View Full Version : Couple questions (stock ka24e)

09-19-2012, 12:51 PM
Alright, so as stated I have a nearly stock KA24e, only thing not stock is the Injen intake I threw on it. The car runs great, except for one of two problems:

1. Weird temperature problem. I can let the car idle at startup all day, and the temperature will not move from around slightly under 1/2. However, after driving for about 15 minutes, the temperature will move upwards, towards the end, then dip slightly down and stay between 3/4 and "full". Now, it doesn't start a miss or bad idling so i'm led to believe its not actually running hot.

This, coupled with the fact it has a brand new radiator and thermostat, as well as both temp sensors replaced. I even tried rerouting it in case the heater core was stopped up, but same issue. I took the radiator cap off and ran it for awhile at idle, and didn't have a problem after that (assuming it was a trapped air pocket). However, today it did the same thing to me. I stopped to eat, was there for ~30 minutes, and the car's initial temp reading was 1/2. Stayed there the entire way home, and I took the same route. So perhaps the gauge is giving an incorrect reading?

2. Transmission is a hard shift into second occasionally. If I can match the RPMs at around 4k, it'll usually shift without a problem. Other times it'll grind going in, and I never downshift to 2nd because it always grinds and worse than up shifting. None of the other gears give me a problem. Is it the synchronizer? It's possible the tranny is borked however; I was supposed to have a new one as the slave cylinder went one day in traffic (a few years ago), and I lost Reverse as well as 3rd I think. I'm thinking they just rebuilt it though unless I got a bad "new" tranny; as stated, it's only second that gives me a problem. What would be cheaper? Replacing the synchro if that is it, or finding a replacement tranny?

Thanks for any help!

09-19-2012, 04:53 PM
I have the same issue with the temps, bump for help :(

Rut Ro
09-19-2012, 05:01 PM
Possible air pocket in your engine perhaps. Jack up the front end and look for bubble in the radiator and fill accordingly. Check the thermostat too. If you feel like it, install and aftermarket water temp and ensure its not the gauge too. Transmission wise, sounds like your syncros could be going. Its usually cheaper to find a different transmission than trying to rebuild it. Check your fluid and do a change aswell.

09-19-2012, 05:10 PM
Ok, I've noticed that while moving the fan slider, the temp gauge will wiggle higher and drop back down. That means its definitely the gauge then right? Tried removing air pockets multiple times, have seen bubbling but it's retaining te problem.

09-21-2012, 04:17 PM
I think I had it hooked up wrong, but I had an aftermarket gauge and it seemed to be close to topped out most the time. After pulling my hair out, I decided to just pull the thermostat out completely. Never gets above halfway, barely makes it to half before lowering..this even while running 110 ;)

Winter might get a bit cold if I don't sell it, but eh oh well.