View Full Version : Got one of the New Vizio Laptops

09-11-2012, 12:18 PM
Here's my review from Amazon. This is NOT he thin& light, butt the regular 15.6". I gave it 4 out of 5 stars just because off the keyboard and the fact that I had to update the trackpad software to make it work well. I'd definitely recommend it. I'm VERY happy with it.

Here's a stock photo.

Here's a link to Vizio's site for the laptop. VIZIO Performance Notebook Computer with Full HD Picture | VIZIO (http://www.vizio.com/notebook/overview)

As a professional photographer and web developer who insists on using a PC, picking a new laptop turned out to be a pretty big challenge. As a father of two small children I also have to be budget minded. When I seen the Vizio concept computers announced I thought they looked cool, but who knew what the actual product would be like and how much they would really cost.

When looking for a new laptop I knew it had to have an i7, 8gb+ of ram, good screen, USB3, and a decent size hdd and possibly an ssd. When the actual production specs and prices were released I knew the CN15-A2 was going to perfect, especially for $1200.

I made my mind up and once it came in stock on Amazon I ordered it immediately. They were not in stock on MS site, Vizio's site or Walmart and I felt I was pretty lucky to get one as soon as I did. On to the review.

I was impressed with the laptop as soon as I seen the product packaging. Once I took the laptop out of the box I was blown away. As a budget alternative to a $3000+ Mac Book Pro I expected some noticeable "budget" cutting, but the build quality is truly impressive. The aluminum body feels great, and has a slightly darker color compared to the Mac's which makes it look a little cooler IMO. The design itself is also really sweet looking with just subtle Vizio logos being used. I even love that the shape of the brick power cord mimics the shape and bevel of the outside of the laptop. Nice touches like that go a long way towards selling the idea of a premium product. Even my business partner with his brand new $3000+ Mac Book Pro was surprised. The keyboard initially feels and types great. However, I must admit that it does screw up every once in a while and double types some letters at random. I know it's the laptop because I've never experienced this with an other laptop or keyboard. The trackpad is also both impressive and flawed. While it works pretty well, it could use some better calibration as doing some gestures like swiping and two finger scrolling requires a little bit more effort then Mac's I've used. Those are really the only two minor complaints I have about it. The Windows 7 Signature was a huge selling point for me and I am indeed impressed that it didn't come with all the crap like most pc's you get from Best Buy, etc. As far as performance goes, this thing is fast. I have NO problems using Lightroom, Photoshop, Photomatix, etc etc processing RAW files and larger PS files. I have yet to edit any video with it, but the i7, 8gb of ram, and invidia video card will do the job fine, although this isn't the ideal platform for editing video obviously. It'll do in a pinch. I also have to commend the screen. I calibrated it with an X-Rite Pro calibrator and the factory settings are the best I have ever seen out of a monitor including a $1000+ Dell Ultrasharp monitor. I can feel confident color correcting photos on this screen.

So, as far as bang for your buck goes, you almost can't beat this thing. There are some minor flaws, but I can live with them considering I saved over $2000 on a comparable Mac product.

EDIT: I updated the trackpad firmware yesterday after reading another review and it's greatly improved. I also increased the sensitivity and it works a LOT better then before. Maybe, not Mac good, but a lot closer.

-Great build quality and design
-Great specs and bang for your buck
-Trackpad and Keyboard
-Windows 7 Signature

-Keyboard and trackpad could use some calibrating from Vizio
-Hard to find online still

Just ordered this bad boy to go with it.

09-11-2012, 05:05 PM
While I was laptop hunting I did come across this and raise an eyebrow. Mainly because I'm so use to seeing Vizio make affordable TVs as their main line of products. Good thing you're loving it and that's a nice review you put out there. I ended up getting the HP Envy 17....I couldn't pass up on the nice coupon that was available.

09-12-2012, 02:03 AM
where was it made? just curious

09-12-2012, 06:08 AM
where was it made? just curious

Honestly, I haven't even looked.

09-12-2012, 08:55 PM
Nice article on Vizio on The Verge Vizio reboots the PC: a quiet American success story takes on sleeping giants | The Verge (http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/15/3076519/vizio-reboot-pc-american-hdtv-success-do-it-again)

good read

09-14-2012, 04:48 PM
I didn't even know Vizio made laptops. I have been impressed lately with the quality of their products. I at first wrote them off as cheap garbage but I have seen some tv's that rival higher prices Samsungs.

09-14-2012, 05:09 PM
My problem with these is they don't have good video gpus, so no gaming and really not enough room to supply cooling to a good gpu.

09-16-2012, 03:16 AM
where was it made? just curious

Computers are usually made from parts located in different parts of the world. I use to work for Hewlett Packard back in like 2003. The parts were exactly the same as the Dell Laptops, maybe some slight differences.

Hard drives were made in China or Taiwan, pending on what model you got and how big of storage it had.

Even today, Apple Iphones are made in China, so does it really matter? I don't believe you can buy an American Made laptop. Lots of technology is still designed in the US, but after the designers are done in the lab, its off to cheap manufacturing overseas in a lot of cases.

09-16-2012, 08:50 AM
My problem with these is they don't have good video gpus, so no gaming and really not enough room to supply cooling to a good gpu.

Yeah, that was a negative I read from some reviews, but I don't play games on a pc at all so that didn't bother me at all.

09-16-2012, 10:28 AM
My problem with these is they don't have good video gpus, so no gaming and really not enough room to supply cooling to a good gpu.

I can see that but to me it seems like the target market isn't those who would worry about the GPU.

This feels more like the everyday PC.

Kind of like buying an S2K vs building a 240sx.

09-17-2012, 07:37 AM
I can see that but to me it seems like the target market isn't those who would worry about the GPU.

This feels more like the everyday PC.

The specs on the i7 and the graphics card are just one notch down from the comparable Mac Book Pro. The point of these laptops is to make a REAL Mac competitor. They don't come with bloatware and have clean design. Not typical things for most PC's. The didn't skimp on parts, design, quality or anything, just committed themselves to making a superior quality product. That idea and the actual execution are what sold me on the products.

09-18-2012, 03:25 PM
That idea and the actual execution are what sold me on the products.

This is what sells me on Vizio products in general. I am amazed time again how great their build quality is while maintaining a low price.

I was going to be buying an Asus brand laptop but this review has made me reconsider.

09-18-2012, 04:16 PM
This is what sells me on Vizio products in general. I am amazed time again how great their build quality is while maintaining a low price.

I was going to be buying an Asus brand laptop but this review has made me reconsider.

The Vizio is a superior product. It also has the best quality screen you're going to get next to the retina display. I can color correct photos on this screen with confidence.