View Full Version : Need PC Gurus Assistance

09-19-2012, 08:40 AM
I am having PC issues. It was built around 2 years ago, no trouble till now.

Asrock a78gmh/128M MB
8 gigs of Gskill ram 800
1st Gen AMD Phenom Processor
Corsair PSu 650W
I forget the video card

My parents PC was having boot issues which I thought were RAM related. I popped out one of my Ram sticks and stuck in there PC. I ended up fixing theirs. So I put my RAM back in my PC, plugged everything up. That was 3 days ago.

Went to turn on my PC this morning and it will not boot. The fans and lights come on, the dvd drive will move, however no display and no power to the mouse or keyboard. I pulled the stick out that I put in my parents PC and tried again, same issue. I pulled out all the RAM except one stick which is under my cpu fan that cannot be reached, no dice.

I have been on the web for about 2 hours researching. I found it could be anything, PSU, video card, MB etc. Thing is I had no prior issues before and this only happened after I moved that one stick.

Any suggestions before I tear into it?

09-19-2012, 08:46 AM
did you check if slots are clean?? i had an issue before that my comp wouldnt boot properly. i even got to the point of buying new ram chips, same thing. i was told that if the slots are dirty, it could cause booting issues. i swabbed the slots with a circuit board cleaning agent and it worked fine ever since. i even upgraded my chips again to see if that would change anything, but no issues them. my comp has was built back in 09.

Have you given the comp a good cleaning? im pretty sure u got a dust bunny infestation. lol

09-19-2012, 09:19 AM
I would start with blowing out the RAM slots to be safe. Also make sure you are seating the memory properly and that it is not partial installed. Make sure when handling the ram that you are not touching anything but the sides of the memory so you don't fry the RAM with static or oils from your fingers, don't touch the chips or the connectors on bottom.

09-19-2012, 08:18 PM
I did find some dust in one ram slot but I took out all the ram sticks except one which is under my CPU cooler and cannot be taken out. Still no boot. I will try dusting it out and see if that works.

Its just weird to me this started after I took the ram out and put it in my parents PC. It has a guard on it so I don't think I static fried it, plus I always try to be really careful.

This is the RAM I am running.

09-19-2012, 08:24 PM
so you currently have 1 stick of ram in tehre right? 1 4 gig? IIRC DDR Ram can only one in singles or pairs. its a little weird, you gotta read the manual for your motherboard. Also, if you are only using one piece of ram, the motherboard may restrict you to using a certain ram slot. Should be something like slot: Ram 0_0 or Ram 0_1 and not 1_0 or 1_1. It depends on the manufacturer... check out your mobo booklet.

09-19-2012, 08:30 PM
It doesn't post or anything?

09-19-2012, 08:31 PM
It doesn't post or anything?

Nope. It.....Holy shit you changed your avatar...

I get power to fans, disc driver HDD (can hear and feel them) no power to keyboard or mouse, no display.

so you currently have 1 stick of ram in tehre right? 1 4 gig? IIRC DDR Ram can only one in singles or pairs. its a little weird, you gotta read the manual for your motherboard. Also, if you are only using one piece of ram, the motherboard may restrict you to using a certain ram slot. Should be something like slot: Ram 0_0 or Ram 0_1 and not 1_0 or 1_1. It depends on the manufacturer... check out your mobo booklet.

I had one stig of 2GB. The mobo can support 2GB sticks up to 8GB total. The RAM itself has been running good for almost 2 years.

Ah oops, I put the wrong link in there. Let me correct that.

09-19-2012, 08:35 PM
Same thing happened to me a few years ago. I just ended up getting a new PC altogether LOL.

Not booting = bad/fried mobo?

09-19-2012, 08:37 PM
I read the first line ... "I am having PC issues. "

Sell it, buy a Mac... never look back.

At the very least you'll never have "PC issues" anymore.

09-19-2012, 08:41 PM
You have a speaker on the mobo?

09-19-2012, 08:43 PM
Same thing happened to me a few years ago. I just ended up getting a new PC altogether LOL.

Not booting = bad/fried mobo?

Research tells me it could be the mobo, video card, power supply, ram etc. I can't afford a new PC right now and really need to get this one back working.

I read the first line ... "I am having PC issues. "

Sell it, buy a Mac... never look back.

At the very least you'll never have "PC issues" anymore.

Lol, I want a Mac, but I can't afford one. A Mac Pro in the way I want is $3,124.00.

You have a speaker on the mobo?

I don't think so.....

Newegg.com - ASRock A780GMH/128M AM2+/AM3 AMD 780G HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157154)

Do I?

09-19-2012, 08:53 PM
it happened to me. my previous pc wont boot after i pulled the ram. turns out that the memory sticks werent seated properly. i pulled them and re seated and it worked for me

09-19-2012, 09:00 PM
it happened to me. my previous pc wont boot after i pulled the ram. turns out that the memory sticks werent seated properly. i pulled them and re seated and it worked for me

Tried that, no luck.

09-19-2012, 09:24 PM
Pull the video card out, and re-seat that as well. Do you have your original RAM sticks in there now or are you only using one? Also make sure all your PSU connections are secure inside the tower. Get an air duster and blast it free of dust. Analyze everything, start with the basics, you should be able to figure it out.

Were there any bad lightning storms recently? I know in Florida we've been having some crazy lightning.

09-19-2012, 09:46 PM
fans and accesories will turn on thats directly to the psu.

most likely a dead mobo. happened to my asus 790x (it gave some clues like BSOD).
no boot one day, cleaned everything and checked everything. still no boot.
bought a cheap mobo (with intergrated gpu just encase, cause i was overclocking). everything worked.

09-20-2012, 10:52 AM
I really hope it's not the mobo..... I am not looking forward to swapping that. Weird thing is it has given no sign it was dying. Just boot up fine one day next this.


09-20-2012, 11:04 AM
You should pick up a PCI MOBO tester. Without any real diagnostic tools we are all shooting in the dark. A basic tester shouldn't be more than maybe $10 or so and will give you what ever it is getting hung up on, just make sure it has the code book with it to make it easier.

Something kind of like this:Amazon.com: Computer Post Test Main Board Diagnostic Analyzer Card: Computers & Accessories (http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Post-Board-Diagnostic-Analyzer/dp/B005EJMO56/ref=pd_sim_pc_3)

09-20-2012, 11:21 AM
Have you reset CMOS? I had a display issue where my pc was on but my monitors wouldn't show anything despite being on. Reset CMOS & BIOS and reconfigured settings and I was good. If not that, start yanking everything out and start a booting process with the very minimal in there and start adding stuff until the problem shows up.

09-23-2012, 01:51 PM

I pulled the graphics card tested and tried to boot it off the mobo, same issue. GPU was dusty but nothing major, blew the dust out of all the fans and the rest of the case. It was dusty yes, but it has been worse and worked fine.

Pulled out all the ram and tested the a stick at a time. Boot with each stick.

Errr what? I am thinking maybe a memory slot is bad as before I took out all the ram except the one underneath the cpu fan (its a bitch to put back in as you have to remove cpu fan) and it would not boot. Put ram in all slots but that one, booted.

Put it all back together, put the display back to the video card. Boots like a champ. I wonder how it will act with 6GB vs 8GB of ram, but at least its running.

I feel this is a sign I need to redo the whole PC.

09-26-2012, 10:54 AM
ever figure out the PC problem?

09-26-2012, 03:04 PM
Yeap lol. Read the post above yours.