View Full Version : KA-T.org... Can someone please help me out???

09-12-2012, 05:03 PM
I signed up for KA-T.org a week ago and they still haven't sent the activation email so I can log in. Can someone please contact a moderator over there and have them please e-mail me the activation link?

My username is DamnedButDetermined


09-13-2012, 06:32 AM
What do you plan on doing once you get there?

09-13-2012, 10:32 AM
What do you plan on doing once you get there?

Spamming :drama: hahah

I just want to be able to ask a question while I am reading through someone else's build or thread. If something doesn't make sense to me I would like to have the opportunity to ask for more info on a specific setup.


09-13-2012, 09:44 PM
sign up again!

09-13-2012, 09:57 PM
Everyone over there is an asshole anyway. Don't worry about it. Hahahha jk.

09-16-2012, 02:21 AM
PM the dude with the build thread.

what makes a search engine not work is a bunch of noobies asking the same 'what pistons and rods will make my engine do 500hp'. or 'what turbo is awesome'...

seriously, its a weekly question, and god forbid if I become a moderator, a lot of threads will be deleted, compiled, and re-organized.

Everything, literally everything you need to know has been answered. I pm'd a lot of other 'heavy hitters' any questions I had, took the average answer I got, and went that route.

You can PM me questions, but I have not completed my build yet. I can only comment on what I have done and point out some things that other people do, but often its better to hear from the Source.

If you really wan't 'in', Superkat, 8-bit... PM them, then you will go through a series of trials, and tests. There is also a labyrinth you have to go through, make sure you kill the dragon.