42 PM

this is the best fucking instant noodle you will ever eat in your life....

believe me....

i tried a thousand of them....

i used to be an avid instant noodle when i first came to live in US without my parents....

japanese, korean, chinese, etc. cannot top thai instant noodle....

Cook this with some egg and put extra lime juice in there...

FUCKING BOMB i tell ya!!!

touge monster
11-11-2008, 12:17 AM
I was flying over to Thailand one summer. Stopped at Narita (NRT) (sp?)

went to the VIP lounge (frequent flyer) had the BESTTTTTTTTTT cup noodles ever.

It was made by nissin and i believe was seafood flavored. It's a white container.

Whoever can get them, I'll paypal you money.

Normally, I throw in vegetables and meat to make it more healthy.. in a way.. i guess.

touge monster
11-11-2008, 12:22 AM

this is the best fucking instant noodle you will ever eat in your life....

believe me....

i tried a thousand of them....

i used to be an avid instant noodle when i first came to live in US without my parents....

japanese, korean, chinese, etc. cannot top thai instant noodle....

Cook this with some egg and put extra lime juice in there...

FUCKING BOMB i tell ya!!!

I get them for free. I even got a free I <3 MAMA shirt LOLL


11-11-2008, 12:25 AM
no top ramen, but i do eat maruchan, chicken ...

with 2 hard boiled eggs and 4 pieces of toast or cheap white bread...nothing says full like carbs and sodium... :love:

11-11-2008, 12:45 AM
I get them for free. I even got a free I <3 MAMA shirt LOLL


dude, don't even tell me you know Na Toi!


touge monster
11-11-2008, 01:03 AM
dude, don't even tell me you know Na Toi!


Yeahhhhhh. holy shitttt fuck. small world my friend.

11-11-2008, 01:05 AM
who the hell are you? lol?

11-11-2008, 05:54 AM
add seasonings onto dry noodles, boil some water, cover, wait 3-4 minutes, then enjoy...

11-11-2008, 07:05 AM
take noodles out of package
put in bowl (no crushing here)
fill bowl with warm water until noodles are floating.
microwave for 4m 30s, stop and stir half way through.
remove bowl from microwave, using your fork to hold your noodles, pour out excess water
add flavor and enjoy.

11-11-2008, 07:09 AM
i get the Oriental flavor,

smash it, put in small pot with just enough water till it's right above noodles, boil it, add hot sauce Sricaca till water turns red, let water slowly evaporate then add in a egg..

11-11-2008, 07:16 AM
boil the noodles add egg when semi soft add some sesame seed oil, crush up boonie peppers and add it together with seasoning pack.


11-11-2008, 07:36 AM

this is the best fucking instant noodle you will ever eat in your life....

believe me....

i tried a thousand of them....

i used to be an avid instant noodle when i first came to live in US without my parents....

japanese, korean, chinese, etc. cannot top thai instant noodle....

Cook this with some egg and put extra lime juice in there...

FUCKING BOMB i tell ya!!!awww, but i dont like shrimp...do they have non spicey chicken,

i guess ill stick to my maruchan :tardrim:

11-11-2008, 08:22 AM

this is the best fucking instant noodle you will ever eat in your life....

believe me....

i tried a thousand of them....

i used to be an avid instant noodle when i first came to live in US without my parents....

japanese, korean, chinese, etc. cannot top thai instant noodle....

Cook this with some egg and put extra lime juice in there...

FUCKING BOMB i tell ya!!!

This shit is fuckin fantastic!

I added green onions and sprouts.

11-11-2008, 08:28 AM
I don't like making my own Ramen because it just doesn't taste the same as Mr Ramen in Little Tokyo.

I can eat their Spicy Beef Curry Ramen all fucking day...I swear.

Them shits are delicious.

11-11-2008, 08:36 AM
I don't like making my own Ramen because it just doesn't taste the same as Mr Ramen in Little Tokyo.

I can eat their Spicy Beef Curry Ramen all fucking day...I swear.

Them shits are delicious.

No you can't...cause you ain't there. lol :mephfawk:

11-11-2008, 08:38 AM
How do you know I'm not posting this via sidekick while eating some super hot, delicious Beef curry ramen in Little Tokyo?


I hate my pop tarts and chocolate milk now.


11-11-2008, 09:19 AM
How do you know I'm not posting this via sidekick while eating some super hot, delicious Beef curry ramen in Little Tokyo?


I hate my pop tarts and chocolate milk now.


Because Mel is all-knowing. :ddog:

11-11-2008, 09:31 AM
You guys cook your shit I eat that shit RAW open it up get the chicken flavor out pour a little bit of the flavor into the bag smash up the noodles and enjoy. I call it a poor mans chips lol

11-11-2008, 09:52 AM
^^ Dude thats fucking gross

My girl eats them uncooked too

11-11-2008, 09:58 AM
Its fucking delicious WTF you talking about at less your girl has some good taste lol

11-11-2008, 10:02 AM
You guys cook your shit I eat that shit RAW open it up get the chicken flavor out pour a little bit of the flavor into the bag smash up the noodles and enjoy. I call it a poor mans chips lol
thats kind of odd.

11-11-2008, 10:03 AM
This shit is fuckin fantastic!

I added green onions and sprouts.

Your turning your instant noodles into Pho! The only thing your missing is some meat, beef tripe, sriracha, and hoisin sauce.

I like all sorts of instant ramen. I like mi Mama, nong shim, kung fu, and mi goreng.

I like korean instant noodles the best because you usually get more noodles and it fills you up more.

11-11-2008, 10:07 AM
WOW you guys serious no one else but myself have tried the noodles raw with just a little bit of the powdered flavor..Maybe its because I'm Mexican or something lol

11-11-2008, 10:08 AM
Yea, that sounds kinda gross.

11-11-2008, 10:11 AM
Amazon.com: 101 Things to Do with Ramen Noodles: Toni Patrick: Books (http://www.amazon.com/101-Things-Do-Ramen-Noodles/dp/1586857355)


11-11-2008, 10:14 AM
WTF, theres a book on that shit? lol

11-11-2008, 10:16 AM
Just try it one day crush up the noodles then add a little bit of the chicken flavored one ( I found out that the chicken one taste the best out of the rest when eating them raw) and then shake up the bag and enjoi

11-11-2008, 10:18 AM
i don't know homie maybe i'll try it

11-11-2008, 10:18 AM
WOW you guys serious no one else but myself have tried the noodles raw with just a little bit of the powdered flavor..Maybe its because I'm Mexican or something lol

I eat mine raw. They're better than potatoe chips. Just put half of the seasoning packet in with a drizzle of the oil packet it comes with so the seasoning sticks. Close it in a zip lock bag or tighten the original package and shake so evenly mix. Taste very good!

11-11-2008, 10:25 AM
Hahaha check these out

hamberger alfredo ramen (http://www.mattfischer.com/ramen/?p=731)

october 21st, 2008 i’ve never had johnny’s salt (http://www.johnnysfinefoods.com/products/10002.php) before, but i think any mixed seasoning will do. My wife came home from savannah, ga (http://www.savannahvisit.com/) with some paula deen (http://www.pauladeen.com/) silly salt (http://www.pauladeen.com/product/336/74). It’s pretty good.
submitted by: mikey hall

submitted from: kennewick, washington

1 fried cut up hamburger patty
2 packs chicken ramen and flavor pack
1 table spoon of johnny\’s salt
1 teaspoon a-1 sauce
1 teaspoon worcester sauces
2 slices american cheese

fry hamburger and add johnnys salt, a-1 sauce, and worcester sauce. Cut pre-cooked hamburger into 1/4 inch pieces. Set aside. Boil ramen, drain, and put back into pan. Add cheese, hamburger, and flavor packs. Pull through ramen with fork to ensure cheese and seasoning is spread evenly through out. After the cheese is fully melted and stirred in.. Enjoy!

sweet n spicy lo mein (http://www.mattfischer.com/ramen/?p=714)

september 30th, 2008 posting stuff is much harder with a kid around the house!
submitted by: kirkh420
submitted from: chicago, il

1 shrimp flavor ramen pack
chipotle sauce
6 generic frozen chicken nuggets

prepare the noodles while the chicken nuggets are cooking (for best results bake or deep fry the chicken). Add crushed ramen noodles to boiling water and turn off stove, allow the ramen to stand. Cut the chicken nuggets into 4 way pieces. Next, strain noodles and mix in the chicken and the shrimp flavor pack. Add 2tbsp of honey, 1tbsp of mustard, and 2-4tsp of chipotle sauce. You may need to add a small amount of hot water if it is too dry.

11-11-2008, 10:26 AM
hite[r]abbit[x];2442001']i eat mine raw. They're better than potatoe chips. Just put half of the seasoning packet in with a drizzle of the oil packet it comes with so the seasoning sticks. Close it in a zip lock bag or tighten the original package and shake so evenly mix. Taste very good!

thanks you man lol

11-11-2008, 10:33 AM
The 101 Things to Do with Ramen Noodles is funny

101 Things to Do with Ramen Noodles - Google Book Search (http://books.google.com/books?id=pFw_u8mChAYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=101+Things+to+Do+with+Ramen+Noodles&client=firefox-a#PPP1,M1)

11-11-2008, 11:06 AM
Usually i cook some roast chicken ramens to eat beside my awesome BLT sandwiches. But yeah ramen FTMFW OMG LOL!

11-11-2008, 11:29 AM
oh and i put Baco's in mine hmmm

11-11-2008, 12:12 PM
i usually put sliced up boiled egg's in mine. most of my friend's like to put fried eggs on top. sometime's i cook up slices of spam on the side to eat it with.

11-11-2008, 01:00 PM
Chicken Ramen.

Crush noodles before opening. Cook the noodles, pour out the water, so it's just noodles. Add a small amount of cold water, enough to help the powder dissolve. Add powder. Stir. Eat by scooping with "Chicken in a Biscuit" crackers, or Club crackers.

Effing tasty.

11-11-2008, 01:17 PM
spicy ramen. put a shit load of cayenne paper powder in it and a shit load of red hot. till the water turns red. its so good. then the powder.

11-11-2008, 02:10 PM
i like how this thread came back from a death in 04.

11-11-2008, 03:32 PM
well times are hard and everyone is eating ramen. makes sense if you ask me. here is another cut lettuce up put in ramen, add soy sauce and ketchup.

11-11-2008, 03:46 PM
I'm going to go out and stock up on packs of Ramen tommorow, this threads inspired me.

Too much MSG gives me a headache though :(

11-11-2008, 06:24 PM
Hell fuckin yeah. Kimchi flavor ownz.

Ive been learning how to perfect the ramen noodle making here in my dorm. *currenly waiting for 2nd bowl to finish microwaving*. Man, actually im kinda poor now, so i had to settle for the non name brand ramen. I bought it at walmart (yeah there isnt so much choice out here in the middle of nowhere VA). The brand is "SMACK". WTF? it was a funny name. I made first bowl. wasnt bad for $0.11 per pack :). BUt im a traditional college ramen maker. BOwl w/ water, unbroken noodles, 3 min in micro. Add flavor packet, mix, micro for 2 more min. $0.11 meal goodness.

well, now that i think about it, i have to eat like3 to get full. damn. Im not a freshman so i cant claim the freshman 15. Its more the the sophmore 30 :)!

ive had Smack too its pretty good


i just smash the noodles up in the bag, put it in a bowl and put hot water from the faucet and the packet in there.

11-12-2008, 04:04 AM
WOW you guys serious no one else but myself have tried the noodles raw with just a little bit of the powdered flavor..Maybe its because I'm Mexican or something lol

ate it all the time in elementry

the brand/flavor of choice was mama shrimp

11-12-2008, 02:42 PM
I still like to think of ramen as noodles. Therefore: boil water with some oregano (or italian spice mix) and noodles (only broken in half, none of this smashing, sir) and then wait until they look damp enough no to crunch but still solid enough to be noodles not goo. Throw the flavor packet in the trash, you heard me, dump that shit. Then, drain water and cover in some tomato sauce and some cheese. Instant spagetti, doesnt taste like real spagetti at all, but damn tasty none the less.

oh, and brave folk should make two packets this way (its a whole clusterfuck of noodles all long an tangled)

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-12-2008, 02:50 PM
Ramen recipes - We love ramen noodles! (http://www.ramenlicious.com/)

greatest website EVER!!!

11-12-2008, 03:17 PM
I still like to think of ramen as noodles. Therefore: boil water with some oregano (or italian spice mix) and noodles (only broken in half, none of this smashing, sir) and then wait until they look damp enough no to crunch but still solid enough to be noodles not goo. Throw the flavor packet in the trash, you heard me, dump that shit. Then, drain water and cover in some tomato sauce and some cheese. Instant spagetti, doesnt taste like real spagetti at all, but damn tasty none the less.

oh, and brave folk should make two packets this way (its a whole clusterfuck of noodles all long an tangled)

I do the same except instead of tom. sauce I do butter, olive oil, garlic salt, and crushed red peppers. Super good.

11-12-2008, 04:14 PM
I usually cook mine but if I'm feeling really lazy I'll just sprinkle a bit of the powder on top and eat it dry.

11-12-2008, 05:17 PM
i eat the ones in the cup, never tried the ones in the bag.

I boil water then pour it on, cut a lemon and get the hot sauce. I also make a ham sandwich to go with it, idk why but they just go so well

11-12-2008, 07:35 PM
We ate them raw all day in work release, along with cheeto pies, crunch a bag of cheetos up, open one end and pour in hot water, then let sit for a couple mins open and enjoya warm cheezy cheeto pie.

11-12-2008, 09:34 PM
ew raw ramen must be gross.... lol

11-12-2008, 10:06 PM
I usually eat the chicken flavored cup noodle with cheese. Pour boiling water into the cup noodle and then rip up a slice of cheese and put it in. Wait for the noodles to cook or microwave it, then stir it a little bit.

11-12-2008, 10:42 PM
Depends on if Im lazy or not. If im not, Ill boil it, add egg, carefully drain water, add flavor. If Im lazy I microwave, drain water completely, ad a dab of oil (whatevers lyin around: olive, vege, rotella, ect) and then add flavor. BTW, if you havent done egg in ramen, your missing out.

11-13-2008, 11:23 AM
along with cheeto pies, crunch a bag of cheetos up, open one end and pour in hot water, then let sit for a couple mins open and enjoya warm cheezy cheeto pie. WTF??? Has anyone else tried this?

11-13-2008, 01:32 PM
My favorite way...

2 packets of any flavor ramen
3 cloves of minced garlic
2-4 tablespoons of oyster sauce
1/2 onion
1/2 cup of jalapenos
1 can of tuna
1 tablespoon-ish of vegetable oil..

optional: chili pepper :)

basically just boil the noodles, strain it, and throw away the packets..

throw it in a pan with everything and stir fry it til golden brown.

EPIC. It's my "original" recipe :)

11-13-2008, 02:32 PM
Seriously, this thread is worthless without pics. WTF.

I usually boil em, pull it out before its 'done' so its still a bit crispy, drain em and let it set for a little bit.

Then i add some minced browned garlic/onions, hoisin sauce, sriracha stuff, and meatballs. So YMMY!

11-13-2008, 02:38 PM
^poor man's pho :keke:

sriracha is the best in top ramen

11-13-2008, 02:41 PM
SPREADS! Spreads homie.........


NO MORE LOCKED DOORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

po12nh d
11-13-2008, 04:28 PM
i like my top ramen noodle with a little more modification.. with some extra $$

1) boil water and add noodle to get it soft.
2) cut chicken breast into small pieces
3) cook chicken on pan, add black pepper and fish sauce
4) get water out of noodle and stir fried on pan with chicken
5) you can add bell pepper, aspargus, and green onions..
6) o and add the little ingrident thats comes with the top ramen noodle on the noodle while stir fried.

i like it.

11-13-2008, 07:03 PM
Its all bout the Maruchan cup ramen!

Bleh Maruchan.. Its all about MAMA noodles, found at your local oriental store!


11-14-2008, 11:15 AM
pancit cantot is best!

11-14-2008, 11:36 AM
Eggs & Sriracha. Simple as that.

Though I quit eating that shit after I heard about the guy who's stomach needed surgery but they couldn't do it 'cause it was filled with wax from too much Ramen.

11-14-2008, 05:58 PM
Boil them first add the seasoning mix drain the juice. Now comes the good part cook an egg sunny side up and some pieces of ham. Place the ham on top of the noodles and then the egg. All i can say is delicious

11-14-2008, 06:55 PM
Shitake mushroom, leftover char-siu pork or oden (fishcake), bamboo shoots, sprouts, nori, etc. You can pretty much put any leftover item in ramen.

Just make sure to dump a shit-ton of Siracha in it. Siracha makes everything better.

Do NOT pour in tons of Shoyu, I learned this the hard way. Shit is salty enough.

11-14-2008, 09:29 PM
I like to boil it for about 2 minutes, the drain all the water out. And instead of the seasonings I put ketchup and eat it like it's pasta. =)

11-14-2008, 09:59 PM
boiling it+ tapatio= yummm

11-16-2008, 03:46 PM
let's go over this again.

i take a package of chicken ramen. i cook the ramen properly.

then i crack an egg directly into the pot and stir it? before or after the flavor packet? or should i just toss the flavor packet?

somebody clear this up, i have eggs and ramen at home that need to be eaten

11-16-2008, 04:21 PM
I add very lil water, enough for the noodles to cook and add flavor. I like the chili ones and I add a sqeeze of fresh lemon juice. Noodles without the soup. Makes my stomach hurt like crazy tho...must be all that acid inside...lol