View Full Version : SAVE the S16 OR IT WILL BE LOST FOR EVER!!!!

1jz s14 zenki
10-31-2012, 12:20 AM
Every one needs to send nissan an email and tell them to make a new s chassis if people do this this will shurely get their attention and we need to spread this to other nissan forums that way they will u see that we need a 240sx s14 successor in the states and around the world please ppeople do this so we can get a better looking car thann the brz or frs they are going to scrap the new s16 they were planing on the because lack of interest from the ppublic please dont let this happen fight. To keepp the s16 alive! Why Nissan Shouldn't Kill the S16 - A Review of Market Demographics and Competitive Standing (http://www.nicoclub.com/archives/resurrect-nissan-project-s16.html)

10-31-2012, 01:21 AM
Any proof of ANY of this? Like plans for an S16? Or something saying that they'll dump said plans?


10-31-2012, 04:52 AM
Really? Are people really this retarded? Threads like this pops up in here atleast twice a year since fucking 2000. Nissan is in it to make money, not make a fanboy's wet dream come true. How many people in here would and could afford a brand new car? I say out of 150k people in here, I'd be surprised if we get 100 people buy one from here.

The Dude
10-31-2012, 07:21 AM
If you really want an S16 then go buy a few BRZ's. Nissan isn't going to build an S16 for nostalgia's sake.

10-31-2012, 08:10 AM
Really? Are people really this retarded? Threads like this pops up in here atleast twice a year since fucking 2000. Nissan is in it to make money, not make a fanboy's wet dream come true. How many people in here would and could afford a brand new car? I say out of 150k people in here, I'd be surprised if we get 100 people buy one from here.

If Nissan released the S15 for $25k or R32 GT-R for $30k I would buy one or the other new. I'd sell my S13 and Truck and get one.

I, however, can not promise to buy a new rendition because I doubt the styling and design would appeal to me. I do not like the Juke, Versa, 370Z, GTR or Sentra.... I have little faith that I'd like the current design teams take on a modern Silvia.

1jz s14 zenki
10-31-2012, 09:20 AM
Why Nissan Shouldn't Kill the S16 - A Review of Market Demographics and Competitive Standing (http://www.nicoclub.com/archives/resurrect-nissan-project-s16.html)

The Dude
10-31-2012, 09:40 AM
Why not just get the "mini-z" when it comes out? Subaru has the sticker on some of the BRZ's north of 30k, so you could probably expect a loaded S16 to be in that range, which isn't really that much less than a lower range Z is now. With their plans on downsizing the Z I would think the S16 would be a scavenging sales from it. Like Corbic said, the styling direction Nissan has been heading in hasn't exactly left me very optimistic.

1jz s14 zenki
10-31-2012, 10:02 AM
The mini z has been put on hold and we all know what that is the mini z is intened for the miata class witch u see the have no interest in taking part of they started to develo. A s16 but will mostlikely not make it with out our suppport?

1jz s14 zenki
10-31-2012, 10:03 AM
Im shure they will release more than one conceppt for the s16 and will follow through with the one needs most people like

10-31-2012, 10:04 AM
Im shure they will release more than one conceppt for the s16 and will follow through with the one needs most people like

You have no idea how the auto industry works... Do you.

10-31-2012, 11:30 AM
Really? Are people really this retarded? Threads like this pops up in here atleast twice a year since fucking 2000. Nissan is in it to make money, not make a fanboy's wet dream come true. How many people in here would and could afford a brand new car? I say out of 150k people in here, I'd be surprised if we get 100 people buy one from here.


Save what? The "S16" you speak of is not even in production right now. You make it seem like it's going to be discontinued based on your title. No I didn't click on that link of yours nor do I ever intend to.

Also, OP, 'shurely' you realize that this has been discussed already many times on this forum and you're not alone in wanting a new S chassis. If anything bring it up to corporate and see how far you go.
