View Full Version : Help me represent the US at 2012 Speedskating World Championships!

08-21-2012, 01:52 PM
So some of you know this but most people here don't. I'm an inline speedskater and I have qualified to represent the United States as a member of Team USA at the upcoming 2012 World championships. This will be my 4th time on Team USA due to budget cuts this year we are having to fund our own way to worlds which is going to be $3000. I am taking donations to try to raise this money. We are set to leave to compete in Rome, Italy in just 9 days. Please go to the link below to donate. Any and all donations are appreciated and really help out!

Jake Powers 2012 World Championships Donation Page! Help me get there! by Jake Powers - GoFundMe (http://www.gofundme.com/11xh2o)

Thank You!


08-21-2012, 02:19 PM

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