View Full Version : Need Help! wiring problem

09-16-2012, 09:09 PM
Okay so i am finishing up my sr20 swap into my 92 s13. I had the motor in and wired up and it started fine and all the electronics did as they should. I then tucked up the wiring a bit but didnt cut or disconnect and wires, installed a boost gauge, and extended the battery wires to re locate the battery to the trunk. I hook up the battery and get power no problem. I go to start the car and the starter just clicks. I take the key out and the gauge cluster wont turn off? I am so stumped. I am drawing a complete blank as to what it could be or what changed. I tried connecting and disconnected the battery a few times and the car did start after a few tries. But the cluster still dosnt turn off with the key out like it should. Any quick replies would be greatly appreciated. Want to drive this car!

1990 sr hatch
09-16-2012, 09:21 PM
make sure your teminals re on tight and fully charged battery. not to sure about the lights though

09-16-2012, 09:28 PM
theyre tight

09-17-2012, 08:47 AM
How's the guage cluster wired up? did you leave all the original wiring, or did you replace the wiring along with the sr20 harness?
Let me know and I'll be able to pull up schematics and we can try to figure it out.

09-17-2012, 09:18 AM
The cluster is oem wiring as far as I can tell. The car had an autometer oil pressure guage wired in previously, that looked profesionally done, or was just well wired. When I installed the boost guage I just spliced the 12v and ground into the already wired oil guage. And then relocated the battery to the trunk. The car started and ran fine before. Now, the seat belt motors are moving on there own, the warning lights on the cluster stay on, and when the car does start, it idles badly. Seems like a short maybe? or bad ground. But all my grounds appear to be tight and done well. Maybe a short? Thank you for your help, much appriciated.

09-17-2012, 07:19 PM
seems like this may have been a pre existing problem before the battery re location. I turn the key to power, then take it out, and the dash warning lights stay on. I have no idea why the car wouldnt start the first few times after i relocated it, but I put the battery back up front where it was and the problem persists, as well as looked at a video I had taken previously of the car and it was doing it before, I just didnt notice.

09-18-2012, 03:27 PM
started pulling fuses, got to the (meter) fuse, under the dash, And the lights went out. Guessing I have a short or bad ground there? The motor also shakes a little much at idle it seems?

10-25-2012, 01:48 PM
Problem solved. Bad wiring harness