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10-28-2012, 12:20 PM
anyone here use one? i tried the ones that look like cigarettes and dont like them at all. i use this one, now


its from ego-t. kind of like an e-cigar. usually smoke with coffee flavored juice or red bull - which im using now. about to order some apple and monster flavored juice too.
funny thing is, im not a smoker, i just like the feeling of nicotine and like this, i get the nicotine without the tar and all that other shit you get in a cigarette.

10-28-2012, 12:28 PM
I use one from madvapes. 5V mod box and love it. Been analog cigarette free for months now :rofl:

10-28-2012, 12:34 PM
5v... damn, that must last a long ass time. you use a dual coil too?
ive thought about getting a mod box, but havent done it yet. what flavors do you prefer?

10-28-2012, 12:43 PM
Thought about doing this, but i smoke a pack a day, so i spend about $4.50 everyday, how much do these cost/ how long do they last?

10-28-2012, 01:13 PM
at my local unique cigs shop that i go to, you can get the basic kit: atomizer, battery, charger and juice for about 60 bucks. you buy the juice at 10 bucks a bottle and a bottle lasts me about a week. you can get it in different nicotine strengths too. they come in 6, 12, 18 and 24 mg strengths. i have a few friends that smoke heavy and dip as well and they say that the 24mg strength bottle is too strong. the battery lasts about a day and a half between charges, but again, thats going to depend on use. my friend says hes saving about 100 bucks a month now.

10-28-2012, 01:17 PM
this is a good place to start: Starter Kits Archives - uniquecigs.com (http://uniquecigs.com/products-page/starter-kits/)

10-29-2012, 08:50 AM
I just bought a e-hookah it was cool but died quick. im curious to try this now.

10-29-2012, 02:01 PM
i just bought some 12mg nicotine apple juice. shit is pretty good. word of advice - the fruit flavors are more harsh than the non fruit flavors.

10-29-2012, 02:15 PM
These things suck. In my opinion.

10-29-2012, 04:15 PM
^lol steve didnt realize that was you at first.
Encore is the best from what I have found. I sell them in both of my smoke shops.

10-29-2012, 04:17 PM
So OP, you dont smoke but you started using an e-cig for the nicotine?
Sorry, but thats dumb as fuck.

I picked up one of the disposable ones at Shell to give it try. Its not that bad, menthol is pretty cool but obviously its not the same. And It seemed like I was getting headaches more often after I started using it.

10-29-2012, 04:31 PM
What is the point of these?
The only reason to ever smoke is to look cool, and there is nothing cool about smoking without slowly killing yourself.

10-29-2012, 04:31 PM
thought of trying out an ecig for a portable vaping setup...

10-29-2012, 05:32 PM
So OP, you dont smoke but you started using an e-cig for the nicotine?
Sorry, but thats dumb as fuck.

I picked up one of the disposable ones at Shell to give it try. Its not that bad, menthol is pretty cool but obviously its not the same. And It seemed like I was getting headaches more often after I started using it.
how do you figure? you dont need to smoke to use nicotine. this tells me that you dont even know the difference between using nicotine or using something like caffeine. why dont you do some research before you talk shit about what i do. i enjoy the effects of nicotine but i dont like the tar and other cancer causing elements of cigarette smoking.

10-29-2012, 05:33 PM
What is the point of these?
The only reason to ever smoke is to look cool, and there is nothing cool about smoking without slowly killing yourself.
another one... do some research.

10-29-2012, 06:07 PM
Yeah man, great alternative to smoking. To anyone that is looking for a good setup for a beginner, but not utter shit, I'd go with an Ego Twist battery, a few Boge 2.0 OHM, or Crystal Clear Vaping 1.7 ohm ressurector cartos, a 3.5ml DCT tank, and some juice of your choice and you should be set.
I just set my friend up with this setup a week ago and he's in love. It's a great setup for around $40-$60, and you won't be upgrading in awhile since you already get the advantage of having variable voltage on the twist. Feel free to shoot me a PM if anyone needs help with a setup on your journey to converting to vaping.

10-29-2012, 06:09 PM
What is the point of these?
The only reason to ever smoke is to look cool, and there is nothing cool about smoking without slowly killing yourself.

The point of these are to get yourself off of cigarettes by eliminating the 4000 or so chemicals in a cigarette and just keeping the nicotine for your fix.

10-29-2012, 06:18 PM
Yeah man, great alternative to smoking. To anyone that is looking for a good setup for a beginner, but not utter shit, I'd go with an Ego Twist battery, a few Boge 2.0 OHM, or Crystal Clear Vaping 1.7 ohm ressurector cartos, a 3.5ml DCT tank, and some juice of your choice and you should be set.
I just set my friend up with this setup a week ago and he's in love. It's a great setup for around $40-$60, and you won't be upgrading in awhile since you already get the advantage of having variable voltage on the twist. Feel free to shoot me a PM if anyone needs help with a setup on your journey to converting to vaping.
good shit. a friend of mine hooked me up with my setup. theres probably about 8 dudes in my work area that are using the firefly ego-t's. i think the firefly is a little flashy but they all do their job - eliminating smoking and dipping. they all are saying that their lungs feel better and they have more energy. thats important for all of us since we are all in the army.

10-29-2012, 06:20 PM
The point of these are to get yourself off of cigarettes by eliminating the 4000 or so chemicals in a cigarette and just keeping the nicotine for your fix.
exactly! i smoked a little in high school - not habitually, just mostly because i was living with my friend and he smoked, and i always enjoyed the feeling but didnt like the smell of the smoke on my clothes, fingers or breath. this way, i still get that feeling from nicotine without being a smoker.

10-29-2012, 06:36 PM
exactly! i smoked a little in high school - not habitually, just mostly because i was living with my friend and he smoked, and i always enjoyed the feeling but didnt like the smell of the smoke on my clothes, fingers or breath. this way, i still get that feeling from nicotine without being a smoker.

Yeah man. This is where PV's/E-cigs really shine. You get the "smoking" cessation, nicotine, and vapor all without any real smoke. And to add to it, more flavors of e-juice than one could imagine.

10-29-2012, 07:21 PM
I use the tornado tank e-nic from Totally wicked. Not bad... In the 6 months or so I've had it, Total cost is about $200. Going from a pack a day at about $5 a pack... You can do the math on how much I've saved. They have shit where you can mix your own flavors and liquids... I'm not that into it though... I just get a 5 bottle multi pack and that lasts me about 7 weeks. Bought the kit in picture (except I got the american version, euro outlets are different) below and havent had to buy a new atomizer or battery yet... But I'll probably need a new atomizer within the next 2 months.

10-29-2012, 07:32 PM
damn, thats a pretty nice setup. i just went and bought what i needed and then accessorized. so far, i have 2 different atomizers and theyre both about a month old. the lady at unique cigs says shes goes about 4 weeks till she needs a new one.

10-29-2012, 07:37 PM
I have a pair of modified EGO-LCD e cigs which I use for something besides nicotine :naughty:

These things are PERFECT for being a :squint: on road trips.

10-29-2012, 07:39 PM
I have a pair of modified EGO-LCD e cigs which I use for something besides nicotine :naughty:

These things are PERFECT for being a :squint: on road trips.lol, we were just talking about the other day. being in the army though, i cant partake... maybe when im retired in a couple months i might just do that...

10-29-2012, 07:41 PM
lol, we were just talking about the other day. being in the army though, i cant partake... maybe when im retired in a couple months i might just do that...
I HIGHLY recommend it ;)

10-29-2012, 07:46 PM
I HIGHLY recommend it ;)
i think i may lol

10-30-2012, 09:21 PM
Trying to get some friends to get off cigs. E-go the way to go?

10-30-2012, 09:47 PM
Trying to get some friends to get off cigs. E-go the way to go?

If you go Ego, make sure it's an Ego twist. The standard egos can only operate at a certain voltage. (3.2v). The twists have the capability to be variable voltage and operate at anywhere from 3.2v-4.8v.

11-05-2012, 03:47 PM
Disposable Hookah | Best Disposable Hookah by Imperial Smoke (http://imperialcigs.com/disposable-electronic-cigarette/hookah-flavors.html)

Doing a test to get them to convert...

11-05-2012, 04:20 PM
I mentioned this shit YEARS ago on the forum and i got flame rapped about just stopping in general....wtf?! lol. ANYWAY i have one and really its just not the same as smoking a regular cigarette. Might as well just quit cold turkey.

11-05-2012, 04:58 PM
What is the point of these?
The only reason to ever smoke is to look cool, and there is nothing cool about smoking without slowly killing yourself.

Nicotine will still kill you, we call it heart disease.

I think the point is for the addicts that can no longer smoke in public and are sick of not picking up chicks cause they reek of tabaco stank.

11-05-2012, 05:00 PM
The point of these are to get yourself off of cigarettes by eliminating the 4000 or so chemicals in a cigarette and just keeping the nicotine for your fix.

Gum, Patches, pills.. shits been around for decades. Fuck back in the 70's and 80's you could get energy drinks with it in Asia.

11-06-2012, 07:56 AM
Electronic Cigarettes – Health Risks of Electric Vapor Cigarettes (http://electroniccigarettesandhealth.com/)

11-06-2012, 10:19 AM
I was once smoking a vapor cigarette and my friend goes "oh your trying to quit"
Friend:So instead of smoking tobacco you decided to smoke a battery cause its healthier?
Me:Had no comeback line and i thought about it...Next following day i was smoking camel menthol silvers again. lol
Friend:Welcome back. :)

11-06-2012, 04:27 PM
you should have asked him how do you smoke a battery?

11-07-2012, 07:04 PM
This coming Memorial day, will make 2 years that I've stopped smoking, and it's thanks to vaping. Nicotine is to smokers, what caffeine is to coffee drinkers. Pick your poison, everyone has one. The fact that I can run full court basketball games, don't smell like an ashtray, and don't wake up in the morning wheezing, is good enough proof for me, that vaping works.

Another awesome thing about vaping, is the variety of the flavors that you can get. I've heard of outrageous ones, like bacon, crab juice, pizza, etc. I'd never try those, but my peach green tea, that I'm vaping right now is awesome!! The Ego, as mentioned by someone else, is an excellent choice for beginners, who aren't sure if vaping is for them. It's not very expensive, well made, and performs quite well.

The thing about vaping, is that you NEED your vaporizer to be reliable. If you buy junk, you'll just get frustrated that it doesn't work, and head right to the store to buy a pack. It's also a state of mind. How badly do you want to quit analogs? If you give up easily, or make up excuses as why you need to smoke an analog, you just aren't ready to quit. Then, no tool can help you, since you don't want to help yourself.

If you are someone that wants the best variable voltage tube mod, the Provari is the way to go. Sure, it's costly, but it works perfect, and has so many safety, and performance features built it, it's worth the cost. Combine it with a tank, and you're golden! Lots, and lots of thick vapor, with minimal maintenance.

Here is a picture of mines. Mini Provari with blue LED, and a Triple V pyrex tank. Happy vaping!

11-08-2012, 06:44 AM
thats awesome! congratulations. quite an achievement. on a sidenote - how much do you think youve saved by not buying tobacco products now?

that thing is crazy looking! lol

11-08-2012, 02:32 PM
thats awesome! congratulations. quite an achievement. on a sidenote - how much do you think youve saved by not buying tobacco products now?

that thing is crazy looking! lol

According to my banner on the electronic cigarette forum, I've been smoke free for, 2 years, 5 months, and 7 days. I've saved $6,026, and avoided 14,000 cigarettes! Don't get me wrong, I've spent quite a bit of money of e-cigarettes too. A lot of trial and error, but I'm happy with my current set up. E-cigarette technology is just going to keep getting more advanced, so you never know what's around the corner.

06-25-2013, 07:52 PM
so recently ive begun vaping oppose to smoking cigarettes... ive been a smoker on and off since 07 and just wanted to ease my way off...figured vaping might be a good solution...

ive gone from 3 packs a week to 1, and i dont vape heavily...i only use 6mg nicotine content, and will soon go down to 0mg and break the habit completely hopefully

so i wanted to open this thread up and see if anyone else here vapes, whats your set up and flavors...

my set up

ego C twist
jungle juice > pineapple express and heavens nectar
Virgin Vapors > Celestial Honeydew
Ben johnsons > Or3o

please share :fruit:

06-25-2013, 08:18 PM
Everybody and their mother owns a vape pen.. People who have never smoked a cigarette have started vaping..hell, I found one in my little brothers backpack. Just another trendy fad that is picking up..

I used to smoke 2-3 packs daily..I tried one of those starter kits a friend recommended..worked for about 3 weeks and I went back..

Camel Crush Bold FTW

06-25-2013, 08:18 PM
there's just something about vapes that screams "douchebag"

they're like the new hypebeast thing to do

can't stand dudes walking around meats sucking on their vapes blowing fruity ass smoke all over the place

i'd prefer you'd just go off in a corner and smoke a cigarette

06-25-2013, 10:05 PM
i vape and dont care if anyone thinks its a fad. i get my nicotine and dont dip or smell like an ashtray.

i have a couple different ego batteries, a dual coil atomizer and i normally either use blackberry or red bull. i picked up some mountain dew and not sure what i think about it. kind of too sweet. i use 16mg nicotine.

06-26-2013, 12:52 AM
I have a mechanical mod vape. My set-up is a Diablo mech mod and a Nimbus RBA.

06-26-2013, 02:09 AM
there's just something about vapes that screams "douchebag"

they're like the new hypebeast thing to do

can't stand dudes walking around meats sucking on their vapes blowing fruity ass smoke all over the place

i'd prefer you'd just go off in a corner and smoke a cigarette

to each there own... if its a fad that can help me drop a habit, fuck it...

all i know is, its been 3 weeks or so, i feel better, stamina is up and im not out of breath as easily... i consider this my nicotine patch, with a hint of flavor..

i vape and dont care if anyone thinks its a fad. i get my nicotine and dont dip or smell like an ashtray.


oersonally i like the C twist, it give me voltage range to burn different juices at enough levels that it satisfies that burning feel u get from a cig...

06-26-2013, 03:11 PM
wax or oil, smokers unlike me can not feel the power of the hit.

06-27-2013, 12:47 AM
wax or oil, smokers unlike me can not feel the power of the hit.

oil...i dunno...for me i can feel it...:ddog:

06-27-2013, 02:13 AM
I heard people say that after a week or 2 (maybe more) when they try to smoke a regular cig they get a nauseating feeling. Anyone been through that?

06-27-2013, 02:54 AM
I love vaping!!! Ive been into it for two weeks now and its awesome. I used to smoke a pack every weekend when I drink and now I just vape. Got my friends into it to stop smoking cigarettes. I wish they had this around before my grandpa died of lung cancer from smoking. It's cheap for a starter pack like $70 bucks and any juice flavor you want.

06-27-2013, 10:34 PM
anyone try hash oil in there vape yet? can we even talk about that here? lol

06-27-2013, 11:29 PM
anyone try hash oil in there vape yet? can we even talk about that here? lol

You need a special cartridge for hash oil. $40-50 at a smoke shop

06-27-2013, 11:35 PM
the cartridge i can get no problem. its the hash oil im having trouble getting. lol

06-28-2013, 12:01 AM
I Vape and have had one for about 3 months now. First one I bought was the zmax mini pictured below and have a mechanical mod as well for dripping/rebuildables. I'm literally bout to GIVE everything away since I've cut my craving for cigarettes and vaping now.

I bought this cause it was indeed hyped up and I'm not ashamed of it. BUT I was able to smoke virtually anywhere without people bitching and I cut my craving for real cigarettes significantly. I smoked close to 3-5 packs a week and that's all done. In fact, cigarette smoke actually sickens me when I'm around it. I also feel better and healthier in general.

Yes, it's a hype but it definitely helped me cut back and eventually quit. To each there own though, so this may not be the same results as others but I know multiple people who have quit smoking cigarettes do to vaping.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

wax or oil, smokers unlike me can not feel the power of the hit.

Mix more PG in the equation and you'll get more "throat hit" foolio!

06-28-2013, 12:21 AM
I Vape and have had one for about 3 months now. First one I bought was the zmax mini pictured below and have a mechanical mod as well for dripping/rebuildables. I'm literally bout to GIVE everything away since I've cut my craving for cigarettes and vaping now.

I bought this cause it was indeed hyped up and I'm not ashamed of it. BUT I was able to smoke virtually anywhere without people bitching and I cut my craving for real cigarettes significantly. I smoked close to 3-5 packs a week and that's all done. In fact, cigarette smoke actually sickens me when I'm around it. I also feel better and healthier in general.

Yes, it's a hype but it definitely helped me cut back and eventually quit. To each there own though, so this may not be the same results as others but I know multiple people who have quit smoking cigarettes do to vaping.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mix more PG in the equation and you'll get more "throat hit" foolio!im interested in your first kit if youre serious about getting rid of it. :)

06-28-2013, 09:21 PM
I heard people say that after a week or 2 (maybe more) when they try to smoke a regular cig they get a nauseating feeling. Anyone been through that?

i still smoke cigs here and there...first couple puffs im good...but cant even finish it since yeah i do get nauseous... but when im drinking...i smoke just fine...but not as much as before...

redline racer510
06-30-2013, 02:08 AM
starbuzz blue mist best e-cig IMHO

07-01-2013, 05:48 PM
I've been vaping for almost a year and a half. Started out with tececig products. The small cigarette sized batteries and whatever the cigar sized tececig battery was called.. I recently switched to the eGo-CTwist with a vivi nova single coil tank.

I smoked for about a year maybe a little longer, a pack every two days. Since I picked up my tecegic, I've had roughly 10 or so cigarettes (mainly when a buddy picked up crappy beer). The girlfriend doesn't bitch and complain anymore, my parents are off of my ass, and the few buddies I have that don't smoke are relieved as well. I've gotten 4 friends hooked on them as well. These are the friends that smoke a pack or more a day. One friend was smoking 2.5 to 3 packs a day. He now loves his ecig and will not smoke a cigarette. He's also constantly broke.. The ecig is saving him money and he's much more likely to play basketball with us now.

I've been hooked on Life Smoke fluid for about 9 months. I started with their atomic fireball, thin mint, and tobacco flavor. I'm currently vaping thin mints as I'm typing this. I switch between three different flavors so I don't get bored with them.

Another thing I've heard from a buddy who bought about 8 coils for his vivi nova tank recommends using vodka to clean your coils... Haven't tried it because I'll drink it before I remember to clean a coil... He swears by it.

07-07-2013, 03:02 PM
what tank type do you guys recomend...?

07-07-2013, 03:17 PM
what tank type do you guys recomend...?

I use DC lock tanks, ismokas, and an aga-t 2 tank

07-07-2013, 03:19 PM
You have many options. People have personal preferences on style. Once you find the style you like then choosing which one is easier. But you really need to try the top, bottom and carto-tank to see which you like.

Carto-Tank: Cartomizer with holes in the side surrounded by a tank. Liquid weaps into the cart slowly replenishing it. Hit of a Cartomizer with the longevity of a tank. (DCT, CE6)

Top Coil: Wicks up to the top of the tank. "Wetter" Hit. Higher voltages can make a hot steam effect. (T2, Vivi-nova, CE4)

Bottom coil: Short wicks and the coil at the bottom of the tank. Longer travel so flavors blend in vapor. Higher voltages are cooler as it has time to cool thru the tube. "Drier" hit that some people don't like. (T3, EVOD, ProTank)

Drip atomizer: Drop right onto the coil, puff, repeat

RBA: Rebuild-able. Wrap your own coil, choose your own adventure.

I like the U-DCT from Smok for carto-tank. The cart is gutted with only the coil in the center. Get the benefits of carto without the filler.

Then I like the Kanger Pro-tank. Basically a T3 / EVOD on steriods. Uses the evod bottom coil but with a Pyrex and SS tank. Run any juice you want and not worry about acid etching or cracking.

Top Coils don't do it for me anymore...

07-07-2013, 03:58 PM
You have many options. People have personal preferences on style. Once you find the style you like then choosing which one is easier. But you really need to try the top, bottom and carto-tank to see which you like.

Carto-Tank: Cartomizer with holes in the side surrounded by a tank. Liquid weaps into the cart slowly replenishing it. Hit of a Cartomizer with the longevity of a tank. (DCT, CE6)

Top Coil: Wicks up to the top of the tank. "Wetter" Hit. Higher voltages can make a hot steam effect. (T2, Vivi-nova, CE4)

Bottom coil: Short wicks and the coil at the bottom of the tank. Longer travel so flavors blend in vapor. Higher voltages are cooler as it has time to cool thru the tube. "Drier" hit that some people don't like. (T3, EVOD, ProTank)

Drip atomizer: Drop right onto the coil, puff, repeat

RBA: Rebuild-able. Wrap your own coil, choose your own adventure.

I like the U-DCT from Smok for carto-tank. The cart is gutted with only the coil in the center. Get the benefits of carto without the filler.

Then I like the Kanger Pro-tank. Basically a T3 / EVOD on steriods. Uses the evod bottom coil but with a Pyrex and SS tank. Run any juice you want and not worry about acid etching or cracking.

Top Coils don't do it for me anymore...

im mainly looking for flavor smoke and no leaks... i currently use these (http://www.electroniccigarettesofhouston.com/images/13357084565022127399215.jpeg)

cuz they were free...but i like how these hit (http://urlmd.com/art-gallery/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/mini-vivi-nova-tanks-colors.png) .

sorry i dont know the names...

07-07-2013, 06:27 PM
im mainly looking for flavor smoke and no leaks... i currently use these (http://www.electroniccigarettesofhouston.com/images/13357084565022127399215.jpeg)

cuz they were free...but i like how these hit (http://urlmd.com/art-gallery/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/mini-vivi-nova-tanks-colors.png) .

sorry i dont know the names...

First one is a Carto-Tank. Using a SMOK U-DCT cart in it may give you better flavor. A lot of cartomizers suck or have been sitting on a shelf to long
Borge is another good cart

Second one is a mini vivi nova. Top coil is what most people starting off like. The only other one I would recommend in top coil is a Kanger Te

What voltage and the ohm of the atty make a difference in hit and vapor production too.

07-07-2013, 07:30 PM
I like the U-DCT from Smok for carto-tank. The cart is gutted with only the coil in the center. Get the benefits of carto without the filler.

This is the same tank that i have and i love it. Really easy to swap carto's and i love the locking feature. I carry this thing in my pocket everywhere i go and im pretty sure if i didnt have a locking tank i'd probably fill my pocket with juice by accidentally pulling the thing apart.

07-08-2013, 09:40 AM
I'm really interested in vaping. I'm a pack a day, trying to quit.
Anyone trying to do the same, this video is a 101 for you.

Taste Your Juice | BEGINNERS GUIDE TO E-CIGS AND E-CIG TECH (http://tasteyourjuice.com/wordpress/2013/01/02/beginners-guide-to-e-cigs-and-e-cig-tech/)

...Also. The video is long as fuck for us A.D.D people.

07-09-2013, 06:01 PM
i only smoke when i drink, which is around twice a week, but i dont drink one or two... and i dont smoke one or two, a little less or up to half a pack... And the problem is that i like it, i like the flavor, i dont think i do it purely for the nicotine, and i even like the raspy feeling, i hate smoking something too light that i dont feel.
Well my brother in law bought a kit at the mall a couple of months ago which included two "cigarettes" and let me have one of them. I kinda liked it, especially cuz i can smoke inside the house while drinking and playing xbox lol, but it was charged with menthol flavor and obviously he took the charger, that was a couple of months ago so now it is almost dead.
Can anybody tell me what i have exactly? What to charge it with to get a better kick for more feeling?
I am not exactly trying to quit cuz like i said, i like it, but i wouldnt mind slowing down and save a few bucks. Here's what i have:
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j341/andres14oj/IMAG0517_zps4031b591.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/andres14oj/media/IMAG0517_zps4031b591.jpg.html)

07-09-2013, 07:00 PM
Standard charger...any vape shop should have it...

07-09-2013, 08:09 PM
Standard charger...any vape shop should have it...

I don't know how you got a month out of it. But, you also mention a few days ago. Not following the time line. Most people charge theirs every 1-3 days. How much juice do you go through?

But, to answer the question at a point the voltage drops of and the vapor production of the coil goes down. There is relationship to voltage and throat hit.

Wattage(Volts X Volts(Battery)/Ohms(Coil)), PG/VG ratio and Nicotine level will all have an effect on throat hit.

07-10-2013, 02:32 AM
My set-up


..was doing a little photoshoot for my juice line earlier.

07-10-2013, 03:09 AM
My set-up


..was doing a little photoshoot for my juice line earlier.what the fuck are those? lol. badass

07-10-2013, 07:00 PM
My on the go cheap mech mod.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-10-2013, 07:59 PM

I don't know how you got a month out of it. But, you also mention a few days ago. Not following the time line. Most people charge theirs every 1-3 days. How much juice do you go through?

But, to answer the question at a point the voltage drops of and the vapor production of the coil goes down. There is relationship to voltage and throat hit.

Wattage(Volts X Volts(Battery)/Ohms(Coil)), PG/VG ratio and Nicotine level will all have an effect on throat hit.
nah, it was all a couple of months ago, 2 months or 3 months ago, i guess it didnt died completely cuz i only used it a couple of times when he first gave it to me and it was brand new and fully charged. It even still blinks when i turn it on, it just wont burn at all.
I'll buy the charger in a couple of weeks and hopefully i can get more into it.

07-10-2013, 08:30 PM
My set-up


..was doing a little photoshoot for my juice line earlier.
Website please... I wanna expand my flavor options...

07-11-2013, 04:28 AM
what the fuck are those? lol. badass

They're mechanical vapes. They use no electronics, but with firing pins and contacts. It pretty much gives you more modification choices and you can create tons more vapor with them.

07-25-2013, 01:28 AM
so just picked this (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004602/1391906) up and this (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004437/1363601-v5-electronic-cigarette-round-mouth-detachable-dri) from this website...going on a budget...gonna invest on a quality battery and learn to make my own wick...i want dat smoke...on a budget lol

07-25-2013, 11:12 AM
i have blucig ecigs and they suck... i want more info on the mechanical ones.

07-25-2013, 01:15 PM
They're mechanical vapes. They use no electronics, but with firing pins and contacts. It pretty much gives you more modification choices and you can create tons more vapor with them.
i want one - tell me how :)

anthonyr sil8ty
07-25-2013, 01:56 PM
Self control people

07-25-2013, 02:09 PM
I snagged one of the "Green Smart Living" $20 dollar cheapies from my local liquor store and was good for a week on the Clove flavor, but when I went to the Menthol it tasted too light and I had to go back to normal cigarettes.

One cartridge lasts me about a week (I smoke roughly a pack a day, sometimes less depending on the heat) and it's $15 for a pack of 5 cartridges... Peach flavor is amazing though and will be my "quitting" cartridge as I slowly move from High to Zero nicotine, sadly you can't refill these but screw it.

07-25-2013, 03:17 PM

i do not recommend this company, the tips last like a day each and the batteries lose their charge so fast in like 5 hrs...

07-25-2013, 03:42 PM
Don't really know anything about this but here's my cheap set up. Used to smoke a pack a day maybe more. And with this I stop to a cig a day, hopefully quit one day.

Don't mind me working. ;)

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7284/9368805556_902840cca0.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/9368805556/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/9368805556/) by imoverherre (http://www.flickr.com/people/[email protected]/), on Flickr

07-25-2013, 03:50 PM
Tried my friends G Pen Vape.
Pretty legit. Melon Citrus and Watermelon flavors were the best ive tried so far.

Another friend has a Dabber.
Uses it to smoke Wax(THC). Hits smooth somewhat descreet if you cant distinguish the smell of weed.

07-27-2013, 11:04 PM
so just picked this (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004602/1391906) up and this (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004437/1363601-v5-electronic-cigarette-round-mouth-detachable-dri) from this website...going on a budget...gonna invest on a quality battery and learn to make my own wick...i want dat smoke...on a budget lol

Vaping and posted at the Venetian!

Steve, we pretty much got the same setup up to the right.58382

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-27-2013, 11:22 PM
so just picked this (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004602/1391906) up and this (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004437/1363601-v5-electronic-cigarette-round-mouth-detachable-dri) from this website...going on a budget...gonna invest on a quality battery and learn to make my own wick...i want dat smoke...on a budget lol

You know that's a drip atty?

07-28-2013, 01:39 AM
Vaping and posted at the Venetian!

Steve, we pretty much got the same setup up to the right.58382

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

sick! how do you like it, and what battery are you running?

You know that's a drip atty?

si... i wanna learn how to make the coils and wrap wick :drama:

07-28-2013, 01:41 AM
picked up a micro g pen today... giving it a run right now. :)

07-28-2013, 02:10 AM
sick! how do you like it, and what battery are you running?

si... i wanna learn how to make the coils and wrap wick :drama:

Why not get a RBA with a tank?

07-28-2013, 02:37 AM
I'd suggest anyone with RDA to drill out the holes to a 1/8in it's airy but its worth it. i tried a dual coil at .3ohms burns the liquid too fast best luck i've had was with .5-.7 ohms dual coil.

07-28-2013, 01:40 PM
Why not get a RBA with a tank?

Money first of all...the whole setup is costing me 30 so far... and getting battery for free from a fellow vapor... but I do wanna eventually move try RBA with tank to actually make my own wicks etc I'd suggest anyone with RDA to drill out the holes to a 1/8in it's airy but its worth it. i tried a dual coil at .3ohms burns the liquid too fast best luck i've had was with .5-.7 ohms dual coil.
OOhh I'm planning on it already did it for my bud with my press...so much better...

07-28-2013, 01:42 PM
Money first of all...the whole setup is costing me 30 so far... and getting battery for free from a fellow vapor... but I do wanna eventually move try RBA with tank to actually make my own wicks etc
OOhh I'm planning on it already did it for my bud with my press...so much better...

$7.46 Cobra Electronic Cigarette Round Mouth Atomizer - w/ hex wrench at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10003924/1281801-cobra-electronic-cigarette-round-mouth-atomizer)

I hear it's a good starter RBA

07-28-2013, 03:08 PM
$7.46 Cobra Electronic Cigarette Round Mouth Atomizer - w/ hex wrench at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10003924/1281801-cobra-electronic-cigarette-round-mouth-atomizer)

I hear it's a good starter RBA

oohh well shit then, ill pick it up once i get some coil making experience....thanks sir

07-29-2013, 01:59 PM
They're mechanical vapes. They use no electronics, but with firing pins and contacts. It pretty much gives you more modification choices and you can create tons more vapor with them.

no website for these?

07-29-2013, 10:55 PM
no website for these?

best forum ive found (http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum) friendly peeps and theyll help yah :l101:

07-30-2013, 01:59 AM
best forum ive found (http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum) friendly peeps and theyll help yah :l101:
Bullshit, they are just like here. Make fun of your shitty Chinese made mod. They post 50 pictures of their $500 mod made by some hipster from Chinese plumbing parts from home depot.

07-30-2013, 02:33 AM
Bullshit, they are just like here. Make fun of your shitty Chinese made mod. They post 50 pictures of their $500 mod made by some hipster from Chinese plumbing parts from home depot.

lol...i guess i wont make my altoids mod :Ownedd:

07-30-2013, 03:20 AM
lol...i guess i wont make my altoids mod :Ownedd:

So passe they don't even make the tins anymore...

07-30-2013, 06:30 PM
So passe they don't even make the tins anymore...

actually i have a few...used to use em for silver dollar coins... but i actually been thinking about gutting a flashlight and using that...but im waiting on my k100 still

08-07-2013, 09:12 PM
Website please... I wanna expand my flavor options...

i want one - tell me how :)

no website for these?

Oops, sorry. I haven't checked this thread in forever. My juice line will be available at my upcoming vape shop opening in September, in Carson.

AsleepAltima, just go to any local vape store and ask for mechanical mods. You can always test one out there then buy it online, or just buy it from the shop. Most shops will have a good selection.

08-07-2013, 10:35 PM
Joyetech evic easy head. Simple and effective. I went from a pack and a half a day to nothing. I do plan on buying the evic control head or just another one soon. Got this setup fo free!

08-08-2013, 12:37 AM
AsleepAltima, just go to any local vape store and ask for mechanical mods. You can always test one out there then buy it online, or just buy it from the shop. Most shops will have a good selection.
Well, I showed my local shop - it just opened - your pic and he was really interested in getting some for his shop, since he doesn't have any yet. I told him I would ask you about them and get back to him. lol

08-08-2013, 04:16 AM
Well, I showed my local shop - it just opened - your pic and he was really interested in getting some for his shop, since he doesn't have any yet. I told him I would ask you about them and get back to him. lol

He needs to find a distributor for them or I can perhaps get some for him from my connections if he wants?

08-23-2013, 07:54 PM
I've been smoking for about 18yrs. Longest ive ever quit was in boot camp for 2 months lol. I've tried the little pen e-cigs a couple times but it couldn't ever satisfy me. Then I got into mech mods 5-6 months ago and haven't touched a cigarette since. I smoked a pack and a half, daily. I don't even use nicotine juice now. Here's my mods
Left to right provari mini with a custom dual coil smoktech rsst w/ ss cable wick
K100 w/I-clear 30, newest one smoktech 1939 magneto w/ I-go dual coil at .7 ohm

08-23-2013, 09:04 PM
He needs to find a distributor for them or I can perhaps get some for him from my connections if he wants?
I haven't talked to him about it since I showed him the link. Another friend of mine vends these as well and was talking about me maybe doing the same. I'll get in touch with you soon as I may take you up on it.

08-24-2013, 12:45 AM
I haven't talked to him about it since I showed him the link. Another friend of mine vends these as well and was talking about me maybe doing the same. I'll get in touch with you soon as I may take you up on it.

For sure, let me know.

08-25-2013, 05:10 PM
FastTech - Gadgets and Electronics (http://www.fasttech.com)

^The site that im sure every vape shop buys their supplies from and marks them up.

08-29-2013, 09:28 PM
You can't beat fasttech's low prices, but the shipping sucks ass. They are based out in China, so that has yo do with the horrible shipping.

08-29-2013, 09:39 PM
*that's why

08-30-2013, 01:53 AM
I'm opening my shop hopefully on September 15 for you locals (Carson, CA) who want to come check it out and maybe try out some new e-liquids.

08-30-2013, 04:17 PM
Congrats man! What eliq line up will you be carrying?

08-30-2013, 05:47 PM
Congrats man! What eliq line up will you be carrying?

I am still testing and sampling different companies. I really don't want to carry the major ones, I want to give the smaller and up and coming brands a chance to be introduced into the market. I'll also be carrying our home juice called Fluid E-Juices.

08-30-2013, 06:01 PM
What wick does everyone use for their RBA's?

08-31-2013, 05:38 AM
I use 3mm ekowool along with German flat ribbon. My builds last around 3-4 weeks. Ekowool lasts a long time not to mention that it holds alot of juice.

08-31-2013, 07:08 AM
I use 3mm ekowool along with German flat ribbon. My builds last around 3-4 weeks. Ekowool lasts a long time not to mention that it holds alot of juice.
I have heard some people talk about it but haven't seen it in person.

Mesh is OK. Not completely satisfied. Have to oxidize then juice and roll then juice and burn...

Was looking at ceramic but, most people say it breaks to easy.

08-31-2013, 01:19 PM
You can't beat fasttech's low prices, but the shipping sucks ass. They are based out in China, so that has yo do with the horrible shipping.

Yeah, but I guarantee you this is where every shop buys their supplies at

08-31-2013, 01:20 PM
I have heard some people talk about it but haven't seen it in person.

Mesh is OK. Not completely satisfied. Have to oxidize then juice and roll then juice and burn...

Was looking at ceramic but, most people say it breaks to easy.

I use the peaches and cream cotton yarn from Walmart. Gotta boil it for 10 min before use. After you set it up up have to soak it a ton initially and let it sit at first, but flavor and vapor production is awesome.

09-01-2013, 12:39 AM
What wick does everyone use for their RBA's?

Currently using 3mm silica wick with 30g kanthal. Using an IGO-W RDA. Rocking a dual coil setup at .8ohms. Massive clouds!! But I'm interested in using cotton next time from organic cotton balls

09-01-2013, 12:40 AM
I am still testing and sampling different companies. I really don't want to carry the major ones, I want to give the smaller and up and coming brands a chance to be introduced into the market. I'll also be carrying our home juice called Fluid E-Juices.

E Liq Cube is one of my california favorites!

09-01-2013, 03:36 AM
Currently using 3mm silica wick with 30g kanthal. Using an IGO-W RDA. Rocking a dual coil setup at .8ohms. Massive clouds!! But I'm interested in using cotton next time from organic cotton balls

I'm usually between 0.4 - 0.5 ohms. I use a "rock-on" type of build, sorta looks like |,,| I like my vapor cold, and it hits perfect.

If you guys have Instagram, my accounts are @simounj @altrntv_ and @fluidejuices
Some of my vape stuff is on those

E Liq Cube is one of my california favorites!

I like them too, H20 Melon is one of my faves.

Well, I showed my local shop - it just opened
What shop is it? Is he looking for juices as well?

09-03-2013, 11:41 AM
What shop is it? Is he looking for juices as well?

Everlast Vape in Old Downtown Ontario, here in SoCal. They have a pretty good selection of juices already but they only buy USA made juice and most of what they get is locally made, but from talking to them, I'm sure they're open to more juice selection.

09-06-2013, 08:48 PM
picked up some eliquid, Uncle Jack's Genius: Monica's Eyes 6mg


really strong flavored eliquid. taste a bit like moutain dew baja blast. nice fruity flavor on the berries side

09-07-2013, 04:13 AM
got a job interview with a vape shop friday...wish me luck...

09-07-2013, 03:31 PM
got a job interview with a vape shop friday...wish me luck...

Study your Ohms Law!

09-07-2013, 04:04 PM
I have the basic EGO-T that mostly everyone starts off with. I'm looking to get something a little better. I noticed some people posting up the Magneto and stuff. What do you guys suggest? I am a pack every other day kinda guy. I started vaping and now I only have a cigarette, maybe two a day now - some days none unless I'm drinking.

09-07-2013, 04:34 PM
I have the basic EGO-T that mostly everyone starts off with. I'm looking to get something a little better. I noticed some people posting up the Magneto and stuff. What do you guys suggest? I am a pack every other day kinda guy. I started vaping and now I only have a cigarette, maybe two a day now - some days none unless I'm drinking.

Zmax, vamo or SID for the battery.

Atomizers are a whole nother area. With personal tastes. I have a writeup a few pages back on the T2, T3, Protank. iClear 16 and 30 are also good.

Do you have just the Ego-t Battery or do you have the whole setup with the shitty punch carts? If the punch carts I would look into getting a different cart/atty setup first with the battery you have.

09-07-2013, 04:37 PM
ecigs caused me to develop lumps on the back of my neck. i gave up on em, went back to real cigarettes and the lumps went away. My lungs, stamina, blood pressure and stress level are NOT grateful so i guess i'll have to go fetch my balls and quit cold turkey.

09-07-2013, 06:20 PM
Study your Ohms Law!

doing so actually lol

09-07-2013, 08:46 PM
I have the basic EGO-T that mostly everyone starts off with. I'm looking to get something a little better. I noticed some people posting up the Magneto and stuff. What do you guys suggest? I am a pack every other day kinda guy. I started vaping and now I only have a cigarette, maybe two a day now - some days none unless I'm drinking.

After my ego twist, I went for a mechanical mod. The K101 is definately a good upgrade from an ego. I haven't had any experience with the magneto, but I'm sure its a solid product. When you decide on what mod you want, the kanger protank 2 is a awsome tank to run. Packs a great flavor.

09-07-2013, 09:10 PM
Here's the charger I use.

and battery

and the RSST RBA

And the Mod I use. Telescoping Mechanical Mod.

30G Kanthal A1 wire
Kanthal A1 Wire 30 Gauge 100 ft 0 39oz Resistance Resistor AWG A 1 | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kanthal-A1-wire-30-Gauge-100-FT-0-39oz-Resistance-Resistor-AWG-A-1-/370856066706?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:US:3160)

and the 400x400 SS Mesh
Stainless Steel Mesh #400 12" X 12" (http://www.meshwizard.com/product_p/ssmesh400-12x12.htm)

There goes my whole setup, I started vaping with those cig looking one's in 2007, it crapped out and stopped, started again with eGo/510 batteries and tank setup from Volcano e-cigs in 2011, I just recently upgraded to the Mech. Mod couple of weeks ago. I'm pretty set on vaping supplies for next few years to rebuild the atty with except the juice of course.

09-07-2013, 11:04 PM
Nitecore's are far beyond any other charger in quality and performance. Price is reasonable too compared to others.

This is the new hot shit battery:
$10.51 Samsung INR18650-20R 3.6V 2000mAh Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries (2-Pack) - max discharging current 15A / unprotected at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1/10002357/1443728-samsung-inr18650-20r-3-6v-2000mah-rechargeable-li)
Sony's are nice too...

RBA's and mech's may be a little advanced for the newb that's why I recomended the VV/VW
Found 15 vamo v3 at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/search?vamo%20v3)
You can get kits with Nitecore charger and Sony battery's.

Vivi Nova Killer
$8.28 Innokin iClear 30 Dual Coil Electronic Cigarette Round Mouth Atomizer (3.0ml) - translucent at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10004594/1383901-innokin-iclear-30-dual-coil-electronic-cigarette)

Ce4/Starmate/Ect killer
$3.00 Innokin iClear 16 Dual Coil Electronic Cigarette Round Mouth Atomizer (1.6ml) - translucent / 2.4 (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10004594/1384000-innokin-iclear-16-dual-coil-electronic-cigarette)

09-08-2013, 02:50 AM
picked up some eliquid, Uncle Jack's Genius: Monica's Eyes 6mg


really strong flavored eliquid. taste a bit like moutain dew baja blast. nice fruity flavor on the berries side

Uncle Junks makes quality e-liquids.
got a job interview with a vape shop friday...wish me luck...

Which one? lol

09-08-2013, 05:17 AM
I was looking into vv/vw mods vs. Mech. Mod when I got mine.
I've read way too much and it seemed like everyone just eventually converts over to Genny RBA's and Mech. Mods because they are tired of messing around with the device settings and paying too much for replacement carto/atty. Plus the Mech. Mods came out before the vv/vw's did anyways and there is got to be a good reason why it's still being produced.

I don't think Mech. Mods are that much of advanced IMO..I mean that as in comparison of if you know how to chance shocks on your car, you know how to install coilovers kind of thing. as long as you know how to measure voltage and resistance..there shouldn't be any problems.

if you are going to do something that requires more maintenance in first place, why not care to learn a bit more about it?

The hardest thing I'm coming across with my setup is getting the wick/coil setup right. takes me couple of tries before I don't get any dry-hits.

and on those samsung batteries, I was looking at getting those, but I liked the fact that Sanyo battery I ordered has a built in protection[makes the batt longer by few mm, but I got a telescoping mod for a reason] and i've read way too many good reviews to not get them at the price they are at.

and post all your Fav. e-juices and links if possible, I 'm kind of getting tired of ordering from Mad-Vapes[their juice quality is very inconsistent and it's a hit and miss everytime even on a same flavor/strength reorders except 1 juice from them. Ultamint is my fav so far from them.] BUT their prices on juice is very hard to ignore.

09-08-2013, 06:06 AM
. The hardest thing I'm coming across with my setup is getting the wick/coil setup right. takes me couple of tries before I don't get any dry-hits.

That's always the thing that annoys me the most, when you can't find where the coils are touching. What kind of wraps do you guys do? I do a 4-wrap build I like to call the "rock-on", because it looks like |,,| hence, the name given to it.

09-08-2013, 06:22 AM
I do the 3/2 wrap, so just one less coil than yours. Note that I am using 30G kenthal a-1 wire as well, I'm thinking about going with 28G as well, [it's cheap enough to not care about for 100 ft of them].

I think I have found the reason of dry hits on my setup just a bit ago.
even with the normal "genny tilt vape" i was getting dry hits. I think it has a lot to do with the way the wick is made. Mine is out of SS mesh and is hollow-rolled, but the coils are very evenly spaced out from the bottom post[the negative/-] to top post[positive/+] so that the rate of juice wicking/flow wasn't enough to keep up with the way the coil was evaporating the liquid.

So later today, I'll try to get the coils to sit lower to the base while firing evenly, and if that doesn't work i'll add in one more coil wrap[higher resistance] and see if that does me better. With my 3/2 wrap, I'm getting about 0.6~7 omhs. But I also don't do any burn in/carbon build up process as a lot of the vid's i've been watching on YT...no one does the carbon build/burn in process anymore, but that might be the trick I need to do as well.

09-08-2013, 12:56 PM

09-08-2013, 03:16 PM
and post all your Fav. e-juices and links if possible, I 'm kind of getting tired of ordering from Mad-Vapes[their juice quality is very inconsistent and it's a hit and miss everytime even on a same flavor/strength reorders except 1 juice from them. Ultamint is my fav so far from them.] BUT their prices on juice is very hard to ignore.

Vaporlabsonline.com is a California based business. They have 3 locations in socal. Ecig city also has 5 locations in socal. The reason why I like to check out these stores is because you have access to hundreds of eliquid to sample.

My favorite brands/flavors are:
E Liq cube: melon ball 6mg, pinkstarbust 6mg, lovepotion 6mg
Villan Vapors: pair of duecess 6mg
Uncle Jack's Genius: monicas eyes 6mg

09-09-2013, 05:21 AM
I hope some of you can make it out to my shop!


P.S. That dude's nails on that video above are nasty...

09-09-2013, 02:15 PM
P.S. That dude's nails on that video above are nasty...

09-09-2013, 08:26 PM

Just out of pure boredom, i cleaned my RSST and recoiled it. 30g Kenthal A-1 wire and 400x400 SS Mesh.

I did the 4/3 wrap, came out to about 3.0 omhs unburned, and went down to about 2.6 omh's after burn in. RSST has really large wick hole, so I am able to take the mesh and wrap it around the rod of a Q-Tip while I am wrapping the coil around the stainless mesh wick. This helps a lot in many ways, it keeps the mesh straight and makes this 10x easier while wrapping the coil, and also allows the wick to have a hollow center with about 2.5 wraps of mesh.

I can chain vape without doing the normal genny tilt, and the wick is able to keep up with the burning from the coil.

Just sharing my experience from today.

09-09-2013, 10:17 PM
Nice build with the rsst. I'm about to run a 30g twin coil on it

09-09-2013, 10:50 PM
I recoiled/rewicked my rda today. took an octopus wick split it into 4's, removed the existing coil and recoiled with 28 Kanthal @ 1.5 ohms.


09-10-2013, 12:51 AM

Build on my rsst with 3mm folded silica, wraped with a dual 30g coil at 4 wraps. Wasn't successful because the coil will dry out despite "the genesis tilt". Even tho its a folded wick, there was still a little bit of room inside the wick hole.

I aborted that setup and put ss mesh back on. Twin wrap, 3x with the same 30g

09-10-2013, 03:12 AM
My builds are usually around 0.35-0.42ohms on my Nimbus.

09-10-2013, 10:36 AM
Mine is making clouds of smoke now and doesn't dry out fast. Battery life is amazing too. I would go lower on the resistance, but then battery life would suffer. I think I like how it is now.

09-10-2013, 05:33 PM
AsleepAltima, are you using a nimbus?

09-10-2013, 05:43 PM
I'm on same battery for 2+days now...i'll eventually die soon, but i think that's superb battery life.

09-10-2013, 05:57 PM
Mine is making clouds of smoke now and doesn't dry out fast. Battery life is amazing too. I would go lower on the resistance, but then battery life would suffer. I think I like how it is now.
If you are on a full mech mod then it depends on the battery. Some last longer when they get "hot"

09-11-2013, 03:05 AM
AsleepAltima, are you using a nimbus?

No, I have a phoenix v5 rda. Actually, I think this is the v7.

09-11-2013, 03:05 AM
If you are on a full mech mod then it depends on the battery. Some last longer when they get "hot"
This one's going on 3 days now. Still amazing me with the amount of vapor this thing makes. Loving it! :)

09-11-2013, 04:54 AM
dripper atty is...a dripper atty :p

09-11-2013, 11:15 AM
And I'll probably never go back to a tank. lol

09-11-2013, 06:39 PM
And I'll probably never go back to a tank. lol
Tanks are nice for travel.

09-11-2013, 09:49 PM
Tanks are nice for travel.

Won't argue with that. Dangerous to try and drip fresh juice and drive. Lol

09-12-2013, 12:59 AM
Drippin' and driving.....you're gonna have a bad time.

But damn, that flavor and clouds are kinda worth it! Haha

09-14-2013, 03:39 PM
I love dripping, but tanks are so much more convenient. Some tank builds can produce as much vapor as some dripper builds. I had an AGA-T tank build that rivaled some of my Nimbus' builds. I now have a Kayfun Lite and I absolutely love it.

09-15-2013, 09:03 PM
I don't know of any RBA tank I can comfortably carry in my pocket and not worry about weeping or leaking.

09-17-2013, 02:15 AM
Really interested in the kayfun ALTRNTV. Any words on it?

09-17-2013, 05:36 PM
Really interested in the kayfun ALTRNTV. Any words on it?

For Sale: Group Buy: Kayfun Lite Clone ( not russian 91%) (http://www.calivapers.com/showthread.php?5786-Group-Buy-Kayfun-Lite-Clone-(-not-russian-91-))

There's a gb goin on until the end of the month for a Kayfun lite clone.

09-18-2013, 11:25 AM
I don't know of any RBA tank I can comfortably carry in my pocket and not worry about weeping or leaking.

same...this is why ive decided to ust drip at hoe or when me and friends are just hanging out...otherwise im still on my ctwist...

09-18-2013, 08:13 PM
Can anyone point me in the direction to get a mechanical mod?

09-18-2013, 08:16 PM
Can anyone point me in the direction to get a mechanical mod?
Some were linking earlier in the thread.

Just a battery or an all-in-one Hybrid?

09-18-2013, 11:20 PM
Some were linking earlier in the thread.

Just a battery or an all-in-one Hybrid?

What do you recommend?

09-18-2013, 11:38 PM
What do you recommend?

For just a battery, Kamry's are good starters
$19.45 TELESCOPE Mechanical Mod / E-Cigarette Battery Compartment - silver / stainless steel / Telescoping at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/p/1408900)

For a hybrid:
Found 13 I-hybrid at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/search?I-hybrid)

09-19-2013, 05:59 AM
i want a high end crazy rba or whatever

but i dont want to build anything i just want it sent here in a box open, add fluid and use.

what is a good one going that way?

09-19-2013, 07:28 PM
i want a high end crazy rba or whatever

but i dont want to build anything i just want it sent here in a box open, add fluid and use.

what is a good one going that way?

You do know RBA is a rebuild-able atomizer?

09-19-2013, 08:28 PM

I bought a pimp ass 24kt gold and stainless rda a couple days ago. Waiting for it in the mail.

09-21-2013, 06:27 PM

Another order from FastTech came in.
I ordered the IGO-W along with 3x30ml juices of menthol/peach and the needle tip bottles.

^The bottles, super useful, I planned on using 3~4 of them, so ordering 10 was cheaper than ordering 4. just made sense and going to give the rest out to my local friends.

The IGO-W.

So...the coils that came with the IGO-W just plain sucked, so I took them out and built my own coils, the normal 4/3 wrap with my 30G Kenthal A-1 wire. The airhole on the top-cap is only 1/32th" wide, so I immediately drilled it out to 1/16th" hole. much better draw. I don't plan on doing the dual coil, but liked how the IGO-W looked compared to IGO-L so I got the W instead. the construction seems superb for the price of this time, full stainless build, atleast the base and the top cap. The drip-tip looks awesome, but I don't like using the metal one's so I just use my acrylic tip on it. everything fits nice and tight, no wiggle anywhere.

Only thing I need to go buy now is some cotton string so I can build more coils later on down the road.

So far so good, I'd recommend it. and btw, my coil in the picture came out to 2.3 Omhs.

09-21-2013, 08:13 PM
Hangsen? Dekang?

09-21-2013, 11:59 PM
Hangsen? Dekang?
Hangsen Juicy Peach and Mint, Liqua Menthol.


I like them all so far. the Juicy Peach taste like those peach rings. Noms

09-22-2013, 09:52 PM
Orangezilla by Fuzion is delicious. I highly recommend it in a drippy setup.

09-22-2013, 10:22 PM
So i finally bought a charger. gotta say, it's pretty adictive. Maybe its the fact that u can smoke it anywhere? Or the fact that your hangover is not as bad and u dont wake up with a taste like shit (yeha i dont brush my theeth when i go to sleep drunk), or maybe the nicotine they put in the liquids is much stronger? But either way, its pretty good, i asked for the equivalant of malboro light and i kinda mixed it with the menthol that was already in it, it tastes pretty good n for some reason its kinda sweet, is that normal?

09-23-2013, 12:42 AM
So i finally bought a charger. gotta say, it's pretty adictive. Maybe its the fact that u can smoke it anywhere? Or the fact that your hangover is not as bad and u dont wake up with a taste like shit (yeha i dont brush my theeth when i go to sleep drunk), or maybe the nicotine they put in the liquids is much stronger? But either way, its pretty good, i asked for the equivalant of malboro light and i kinda mixed it with the menthol that was already in it, it tastes pretty good n for some reason its kinda sweet, is that normal?

slight hint of sweet is perfectly normal. after all, two major ingredient in the e-Juice is PG and VG[glycerin]

09-23-2013, 11:12 PM
So...I actually really like the IGO-W/Dripper atty...

Haven't touched my RSST since I got the IGO-W

09-24-2013, 12:08 AM
So...I actually really like the IGO-W/Dripper atty...

Haven't touched my RSST since I got the IGO-W

The IGO-W is a budget Nimbus... works just as fine and is affordable.

no slide
09-24-2013, 04:56 PM
im picking up my bagua 22 and kayfun lite today. i am currently on an itazte vv and kanger pt2. wanted more flavor. i hope this isnt gonna be too much of a pita compared to the "plug and play" of what i have now

09-25-2013, 01:16 AM
I have a kanger pro - it works well but it pales in comparison to a dripper.

09-25-2013, 02:23 AM
im picking up my bagua 22 and kayfun lite today. i am currently on an itazte vv and kanger pt2. wanted more flavor. i hope this isnt gonna be too much of a pita compared to the "plug and play" of what i have now

You're going to love the Kayfun Lite. It takes a little getting used to in terms of building/cleaning it, but it's so smooth when you vape on it, full flavor too.

I have a kanger pro - it works well but it pales in comparison to a dripper.

I have a Kanger Pro Tank 2 on my iTazte and I love it. It's not the "best" tank, but for it's price, it's awesome.

09-25-2013, 03:00 AM
So I was just reading through this thread, and after looking at everyone's setups, I think I have come to the conclusion to buy this. Maybe grab a different carto-tank or something later on once I dial in what I like the most.


I have tried the e-cig pens from the gas station and was not impressed, but a good buddy of mine said to check out fasttech and what do ya know. That's what everyone on here seems to be using to get their bits and pieces. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm a beginner and am curious if this would be an alright place to start? I'm know for biting off more that I can chew. Lol Any help would be appreciated.

09-25-2013, 03:13 AM
So I was just reading through this thread, and after looking at everyone's setups, I think I have come to the conclusion to buy this. Maybe grab a different carto-tank or something later on once I dial in what I like the most.

$60.08 INNOKIN iTaste SVD Telescoping Variable Voltage Electronic Cigarette Set - w/ 2 x iClear30 atomizers and heating cores at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10004594/1376500-innokin-itaste-svd-telescoping-variable-voltage)

I have tried the e-cig pens from the gas station and was not impressed, but a good buddy of mine said to check out fasttech and what do ya know. That's what everyone on here seems to be using to get their bits and pieces. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm a beginner and am curious if this would be an alright place to start? I'm know for biting off more that I can chew. Lol Any help would be appreciated.

iTastes' are great devices. They are variable voltage which means you can change the voltage of the hit, whether you want a hotter or cooler vape, which in turn changes the vapor and flavor you want.

09-25-2013, 03:55 AM
iTastes' are great devices. They are variable voltage which means you can change the voltage of the hit, whether you want a hotter or cooler vape, which in turn changes the vapor and flavor you want.

Oh solid. Positive feedback. Haha I'm going go ahead and grab this one then I suppose. But in regards to the whole "beginner" status, I shouldn't have any issues? Also, does more vapor sacrifice the amount of flavor or is there a sweet spot where you can get the best of both worlds? I'm assuming that it also depends on what kind of atomizer/wick/coil ect. Correct?

09-25-2013, 04:54 AM
Here's the charger I use.

and battery

and the RSST RBA

And the Mod I use. Telescoping Mechanical Mod.

30G Kanthal A1 wire
Kanthal A1 Wire 30 Gauge 100 ft 0 39oz Resistance Resistor AWG A 1 | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kanthal-A1-wire-30-Gauge-100-FT-0-39oz-Resistance-Resistor-AWG-A-1-/370856066706?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:US:3160)

and the 400x400 SS Mesh
Stainless Steel Mesh #400 12" X 12" (http://www.meshwizard.com/product_p/ssmesh400-12x12.htm)

^The bottles, super useful, I planned on using 3~4 of them, so ordering 10 was cheaper than ordering 4. just made sense and going to give the rest out to my local friends.

The IGO-W.

There goes my whole setup

I like my setup, I may get the Chi-Yu rep since I know I won't use any battery aside from 18650.

I personally don't feel like messing with any voltage/wattage...So I jumped into Mech. Mod. Not turning back now.

09-25-2013, 01:34 PM
Oh solid. Positive feedback. Haha I'm going go ahead and grab this one then I suppose. But in regards to the whole "beginner" status, I shouldn't have any issues? Also, does more vapor sacrifice the amount of flavor or is there a sweet spot where you can get the best of both worlds? I'm assuming that it also depends on what kind of atomizer/wick/coil ect. Correct?

The voltage makes a big difference. Some juices like more, some like less. With the dripper setups, in my experience, the flavor is way more powerful and the clouds are huge.

no slide
09-26-2013, 09:09 PM
got my ba gua and my kayfun last night and MAN! the diff in flavor is really noticeable! im running the kayfun at .9 ohm and i dont get huge ass clouds but definitely more vapor and flavor than my protank and itazte. why did i wait so long to do this?!? lol

09-26-2013, 11:07 PM
got my ba gua and my kayfun last night and MAN! the diff in flavor is really noticeable! im running the kayfun at .9 ohm and i dont get huge ass clouds but definitely more vapor and flavor than my protank and itazte. why did i wait so long to do this?!? lol

I told you... the Kayfun is the shit. Try a dripper next time!

no slide
09-27-2013, 09:59 AM
I told you... the Kayfun is the shit. Try a dripper next time!

im thinking of picking up a dripper to try it. i got my nephew a bagua also and he went and got a dripper for like $30. and he blows crazy clouds. he sends me vids lol. ive never looked into a dripper because i didnt like the idea of it, is there any you would recommend?

09-28-2013, 01:04 PM
im thinking of picking up a dripper to try it. i got my nephew a bagua also and he went and got a dripper for like $30. and he blows crazy clouds. he sends me vids lol. ive never looked into a dripper because i didnt like the idea of it, is there any you would recommend?

The IGO-L and IGO-W are both budget drippers that perform well. I'd get the IGO-W as it is a triple post atomizer. I currently have a Nimbus atomizer and would really get nothing else, but that's just me.

no slide
09-28-2013, 02:22 PM
ill look into those. i have a couple friends that run nimbus rbas. they love em. maybe ill try that

09-28-2013, 05:16 PM
definitely becoming more addicted to this thing than i was ever to cigarettes. Could easily just forget about cigarettes for good, but still good to smoke one every once in a while.
Probably gonna try different flavors

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j341/andres14oj/2448d86b-9c32-4dc1-be32-65dabe60c7ed_zpsf8024dd9.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/andres14oj/media/2448d86b-9c32-4dc1-be32-65dabe60c7ed_zpsf8024dd9.jpg.html)

10-01-2013, 09:04 PM
Anybody running an e-Vic easy head? Mines been working perfect until today I went to hit it and it just blinked 3 times and shut down, battery fully charged...

no slide
10-03-2013, 11:48 AM
Anybody running an e-Vic easy head? Mines been working perfect until today I went to hit it and it just blinked 3 times and shut down, battery fully charged...
could be a short. the evic along with other vv/vw mods have built in fail safes to keep them from frying. check your connection and check the atty and make sure its not shorting.

10-03-2013, 06:22 PM
could be a short. the evic along with other vv/vw mods have built in fail safes to keep them from frying. check your connection and check the atty and make sure its not shorting.

Turned out I got a bad coil for my kanger t3s tank... Another question and it may be noob ish but can I run an RBA with my set up? Or a tank RBA?

10-03-2013, 07:24 PM
Turned out I got a bad coil for my kanger t3s tank... Another question and it may be noob ish but can I run an RBA with my set up? Or a tank RBA?
Yes, but it's not going to deal with sub-ohm well.

10-03-2013, 09:03 PM
Yes, but it's not going to deal with sub-ohm well.

Ya prolly not I didn't realize RBA's can be that low of resistance... Ill prolly just get a mechanical mod and an RBA to fiddle around with then...

no slide
10-04-2013, 03:24 PM
Ya prolly not I didn't realize RBA's can be that low of resistance... Ill prolly just get a mechanical mod and an RBA to fiddle around with then...

The beauty of rbas is you can build them your choice resistance. I would suggest starting out with a cheaper/clone mech and a dripper. You can probably get a setup for about 100$ to learn on. But it you dial it in just right, you won't even look back to your old setup

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10-04-2013, 05:18 PM
The beauty of rbas is you can build them your choice resistance. I would suggest starting out with a cheaper/clone mech and a dripper. You can probably get a setup for about 100$ to learn on. But it you dial it in just right, you won't even look back to your old setup

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The only thing I have against a dripper setup is I'm on the move constantly. Between school and work I don't have time to be dickin around with it. And I work with my hands all day. I want the ease of a tank setup with the vapor production of an RBA.

no slide
10-04-2013, 05:20 PM
The only thing I have against a dripper setup is I'm on the move constantly. Between school and work I don't have time to be dickin around with it. And I work with my hands all day. I want the ease of a tank setup with the vapor production of an RBA.

I suggested the dripper as a starter to get you used to rebuilding. I'm running a kayfun lite which is rebuild able with a tank and I love it! Rebuild, fill her up and I'm good for the day

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10-04-2013, 06:01 PM
The only thing I have against a dripper setup is I'm on the move constantly. Between school and work I don't have time to be dickin around with it. And I work with my hands all day. I want the ease of a tank setup with the vapor production of an RBA.
Most RBA tanks will leak like the dickens if tilted. Why you see people walking around with drippers and not tanks.

no slide
10-04-2013, 06:04 PM
Most RBA tanks will leak like the dickens if tilted. Why you see people walking around with drippers and not tanks.

I don't have that prob with my kayfun lite. A lot of the time while I'm at my desk I will lay it on its side because I don't feel like locking the trigger and standing it up and no leakage what so ever

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10-04-2013, 06:21 PM
I don't have that prob with my kayfun lite. A lot of the time while I'm at my desk I will lay it on its side because I don't feel like locking the trigger and standing it up and no leakage what so ever

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Why I said most. Like Genesis style tanks not Odysseus style.

no slide
10-04-2013, 06:24 PM
Why I said most. Like Genesis style tanks not Odysseus style.


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10-04-2013, 07:22 PM
you can find the sigeli(recommend the caravela clone, its a solid device) clones for 20 bucks +/- and get yourself an Igo-l clone, they have 2 post, drill a hole for dual setup, and vape on, you will blow clouds all day no issues, also if you start going subohn, dont forget to get a 30a battery, panasonic sells em for cheap, vaporjoes dot com has the best deals around, hope this helps!

The beauty of rbas is you can build them your choice resistance. I would suggest starting out with a cheaper/clone mech and a dripper. You can probably get a setup for about 100$ to learn on. But it you dial it in just right, you won't even look back to your old setup

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

10-04-2013, 10:47 PM
Thanks for the input gentlemen 👍

10-15-2013, 01:28 AM
Picked up a nimbus clone (even has nimbus scribe on it) and I'm hating it...the threads are shit my first clone rda i got is better but hate the hex sscrews on it since they already pretty stripped...

oon a lighter note, i had my call back iinterview for the vape shop applied to...went pretty well :)

AAnd fast tech now has nemisis clone... might just get it...

10-15-2013, 02:33 AM
AAnd fast tech now has nemisis clone... might just get it...

They have had the Nemisis clone up for few month now...and I just actually ordered mine about 8 hours ago alone with some basic driptips. I was thinking of ordering one of the nimbus clone thingys..but my IGO-W/clone is working like a champ and I don't ever see it ever breaking on me even from a abusive useage.

oh..I actually prefer plastic/acrylic/delrin drip-tips over the metal one's. I don't like nipping at hot things:rimshot:

I keep getting the drip-tips that are super stupid loose which I absolutely hate, so I keep getting different one's to see the one that fits well. the one I've been using for a while that I recently broke trying to drill out the hole bigger(this is a bit of a challenge then I thought..I had to "reverse" drill the thing. like...the bit spinning counter clock to bore out the acrylic because I was having hard time holding the damn thing..and i shattered the damn thing using pliers to hold it. :facepalm:)

I hope my order comes in soon...eeeermarggedeeeeeedddddd...

10-15-2013, 11:51 AM
They have had the Nemisis clone up for few month now...and I just actually ordered mine about 8 hours ago alone with some basic driptips. I was thinking of ordering one of the nimbus clone thingys..but my IGO-W/clone is working like a champ and I don't ever see it ever breaking on me even from a abusive useage.

llmk how the clone nemisis works out for you, debating between it and the king clone...simply because the king wont roll everywhere...lol

10-15-2013, 02:24 PM
I recently got the Patriot RDA in stock at my shop and it has replaced my Nimbus as my daily dripper.

llmk how the clone nemisis works out for you, debating between it and the king clone...simply because the king wont roll everywhere...lol

The Nemesis clones (the one made from H-Cigar) are the better quality clone, in comparison to the Fasttech ones. The King mod clones look like shit. I personally own a Nemesis and Chi You clone (both H-Cigar) and perform better than the originals.

10-15-2013, 06:46 PM
I hope my order comes in soon...eeeermarggedeeeeeedddddd...
Well, now that the holiday is over it should only take a month.

I recently got the Patriot RDA in stock at my shop and it has replaced my Nimbus as my daily dripper.

The Nemesis clones (the one made from H-Cigar) are the better quality clone, in comparison to the Fasttech ones. The King mod clones look like shit. I personally own a Nemesis and Chi You clone (both H-Cigar) and perform better than the originals.
There are so many 22mm RBA's out there. I have been thinking about the helios or trident. Steam turbine looks nice but expensive.

They are getting better.
$29.08 Nemesis Mod / E-Cigarette Battery Compartment - stainless steel / with telescopic pin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005773/1448300-nemesis-mod-e-cigarette-battery-compartment)

10-16-2013, 05:15 PM
There are so many 22mm RBA's out there. I have been thinking about the helios or trident. Steam turbine looks nice but expensive.

They are getting better.
$29.08 Nemesis Mod / E-Cigarette Battery Compartment - stainless steel / with telescopic pin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005773/1448300-nemesis-mod-e-cigarette-battery-compartment)

I ordered a couple Helios from Fasttech.. will return with a review once I get it.

Try to look for clones from H-Cigar, trust me, they are better than the Fasttech ones.

Everyone, buy this: https://c2cvaping.3dcartstores.com/Russian-91-clone-by-EHPro-PreOrder_p_272.html


10-17-2013, 06:47 AM
Here's my current set-up:


GMS x Patriot x Fluid E-Juices LA Cheesecake e-juice

10-17-2013, 02:50 PM
I think I'm going to start an eJuice line. Gone make it high end using Ambergris.

10-18-2013, 01:28 AM
My hunt for that perfect plastic drip-tip continued and I remembered I had couple of Stardust Clearomizers laying around from left-over stock pile I had. What I did particularly remembered about it was that I liked the driptip/mouth piece a lot on it but didn't care much for the clearomizer itself.

Well...got to tinkering and came up with this in about 10 mins or so.


I am now officially calling it off on my driptip search! This thing fits tight and snug. I don't really ever take my drip-tip off on my IGO-W, I'd much rather take the whole top-cap/cover off to drip juice into it.

Hopefully I helped someone...if not it'll just be me shairing my new excitement. LOL

BTW, got updated on my Nemesis Clone, the ship date is pushed out till the 29th of this month.


10-23-2013, 02:32 AM
Finally got my shipment in from Slowtech. The Helios clone is actually pretty good, just change out the allen key screws to ones from the IGO-L/W or buy M2x0.4 4mm screws.

10-23-2013, 02:59 AM
Finally got my shipment in from Slowtech.
It's the postal union being bureaucrats lol...
The Helios clone is actually pretty good,

What's with all these Cali shops being blacklisted?

10-23-2013, 03:09 AM
It actually works pretty good. The top cap doesn't just come off like the real one, it screws off, but it's fine. Also, you need to drill holes for the other side of the cap, to have 2 air holes, but other than that, it works great.

What's with all these Cali shops being blacklisted?
What do you mean?

10-23-2013, 03:10 AM
What's with all these Cali shops being blacklisted?

what do you mean?

I actually never cared to go to a vape shop in person ever..perhaps because I'll just sit there and know the price difference and how much I'm getting ripped off if I were to buy something from them.

10-23-2013, 03:43 AM
I think it's all the flippers. Just read some manufactures won't ship to cali.

Billet Box Vapor Inc. (http://www.billetboxvapor.com/)

10-23-2013, 04:37 AM
what do you mean?

I actually never cared to go to a vape shop in person ever..perhaps because I'll just sit there and know the price difference and how much I'm getting ripped off if I were to buy something from them.
Well, for beginners who want to stop smoking instead of vaping just for the "fad", then a real shop can teach and educate them instead of them buying something online and not knowing how to use it.

Also, everything is cheaper on the internet, it's common fact, but you don't get to try out juices or new devices other than at a shop.

10-23-2013, 11:55 PM

Just picked up this beauty from viper-vape.com, based out in Carlsbad, CA. As you all know, its an Ithaka clone. I tried making my own daul coil with non-resistant and resistant wire. But it was a total pain in the ass twisting wires together. But I ordered ready wire from discountvape.com so I should be getting it by friday.

On the ithaka clone, the quality is great! Almost comparable to the Russian kayfun clone. Threads are smooth. And for $49, you can't argue the price

10-24-2013, 12:04 AM

Posted at home, vaping on my K101 with Kanger Protank 2 (dual wick setup) smoking Villan Vapes Pair of Duces 6mg mixed with mint

Sorry for the dirty, fingerprint mod! Needs a polish

10-24-2013, 12:24 AM
I tried making my own daul coil with non-resistant and resistant wire. But it was a total pain in the ass twisting wires together. But I ordered ready wire from discountvape.com so I should be getting it by friday.
Don't twist the wires together. Melt them.
Or be lazy like me and buy pre-mades.
$1.86 Replacement Wicks and Wires for Rebuildable atomizer (3-Pack) 3-pack at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10004596/1353407-replacement-wicks-and-wires-for-rebuildable)
Easy to swap wicks on these.

10-24-2013, 07:56 PM
Anyone running the samsung INR18650-20R's with their mechs in sub-ohm? I'm currently running .4 ohms but all the info online gives mix reviews about these batteries.

$10.51 Samsung INR18650-20R 3.6V 2000mAh Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries (2-Pack) - max discharging current 15A / unprotected at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10002357/1443728-samsung-inr18650-20r-3-6v-2000mah-rechargeable-li)

10-24-2013, 08:15 PM
Anyone running the samsung INR18650-20R's with their mechs in sub-ohm? I'm currently running .4 ohms but all the info online gives mix reviews about these batteries.

$10.51 Samsung INR18650-20R 3.6V 2000mAh Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries (2-Pack) - max discharging current 15A / unprotected at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10002357/1443728-samsung-inr18650-20r-3-6v-2000mah-rechargeable-li)

Samsung INR18650-20R Battery thoughts : electronic_cigarette (http://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_cigarette/comments/1juqqj/samsung_inr1865020r_battery_thoughts/)

10-24-2013, 08:45 PM
Don't twist the wires together. Melt them.
Or be lazy like me and buy pre-mades.
$1.86 Replacement Wicks and Wires for Rebuildable atomizer (3-Pack) 3-pack at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10004596/1353407-replacement-wicks-and-wires-for-rebuildable)
Easy to swap wicks on these.

Got my ready wires today. Sooooooooo much easier! But the stock air holes are too small for my liking. Ill be drilling it out soon

10-25-2013, 01:47 AM
Anyone running the samsung INR18650-20R's with their mechs in sub-ohm? I'm currently running .4 ohms but all the info online gives mix reviews about these batteries.

$10.51 Samsung INR18650-20R 3.6V 2000mAh Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries (2-Pack) - max discharging current 15A / unprotected at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10002357/1443728-samsung-inr18650-20r-3-6v-2000mah-rechargeable-li)

I use the exact same ones and I love them. One battery lasts me the whole day on a 0.4ohm dual wrap build.

10-25-2013, 01:56 AM
ekowool wick guys...im in love with this stuff right meow...

10-25-2013, 02:55 AM
ekowool wick guys...im in love with this stuff right meow...
Ekowool was last month. It's all about the Organic Cotton now... :keke:

10-25-2013, 03:44 PM
Ekowool was last month. It's all about the Organic Cotton now... :keke:

i can never be hip enough for you :rant2:

lol yeah ive been thinking about going that route...but gotta find some organic first...

10-25-2013, 04:46 PM
I like ekowool with ss mesh on my rsst. But on my igo-w, organic cotton is the way to go! You can find it at CVS like stores in the make up department

10-25-2013, 06:48 PM
i can never be hip enough for you :rant2:

lol yeah ive been thinking about going that route...but gotta find some organic first...
Walgreens has organic cotton balls. Michaels, Hobby Lobby and walmart usually carry Peaches and Cream Organic Yarn.

10-25-2013, 07:26 PM
Walgreens has organic cotton balls. Michaels, Hobby Lobby and walmart usually carry Peaches and Cream Organic.

guessing it needs to be treated somehow or is it ready to go?

10-25-2013, 07:41 PM
guessing it needs to be treated somehow or is it ready to go?

If it's true organic nothing. Some people Boil it to be safe. They claim residue from handling and packaging.

10-26-2013, 05:50 AM
What are you guys using to polish your mods?

10-26-2013, 06:17 AM
I use cotton on my Kayfun and 3mm ekowool on my drippers. Cotton gives you the best flavor though.

For polishing, I use Never Dull or Mother's Mag/Aluminum Polish. I don't polish my mods anymore because it's a waste of time lol. They're just going to tarnish anyways.

10-27-2013, 06:34 PM
When searching for the vortex (accident) in NC. This comes up lol

Vortex Acrylic APV (http://www.madvapes.com/vortex-acrylic-apv.html)

10-28-2013, 09:52 PM
Finally got my shipment in from Slowtech. The Helios clone is actually pretty good, just change out the allen key screws to ones from the IGO-L/W or buy M2x0.4 4mm screws.

wwhere the hell can i find nemisis clone from h cigar?

What's with all these Cali shops being blacklisted?

Selling knock off as the real deal for real deal pricing...ran into two shops selling nimbus clones and where shit compared to the real deal...center post rotates when u try to tighten...putter post are crooked...and shallow threading ...pops off the mod

10-28-2013, 10:08 PM
wwhere the hell can i find nemisis clone from h cigar?


I ordered mine on the 14th of this month..got shipped on 21st, got "accepted" on the 24th...

10-28-2013, 10:31 PM

I ordered mine on the 14th of this month..got shipped on 21st, got "accepted" on the 24th...

ohh ive seen that one but i heard h cigar has a better quality clone...

10-28-2013, 11:36 PM
I have one more Nemesis clone (H-Cigar) at the shop... $65 lol.

10-28-2013, 11:39 PM
Got a dripper. A lot different to build compared to my RSST.

10-28-2013, 11:42 PM
Got a dripper. A lot different to build compared to my RSST.

What kind? The builds are still sort of the same in a way. What wick and wire do you use? I suggest you try cotton.

10-28-2013, 11:53 PM
I have one more Nemesis clone (H-Cigar) at the shop... $65 lol.

Damn...guess I'll get a fast tech...to rich for my blood...lol

10-29-2013, 02:14 AM
What kind? The builds are still sort of the same in a way. What wick and wire do you use? I suggest you try cotton.

I used nichrome wound on a machine screw. Just a lot more work then a vertical wick you can build on the device.


10-30-2013, 12:05 AM
debating on this one $15.99 ATTY Clear Tank Rebuildable Atomizer Set (2.5mL) - 1*airhole / 1.0? at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1413901)
and this one $15.23 Hornet Rebuildable Atomizer Kit (3.5mL) at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1489900)

specially the second with organic cotton... :hide:

10-30-2013, 02:32 AM
debating on this one $15.99 ATTY Clear Tank Rebuildable Atomizer Set (2.5mL) - 1*airhole / 1.0? at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1413901)
May as well get the whole Hybrid
$38.75 I-Hybrid V3 Mod Rechargeable E-Cigarette Set - blue at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005212/1446202-i-hybrid-v3-mod-rechargeable-e-cigarette-set)

Only complaint I have heard from someone that had one is they didn't like how big the center post and screw was. A Little harder to wrap. However it makes the wire run shorter to the post.

But, If you just want a 510. Get the RSST. http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005349/1428620-authentic-smoktech-rsst-rebuildable-atomizer-2-5

and this one $15.23 Hornet Rebuildable Atomizer Kit (3.5mL) at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1489900)

specially the second with organic cotton... :hide:
Oh the questions and dirty looks you will get when the ignorant see the engraving...

10-30-2013, 11:50 AM
May as well get the whole Hybrid
$38.75 I-Hybrid V3 Mod Rechargeable E-Cigarette Set - blue at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005212/1446202-i-hybrid-v3-mod-rechargeable-e-cigarette-set)

Only complaint I have heard from someone that had one is they didn't like how big the center post and screw was. A Little harder to wrap. However it makes the wire run shorter to the post.

But, If you just want a 510. Get the RSST. $24.96 Authentic Smoktech RSST Rebuildable Atomizer (2.5-3.0mL) - RBA / genesis style tank at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10005349/1428620-authentic-smoktech-rsst-rebuildable-atomizer-2-5)

Oh the questions and dirty looks you will get when the ignorant see the engraving...
I was thinking of getting the complete assembly but mesh I'm already getting a nemesis clone...lol.

And yes the ignorant will make me laugh...I can hear it now

10-30-2013, 02:01 PM
debating on this one $15.99 ATTY Clear Tank Rebuildable Atomizer Set (2.5mL) - 1*airhole / 1.0? at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1413901)
and this one $15.23 Hornet Rebuildable Atomizer Kit (3.5mL) at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (http://www.fasttech.com/products/1489900)

specially the second with organic cotton... :hide:

The atty tank is Heavy for
My liking. I gave it away after a weeks use and went back to my rsst. The center post turns and the center post screw is indeed large.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-30-2013, 11:29 PM
Never order anything from slowtech that you really need ASAP. Or else you will kill yourself in anticipation haha.

10-31-2013, 12:42 AM
Never order anything from slowtech that you really need ASAP. Or else you will kill yourself in anticipation haha.
Doesn't take long to hop the pond. Then USPS gets a hold of it...

10-31-2013, 02:27 AM
Good thing I don't...

11-01-2013, 03:43 AM
Anyone mess with nano-dragoncoils yet? If you have Instagram, check my shop's account @altrntv_

I posted a video of one, I love it! 0.69ohms on a dual coil, .28ga kanthal with cotton, blowin' clouds. The best part of this build is the flavor!

11-01-2013, 05:13 AM
Anyone mess with nano-dragoncoils yet? If you have Instagram, check my shop's account @altrntv_

I posted a video of one, I love it! 0.69ohms on a dual coil, .28ga kanthal with cotton, blowin' clouds. The best part of this build is the flavor!

would you be able to get your hands on cyclops caps for the cyclone?

just followed you...

11-01-2013, 05:38 AM
I got a Chimbus[Nimbus clone] coming in from FT, and i see that UD IGO-W^4 is out...looks interesting. it's exact same base as the IGO-W, except the top-cap's got a "head" bulge on it...

IGO-W4 - Triangle Vape LLC (http://trianglevape.com/igo-w4/)

It's cheap enough to buy the real IGO-drippers, so I may switch over to them later down the road.

11-01-2013, 05:52 AM
would you be able to get your hands on cyclops caps for the cyclone?

just followed you...

Not currently, we're still gathering other inventory for the shop.