View Full Version : to anyone running sportmax xxr 002 i got ?

10-05-2012, 02:59 PM
I just picked up a set of xxr 002 sportmas 16x8 0 offset rims 5 lug and the other rims I have on my car currentlly have some huge spacers with the fronts almost 4 inches and backs about 3,with this being said my new xxr rims are going to need a much less aggressive spacers but I still want the tires to poke out some,So my question to anyone running xxr 002 rims let me know what spacer worked out well for you or from someone else you may know post pics if you will I was thinking maybe just 10mm or so should do it but i dunno.

I was also considering 215/55/16s tires or would 215/50/16 be wiser in your opinions?Let me know a good spacer/tire combo if anyone could and thank you oh so much.

10-05-2012, 03:32 PM
If you are running an s13 chassis they will poke without spacers about 1/2 inch if i remember correctly, 215 on an 8 are a little to wide if you want stretch then 185 is my best bet 195 will stretch but not aggressively. I would personally run a 185 40 if not a 185 45. I wouldn't run a 55 side wall but that's my opinion.