View Full Version : Car Drawings

09-24-2012, 12:29 PM
Hey, just putting this out there, maybe someone might be interested...If you want your car drawn send me a picture and i can draw it for you. Im not professional or anything, but opinion wise i might or might not be good at it, THEY ARE NOT TRACED. I do not color and would prefer not to do backgrounds(they end up looking a mess. Anyways, Its free and a drawing of your car is cool to have. :) If you want to shoot me a couple dollars and help me out I do not mind at all, but this is not a sales thread and I am not asking or requiring you to pay. When the drawing is done I can scan and email to you or I can mail it to you usps.

Unfortunately I don't have any reference pics of a silvia or 240 i have drawn, but if someone sends me one to do soon I can have a pic up later this week :)

09-24-2012, 12:45 PM
Do you have pics of your work period? Like aside from 240s? Might help people get interested or whatever.

09-24-2012, 12:54 PM
I have drawings that arent cars, the only car i have is an r32 taped to my wall and an ae86 coupe i did on a notebook paper in class lol ill get a scan of the r32 tonight though :)

09-24-2012, 01:36 PM
I've seen this done, and it's very neat when done well.

Good luck, would like to see some concepts...

You could always grab a few cars' pics off Google Images to get your started / build your portfolio

09-24-2012, 01:40 PM
Thanks, the only thing about that is that i dont want to be in hot water for posting someones car drawn without permission, its happened before with drawings. But im going to draw my car tonight and post it.