View Full Version : Fail Emmisions test because of high nox

10-01-2012, 06:44 PM
I know there are so many thread out there about this. Iv done my research and tried every suggestions. but still fails. my Nox reading is 1.60 and max is 1.24. I just need to get it down a little bit to pass the test. I dont mind sacrificing some HC and CO reading since they are pretty low. What im thinking is, since Nox is created by high combustion chamber temperature. may be I should run the test right after it is parked for the night, so the combustion chamber would be cold enough not to produce as much Nox?? Also I havent tried sea foam yet because some people said its good for Nox but some say its Bad for Nox.... lemme know thx

HC my reading 0.22, (Max limit 0.5 passed)
CO my reading 0.59, (Max limit 9.32 passed)
Nox my reading 1.60, (Max limit 1.24 FAILED)

all the results are in g/km

10-02-2012, 11:01 PM
Anyone who attempts helps you is going to want to see all of the numbers from your smog test and limits for your area... As well as your model/engine you're trying to smog.
Mods to car, recent repairs etc. :)

More information you provide, better picture it would paint anyone who might be able to help.

10-03-2012, 12:45 AM
Anyone who attempts helps you is going to want to see all of the numbers from your smog test and limits for your area... As well as your model/engine you're trying to smog.
Mods to car, recent repairs etc. :)

More information you provide, better picture it would paint anyone who might be able to help.

oo damn.... your right.

so here is the results

HC my reading 0.22, (Max limit 0.5 passed)
CO my reading 0.59, (Max limit 9.32 passed)
Nox my reading 1.60, (Max limit 1.24 FAILED)

all the results are in g/km

10-03-2012, 01:27 AM
Try warming up your cat longer or get a new catylitic converter.

10-03-2012, 01:40 AM
Run a "Guaranteed to Pass."

10-03-2012, 10:07 AM
Run a "Guaranteed to Pass."

I put a whole bottle in a full tank of 92 gas. its almost empty now. ganna go fill it up and give it another try. hopefully that stuff helps. Im also planning to seafoam my car first before the re-test, just to make sure all of the gunk in my engine are gone. have you tried using "Guaranteed to pass"? did it work for you?

10-03-2012, 11:19 AM
sea foam will destroy inner parts of a aftermarket cat. i used a magnaflow cat (yes its cheap) but it passed with flying colors. so i took it off right after the test and never used it untill the next time i had to.

so i put it on and sea foamed my car, and bam failed ALL 3 sections of the emissions test in VA

10-03-2012, 12:28 PM
sea foam will destroy inner parts of a aftermarket cat. i used a magnaflow cat (yes its cheap) but it passed with flying colors. so i took it off right after the test and never used it untill the next time i had to.

so i put it on and sea foamed my car, and bam failed ALL 3 sections of the emissions test in VA

I only need to pass NOx. Where can i get a magnaflow cat? I have a stock cat. do u think seafoam would help reducing my NOx?

10-06-2012, 12:01 AM
Specifically, what have you tried so far to lower your nox levels? Posted from Zilvia.net App for Android

10-06-2012, 12:41 AM
Try cleaning the intake manifold through the bolt on top of the throttle body. You need to use an Allen key to remove and a long skinny brush to clean in there. Worked for a friend of mine.

10-06-2012, 01:42 AM
Moth Balls in gas tank

10-06-2012, 03:24 AM
thanks for the reply guys. I already passed nox. I replaced my fuel filter, and i seafoamed my car thru brake vaccum and intake. reduced nox from 1.37 to 1.17 (max limit is 1.24). every1 was saying seafoam works. well i guess it does lol.

10-14-2012, 03:44 AM
You poured seafoam into the brake vacuum and intake? How did you do that?

10-14-2012, 08:27 AM
You poured seafoam into the brake vacuum and intake? How did you do that?

easy, just unplug the brake vacuum hose on the brake booster. and then SLOWY pour it into the hose. use 1/3 to 1/2 of the bottle. thru the brake vacuum.