View Full Version : For sale section suggestion

08-19-2012, 03:28 AM
For the sake of searching for parts in the private for sale section, take the Cars for sale out of it as a sub forum. This would help me, and others I am sure on searching for parts, and not whole cars.

mowgli 240sx
08-19-2012, 10:55 AM
learn to use the forum :duh:

08-19-2012, 11:32 AM
I agree with what he's saying. When I'm looking for parts, if I use the "search this forum" the cars for sale section falls under the "marketplace" forum.

Sure, the parts I'm looking for may be on a car for sale, but that doesn't help me, as most members aren't looking to part out their cars if they're for sale.

Same thing goes for if I'm looking for a specific set of wheels that may happen to be on a car FS

08-19-2012, 11:31 PM
learn to use the forum :duh:

Well after further inspection I found the option in the advanced search feature. It is little bitty check box. It would have been soo much nicer to have it pointed out instead of being over critical, providing no help with asinine undertone. If you could can you direct me where I can get the instruction manual for the forum I won't waste your band width any more. Thanks any ways

08-20-2012, 11:47 AM
Well after further inspection I found the option in the advanced search feature. It is little bitty check box. It would have been soo much nicer to have it pointed out instead of being over critical, providing no help with asinine undertone. If you could can you direct me where I can get the instruction manual for the forum I won't waste your band width any more. Thanks any ways

Yeah, if you un-click child forums it won't search the sub-forums.


08-20-2012, 10:32 PM
Yeah, if you un-click child forums it won't search the sub-forums.


Thank you.