View Full Version : Military and my Money HELP

10-21-2012, 11:42 PM
Ok people this is the story.

I reenlisted in January of 2012 and LAT moved to a different MOS (job). In July 9th during lunch break i get called in to be told i have a class spot in Oklahoma and my flight is at 7pm on the 10th. I had to put in a DTS for travel and when i get there the next day at the airport it was not approved. (which a member from admin had helped me with). so i talked to my admin they told me to use my government charge card did not mention nothing about SATO so i bought my ticket flew there attended school and a week before coming back i call my admin to ask why do i not have a flight back she told me to book one threw the same airlines not mentioning SATO again so i did with my government card.

I get back to the states and PCS to my new unit after being at my new unit for 1 month they call me in the office to sign a paper stating i received a paper saying my Government Card is passed due its payment.
Apparently TECOM is only funding if the flight was bought threw SATO so they coverd all but 1200 which i had to pay due to my credit score and me getting NJP.

Who the fuck knew on flights we had to book threw sato this is BS

What can i do i want my DAM money back and its gone due to some E-4 thats dosnt know her job. Help ASAP

10-21-2012, 11:44 PM
I will be going to LEGAL first thing monday if i can due to my chain of command telling me its the Marine Corps way of getting back its PCS money and pretty much showed he did not care since it wasnt his money. Also the admin had told me all this threw texting which i am looking into for someone to recover my deleted text messages so ill have evidence if i can take it further

10-22-2012, 12:13 AM
I will be going to LEGAL first thing monday if i can due to my chain of command telling me its the Marine Corps way of getting back its PCS money and pretty much showed he did not care since it wasnt his money. Also the admin had told me all this threw texting which i am looking into for someone to recover my deleted text messages so ill have evidence if i can take it further

This happened to a friend of mine also (were both AF) he pretty much had to end up paying it off and then file a travel voucher through DTS to get some money back. Its really their fault for telling you that you could use your travel card for a commercial flight instead of going through the contracted company travel company for your branch of service. You can how ever contanct the bank for your travel card and defer payments or set up a minimum payment plan until they get things sorted out unless you already paid it in full. sounds stupid but did you try contacting the admin again to see if he has any useful info

10-22-2012, 12:47 AM
This happened to a friend of mine also (were both AF) he pretty much had to end up paying it off and then file a travel voucher through DTS to get some money back. Its really their fault for telling you that you could use your travel card for a commercial flight instead of going through the contracted company travel company for your branch of service. You can how ever contanct the bank for your travel card and defer payments or set up a minimum payment plan until they get things sorted out unless you already paid it in full. sounds stupid but did you try contacting the admin again to see if he has any useful info

i paid the full amount cause im not one to owe anything. i was told that it was the military's way of getting there PCS money back so suck it up by my chain of command.

and my last command S-1 is trying to give all these options that dont make sence to avoid them using unit funds. option 1 given to me make my new unit pay for it threw there funds which i just got laughed at when asking. option 2 ask the bank if they would waive it due to what happen is that even serious i ask my self. option 3 ask TECOM to waive it i did send that letter i was told by my new S-1 its a 50/50 on that.

As i can see it is there trying to sweep it under the table.

10-22-2012, 01:47 AM
i paid the full amount cause im not one to owe anything. i was told that it was the military's way of getting there PCS money back so suck it up by my chain of command.

and my last command S-1 is trying to give all these options that dont make sence to avoid them using unit funds. option 1 given to me make my new unit pay for it threw there funds which i just got laughed at when asking. option 2 ask the bank if they would waive it due to what happen is that even serious i ask my self. option 3 ask TECOM to waive it i did send that letter i was told by my new S-1 its a 50/50 on that.

As i can see it is there trying to sweep it under the table.

sounds exactly like the military to me they dont care about it as long as its not their money, just keep on them about it i wouldnt let 1200 go either. but having the bank waive it that's prolly not going to happen unless its some sort of fraud charge. I mean it should be as simple of a fix as filling out your voucher to claim airline tickets but you would have to have that letter from the admin saying that it was approved to submit it.

10-22-2012, 06:38 AM
IDK what sato is but this is what i do....DTS to create said orders, use GTC to buy tickets, file voucher on DTS boom and trips said and paid for from DTS you just have to input the correct Accounting code. Sounds like your DTS admin is a retard! I talk to your MSgts, Shirt, Commander and let them know the issues. you shouldnt have to come out of pocket for any military travel, than once all said and done file a complain on whoever for not knowing their job.

10-22-2012, 08:36 AM
All depends on your approving official/resource manager. They can try to atleast reimburse you the gov cost of the flight since its almost always cheaper to fly on the gov cost vs the regular cost.

As far as you getting NJP'd for not paying your card. Thats kinda on you. You are ultimately responsible checking on it, and making sure you have no balance in it. If you were having issues paying off the card, whether you're fault or finance messing up, you should have atleast notified the bank and who ever is in charge of the program in your unit.

10-22-2012, 08:44 AM
Ya i talked to my chain of command and it seems im on my own for this one. Dts was made and it was made with the s-1 persenel she is the one doing all the dts forms i have the flight tickets but when i bought them i told them it was for a military flight but apperently that didnt do nothing cause they said that dts goes with SATO flights which thats what there only paying for . And that is everything but 1200

10-22-2012, 08:46 AM
I already paid the balance but now im am trying to get my money back. From my last command which i see it as there mistake so i think they should put in a pay threw unit funds. How would i put a complaint in if anyone should get njp it should be that marine who dosnt know her job.

10-23-2012, 08:18 AM
Seek legal counsel and file a complaint with the IG- Inspector General

10-23-2012, 01:57 PM
I had one of my troops go thru something like this but not as bad as yours. We booked our flight thru DTS but his Travel Card had a hiccup and basically the ticket didnt get paid. We got to the airport the following day, United told us we owed them the money. But his card was still jacked up, so he ended up just paying for it using his personal card.

He got reimbursed for it because he had no choice.

Remember, anytime you travel, always go thru SATO (base/military travel agency). Hell, sometimes, even going on vacations, SATO have some deals. I've gone thru SATO coming back from Japan, back to the States and saved me $200 on ticket prices per person.

10-23-2012, 02:36 PM
youve talked to your CO/OIC? there has to be a compassionate officer out there you can talk to that will light a fire under someone's ass and help you get this taken care of.

11-30-2012, 03:21 PM
To my understanding you flew under orders and used the gov travel card to execute said orders.... I thinks its BS that you even have to pay it at all.

Posted from Zilvia.net App for Android

11-30-2012, 04:12 PM
Request mast and go from there. Keep all emails regarding the incident and all phone calls. Even if they dont pay you, atleats you can clear your name and point out their discrepencies.

11-30-2012, 04:27 PM
Sorry didnt keep yall updated. I am getting my money back due to incorrect actions that were tooken.

11-30-2012, 05:15 PM
Sorry didnt keep yall updated. I am getting my money back due to incorrect actions that were tooken.

Good shit man!