View Full Version : Whats the most stupid thing you ever seen someone do physically???

03-17-2004, 01:01 AM
I seen this one kid stick a M & M in his nose and then i guess it got sucked in when he was breathing. C'mon, what are you doing sticking a M & M in your nose for?

03-17-2004, 01:06 AM
I saw a guy with a dead cat in a shopping cart laughing or giggling more like showing people.

I saw a girl with no nose before... it was just flat and had 2 holes

HMmm thats not much of a physical stupid thing eh....

03-17-2004, 01:08 AM
HAHA,... what did ppl say when they saw him with the cat?

no nose........... yuk..........please no details.

03-17-2004, 01:27 AM
one time in my class, i was sitting behind my cousin. we were right next to the window sill and on the window sill there was some spider webs. and my cousin out of no where started poking it with his pencil for no apparant reason...i didnt bother to ask though

03-17-2004, 02:14 AM
one time in my class, i was sitting behind my cousin. we were right next to the window sill and on the window sill there was some spider webs. and my cousin out of no where started poking it with his pencil for no apparant reason...i didnt bother to ask though

if by pencil you meant his penis, then thats just sick. if by pencil, you meant pencil, whats so strange about that?

03-17-2004, 02:18 AM
yes i mean pencil, its just strange to me cause out of no where i se him playing around with spider webs? he aint no peter parker i tell you that...

03-17-2004, 02:22 AM
playing with spiderwebs is fun!....i like to burn em with my cigarettes....thats not to strange....i think?....unless you see a guy wavin his cigarette around i guess thats pretty wierdo

03-17-2004, 02:22 AM
Toreno, it was sick, I was like what the hell.... then continued to McDonalds haha

but ok check this out

BACK IN HIGHSCHOOL CHEMISTRY CLASS.... The teacher just got done explaining the safety rules and as sort of a joke she says " and odn't stick anytyhing in the power outlet / wall plug .( u know what im talking about ) that is on the side of the lab table...

just after that my genious friend grabs a long paperclip and sticks it in the outlet hahahaha lets just say it went... KAAAA PACKKK !!!!!!!!! AND IT BLEW HIS ASS OFF TEH STOOOLL HAHAHAHAHAAH SHIT WAS FUNNY AND THE TEACHER WAS LIKE, WHAT THE F... ARE YOU DOING !!!
He was ok though... resumed class after that...

03-17-2004, 02:29 AM
Way back when, when we used to have a tread mill. when we first got it we were amazed by it. Yil my bro turned it up on full speed and decided that he would be cool and run and jump onto the full speeded tread mill. when jumped on he flew back and landed on the steps and crashed into the door...i couldnt stop laughing at his stupidness...

03-17-2004, 02:52 AM
Way back when, when we used to have a tread mill. when we first got it we were amazed by it. Yil my bro turned it up on full speed and decided that he would be cool and run and jump onto the full speeded tread mill. when jumped on he flew back and landed on the steps and crashed into the door...i couldnt stop laughing at his stupidness...

damn it...that happened to me when i was a kid too...Well, when I was a kid, I would easily handle max speed...but I guess I timed it wrong and when I jumped on....BAM I flew back and hit the wall. I was eating a pickle and I dropped my pickle on the ground. What a waste of a pickle. I was ok though...i don't remember it hurting :Ownedd:

03-17-2004, 08:30 AM
back in HS my friend had this kid in his physics class. he was always doing off the wall shit like standing up in the middle of class and just screaming; being a general class prankster. smart kid too, got decent grades etc. one day the teacher was handing back exams. when he got to the kid the guy stood up and screamed YEEEEEEEEESSS. then he threw the exam on the floor and shouted I RAPED THIS EXAM!!! at that point he threw himself on the exam and started humping it on the floor. O_o

03-17-2004, 09:41 AM
I was eating a pickle and I dropped my pickle on the ground. What a waste of a pickle. I was ok though...i don't remember it hurting :Ownedd:

why would you eat a pickle and run at the same time? its not exactly like a power bar where it boosts up your energy

03-17-2004, 10:12 AM
Back in middle school it was a hot day and a bee got into our class room. It landed on a window next to my friend so he grabbed a piece of scotch tape and taped it to the window.

one time my friend was drunk and he was driving a mustang swerving so we made him pull over on the side of the freeway(on the right side).. Well he got out of the car and he had to piss..so instead of pissing on the gound near the right side, he walked across 4 lanes of freeway to piss on the center divider. ?

03-17-2004, 10:25 AM
My friend and i used to catch BIG ASS BUMBLE BEES on the lemon tree at our neighbors place with plastic bags and twist to crush them. Well we were in 1st grade so I thought I was protected by the plastic bag from the sting so I touched one with my thumb and it STUNG THE LIVING F OUT OF MY THUMB. Hurt like hell, stuck my thumb in my mouth and sucked like a baby, then continued with the bee masacre haha

03-17-2004, 11:10 AM
That bee one just reminded me. When I was in elementary school i was waiting in line for something and a bee came around everyone started swinging and runnin around. I stood there minding my own business going by the philosiphy taught by my parents and others (if you dont mess with it, it wont mess with you) i even said that while i was standing there. Then STING! that little bastard stung me. I was so pissed. Now i kill things flying around me before they get the chance to mess with me.

I also ran into like 4 or five parked cars on my bike when i was like 4 & 5. Those things are like magnets. :bash:

03-17-2004, 11:40 AM
this past week while skiing at sugar mountain in NC i watched a guy basically push his 10 year old daughter over the edge of a double black diamond slope to teach her how to ski :faint:. you could her hear screaming for about 3 seconds then she fell and continued to slide on her back down the hill with 1 of her skis chasing behind after it had released. needless to say after the guy pushed her over the edge he went an alternate trail around the side of the double black diamond slope because he pussed out :rolleyes: . after that the ski patrol had a few choice words with him after treating the daughter for a twisted ankle and a small cut where the ski caught up to her at the bottom :tweak:

another good one from snowboarding in NC, some little kid just learning to board decides to come into the terrain park midway on the slope to watch a few people fly off the jumps and hit the rails and stuff. suddenly he finds the courage (stupidity may be a better word) to go at one of the jumps. the kid can barely stand on his board let alone get down the hill and aim for the jump correctly. on his first attempt he falls every 3 feet or so and can't even get to the face of the jump, let alone carry enough speed to get over it. second attempt finds him going at the jump and hitting the face, but going so slow he once again comes back down the face of the jump. but 3rd time's the charm i guess, as he grits his teeth and goes straight at the jump face full speed. needless to say his speed and lack of balance sent him straight off to the right side of the jump and directly into the woods :Owned:.

03-17-2004, 11:55 AM
I've had over 18 bone breaks doing stupid shit....which story do you want?:)

Umm...heres the one off the top of my head,super super big stairway,freind of mine jumps from the top to the bottum perfectly fine....so of course,I had to try it....hit the second to last stair and snapped my ankle (CRACCCCCKK!!!)......I was in a show at VCU,and I had just had my cast pulled off that same ankle from an attempted bicycle stunt,I ended up doing the entire show wearing a cast and leaving my crutchs back stage....:doh:

03-17-2004, 01:06 PM
When I was in elementary school my cousin and I use to try to rid his backyard of wasps. There was a wasp nest that we were trying to plug up, but there were too many wasps around, so armed with two fly swatters each, we went at them. Then when they attacked us, we would run inside and close the screen door. The wasps would fly up to it and bounce of it, very angrily. Well, the third time we did it, he ditched me and I was out there to fend for myself, so I started waving the fly swatters like mad. I smacked a couple, but this one got pass me and I see it circle my head and land right on my nose!!! Before I could react *STING* right on the tip of my nose! SHIT that hurt, my eyes teared up instantly and I ran inside. I looked like rudolph for about 2 hours. Luckily I'm not allergic to insect stings/bites, so it dissappeared right after 2-3 hours. My cousin couldn't stop laughing though, he was rolling around for at least 30 minutes.

03-17-2004, 01:38 PM
I remember one tim my bro was talking on the phone with his cousin. Being a wannabe Jokester he is..... I heard him say this to my cousin on the phone "LIsten to This.........(he farts)." Then all of a sudden he dropped the phone hella quick, and ran to the bathroom. He $hitted in his pants trying to squeeze a fart out.

03-17-2004, 01:40 PM
SHIT that hurt, my eyes teared up instantly and I ran inside. I looked like rudolph for about 2 hours. Luckily I'm not allergic to insect stings/bites, so it dissappeared right after 2-3 hours. My cousin couldn't stop laughing though, he was rolling around for at least 30 minutes.

i've been stung on the roof of my mouth when a yellow jacket flew into my coke (wasn't paying attention, i was working at the track) and i drank the coke :bite: . now that shit HURT! i was talking like a homo with a fresh tongue piercing (compounded lisp power made me sound like a non-undersandable christopher lowell) :Owned:

03-17-2004, 01:51 PM
one time i was riding my motorcycle down my street at about 25mph with my visor half open. About 10 seconds down the road a bee flew into my helmet and stung me 1cm away from my eyeball. my eyes watered up and i couldnt see shit as i stopped the bike in the middle of the road and let it stall out. I could have been blind in one eye.

03-17-2004, 01:54 PM
one time i was riding my motorcycle down my street at about 25mph with my visor half open. About 10 seconds down the road a bee flew into my helmet and stung me 1cm away from my eyeball. my eyes watered up and i couldnt see shit as i stopped the bike in the middle of the road and let it stall out. I could have been blind in one eye.
Ouch:( Thats more of sheer bad luck though....I would think,kinda like when I was little and my old house used to have a well,I was playing near it and accidently kicked a wasps nest,and I didn't know I had done it,so then I started getting stung like insanely bad all over,and I jumped up on the well,and started dancing and jumping all around yelling and screaming,I was too little to know any better....my parents were like "WTF IS HE DOING???" then my brother walked over to shut me up and got stung and realized.....that was pretty rough

03-17-2004, 01:56 PM
damn.. all these Bee stories......HAHA

03-17-2004, 02:30 PM
ummm, probably the dumbest thing ive seen someone do was when we went paintballing...

my roomate jumped into a 1 1/2 foot ditch and broke his leg...cmon it wasnt even 2 feet...but anyway we were laughing at him until he stood up b/c we thought he was kidding...

when he stood up we heard another snap and were like fuuuuuukkkkk...time to call the ambulance

03-17-2004, 10:01 PM
i saw a guy during a soccer match in england kick himself in the mouth and bust out 5 teeth.

03-17-2004, 11:03 PM
yes i mean pencil, its just strange to me cause out of no where i se him playing around with spider webs? he aint no peter parker i tell you that...

NOT UNLESS ITS A MAFUCKIN BLACK WIDOW!!! then that freakin hilarious

03-18-2004, 08:21 AM
I feel at home with all you guys. :)

I ate a japanese beetle once when I was on a Motorcycle, it just flew down my mouth. Bad aim on his part. I ran to mommy. The other one that comes to mind is when I was on vacation in the middle of VA, man that place was boring. So im' in the back of the Volvo 240 and I'm stuffing silly putty up my nose and then blowing it back out. So It worked like 3 times so I thought well lets go the whole way. I shove the whole eggs worth up there and its coming out the back of my throat. I did that twice or so with success. Then I do it again but when I'm pulling it back out like 2 or 3 inches brakes off in my sinuses. I can't pull on it to get it out. I'm shoving pencils up there, no good, makeing it worse. So i start blowing my nose, but I'm trying to hide the fact from my parents. My little brother is just staring at me, And I blow my nose over and over again for like a hour before I got it out. I think I even did it again like a half hour later. I am a repeat offender of the common sense law.

03-18-2004, 08:45 AM
I saw a girl with no nose before... it was just flat and had 2 holes

That wasn't a girl; it was Micheal Jackson.

plan b
03-18-2004, 09:14 AM
That wasn't a girl; it was Micheal Jackson.

man i hope you werent serious about that joke

03-18-2004, 10:20 AM
I am a repeat offender of the common sense law.ME too buddy....me too...I did dried macoroni up the nose in kindergarden....when it got stuck and started bleeding my teacher was like 'ummm what happened to you?' of course I had to lie and say 'Yeah,my brother always hits me in the nose...and it just bleeds' .....later that day my parents got a "freindly" call from the school office :doh:

03-18-2004, 10:45 AM
When I was REALLY young, my friend's house had some thick carpeting on the stairs... we'd get into sleeping bags and "sled" down the stairwell.

For some reason for a little while on my street we were all about putting decent sized rocks in the road and running into them on our bikes. That was stupid enough, but usually you'd just kind of hop over the rock. One time my friend got thrown off his bike and somehow got railed in the nuts by the handlebars.

03-18-2004, 10:50 AM
why would you eat a pickle and run at the same time? its not exactly like a power bar where it boosts up your energy

actually you wont eat a power bar while running either. it gonna set you back. all it is just sugar, basic fuel body needs anyway. but why a pickle i wonder...

03-18-2004, 11:00 AM
() me+fireworks+lighter= fireworks shooting me in the face. that was a ouch ouch.
() me+maui cliff+seeing how close i could stand to the edge=VERY close to falling off the cliff into the ocean.
() me+skateboad= way too many times getting hurt.
() little kid+skatepark+ 8 stair gap= wow! your arm is all crooked now!
() my brother+hockey stick+me minding my own business= me getting hit 1 cm. from my eye. not a fun sight when you are covering your eye and blood is dripping out of your hand at a steady pace. :(
() me trying to bend a sharp piece of metal in half. sliced my thumb open.

there are probably more, but i have to go to school now.