View Full Version : awesome suggestion

08-05-2012, 11:05 PM
tell one of your mods to stop being an ass i was in a CHAT forum section SORRY STATING FACTS not dissing anyone like i said in the thread just saying some stuff is overpriced which did have something to do with cars and my first post gets locked up bro FREEDOM of speech why do u guys care anyway them overpricing stuff doesnt earn you guys a penny so i believe my rights were voided in that instead of your mod being a bitch and not letting me write back was not only ignorant with what remark was left but was also very degrading at the same time and my brother is an owner off excessive autosports in sd wait untill he hears about this alot of his clients are on this sight to find information i will be sure to tell him to refer them to nickoclub for now on :nono: running a website is like a buisness and sorry but your mods CSR for dumb people customer service reps they suck and it is no wonder why some of my buddies that we reffered to you guys said there is nothing but ASSHOLES on this site tell your mod to grow the fuck up AND THIS WILL NOT BE THE LAST TIME YOU HEAR FROM ME I WILL TAKE THE NEXT APPROPRIATE STEPS IN MAKING SURE THIS ISSUE WILL GET RESOLVED Remember word of mouth can make or break any kind of buisness website anything this is the web bro and by the way tell your mod i dont follow facebook twitter blog whatever most of my time is spent under the hood of a car doing real work not talking others down about shit they dont know go blow smoke up someone elses ass i would love for someone in management or even the founder of the site to pm me please thank you and have a great rest of the night :D

08-06-2012, 12:18 AM
Dude, seriously, shut the fuck up. You sound like a bitch with a strong sense of entitlement. It's the Internet. More importantly, this is Zilvia. Everything you've heard about the site is true, but many of us like it that way. If you don't like it, feel free to fuck off.

08-06-2012, 12:27 AM

08-06-2012, 12:56 AM
no what i have is wit and what you have is ignorance and im glad you like it that way but if u want to see you site slowly fall apart do so continue by all means but trust me sprout since you would like to act like a child and comment on something that has nothing to do with you im sorry my fine sir but u feel free to take you boyfriends dick and go fuck each other you co signer hop off his nuts you dick rider as far as i am concerned u are nothing more than a puny child acting like you have balls of steel so do me a favor fuck off the adults are speaking go play with your matchbox car

08-06-2012, 01:10 AM
Wow. You sure talk like an adult. Here's an idea. Why don't you try using correct grammar like one? I can't even understand what you are trying to say due to your mess of a post. This site will not die. Like he said, most of us like it this way because it keeps the ignorant retards like you away. Have fun raging over the Internet. I don't even think anyone knows why you are mad, nor do we care.

P.s. If your brother really does run a shop, you're fat mouth is ruining his reputation already. I'm sure even he would tell you to shut up because you're making him look bad by mentioning him.

08-06-2012, 01:18 AM
Calls me a child. Starts slinging jr high level insults. That's just good comedy.

08-06-2012, 02:51 AM
This is a privately owned and funded forum. We have the right to regulate all content on the site.

Your idle threats and offensive language will get you nowhere here.