View Full Version : Issue with refund from ILLES13

08-01-2012, 07:18 AM
I paid for a seat bracket on June 29th, 2012.

This is the message on July 28th, 2012

He originally asked for $56 shipped. I sent $60 to be a nice and fair guy.
Sent to:
jose carrasco (The recipient of this payment is Verified)
Email: [email protected]
Total amount: -$60.00 USD
Fee amount: $0.00 USD
Net amount: -$60.00 USD
Date: Jun 29, 2012
Time:10:36:18 PDT
Status: Completed
From this thread (http://zilvia.net/f/sale-items/462215-tcs-carbon-gt-win-61-vertex-rep-skirts-sparco-pass-bracket-nismo-duracon.html)

More information follows:
What's the haps man! Updates! I know it's like butt-crack early in Cali, so I won't expect a response until tonight. Would be cool if you could process the refund so I could use the $60 to have some fun this weekend.

Thanks for the PM man. I have ordered another one already. I have to get a passenger seat in the car and I couldn't wait any longer. A refund would be great, if you could do that.

So, tomorrow makes three weeks since I've paid for the bracket. Will it be arriving anytime this summer?

Address sent

Do you think it matters if I don't put your first name? And is it centralia st or rd or anything or just by itself
Hey man I know I'm beyond late on shipping this thing, I can only apologize and over night it to you today. Would you still want the bracket or would you rather have me refund you?
If you could let me know before noon that would be great so I can get it out.
No worries I understand, I honestly lost track of time and kinda forgot about it and I do apologize. It's been a rough week.
I will transfer cash to my PayPal this morning, so I can cover your refund. It will take another day or so to clear, hopefully you can bare with me until then.
Again I do apologize for all this hassle.

I am sure I won't get anything back from paypal. Chalk it up to more experience.

08-01-2012, 07:28 AM
That sucks.

Surprising since he has a high amount of positive trader ratings...


08-01-2012, 07:38 AM
I am hesitant to leave negative iTrader feedback only because he could do the same to me, regardless of actual circumstances. I understand an admin could then remove my negative feedback, but that shouldn't have to happen. the whole iTrader feedback system is so flawed and has the potential to be so abused that it's not a valid measure of trustworthiness.

08-01-2012, 11:57 AM
Why are you worried if you know that the admins can dispute the negative feedback + you didn't do anything wrong?

Leave negative feedback & let him deal with the admins lifting it once he refunds you. Dude is busy being an internet star on social networks, anyway.

j.bardelosa (http://toolow.tumblr.com/)

That's him. All of his info is there:


Flickr: ILLES13's Photostream (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jomarisballin)
