View Full Version : Kaido Battle: Chain Reaction 2

03-13-2004, 06:43 PM
Sorry if this is a repost.

03-13-2004, 06:49 PM
whoa sweet... where can i find it ? will it work with US ps2's?
(sorry can't read japanese)

03-13-2004, 08:00 PM
whoa sweet... where can i find it ? will it work with US ps2's?
(sorry can't read japanese)

I'm reading up on it now, from what I can tell, they are working on a U.S. release right now.
If you are impatient:

I haven't tried this yet but.....You'll need it.

03-13-2004, 10:04 PM
I have the first one on ps2, modded ps2. I havent beat it, it got repeative and borring.

04-09-2004, 09:53 PM
I just finished playing the game for the first time. It's very similar to the first one, but this Chain Reaction 2 is more fun for some reason. You start off with a very limited selection of cars, (example- Fit, Ist, Beat, Demio, AE85, Starlet, Vitz, ect.) Yeah, small cars with no more than 135 hp. Graphic wise, it's somewhat better. The controller setup is still without the use of the right analog for acceleration/deceleration, bummer. Overall, it's a fun game, but I wouldn't be surprised if I get bored of it soon, but then again, I just started playing this game today. Oh yeah, D1 cars are in the game. Woot Woot!

04-09-2004, 10:08 PM
they have some cool cars in there. i especially liked playing with this particular 180sx. it was from team night zone. outfitted with DRFT stuff. very cool.

04-09-2004, 10:11 PM
thanks for the copliment man....ahah jk...

man i got the pirated (...shhh...) version from HK but didnt work, my other games worked but that one. looks like i gotta get it off one of my friends now...

04-10-2004, 01:49 AM
Lol, definatly a game id like to try. By "repeative" do you mean, kinda like Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero?