View Full Version : WOW my car is a useless piece of shit and I think im going to burn it

03-12-2004, 01:00 AM
I had to change my alternator belt...Squuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuealing all the time. I wanted to do the PS belt too while i was in there. Both old belts were in poor shape. The alternator loosened up nicely for me and when i went to put it back in place the bolt that goes through the tensioner on the top wouldnt thread back into its place even though it was lined up perfectly. So me, 6 foot 1" 220 pounds is trying to lean into the engine compartment, wishing I had 3 more elbows and cussing like a trooper. I have a bruise across my chest from the top of the rad.

2 hours of wondering why the goddamn hell it wouldnt go back in, im like "well fuck this" and I bashed the shit out of it with a hammer and took the socket to it...Probably crossthreaded but whatever. Its fine now. Then I had a beer, i needed to (its funny, im a bartender too and i very rarely drink)

The powersteering pump comes next, i thought i could slip the belt over the pully like the last time and cheat, but of course the new belt isnt stretched out so that dont work. Its 2 am at this point so i try to tackle the goddamn tensioner bolt on the stupid piece of shit ps pump. Well. Thats in the goddamn single most retarded spot, i dont have enough flex joints and freekin extentions to get a grip on it, i keep dropping wrehcnes and shit....its like...You need to have quadruple elbows to work on the goddamn thing....What the hell, do Nissan think everyone is 4 feet tall with tentacles or something??? FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK im loosing it.. its 3 am and its still not done... I hate my car tonight.

03-12-2004, 02:11 AM
You can live without power steering

03-12-2004, 02:19 AM
HOLY CRAP ! haha holisticbeatz i saw ur car in the parking lot of KMART in Temple City like 3 weeks ago... nice ride man... very nice

03-12-2004, 02:24 AM
Shit, that's the hardest belt changing experience I have ever heard! I did mine, realize that I forgot a spacer and had to pull it all out again. I was tempted to leave it
as is but I couldn't have that. I think the reason it was so hard for you is because you're trying to do it in the middle of the night. Good lighting helps

03-12-2004, 09:58 AM
almost 1000 posts and post quality is still meh.

...and don't get me wrong.. I've had days where my car has pwned me for stupid stuff.... but changing belts is NOT hard.

Andrew Bohan
03-12-2004, 10:51 AM
"What the hell, do Nissan think everyone is 4 feet tall with tentacles or something??? "

bwaahahah i might put that in my sig

03-12-2004, 11:32 AM
You can live without power steering
lol Kmart

03-13-2004, 12:47 AM
Don't drink and fix your car j/k. Don't worry man, a simple brake job turned into a whole weekend of cussing and bleeding for me before. Sometime taking a big fucking hammer to it does work.

03-13-2004, 12:19 PM
Step one to changing belts: Put screwdriver between belt and pulleym pushing the belt on.
Step two: have friend jump car:
Step three: there is no step three because its that simple.