View Full Version : Fix the bump rule.

10-13-2012, 12:13 PM
It's getting clustered having to make multiple posts. No point in locking. At least a bump time limit makes more sense.

10-13-2012, 02:13 PM
I see a description of a problem, but I do not see any mention of a solution.

Try again, and do better this time

10-14-2012, 09:44 PM
I see a description of a problem, but I do not see any mention of a solution.

Try again, and do better this time

It's getting clustered having to make multiple posts. No point in locking. At least a bump time limit makes more sense.

Hmm. I must not have been clear.

10-14-2012, 11:27 PM
make it a one bump limit per 2 days i think is fair

10-15-2012, 11:50 PM
The bump lock rule is just asking for a bunch of clustering, doesn't even accomplish anything. Do they really expect mods to remember every single item for the next 3 days? I'd vote for having a time limit on bumps like most other forums.

10-16-2012, 09:09 AM
To be honest a bump every 3 days I think is fair.
2 days will be too little and will cause bumping war...
users that disrespect the minimum 3 day bump rule can be pinked and thread locked.

10-16-2012, 02:38 PM
For every person that is over the bump limit (2), each additional bump will equal a 1 day time out (pinked). For example, if you bump it 9 times, 9 total bumps - 2 bump limit = 7 days (1 week) pinked. Your access to this forum will be limited during your pinked period.

If you have reached your 2 bump limit for the thread, wait 3 days, start a new thread and request via PM to a moderator that the old thread be locked (with a link to the old thread).

I have pinked people for up to 2 weeks before due to excessive bumping and I can/will continue to do so until they learn.

10-16-2012, 02:39 PM
For every person that is over the bump limit (2), each additional bump will equal a 1 day time out (pinked). For example, if you bump it 9 times, 9 total bumps - 2 bump limit = 7 days (1 week) pinked. Your access to this forum will be limited during your pinked period.
This will get the marketplace in order... finally ..... it should also apply those without pics....

10-16-2012, 03:53 PM
Sounds like being sent to the principals office, and the principal is an a$$

10-16-2012, 05:02 PM
For every person that is over the bump limit (2), each additional bump will equal a 1 day time out (pinked). For example, if you bump it 9 times, 9 total bumps - 2 bump limit = 7 days (1 week) pinked. Your access to this forum will be limited during your pinked period.

If you have reached your 2 bump limit for the thread, wait 3 days, start a new thread and request via PM to a moderator that the old thread be locked (with a link to the old thread).

I have pinked people for up to 2 weeks before due to excessive bumping and I can/will continue to do so until they learn.

Yes, these are the rules. That doesn't mean they aren't stupid though. That is why the community is trying to pitch in to come up with a better idea. How absolutely horrible of us....

To be honest a bump every 3 days I think is fair.
2 days will be too little and will cause bumping war...
users that disrespect the minimum 3 day bump rule can be pinked and thread locked.

This is more realistic. Why not a hybrid of both? A bump every three days, with a limit of like 7 bumps?

This is a national forum, it moves quick. We need a better system.

10-16-2012, 10:02 PM
Yes, these are the rules. That doesn't mean they aren't stupid though. That is why the community is trying to pitch in to come up with a better idea. How absolutely horrible of us....

This is more realistic. Why not a hybrid of both? A bump every three days, with a limit of like 7 bumps?

This is a national forum, it moves quick. We need a better system.

THANK YOU. We know the rules, thats why we want to change it. That 2 bump limit 3 day rule is obsolete. It's the only forum I know that actually uses this system.

10-16-2012, 11:03 PM
i feel like the bump rule and the example of why we have a bump rule are two extremes, black/white. there needs to be a happy medium.

yes there are excessive bumpers, we've all seen it. i.e.- a dude that bumps once a day, or even worse once within a few hours. excessive bumping is ridiculous and unnecessary.

however, i feel like it's a waste if one has to keep making new threads rather than being able to CONSERVATIVELY bump their thread.

i understand the current rules and that not adhering to them has consequences, but rules can be amended.

i feel that even a 'once a week' bump limit is reasonable.

10-16-2012, 11:29 PM
they dont want to hear it.

i brought up this point years ago, and got the "those are the rules, dont like it dont post" response.

just one of many reasons i dont bother renewing premium membership anymore.

10-16-2012, 11:41 PM
Yeah the mods through fits everytime somebody ask to make something better.

Like a couple weeks back when some guy asked to stop the spam

10-17-2012, 03:48 AM
Okay, so we are aware that there is an issue at hand concerning the bump rule.

We have it implemented the way it is to try and maintain some organization in the Marketplace. Before we had the current bump rule in place, a thread wouldn't stay on the first page for longer than 15 mins on some days. This was due to people "camping" the marketplace, just to continually bump their thread to the top. Those were the members this was directed at originally.

Now, why does it matter to Zilvia if they do that? Well, it's the same reason we put a limit on new members. They have to be a member for a certain amount of time and participated in Zilvia before we allow them to post threads. We understand how popular Zilvia's marketplace can be, and frankly, we don't members who are ONLY here to use the marketplace. We would rather have people that want to be a part of this community.

Now, there have been some suggestions made here and I, for one, would like the discussion to continue. The biggest issue we face as staff as this point, is implementation. Lengthening the rope on the marketplace to weekly bumps or something similar sounds reasonable. We just don't have the means to actually limit how often someone can bump, other than going into EVERY thread and counting and comparing dates. This is basically what we currently have to do anyway, but it's a bit simpler because all we have to do is count (1 bump, 2 bump, 3 bump, LOCK). Adding in dates makes it that much more difficult for the staff to track. The staff here is all voluntary and we all work "real life" jobs. Keeping up with the marketplace is tough enough for us with the current system. That's why even though we try to limit it to two bumps right now, there are still threads with dozens of bumps that we just missed.

So, please, keep the suggestions coming. We are working on trying to find a solution that benefits our members and eases the load on our staff at the same time.

10-17-2012, 12:30 PM
I understand where your coming from, 1 2 3 lock, but then we have up to 3 days to make another post. You guys are already checking dates, don't get me wrong here. And I appreciate the follow up. Finally getting some good solid answers here.

If you were to make this a 1 week bump rule, you don't have to check the amounts of bumps, but look at the dates of each post and add or subtract 7. Even better, I'd vote for e a 24 hour bump rule. I mean honestly, if someone was really trying to sell something they would take out a few minutes out of there day to bump there thread. It's still completely fair, first come first serve kind of deal. We still have the search function which is what I find myself using most of the time.

There are some cases where the user inbox is full and we can't message them but to respond in there thread. But the thread is locked. So now what do we do if we really want his or her product. Visitor chat page? I don't check mine, or even see the nodifications sometimes. I honestly dont even remember if we have one here.

Another case where locking the thread too early would be to for a buyer to warn the seller of being a scammer, or bad product, or even misleading information about the product. How would we be aware if the thread has already been locked? I understand we aren't suppose to ruin someones sale, but what if that information is really crucial or beneficial to a sale? There are many times where I read a thread, and find out the product theyre trying to sell as authentic is really fake. Or someone warning me that this seller is a scammer and has scammed multiple people. Hell, even a user vouching for the persons reputation will boost the sale. Since the early bump lock rule was to help sell other peoples product, I feel that it's doing more damage then helping.

So to sum things up here, locking threads too early has more downsides. Not only does it cluster up the forums (5 different threads of the same product), creates more work for you guys (checking make sure dates are 3 days apart, 3 bump rules), we lose awareness ( warning each other of scammers, bad product, or even a good compliment of the buyer to help boost sales).

I mean honestly, when I search for a product, there are like 20 different threads from the same seller that are sometimes overpriced, damage, or lives on the other side of the world. So locking the threads after 3 bumps clusters up the forums even more for those who actually use the search method such as myself.

Edit: And another thing I feel I should add, if you want use to be a more involved closer community as a good reason to keep this rule, then by locking our threads we lose interaction with each other if I were to meet a seller in person. I have more to talk about with the community if the marketplace is moving because we can chat it up about my reviews of the product, I can inform others about it, etc. It just keeps the forum stimulating if the marketplace is moving. If your worried people only come here to sell things, you have the "new member" rule which is a great rule. And besides, if they come here to sell things theyll soon realize that this isn't actually that bad of a forum and stick around. You'll get more traffic, and given some will leave some will stay. The point is, there are people who actually stay. To get more technical, the forums gets more money with more traffic because there potential vendors, sponsors, premium members, ad clickers, etc. There would be a large increase in potential customers for both of the forum and private sellers.

Thanks again for your response! Hoping to hear some of your input.

10-17-2012, 01:02 PM
The staff here is all voluntary and we all work "real life" jobs. Keeping up with the marketplace is tough enough for us with the current system. That's why even though we try to limit it to two bumps right now, there are still threads with dozens of bumps that we just missed.

I get that its hard to count the dates and bumps. I would say just cut slack to the people that are actually selling stuff and/or communicating with other potential buyers.
Lock the threads where all you see is bump,PM sent, etc. That I would understand why it gets locked. It's annoying and makes me feel like I'm back a VWVortex

So to sum things up here, locking threads too early has more downsides. Not only does it cluster up the forums (5 different threads of the same product), creates more work for you guys...

That reminds me, I always wanted to ask a mod why there are For Sale threads that are like over 2years old? What it the purpose of that.

I mean honestly, when I search for a product, there are like 20 different threads from the same seller that are sometimes overpriced, damage, or lives on the other side of the world. So locking the threads after 3 bumps clusters up the forums even more for those who actually use the search method such as myself.

Yes. Like I said feels like VwVortex

10-17-2012, 10:14 PM
I'm sure those 2 year old threads aren't that bad. It creates more of an archive or reference just incase there was a misunderstanding from the seller a couple years back maybe or it store some information that we can actually use later in life. Some for sale threads become very helpful. Some threads can even give us a warning of a product or person from 2 years back.

Another thing that pisses me off is when I'm searching for answers and five different threads that I've looked into all tell the OP to search. You know it would be 100x easier just to answer the damn question lol. It's like I'm being trolled. The answer is buried into 100 other threads that I have to look threw because all the responses are "SEARCH".

10-20-2012, 11:06 PM
i kinda find it unfair that i am a member here for a half of year and i sold things here but how in the hell can i bump if i cant bump only twice. Doesnt make since i have been on other forums and its every other day or every other 3 days which is understanding. I think this site is over protective and over power by mods that cant pm you and say hey you been bumping everyday nothing like that you have to ask why it was closed.

why cant it be a bump every 2 days whats so hard about it the more you close threads the more you have thread opening and piling up it. the rules here are over ruled to the point that you cant have other members know you have this kinda parts unless they look in the search which takes up time and chances from people selling there products to the buyer i think this needs to be fixed and less cop patrol

10-20-2012, 11:15 PM
For every person that is over the bump limit (2), each additional bump will equal a 1 day time out (pinked). For example, if you bump it 9 times, 9 total bumps - 2 bump limit = 7 days (1 week) pinked. Your access to this forum will be limited during your pinked period.

If you have reached your 2 bump limit for the thread, wait 3 days, start a new thread and request via PM to a moderator that the old thread be locked (with a link to the old thread).

I have pinked people for up to 2 weeks before due to excessive bumping and I can/will continue to do so until they learn.

i think the rules you have are over killed how can we sell if it s only 2 bumps for that one thread dont you think its a bit dumb??? i find it very unfair that when selling something you can even get the chance to bump it it has to be wisely bump it at your own risk which is crazy

10-21-2012, 12:02 AM
i think the rules you have are over killed how can we sell if it s only 2 bumps for that one thread dont you think its a bit dumb??? i find it very unfair that when selling something you can even get the chance to bump it it has to be wisely bump it at your own risk which is crazy

I think you need to read the marketplace rules and guidelines:



2 BUMPS PERIOD! This is not PER DAY! Bump more than twice and it is locked.

This includes:
"pms/email sent/replied to"
"all questions answered" ect.....

If you aren't reading the rules you're asking for your thread to be locked. Do not get your buddies to bump it for you either, again it will be locked.
If you thread is locked for excessive bumping, you may re-post in 3 days(72 hours) with new pricing. Like the site owner has stated, if you have to keep bumping, then you need to re-evaluate your pricing. And last but not least, a friendly reminder that external links to other for sale pages are not authorized:

other car forums.

Please post all info in your post here, and it must include pictures when you post it...not a week later. If your entire post is not ready to go (all info, pricing and pics) then please delay posting it until you are 100% ready.


The items you post for sale must be IN YOUR POSSESSION and owned BY YOU! No more posting something for sale for a friend. This is too easy for someone to scam another member. We hope you understand the reasoning for this, and all post listed as such will be deleted.


After 2 bumps, wait 3 days, start new thread. It's not that hard.

10-21-2012, 12:16 AM
its sucks. plain and simple.

10-21-2012, 12:21 AM
I think you need to read the marketplace rules and guidelines:


After 2 bumps, wait 3 days, start new thread. It's not that hard.

We weren't saying it isn't hard. My point is that it's inefficient.

It's like saying slavery isn't hard, just do the labor. Or segregation wasn't hard, just drink from your fountain.

10-21-2012, 02:38 AM
I think you need to read the marketplace rules and guidelines:


After 2 bumps, wait 3 days, start new thread. It's not that hard.

i think it just dumb and just extra work just to start another post. think about it if you were trying to sell something and after 2 bump you have to make a new one i think its just plain out retarted tho

10-21-2012, 02:40 AM
We weren't saying it isn't hard. My point is that it's inefficient.

It's like saying slavery isn't hard, just do the labor. Or segregation wasn't hard, just drink from your fountain.

i just dont think he gets the picture bro i just think it would be better to put a bump every 3 days makes since right?? because i think that would be great. were is there another mod that i could talk to be sides this one that could understand

10-22-2012, 07:37 PM
With the amount traffic that this website sees, it can be difficult for someone's stuff to be seen. I could put a sale thread up, and 5 minutes later, it's pretty much off the first page. The two bump limit really limits the seller's potential for his stuff to be seen. One forum that I frequent I feel has a decent system going for them which I would imagine sees a comparable amount of traffic. I think these rules can help with keeping a fair exposure to people trying to sell.

No more than two ads on page 1, and no more than four ads within the first two pages.

The seller cannot reply to their own ad within 72 hours of anyone's post (including their own) for any reason.

Sellers: If 72 hours have NOT passed since the last post by anyone, all questions should be addressed by IM, e-mail, or edit ONLY!

Buyers: All small talk should be restricted to IM or e-mail. Do not post in an ad unless you are interested in the item(s) for sale. DO NOT POST OFFERS IN ADS- IM or email them only. IM or Email all questions

It wouldn't be hard for moderators to enforce as any post to a sale thread would count towards being a bump. For sellers who don't buy follow guidelines results in a locked thread, and won't be able to view the sale forum for 72 hours. For buyers, obviously there shouldn't be much consequence in trying to buy stuff. But for instance, if a buyer keeps posting a seller's thread within 72 hrs, restrict their posting as it would encourage them to take it to PM. It would also minimize people who use dual accounts to bump their own threads.

10-25-2012, 09:28 PM
So any updates or progress?

Drift N Dragg
10-29-2012, 04:59 PM
With the amount traffic that this website sees, it can be difficult for someone's stuff to be seen. I could put a sale thread up, and 5 minutes later, it's pretty much off the first page. The two bump limit really limits the seller's potential for his stuff to be seen. One forum that I frequent I feel has a decent system going for them which I would imagine sees a comparable amount of traffic. I think these rules can help with keeping a fair exposure to people trying to sell.

No more than two ads on page 1, and no more than four ads within the first two pages.

The seller cannot reply to their own ad within 72 hours of anyone's post (including their own) for any reason.

Sellers: If 72 hours have NOT passed since the last post by anyone, all questions should be addressed by IM, e-mail, or edit ONLY!

Buyers: All small talk should be restricted to IM or e-mail. Do not post in an ad unless you are interested in the item(s) for sale. DO NOT POST OFFERS IN ADS- IM or email them only. IM or Email all questions
It wouldn't be hard for moderators to enforce as any post to a sale thread would count towards being a bump. For sellers who don't buy follow guidelines results in a locked thread, and won't be able to view the sale forum for 72 hours. For buyers, obviously there shouldn't be much consequence in trying to buy stuff. But for instance, if a buyer keeps posting a seller's thread within 72 hrs, restrict their posting as it would encourage them to take it to PM. It would also minimize people who use dual accounts to bump their own threads.

I love the fact you thought this out. this is what more members should be doing instead of just saying change it... +1 rep if I could give it..

10-29-2012, 07:00 PM
i felt like i was pretty thorough.

10-31-2012, 05:56 PM
Okay, so we are aware that there is an issue at hand concerning the bump rule.

We have it implemented the way it is to try and maintain some organization in the Marketplace. Before we had the current bump rule in place, a thread wouldn't stay on the first page for longer than 15 mins on some days. This was due to people "camping" the marketplace, just to continually bump their thread to the top. Those were the members this was directed at originally.

Now, why does it matter to Zilvia if they do that? Well, it's the same reason we put a limit on new members. They have to be a member for a certain amount of time and participated in Zilvia before we allow them to post threads. We understand how popular Zilvia's marketplace can be, and frankly, we don't members who are ONLY here to use the marketplace. We would rather have people that want to be a part of this community.

Now, there have been some suggestions made here and I, for one, would like the discussion to continue. The biggest issue we face as staff as this point, is implementation. Lengthening the rope on the marketplace to weekly bumps or something similar sounds reasonable. We just don't have the means to actually limit how often someone can bump, other than going into EVERY thread and counting and comparing dates. This is basically what we currently have to do anyway, but it's a bit simpler because all we have to do is count (1 bump, 2 bump, 3 bump, LOCK). Adding in dates makes it that much more difficult for the staff to track. The staff here is all voluntary and we all work "real life" jobs. Keeping up with the marketplace is tough enough for us with the current system. That's why even though we try to limit it to two bumps right now, there are still threads with dozens of bumps that we just missed.

So, please, keep the suggestions coming. We are working on trying to find a solution that benefits our members and eases the load on our staff at the same time.

Do you own the source code to your forum? If so, why not make the system automated?

1) Don't move a thread to the top of the forum when there is a new post.

2) Make a "Bump" button that will move the thread to the top of the forum.

3) Only allow the button in point #2 to be pressed once every X hours.

3b) Only allow the button in point #2 to be clicked by the thread creator (avoids someone with a lot of friends/multiple accounts from bumping the same thread).

4) Allow members to pay to have their threads stuck at the top of the forum for Y days (bonus source of revenue).

5) Give premium members 5 stuck threads mentioned in point #4 per year (incentive to become premium members).

(All ideas stolen from PbNation.com)

I would be stunned if there isn't a plug-in available from VBulletin that has these features actually.

I would be more than happy to volunteer my time. Although I don't work with websites, I do making a living as a software developer and I'm sure it would be trivial (i.e.: < 40 hours of research + development) to implement.

11-01-2012, 11:35 AM
if the thread doesn't go up when theres a new post, then people who have more recent questions won't get answered. that's just too much. all they have to do is shorten the bump time to once a day which i notice is what most members do which seems fine to me, and remove the limit of bumps in a thread. 2 simple things.

less work for everybody. whoever wants there item sold the most, will put the effort into bumping.

11-29-2012, 12:36 AM
Why not just have the classified forums sort by thread creation date by default?

Then people can reply/bump all willy nilly.

11-29-2012, 12:51 AM
this thing is gettin serious

12-30-2012, 01:01 AM

01-20-2013, 12:12 PM
are you kidding me? i'm trying to find the seller i bought my wheels by searching threw ads but theres over 50 threads of the same guy making new threads cus the stupid bump rule.

01-26-2013, 12:40 AM

01-28-2013, 04:07 PM
are you kidding me? i'm trying to find the seller i bought my wheels by searching threw ads but theres over 50 threads of the same guy making new threads cus the stupid bump rule.

If it's the same wheels for sale from the same guy then it should be no problem finding the seller or item. If you are looking for a particular post you made on one of his threads then search in your profile> click "statistics" > find all posts made by choleaoum > then look for the post you are talking about. Not trying to troll or bash you. I'm just trying to help with your search results with the current set rules.

01-28-2013, 09:21 PM
^ i didnt post on his thread. he left a number and i just called the #.

01-29-2013, 09:14 AM
^ i didnt post on his thread. he left a number and i just called the #.

oh damn..... Sorry, I can't help you there.

01-29-2013, 09:56 AM
yeah this bump rule is retarded and clutters shit up.

04-18-2013, 11:00 AM
** cricket cricket. annnnd nothing as been done.

Drift N Dragg
04-18-2013, 11:34 AM
Maybe you haven't been paying attention.. something has been done and being done.

04-18-2013, 11:39 AM
Yeah we've payed attention. All the bump whores got b& from the marketplace

04-18-2013, 12:07 PM
i paid attention and its impractical.

04-18-2013, 12:20 PM
So what do you suggest and how is it impractical? Don't follow rules, get reprimanded.

Click to bump time limit that was mentioned a while ago? That's up to the site owners to implement the code on the forum and if it's even possible or not.

Until that happens (or not), temporary restrictions to the marketplace to those that cannot follow the rules.

And also, if you don't like the rules, feel free to leave. Nobody's making you stay here.

04-18-2013, 02:59 PM
nobody making me stay here is irrelevant to anything. i like the forums, want to see improvement, and so i should leave?

04-20-2013, 07:45 AM
Honestly yeah you should leave if you don't like it. this is a free service and you're complaining about it. I know this is america but c'mon.

Unless you're a post whore you should know how view the thread you replied to or to subscribe to threads to get email notifications if you really want to monitor the thread. Now if you just lost the thread and didn't bump it that's your fault. If you show interest in an item it would be in your best interest to let the seller know.

As for the seller getting unlimited bumps, that's retarded. The highschooler with unlimited time on his hand will bump a thread more than a working man, who has zilvia blocked on his work computer.

Drift N Dragg
04-22-2013, 03:23 PM
Honestly yeah you should leave if you don't like it. this is a free service and you're complaining about it. I know this is america but c'mon.

Unless you're a post whore you should know how view the thread you replied to or to subscribe to threads to get email notifications if you really want to monitor the thread. Now if you just lost the thread and didn't bump it that's your fault. If you show interest in an item it would be in your best interest to let the seller know.

As for the seller getting unlimited bumps, that's retarded. The highschooler with unlimited time on his hand will bump a thread more than a working man, who has zilvia blocked on his work computer.

Couldn't have said it better.. Thank you for understanding.

04-22-2013, 06:50 PM
For the record, I don't want to appear hostile because hostility solves nothing. The average highschooler with unlimited time usually doesn't have much to sell in the first place, and besides they need the money. My only "complaint" is locking the threads is redudant. Why lock the thread? i have to make a whole new one and it creates a ton of threads i have to search through.

Secondly, you obviously must not have been reading my advice, not complaint. i suggested a time limit on the bumps, rather then locking it after 3 bumps. regardless if he has "unlimited" time on his hands, there would be a 12 hour gap between bumps. that's how most places have done it, and zilvia is the only place ive seen lock a post after 3 bumps. A 12 hour grace period would make it fair game for everyone. Regardless of his social status.

And lastly, telling someone to leave because he wants to add in a suggestion is beyond me. Why would they even have a "forum suggestion" category if their just going to be told to leave?

I've said it once and i will say it again because people are not obviously reading my posts. it's more efficient to have a time limit on bumps, rather then locking after 3 bumps.

although, correct me if i'm wrong, it appears your post targeted towards me is suggesting that i want to completely remove the bump rule. my topic even starts off saying "fix the bump rule" not, "remove" the bump rule.

A bump rule that has a 12 hour bump limit makes it fair game for everyone. I would like to hear your opinion for otherwise.