View Full Version : HellaFlush XIII Meet / Drift / Dance - Bay Area Edition

09-01-2012, 04:11 PM
This isn't your ordinary HellaFlush, time we're at it again with a meet, bboy battle, and drift event at the Solano Fairgrounds on September 22, 2012. We hope to see all of you there being as how the last meet was packed. It's a good time to come out wether you want to kick it, have some bbq, or drift! Make sure to come out and kick it.

Solano Fairgrounds
900 Fairgrounds Drive, Vallejo Ca

Starting from like 9am - ???

For large groups registering, let me know. I can see if anything can be worked out for you. But hurry up as space is filling up fast! All car show registrants receive a free gift pack (while supplies last)!
http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c391/TurboDrifterZar/hellaflushXIII_wordup2.jpg (http://hellaflush.com/hellaflush-xiii/)

09-01-2012, 05:36 PM
Skid pad sold out :(

09-16-2012, 01:08 PM
Just keep your eyes open. Sometimes things come up and people need to sell their spot.

Less than one week away!

11-29-2017, 06:31 AM
Any meets in vallejo?

11-29-2017, 10:32 AM
Any meets in vallejo?

holy shit you bumped a 5yr old thread for this???
:picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: :picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: :picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: :picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: :picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp:

11-29-2017, 10:36 AM
Lol sorry noob to this forum