View Full Version : Another one bites the dust....

240 2NR
03-18-2004, 11:51 AM
Who wants to bet they were testing out their mad tyte magazine drifiting skillz?

linky-link (http://www.greene.xtn.net/index.php?table=news&template=news.view.subscriber&newsid=109491)

03-18-2004, 12:05 PM
[QUOTE=240 2NR]Ayers said one of the car’s injured occupants had made his way out of the wreckage and was seated atop the car when squad volunteers arrived. The second man, however, was trapped in the wreckage, according to Ayers. QUOTE]

nice friend. seemed like they were just speeding and lost control. from the picture the road looks perfectly straight. oh poor s14 T_T ... well never really liked the gold colored ones anyway.

03-18-2004, 01:27 PM
Crashed a car, and almost had a firetruck land on top of them too. Now thats a bad day.

03-18-2004, 03:38 PM
That looks pretty bad.

FastBack 240
03-18-2004, 05:04 PM
That sucks. If I were the friend I would have pulled the shift knob off and threw it at the driver for almost killing him and also not helping me out. Damned KIDS :goyou: