View Full Version : Electrical Problem

09-16-2012, 05:56 PM
Yes, another electrical problem. Go ahead and flame me, idc right about now.

Basically my cluster, cluster back light, cluster digital time/clock, turn signals, auto seat belts, windshield wipers, hazard lights, stereo, brake lamps, and brake lights DONT WORK!

I was driving and out of no where, a little bit of smoke started venting out from the driver side of the hood, and there I saw two naked wires touching eachother. I checked all of the relays and they all seemed to be fine.
I also looked at the whole driver side harness and nothing out of the ordinary happened to it.

So now im stuck looking at my car thinking if i should just send it to a shop.

Can someone give me any advice in what i should do. Thanks. If anyone local can fix it for me i can pay for your time and parts.