View Full Version : accident caused by improper signal (near miss)

09-06-2012, 01:08 AM
so I was waiting on the drive way to get out of a parking lot. I see this car approaching from my left, so I stopped and wait. suddenly she gave a right turn signal, and her slow speed made me believe that she is going to turn into the parking lot. so I rolled a little thinking that she would turn in. but instead, she ran right pass the drive way and pulls over on my right.

who would be at fault if she hit me? I believe I will be at fault since I am going out to a main road... but this stupid bitch who doesnt know how to drive caused it... tell me what you think. cheers.

PS: this happened in Vancouver BC. therefore ICBC might have their own way of judging this. lemme know if you guys have the same experience.

09-06-2012, 05:54 AM
In Az you would be cited for improper backing. If you leaving the private drive way facing the roadway, you would be cited for not waiting until safe to do so. Can't think of the exact ARS codes off my head, but overall, you have to wait for traffic when coming from a private drive onto a street.

09-06-2012, 08:19 AM
I believe I will be at fault since I am going out to a main road...

It would definitely be your fault regardless of whether or not she was signaling.

Legal fault aside, you should probably drive more defensively. There are idiots everywhere.

09-06-2012, 08:29 AM
I believe I will be at fault since I am going out to a main road... but this stupid bitch who doesnt know how to drive caused it... tell me what you think. cheers.

That's pretty much the way it works in most of the US - The person on the main road has the right of way, and if you impede it...it's your fault.

Doesn't matter if they put on their signal, waived you on, and held up a sign saying "go ahead, pull out in front of me"...and still hit you. They 'own' the right of way, and if you put yourself out there and got hit...then it's your fault.

- Brian

09-06-2012, 08:42 AM
I dont see why your getting mad. From what I read, I dont think she did anything wrong, you actually fucked up and assumed the wrong thing. She signaled to pull over not to go in the parking lot. Correct me if I am wrong. In the us you actually have to signal 100 feet before anything actually. So next time dont assume shit, Lots of accidents can be avoided by doing this.

09-06-2012, 09:03 AM
I dont see why your getting mad. From what I read, I dont think she did anything wrong, you actually fucked up and assumed the wrong thing. She signaled to pull over not to go in the parking lot. Correct me if I am wrong. In the us you actually have to signal 100 feet before anything actually. So next time dont assume shit, Lots of accidents can be avoided by doing this.

i go in and out of that parking lot atleast 7 times a week. . the way she signal and approach the curb at slow speed makes me believe that she is going to turn into the parking lot. she didnt do anything wrong but should have signal later rather than signaling before the driveway, giving me the wrong signal. I dont think Iv done anything wrong either. because people signal to turn into the lot 6 times out of 7. but ya I will be more careful and watch out for idiots like this.

09-06-2012, 11:42 AM
you are an idiot

09-06-2012, 01:53 PM
She can signal 100000000000 fucking feet away, if you jumped in front of her and she hits you, you're still at fault cuz you didnt let her pass. She still has the right of way no matter what. Thats why YOU DONT EVER PULL OUT UNTIL THEY ARE COMMITTED TO TURNING. Even then, I've seen people change their mind mid turn and return back to the main road.

09-06-2012, 02:33 PM
She can signal 100000000000 fucking feet away, if you jumped in front of her and she hits you, you're still at fault cuz you didnt let her pass. She still has the right of way no matter what. Thats why YOU DONT EVER PULL OUT UNTIL THEY ARE COMMITTED TO TURNING. Even then, I've seen people change their mind mind turn and return back to the main road.

i hate those people who are behind you and honk the shit out of you to turn while there is oncoming traffic. sometimes, you're not even sure the oncoming traffic is going to turn or where they are going to turn even with their signals on.

09-06-2012, 02:44 PM
I've learned my lesson after getting clipped. Fucker was turning right at the intersection as I was on the opposite side, coming out of a gas station. He slowed down, signaled, started turning, so I said I'm good...guy turned back to the road cuz he realized thats not the street he wanted to go down to, actually accelerated to get back up to the flow of traffic and clipped my front bumper.

Guess who got the impeding of traffic citation and was at fault for the accident?

09-06-2012, 04:39 PM
i hate those people who are behind you and honk the shit out of you to turn while there is oncoming traffic.
This is when a middle finger (or two) comes in handy...pun intended.

09-06-2012, 07:29 PM
I've learned my lesson after getting clipped. Fucker was turning right at the intersection as I was on the opposite side, coming out of a gas station. He slowed down, signaled, started turning, so I said I'm good...guy turned back to the road cuz he realized thats not the street he wanted to go down to, actually accelerated to get back up to the flow of traffic and clipped my front bumper.

Guess who got the impeding of traffic citation and was at fault for the accident?

shit... sorry to hear that bro. I guess my experience could be a lesson for everyone, watch out for idiots and be more careful

09-06-2012, 08:05 PM
I work as a Professional driver and driving instructor over here on the Island. One of the key points I try to get across the most to students is, never ever trust the other motorists. The other one is avoid driving in Vancouver at all cost, that place is full of all kinds of stupid motorists...

09-06-2012, 10:07 PM
never ever trust the other motorists.


I it racist that I get scared and drive extra careful when I see someone asian behind the wheel....:2f2f:

09-07-2012, 01:08 PM
I always drive defensively. You have to these days!

I like driving my big truck, no one will mess with you in something large

09-07-2012, 04:54 PM
I work as a Professional driver and driving instructor over here on the Island. One of the key points I try to get across the most to students is, never ever trust the other motorists. The other one is avoid driving in Vancouver at all cost, that place is full of all kinds of stupid motorists...

I will never trust any turning signals from now on lol