View Full Version : power steering bracket problem...

10-08-2012, 06:51 PM
alright guys i was trying to put power steering on my SR last night when i ran into an issue..

the bracket for the SR is obstructed by the dipstick on the bolt towards the firewall...its an s13 SR and seems and looks like an S13 SR bracket but the dipstick is blocking it from fitting against the block let alone getting a bolt through it..

does anyone have a suggestion or ran into this problem before? i was thinking of just grinding it till it fit and possibly run a shorter bolt or just use the 2 front bolts which is KIND of unnverving but im up a creek without a paddle here lol..

i do have a pic but im currently at work..i can post it when i get home to elaborate on the obstruction...

between this and the HAGGARD ass harness i pulled im frustrated as hell..

thanks for your time everyone!

10-09-2012, 04:42 PM
really no one? maybe i should just post a "does a 17x9 fit with no pull" thread..

10-09-2012, 05:26 PM
^ lol at that last one. But I ran into the same problem as well and all I did was pull out the dip stick tube and bend it so it was out of the way.

10-09-2012, 05:27 PM
Make sure you pull the thing out and bend it outside of the car or you'll be more likely to kink the tubing. Nice slight bends and you should be good.

10-09-2012, 06:31 PM
would a brake line bender suffice? not sure of the wall sizing and whether or not its safe to do by hand..

thanks for the help and replies though guys...hopefully soon i can drive it...this is and the HAGGARD ass harness im trying to clean up have me frustrated...

10-10-2012, 03:22 PM
Brake line bender will work but you don't want to put any real hard bends in or your dip stick will be a pita to get in and out. Nice smooth bends. I work with all types of pipes so I have the touch to do it by hand and not kink it. Just work it little here and there till you get it where you want it.