View Full Version : Would you defend your Country and Freedom?

09-27-2012, 07:57 PM
Well I just re-watched a old high-school favorite - Red Dawn. (Thanks Netflix)

So the question to you my beloved Zilvian cohorts, would you defend your home?

If we were invaded by Canadians, Chinese, Russians, Germans, Mexicans, Aliens that look like people and talk weird but totally coming in peace, Communists, Nazis, Iranians, Irish... whatever -

Would you fight and oppose them? How bad would it have to get before you started planning roadside ambushes and bombings?

I always find it interesting how arguably one of the most obviously evil regims ever (Nazi's) went on almost completely unopposed by Western Europe (Belgium, France, Denmark ect) but was fought tooth and nail by other countries who had always been treated poorly - most notably Yugoslavia.

While the French resistance consisted of a dozen Parisians listing to Allied Radio in a basement, Tito raised nearly a million men from various countries to lead the Balkens partisan movement.

So beyond would you participate - how much do you think the American public would participate?



09-27-2012, 08:09 PM
funny, i was just talking to my friend TODAY about this movie (he had told me to watch it.) i couldnt finish because it was so horrible.

i think you bring up an excellent point about how a lot of people just allowed their countries to be taken over....

Admiral Yamamoto was quoted as saying this during WWII
“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

long story short, the majority of the US would put up a fight IMO

09-27-2012, 08:11 PM
also, our Sub(marine) fleets would blast our enemies ships out of the water before they could make landfall.

and countries would resort to nuclear strikes first, which would result to counter nuclear strikes. which would lead to nothing on both sides.

09-27-2012, 08:40 PM
also, our Sub(marine) fleets would blast our enemies ships out of the water before they could make landfall.

and countries would resort to nuclear strikes first, which would result to counter nuclear strikes. which would lead to nothing on both sides.

The plausibility of invasion is not at question here - that is why I made the huge list of possible enemies - the scope is "we are being occupied... what do you do, what would it take to get you to do something?"

09-27-2012, 08:42 PM
funny, i was just talking to my friend TODAY about this movie (he had told me to watch it.) i couldnt finish because it was so horrible.

I struggle to see what you found "horrible" about it...

09-27-2012, 08:44 PM
i tried to like the movie but lost interest. i made it to the part that they were grabbing supplies at that gas station/outpost/whatever.

and again, i think the majority of the U.S. would fight

09-27-2012, 08:50 PM
i tried to like the movie but lost interest. i made it to the part that they were grabbing supplies at that gas station/outpost/whatever.

and again, i think the majority of the U.S. would fight

....10 minutes into the movie :hahano:

09-27-2012, 08:53 PM
thats how bad it was man, sorry. i cant explain what i didnt like about it, i just really lost interest.

09-28-2012, 03:29 PM
will i fight. hell yes. ive got enough ammo and supplies to hold out for a small amount of time.

will others in my community fight. probably not. california and other states with very strict gun laws will fall fast. the way i see it texas, florida will hold strong. only becuase texas has great gun laws and florida.... well florida is crazy and invaders will get eaten by bums.

09-28-2012, 03:44 PM
I will fight. I got a nice setup lol but buy what u can while u still can things aren't so good out there. I try to stock up an ammo when I have some spare cash.

09-28-2012, 04:04 PM
Im in north florida/southern GA... I dont know a single person without atleast one gun in their house. Would I fight? Absolutly.

09-28-2012, 04:27 PM
Active Duty for the last 14 years.

There is no question as to whether or not I would fight.

09-28-2012, 04:39 PM
Active Duty for the last 14 years.

There is no question as to whether or not I would fight.

I Like his reply ^^^
I would put up a fight as well

09-28-2012, 04:54 PM
1st you shouldn't start debates to split people wether race,color,eyes etc..
2nd look up illuminati,Zionism, masons
3nd U.S government united with other mason around the world will take over the world and set there own rules making it a "new world order"
5th don't get me wrong ill fight to they death for my freedom and my families

09-28-2012, 04:58 PM
You need to lay off YouTube...

09-28-2012, 05:00 PM
You need to lay off YouTube...

Yes yes I need to lmao

09-28-2012, 05:04 PM
speaking of chinese, they just tried to buy a wind farm near a naval station. lol

09-29-2012, 07:29 AM
yeah... few remember when the japs invaded alaska and were "going to march down from alaska into the US"


09-29-2012, 09:16 AM
My buddy and I talked about this the other day. If we were invaded, I'd fight til the end. Gotta protect the house and people you love. I don't think it would be wise to invade our country simple because at least 75% of households have firearms or at least a weapon of some sort. I don't have to be enlisted in the military to fight for my home; you come to my doorstep and try and take my house, you best be ready.

09-29-2012, 09:27 AM
It's easy to say that you'd fight a foreign invader; however, I think the more interesting question is "would you fight to keep America free from domestic enemies?"

We are losing freedoms by the minute and increasingly turning into a police state. Taxes are going through the roof, debt is piling up, etc. Would you fight in a new revolution? Looking at our first war of independence, one of the reasons people had such a hard time fighting the Brits is that they weren't really a "foreign" government, but their government.

09-29-2012, 10:01 AM
I will fight until the end, no need to ask me twice.

The funny thing is that we are being invaded every day, people coming in and out of our country illegally and the Government is not doing anything about it.

"Why the hell should I press 1 for English?" We are in America, right?!?

09-29-2012, 10:19 AM
i wouldve fought since i was a webelos scout (the kids too young to be boy scouts.)
"hey if all the army died, they would give us guns and we would be able to fight" was pretty much the quote at one of our meets.

of course if the military was wiped out we would be pretty fucked at that time but it was a fun idea to be able to have a gun as a kid.

09-29-2012, 10:20 AM
^ irony Hawaii, Irony. Especially if you are Hawaiian.

09-29-2012, 10:23 AM
I would fight.
Militias protected the land long before the military...
I wouldn't stage a stand from here in Colorado though. I would stage it from my "forgettable" home in WV. only two main roads in and out of my town. plenty of coal mines for refuge and soo many backwoods people that invaders wouldn't know what to do or think about them ( think Deliverance)

10-13-2012, 02:31 PM
So when do you guys stop and think about why other countries fight our military when we put bases on their land?

10-13-2012, 03:09 PM
Without a doubt I would fight. I would be the first out and last in.

My only concern with Americans all having guns is that the majority can't shoot to save their lives. I know way way way to many people with fancy EOTechs, ACOGs, 15x scopes etc, on AR15s and they still can't shoot for shit in a calm environment. Much less moving and shooting with bullets flying at you.

I would round up all the properly trained military and go hunting. Everyone else can stay home and keep a watchful eye on homes, stores, gas stations etc., and just keep comms

10-14-2012, 11:19 PM
So when do you guys stop and think about why other countries fight our military when we put bases on their land?

Good point.

I expected more resistance from the Iraqis and Afghans but they've been peaceful. We invaded their countries and removed their governments because we felt our form of rule was better; not a hell of a lot different than the Russian-Nicaraguan-Cubans in Red Dawn.

I would fight to protect myself, my wife and my animals. Of course, I'm handicapped in that I live in California but I have an AR, a P226 and an 870 and can put rounds on paper with all of them.

Godzillarb- I will fight all enemies who initiate force, including the State and its agents. If anyone sides with the State in its initiation of force against me, their life is forfeit.

10-15-2012, 03:40 AM
I would hope that the majority of the country would fight just like they are fighting our invading forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the other places we are currently in. I also believe in the total war concept, kill everyone! But I would hope that they would do it without being suicide bombers.

I often ask a similar question at work of what would you do if Afghanistan and Iraq troops invaded the US?

My answer is I would kill as man as I can.

10-18-2012, 03:25 AM
Good point.

I expected more resistance from the Iraqis and Afghans but they've been peaceful. We invaded their countries and removed their governments because we felt our form of rule was better; not a hell of a lot different than the Russian-Nicaraguan-Cubans in Red Dawn.

I think I get what you are trying to say. Something like "Iraqi people want to be westernized". I would agree for the most part. The same goes for a lot of Iran.

I do understand the death toll for allied forces is actually really small considering the amount of years that have been involved. Few thousand vs the previous longest war of several million.

That said, you are kinda wrong about the 'peaceful' resistance. The guys that hate the US don't wear uniforms, and they are blending in with society, using civilians to carry out acts of terror toward anyone that favors US policy.

Do take note at how many die from IEDs vs anything else. Its hardly peaceful. There is a major power struggle in the middle east. As soon as the superior technology leaves, there will be a civil war to decide who is going to be in power, or you will have several smaller clan-like states.

but back to the original question
Yes, to a point. Our big brother to the south (you guys) spends way too much money on making the most awesome killing machines. In the event we went to war with you guys, I would quietly bite my tongue and do some off grid living. That said, there is no way the US would invade Canada... why? You guys already own our resources via parent resource companies. Why take over a nation when you already own the goods? ...assholes, lol.

I would fight more toward an Idea then a line on a map.

example: Regarding the conflict in Japan over the Island ownership. If Japan attacked China, I'd back Japan. Why? The Communist censorship nation of China has more land, and is an ahole nation bent on control, with no human rights in place. Japan is running out of room. I would fully support Japan doing a land grab. Imperial Japan is better then Communist China in my books. I would fight for the Idea of an Imperial-democracy then a Communist-socialist ideal.

Do I think the average US joe would fight?
Yes. The one good quality about you guys is you would fight as a unit. Regardless of politics, generally you guys are some of the most patriotic bunch I've ever met.

In Canada, you have a black man say he's Ugandan, an Indian man say he's from India, A Russian saying he's Russian.... but in the US, you have the same people say they are from America. I congratulate you for being one of the few nations on this earth that is like that.

Also in Canada, if we went to war, we'd have lawyers and courts waiting to make sure any human rights were not violated. Its a sad state of affairs when the Military Can't do its job.

10-18-2012, 08:41 AM
i may not be from this country, but i would mos def fight if someone invaded it, this is my home my son and mom live here i grew up here i would mos def hold it down against anyone including mexico where im from.

10-18-2012, 09:15 AM
Would I defend my country? Hell YES I will !!