View Full Version : Installed 15/16 BMC but not pumping..

10-22-2012, 01:57 PM
hey guys i recently swapped out my ABS and BMC from my S14 for a 15/16 non-abs BMC, and ran all new hardlines to my front 2 calipers and the rear line union.

i bled the screw on the BMC to bleed it and then went about bleeding the system starting driver rear and so forth...but ive ran into an issue..

i couldnt get any pressue at the front pass side so i pulled the line after much frustration and checked it at the BMC itself and could get no fluid to pump..

just checking but seems like i need to rebuild the BMC it would seem? could it be clogged though possibly?

im going to pull it again tonight after work and disassemble it..i dont think a rebuild kit is too much at the store, or ill just order another BMC from someone on here...

thanks for the input guys

10-24-2012, 08:58 AM
almost 75 views and not one suggestion or idea?

10-24-2012, 09:18 AM
So you removed abs altogether? Did you run the lines according to the non-abs S14's? Was you BMC brand new? Did you bench bleed it before installing it? You may have to pull it off an do the previously asked procedure.

Big Zee
10-24-2012, 09:24 AM
I'm curious also, did you totally remove the ABS ?

with the S13's you have to put in that little insert peice from a oem bmc if you don't have ABS, is it possible S14's are the same ?

The Definitive 300ZX Brake Swap Paqe (http://importnut.net/300zxbrakeswap.htm#MC)

"You will notice that the plugged hole is missing the proper flair fitting. You have two options to resolve this issue, the first is a rather simple fix. You will need to find a bubble flair tool to put a flair in the line that will work without the missing fitting.

The second option is to remove a fitting from the stock 240 MC and use it in the new MC. The fittings are pressed into the master cylinder and cannot be removed without destroyed the 240's master cylinder. Use a cutting wheel to cut out the small fitting. Be careful not to cut into the fitting."

10-24-2012, 02:02 PM
yes i completely removed the abs...i ran all new lines from the BMC which was bled to each front caliper and the brass rear union.

the bmc has 3 fittings already and was previously used..not a newb here.