View Full Version : Spamming accounts

09-17-2012, 12:44 AM
Is there any way You guys can stop the spamming accounts that keep popping up??

09-17-2012, 07:49 PM
No, we totally enjoy letting our forum get over run with coach bag, male supplement, and porn bots. We're not doing anything at all in an attempt to prevent it.

Pull your head out of your ass.

09-17-2012, 08:29 PM
No, we totally enjoy letting our forum get over run with coach bag, male supplement, and porn bots. We're not doing anything at all in an attempt to prevent it.

Pull your head out of your ass.

It was just a question, No reason to get your panties in a bunch...shit

09-18-2012, 06:36 AM
It was just a question, No reason to get your panties in a bunch...shit

No, it was a dumbass question fully deserving the response it got. Obviously if we could simply just stop the spam bots we would have already.

It's like asking the police "oh sir can't you just stop people from committing crimes?"

09-18-2012, 06:49 AM
I know nothing about computers/internet type dealings so excuse the question but is there any reason they (bots) have taken a liking to zilvia? is it just the amount of traffic it gets? the reason i ask is because the other non-global forums i'm on it rarely happens.

because i'm on the other side of the world i happen upon most of them (as im assuming the mods are in bed due to the time difference) but it does take a while to report them due to the 60 second interlude that the forum requires you to take between post reports.

is there any chance this could be relaxed or reduced so i can knock them out in quick succession? 60 seconds may not sound like a lot but when 10 or so different bots posts appear on one page of the "new posts" function it can take a while to report them all :)

09-18-2012, 07:19 AM
Even the mods flame on zilvia. Let's ban them for a change

09-19-2012, 12:37 AM
You know I do not think that asking the people that run a forum a question is deserving of the response given, You are the Forum moderators act like it!

09-19-2012, 12:50 AM


09-19-2012, 02:03 AM
You know, I do not think being asked if my staff members are doing their jobs is really necessary. Out of the 20 or so Spam posts you have reported in the last year, every single one has been taken care of. So, obviously, we are doing something.

Next, you offered no suggestion on a fix. We would be happy to listen. The current spammers we have been dealing with (much more than 20 a year I assure you) are not BOTS. They are able to fill out forms and Human Verification checks and such. Some of them even wait a day or so before starting to post. So, please tell me, how would you recommend we stop them?

I'm just curious as to what it is you were actually trying to achieve with this thread. Obviously we are trying to fix it. If we weren't all the Spam threads would still be there to annoy you. Instead every thread spotted by the staff or reported by the members is removed from your view and the offending account and ip address banned.

You think I was too harsh in my reponse? So be it. You can either get over it, or you can't.

09-19-2012, 03:03 AM
No, it was a dumbass question fully deserving the response it got. Obviously if we could simply just stop the spam bots we would have already.

It's like asking the police "oh sir can't you just stop people from committing crimes?"

Wow really dude that is in no relation to what he asked... This is no where near on the same level of seriousness as commiting a crime, for being "mods" I would expect a better argument coming from you guys. You guys aren't cops, you're simply "moderators" so how about you grow the fuck up and start acting like one.

End thread/

09-19-2012, 03:34 AM
It's probably one person who can change ips all the time... Like the guy said its a human doing it.

09-19-2012, 08:16 AM
Wow really dude that is in no relation to what he asked... This is no where near on the same level of seriousness as commiting a crime, for being "mods" I would expect a better argument coming from you guys. You guys aren't cops, you're simply "moderators" so how about you grow the fuck up and start acting like one.

End thread/

Actually it is. I use the police as a reference point. I am not saying we are police. I could easily used an example of a teacher in a classrooom with misbehaving students, or a boss in a work place with bad employees stealing. An entity (zilvia) which has an issue with the users of said entity (spammers) are using the entity improperly.

His question was to the staff asking if we could do anything to stop the influx of spammers. The obvious answer is if we could we would already be doing it. Hence the sarcastic response.

Here is another example, his question is like someone asking us can we stop new users from making stupid posts. No we cannot however we can close/lock/delete them, the same we are doing with the spammers.

I find it rather humorous for someone to post so butt hurtedly over a thread they didn't start, yet can tell someone to "grow the fuck up" ah internet anonymity.

09-19-2012, 09:47 AM
I was not posting to say "why the hell are'nt you guys doing your job?" I am not a computer data base guru.I think when a person asks a legit question , just give a courteous answer and move on, why throw out the 17 year old internet flamming b/s.
I'm 42 years old I really do not appreciate it, act in a professional manor

09-19-2012, 11:38 AM
So, bots can pass that "pick the right picture" before being able to join an account?