View Full Version : life's punishment

03-16-2004, 08:34 PM
i dont know if this changes anything but here goes... a few weeks ago my engine gave out, i just turned 17, and i have been working for this car ever sence i turned 14. Nobody has helped me get it, including insurance, tag, mods... every little penny put on this car came out of my ass making 120-140 a week.
water pump leaked, radiator fluid flushed out completly, engine over heated, gasket blew, head warped.. WHO the FUCK knows...
now Im left with no money, no car, girl pretty much left me. everyone says i have been acting fucked up lately do to the fact that i put too much thought into my car, I try so hard to forget the past, but its not easy looking at your first and probbaly only car, dead... I missed about 2 weeks of school now, trying to find a solution, i cant find any body that would work on it, exept my friends, and today that didnt work out too well... too unorganized, and if something breaks, i get to be the one who buys the replacement parts.
I want to give up, but this car has been my dream for so long... life feels pointless now, nobody really gives a shit cause to everyone else its " just a car " and maby saying that makes me ignorant and stupid in your point of view, but try to understand.. its just the car i have been working and busting my ass for over 2 years to get.

im so fucked up right now, i just want to dissapear, cause life really has no point, we make everything our downfall.

im sorry for wasting your time, i just needed to express how i feel right now, keeping everything to myself makes too depressing...

last pic i took of it

03-16-2004, 08:50 PM
OK here is my .02

I was your age a LONG time ago, ok a few years ago. Everyone thinks you act fucked up at 17. Regardless. You have shown maturity by not having anyone help you in the quest for your car. That to me says a lot. Now, I don't know your exact situation, but do you still have your job?

If so keep working. Work as stupid as it sounds give you a sense of self worth. That makes you feel better about you. Don't miss school. That'll just wreck everything you have worked so hard to get. As for your girl...ehhh your in high school. You will find many more by the time you are 25.

As far as fixing the ride. Keep working and keep saving money. List a post in the tech section explaining in detail exactly what your car did. Maybe someone can help you. There are lots of FL guys on this board.

GOod luck and don't forget to ask questions....:P

03-16-2004, 09:07 PM
^~^ yups like she said...hit up the junkyards...i know theres a grip of fuckin 240sx out there in FL. Also like she said...post up and see if somebody would help you out. I box of cigrarettes or a 12 pack of beer would take you a long way *or just pay em for the beer since you cant buy it*

03-16-2004, 09:10 PM
Its hard for some people to understand how one thing can mean so much to another person. Be it a car, or anything else with personnal signifigance. Hard work will always pay off in the end. Anything worth having is worth working hard for. Few people realize what it really means to earn something. Although your only 17, your years ahead of other people in character. Don't give up in something you believe in.

Where abouts in Florida are you btw? I've got a 93 maroon coupe that looks just like yours.

03-16-2004, 09:29 PM
seeee, just keep at it! life is hard, but you are smart....you can make it through it!

black s13
03-16-2004, 09:36 PM
i know exactly how you feel right now, im a senior, i just lost my licence monday, lost my job because of it, and am in the process of losing my girl. although my car is still running, i cant drive it anywhere. were kinda in this together, ha. only differance is, mine will be back to normal in 28 days, you still have a car to fix. like everyone said, ask questions, have fun doing it, and a few bucks for some beer will get you a loooong way.

03-16-2004, 09:48 PM
Check out FreshAlloy.com, there's a lot of people from Florida on there, most of whom have done SR swaps which means they have KAs laying around. Somebody could probably give you a good deal on one to get your car back up and running.
Don't give up now, you're just getting started.
Good luck.

03-16-2004, 09:50 PM
where in FL are ya?

03-16-2004, 09:51 PM
ouch man:( Do you have any money left? Sounds like the best thing would be a clean-ol engine swap....You can get a good condition running KA for not that much,and most people on Zilvia are willing to lend a hand....of course,you're going to have to do alot of work to,but a KA to KA swap really isn't hard....either way,don't give up on shit.........theres gotta be light a the end of the tunnel man.

03-16-2004, 11:18 PM
stop sulking. It doesn't help anything. If you really want to be mature about it, you would pick yourself up, search for as much information as possible, buy yourself a FSM, or a Chilton/Haynes if you can't really afford the FSM, and get yourself a new motor. That's the part about being older. Young guys (typically) pout and whine and don't do shit to make it better. Get up, and look for ways to bring your baby back to life man, you'll learn a lot in the process, and thank yourself. Trust me, the hard work will definitely be worth it!!!! NOW GO!!!!!

03-16-2004, 11:40 PM
Wow dude... Just relax, good things come to those who wait (for money in this case)

03-16-2004, 11:55 PM
take care :hs: everything will work out fine... life sux so sux it up

03-17-2004, 12:11 AM
hey i was like you last september when i was hit by a 18 wheeler, i was soooooo pissed and it felt like i just lost a member of my family!! But believe me good things come to those who wait, and yea KA's are pretty cheap in comparison to other motors, find the parts that are salvagable(sp?) and just find a new KA for your baby.

03-17-2004, 02:52 AM
dude....dont trip.....im your age and ive worked 2 years for my 240 as well....shit if my engine broke right now i would be fucked too...just look on the bright side you will be learnin a shitload about engine work and your car will have a new/rebuilt engine in a few weeks/months....youll get through this and just dont give up....put things into perspective and sort your shit....if you think about it its not all that bad

~lost girlfriend - theres hella girls out there for ya
~lost engine in your car - shit at least your chassis is still good...just drop another motor

besides that your life is fine....i hope
just bcuz your friends dont see how passionate you are about cars dont mean shit....not many people actually know what their passions are in life till theyre older....us...we found cars as our passion so be happy for that and dont give it up

peace dont kill yourself k?

03-17-2004, 06:21 AM
where in florida are you ????

03-17-2004, 08:22 AM
i'm really impressed that you are trying to handle all that shit yourself. im 23 and i was just screwing around when i was 17. but yah don't give up. if you're having alot of engine issues, you can source out a used KA cheap... maybe someone will donate? good luck man... keep your head up. just keep diagnosing and repairing one problem at a time. don't stress about the overall picture.

don't neglect your friends/school for a car though! HS girlfriend eh... but friends are important. :P

03-17-2004, 08:46 AM
i agree with nightwalker. don't sit and bitch... get up and fix the problem! i've been through it all; lost license, lost car, lost girl, lost job. found new (better) job, found new (better) girl, saved and bought new (better) car, got license back. life moves on as if it all never happened.

KA's are a dime a dozen these days, find one and swap it out. catch a ride to school and work on the car in the afternoons or at night. you'll be constantly busy between school/work/car but it'll keep your mind occupied instead of sitting around depressed where you have time to overanalyze the situation and cause yourself more grief.;)

plan b
03-17-2004, 08:54 AM
hope your somewhere in miami.. ill defnitely lend you a hand, ive been in your situation before, i didnt blow my motor, but i did a valve job with my brother.. seemed like it took forever, but in reality it really didnt..

tell me your close to miami !

03-17-2004, 09:10 AM
motor's gone, get another. girl is gone, get another.

remember, you still have one thing at your age that most people dont at older age: TIME.

get another motor, throw the bitch in. if you need help, ask people for advice or for help, good people are always down to help.. or at the MINIMUM give advice. from then on, its time and learning my friend.

good luck bruddah

03-17-2004, 09:59 AM
thanks for the advice guys, im located in forth lauderdale, pompano beach, not to far from north miami, thats where i purchased my car.

Heres the thing, nobody can really tell me if its just a warped head, or head gasket, we started taking the engine apart, but didnt get verry far, and i dont want go out there, buy a gasket, resurface my head, and engine still whont start up, i also dont know what to do about my insurance... cut it? but then i'll have to pay another crazy downpayment when my car is fixed.

my compression was also VERRY low. 70 70 50 50 somewhere around those numbers.

how it happend : i was taking the altantic exit when i started hearing wierd crackling noises coming from my exhaust/rear of the car, i gave it gas and tons of white smoke blew out of my exhaust, coming to a red light the car died, it would not start up, and everytime i tryd the temp gauge whent up completly. opend the hood, engine was WAY to hot. checked my radiator... no fluid... i was also low on oil. I tryd to start up the car, and noticed radiator fluid Flushed out from a spot in the engine that i cant identify, doesn't seem like its coming from the radiator. Checked my spark plugs for water, no water... so i stood there for 5 hours, girl was with me the whole time, one of her friends came along to help me out with some water, didnt help, so then he came up to me and said, " u fucked up, u have a broken head gasket " :tweak: --- moving on, he later tells me he really wants my ngk wires and starts showing off his sound system... so i got pissed and was like whatever, thats when she lost all hope in me, she saw how i reacted to things so she said, it wouldnt work out with u being so negative about things like this.
she was right :wtc:

03-17-2004, 10:07 AM
:rolleyes: come one dude. 2 weeks now you should be over it. These are the costs of owning a car. It's a simple fact of life. It's a piece of metal that reached it's highest point of wear and tear and gave out. nothing to cry about.

03-17-2004, 10:26 AM
just keep fixing it =P eventually youll fix everything! and then have to do it all over again :(

03-17-2004, 10:41 AM
:rolleyes: come one dude. 2 weeks now you should be over it. These are the costs of owning a car. It's a simple fact of life. It's a piece of metal that reached it's highest point of wear and tear and gave out. nothing to cry about.
yeah,anything mechanical will break down on you ....the classic if it can go wrong it will theory,....:(....well now that your not giving your time to your girlfreind you can put it into the car,if you made that much money to buy it and etc., I'm sure you can make more money to get it running somehow? from the two pics I can see,it looks like a really clean coupe man.

EDIT:After reading PLanb's post ,I agree with him.....screw her......you can find someone better,although its hard to get over something like that,esspecially when shits happened to your car,but what good what she have been helping you fix your car?

plan b
03-17-2004, 10:52 AM
thanks for the advice guys, im located in forth lauderdale, pompano beach, not to far from north miami, thats where i purchased my car.

Heres the thing, nobody can really tell me if its just a warped head, or head gasket, we started taking the engine apart, but didnt get verry far, and i dont want go out there, buy a gasket, resurface my head, and engine still whont start up, i also dont know what to do about my insurance... cut it? but then i'll have to pay another crazy downpayment when my car is fixed.

my compression was also VERRY low. 70 70 50 50 somewhere around those numbers.

how it happend : i was taking the altantic exit when i started hearing wierd crackling noises coming from my exhaust/rear of the car, i gave it gas and tons of white smoke blew out of my exhaust, coming to a red light the car died, it would not start up, and everytime i tryd the temp gauge whent up completly. opend the hood, engine was WAY to hot. checked my radiator... no fluid... i was also low on oil. I tryd to start up the car, and noticed radiator fluid Flushed out from a spot in the engine that i cant identify, doesn't seem like its coming from the radiator. Checked my spark plugs for water, no water... so i stood there for 5 hours, girl was with me the whole time, one of her friends came along to help me out with some water, didnt help, so then he came up to me and said, " u fucked up, u have a broken head gasket " :tweak: --- moving on, he later tells me he really wants my ngk wires and starts showing off his sound system... so i got pissed and was like whatever, thats when she lost all hope in me, she saw how i reacted to things so she said, it wouldnt work out with u being so negative about things like this.
she was right :wtc:

fuck that girl.. if she cant understand that something you made your pride and joy and worked your ass off for died in front of you, and you got upset about it? lol cut all her hair off and see if she cries.

besides the point i would say, yah cut the insurance, youll end up saving more money to fix the car if you dont have to pay insurance.. if you can get your parents car or something.. come and get me, every weekened ive got nothing but partying to do... i would be glad to help you take apart that beast and get it up and running again. im right near the border of broward and dade.

03-17-2004, 11:23 AM
Heres the thing, nobody can really tell me if its just a warped head, or head gasket, we started taking the engine apart, but didnt get verry far, and i dont want go out there, buy a gasket, resurface my head, and engine still whont start up

when you take off the head and have it resurfaced and replace the gasket you are taking care of the warping and the gasket all at once;) so no need to fret.

03-17-2004, 01:53 PM
when you take off the head and have it resurfaced and replace the gasket you are taking care of the warping and the gasket all at once;) so no need to fret.

i mean, i hope its just that... my gasket and head, and no more.

03-17-2004, 03:58 PM
tell the shop to take 1mm off the head while youre at it :coolugh:

[email protected] off gf's hair

03-18-2004, 01:54 AM
car addict!!!! like a lot of us. we get so involved in our cars that it becomes a passion of ours. we spend our time reading forums when we really should be studying for an exam (oops). imagine how much money we'd have if we didn't spend it all on our car(s)? but it's all worth it...to us anyway. your girl didn't understand that, and that isn't your fault. don't trip about your girl right now, cuz u've got your car to worry about. it would be hella funny to cut off her hair like planb suggested lol, but umm... it'll take time and u'll find a solution to your worries. good luck

03-19-2004, 09:06 AM
hahahah my licence is suspended cause i missed to many fucking days of school :rofl:

well whatever today im going to cancel my inssurance, even if i fix my car im gonna let it sit, that way i can slowly mod. The majority of my money goes to insurance anyway, so I would not even be able to fix the car if I left it on.
I kindda took Silvia girls tip on working, and kindda starting over, focus more on school, and work, even if i dont work alot, i'll eventually make enough to get this car fixed and lightly tuned.

does anyone have or know of a write up on changing the head gasket, or a complete head job on the KA24de? Tips?

- thank you guys for all your support. :)

03-19-2004, 10:04 AM
i don't know how, but there was a thread on freshalloy that had pics and all of how they did it.

03-20-2004, 12:38 AM
Well life is lame...I mean I have worked my the last f'ing year and a half for what??For my car to get borken into right on my driveway...This is bullshit. People dont understand cars like we do they are life to me. Antything else and I wouldnt have cared but when it comes to cars, this is f'ing war. I have spent all my money on rebuilding my '89 coupe and to wake up to a smashed out window and missing stereo and backpack as well as other things this is crap. The car just looks so helpless, and people dont realize what this is doing to the owners. For example the shop that was robbed...That hurts, but some people just dont realize this. I have come to the conclusion that in general people are stupid and always will be. There will always be the croud that is above that stupidity and the crowd that is part of the stupidity. How about this quote "I hate people. I don't need them. If I had an axe I'd kill everyone...except my friends." -Jim Morrison. It is true, this is the group I have become accustomed to, and will forever be. The car scene and the people I respect...

03-20-2004, 01:33 AM
I might just pick up another KA, if I were you. What with all the CA, SR, RB, and QZ swaps into 240s, you can find a decently running one with between 100k-150k that people just want to get rid of, and will set you back a couple hundred if you're unlucky.

I know how you feel. I started working at 14, I saved and saved for a car, looking at Ferraris (you ALL went through this stage), Fords, Nissans, everything you can think of. I worked hard to save up what I could, until one day, I got scammed on eBay- set me back $1700. I start saving up again and nab my B12 for a grand, started doing little modifications to acquaint myself to cars. I decide (as every teenager probably does, no?) that I need a faster car. I find myself a nice deal for a DA6 1990 Integra, and it costs me $2500, all but about $20 of what I had worked so hard for. Two weeks later, I let a friend drive it...unbeknownst to me he is not a very experienced driver, he starts to drive fast, skids a bit and slams on the brakes...and there goes about a year of my life, sucked into that curb and spewed out worth $500. Not to mention a $500 VTEC head that I had just borrowed money from my mom for, in hopes of making an ls/vtec, it became as useful as a hunk of scrap metal. That's the way things go and that's the way they always will. The best thing you can do is keep your head up and believe in yourself. I never, NEVER thought I'd be rolling a 240. I have ogled at every 240 I've seen since I turned 15, idolizing the way that those cars looked and drove. I test drove probably 15 just for fun, from 400hp SR20ed to stock KA24Es. Something about the click of the shifter, something about the way it handled the road, made me want that car so badly. And now? I'm trying to decide which engine I should plop into my baby (230K!). 0kami, incidences like this for you and I are nothing but pit stops in a NASCAR race. You're worn out and tired, you completely stop for a small amount of time- and then you're back in it, better than before. And with women...anybody who would treat you like that is not right for you anyway. C'mon, man. There's 3 billion others out there. If a guy like me can find one, so can you. ;)

Keep your head up. Don't give up because of a few curveballs that life throws at you. Learn the way life curves it, and slam it out of the park.

(And yes, I made up the "QZ" engine)


03-20-2004, 01:38 AM
Long read.. so I'm just gunna say devote your life to your car.

03-20-2004, 05:43 AM
life is hard at our age man (well not really),

but be happy, the car will get fixed, get a CA18 swap, borrow from yo mamma

dont dtich school man.

03-20-2004, 06:26 AM
You need a FSM...PM me and get a quote for shipping from 95687 and ill send you a brand spanking new one since i dont need mine *got it for my Bday as a present but dont need it since im doing my SR swap* I feel for you bud, i think thats the least i can do. Just sing me a happy bday on monday and well call it quits. =p

PS: its for a S14 but i dont think theres gonna be much difference...KA is a KA

03-20-2004, 07:23 AM
You need a FSM...PM me and get a quote for shipping from 95687 and ill send you a brand spanking new one since i dont need mine *got it for my Bday as a present but dont need it since im doing my SR swap* I feel for you bud, i think thats the least i can do. Just sing me a happy bday on monday and well call it quits. =p

PS: its for a S14 but i dont think theres gonna be much difference...KA is a KA

thanks so much but i already managed to get one. ;)
I'm probbaly gonna buy the head gasket, fuel pump and thermostat today or tommorow morning.

03-20-2004, 07:58 AM
*steals the thread* I'll take the FSM :)

03-20-2004, 01:00 PM
haha...shoot wanna gimme something for it...like fluids for my SR swap?