View Full Version : clips?!?!

240 drifter
12-29-2001, 08:29 PM
i am new to the 240/silvia scene, and i see people selling clips, like example s13 clips, what exactly are these clips, please educate me.

Kid Zelda
12-29-2001, 08:34 PM
A clip is everything from the front seats or dash forward of a car, like half a car.

240 drifter
12-29-2001, 08:45 PM
thanks for the info.

12-29-2001, 10:17 PM
<a href="http://www.unstable-hybrids.com/S-15.jpg" target='_blank'>http://www.unstable-hybrids.com/S-15.jpg</a> thats a front clip. comes with tranny and everything. They may or may not come with fenders, hood, bumper ect. I think they usually don't.

Edit: pic was too big...made it a link.

(Edited by DSC at 10:19 pm on Dec. 29, 2001)