View Full Version : Registration form - Spam Bots

11-04-2012, 02:27 AM
Seeing the constant growth in the amount of bots entering this forum, which annoys people and make Zilvia look like an unprotected forum, I want to suggest a few things.

Using Captcha is a good things, but it obviously does not work anymore.
Looks good but new spam bots bypass this by getting the answer of the image from the Captcha answer-register, making the Captcha painless.

A good thing that I, used on my forum was Questions, set up by Site-staff,
With an answer that have to be wrote correctly.
for example, "Is Zilvia.net spelled with a Z or S"
Where correct answer is Z/z

After I did this, the amount of spammers sunk from A LOT, to zero.
Another thing, Would be making an extra form to fill out in the registration part, where one have to write like "I am human" or something, and a Mod/admin would have to manually accept the registration before user can make posts etc. Anyway that is a very hard task, would at least require the double amounts of active mods here.

Been running both Vbulletin and PHPbb forums myself, and been into website setup etc so feel free to tell if there is anything I can do to help.

Best regards

11-05-2012, 12:38 AM
I definitely support this. The number of spam bots is getting ridiculous and the idea of using questions seems like it would work well to stop them. This way the moderators are not under constant pressure and will be able to complete the other areas of their job(s).

11-05-2012, 01:20 AM
haha thats weird,

anyways i think a lot of these bots are actually human being being paid to spam certain website so questions you suggested wouldn't get rid of all of it,

perhaps if you asked more technical car related questions it might suffice, but it would be nothing a quick google search wouldn't uncover :(

or maybe ask a question in slang terms that are failry well known american expressions but that wouldn't translate into another language.

11-05-2012, 04:30 PM
haha thats weird,

anyways i think a lot of these bots are actually human being being paid to spam certain website so questions you suggested wouldn't get rid of all of it,

perhaps if you asked more technical car related questions it might suffice, but it would be nothing a quick google search wouldn't uncover :(

or maybe ask a question in slang terms that are failry well known american expressions but that wouldn't translate into another language.

It won't eliminate the spam but atleast it would be back to manageable levels. The last 2 weeks has been fucking ridunkulous!!!

11-10-2012, 05:43 PM
Remember that Zilvia.net have international users, not just US

Me and some guys spent tons of hours trying to make a forum secure from spam, and there is a few ways

Mod/Admin have to accept registration, in registration form, new user have to fill inn a small text on why he/she should get accepted (to be sure no bots, humans being paid to spam wont do this forum as that takes time, and they might not get accepted so they will not try) - This requires lots of work from mods/admins!!!

#2 One have to wait 36 hours to make the first post, Bots and humans usually just log in once per forum

#3 Pay 1 dollar to be able to post

Besides doing this there is no ways to make a forum Spam-free.

Have a nice weekend all of you!

11-10-2012, 11:28 PM
The accepting registration part is going to be tricky, it's hard to tell them apart sometimes based only on their registration information (unless it's something obvious like 'Location:asfdkjwerji'

And at least in my opinion, no to #3. Just doesn't seem right.

11-11-2012, 12:19 AM
another huge problem is people spamming their affiliate links to amazon.

when you see a member with a post including a broken image link, that's exactly it. it

11-11-2012, 03:43 AM
Yes option number three is not supported by myself either for a website like this, as said already the other ones would also require very active mods, and more of them