View Full Version : Garage life worst shop ever highly never recommend!!

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 03:30 AM

08-01-2012, 04:27 AM
what were their response when you confronted them about it?

08-01-2012, 05:25 AM
Dude I understand where you're going with this, but with that Font, and capitalization this is not going to be read.

Word of advice less rant, state the facts people will read and make a choice.

Also now I tend to check out a shop before I decide to use them. Things I check for are reviews, work being preformed, organization, customers cars and thier demeanor. Yes you still can be mislead but it saves you alot of headache.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 10:46 AM
what were their response when you confronted them about it?

there response when i confronted them was you didn't not pay me to do wiring although i did pay them to reloacte my fuse box which is sitting on top of my motor melting. they were yelling & cussing me out telling me that i am a Effing Punkass etc etc. they where refusing to fix it all he wanted to do was electrical tape the wires. TPS never hooked up. Pretty much when i confronted them i got nothing but more insults. Was told im an import tuner wannabe pretty much.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 10:50 AM
Dude I understand where you're going with this, but with that Font, and capitalization this is not going to be read.

Word of advice less rant, state the facts people will read and make a choice.

Also now I tend to check out a shop before I decide to use them. Things I check for are reviews, work being preformed, organization, customers cars and thier demeanor. Yes you still can be mislead but it saves you alot of headache.

thanks for the advice i appreciate it i will fix it. I understand where you are coming from but im honestly kind of new to all of this. beforei took it there i seen all of there photos seen the work on the cars they have at the shop and heard from a few people about their work. now that i have been going around asking questions about the work done i am now find out that this is not the first time they have done a halfass job.

but honestly if you were in my situation what would you do? i pulled my car out now i have to take it else and spend more money.. how would you handle the situation?

08-01-2012, 10:50 AM
well you definitely have something and the pictures tell the story, but you need to cliff note your huge long run on rant, or change the font from angry guy font to being serious font. i would call the Better Business Bureau and tell them about it/give them pictures and if you don't want to pay, get a lawyer, it'll be cheaper than paying.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 11:08 AM
well you definitely have something and the pictures tell the story, but you need to cliff note your huge long run on rant, or change the font from angry guy font to being serious font. i would call the Better Business Bureau and tell them about it/give them pictures and if you don't want to pay, get a lawyer, it'll be cheaper than paying.

Thanks for the advice i think that is what i will do. I honestly feel like i am being ripped off. On top of that the numerous amounts of insults i have received from them.

08-01-2012, 11:09 AM
well you definitely have something and the pictures tell the story, but you need to cliff note your huge long run on rant, or change the font from angry guy font to being serious font. i would call the Better Business Bureau and tell them about it/give them pictures and if you don't want to pay, get a lawyer, it'll be cheaper than paying.

+1 on this.

08-01-2012, 11:18 AM
There has ti be much more to this.story. i saw a facebook post about this group "sideways insomniacs" and that one of them tried to steal stuff from garage life. And that they were kicked out.

I donot work for GL or know anyone personally that does. Id like more explaining. Or at least let the shop owner defend himself. Daniel is a vegas pro am driver trying to make a living, i really doubt it went down like this chum bucket is saying it did.

08-01-2012, 11:51 AM
There has ti be much more to this.story. i saw a facebook post about this group "sideways insomniacs" and that one of them tried to steal stuff from garage life. And that they were kicked out.

I donot work for GL or know anyone personally that does. Id like more explaining. Or at least let the shop owner defend himself. Daniel is a vegas pro am driver trying to make a living, i really doubt it went down like this chum bucket is saying it did.

your not allowed to post in your own review forum. read the rules before you post.

08-01-2012, 12:02 PM
This isnt my review thread sooo youre dumb. I clearly stated i donnot represent garage life or anyone who works there.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 12:05 PM
There has ti be much more to this.story. i saw a facebook post about this group "sideways insomniacs" and that one of them tried to steal stuff from garage life. And that they were kicked out.

I donot work for GL or know anyone personally that does. Id like more explaining. Or at least let the shop owner defend himself. Daniel is a vegas pro am driver trying to make a living, i really doubt it went down like this chum bucket is saying it did.

The post that you are reffering to on FB was created by a kid named Max Dang that i removed from the team i am trying to create due to lack of effort the kid never came out with us when he did never attempted sliding nothing. Complete BS story think about it if i stole from a shopand it hit social medias would i be a free man no i would be in jail for theft. Haters are going to hate. Im not sitting here making up stories man you can clearly see the photos for yourself i have no reason to lie man. For what it doesnt help me out any. jus because your a pro am driver doesnt mean you do the best of work. yes there is two sides to every story he is more than welcmoe to share his side of the story. highly doubt he will tell you all the harrassment that went on the lag it took to get my car done. I have multiple shops that will tell you themselves that GL does half ass work its not all coming out of my mouth others have stated as well. A bash bar they built fell off after taping a tire come on now really. i understand where you are coming from but everything stated is the truth.

08-01-2012, 12:07 PM
Did GL provide an invoice of all of the work?

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 12:13 PM
Did GL provide an invoice of all of the work?

yes they provided an invoice of the work which they refused to warrenty.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 12:17 PM
This isnt my review thread sooo youre dumb. I clearly stated i donnot represent garage life or anyone who works there.

brotha you can go to amplified motorsports or shitoku racing ask them about garage life they have numerous customers that go to them after they leave garage life because of half ass jobs they did a suspension job on a s2k half the bolts were not even tightened properly. They had a subby that took over a year to swap come on now man straight facts from my exprience and expriences of others. me lying doesnt make me sound cool or benefit me nor anyone else in anyway shape or form. this is to help others and explain how my exprience with this shop was.

08-01-2012, 12:36 PM
Well. I read about 95% of this thread. Judging your grammar, I would tend to think Garage Life didn't really screw you over the way you kind of make it sound... The pictures you showed us are kind of crappy and you don't really show us a before and after picture, not that you should have one, but you certainly don't paint a before picture. How are we suppose to know that you didn't bring in the car as a complete and horrid mess?

Sounds like you went in and asked them to do stuff that you didn't know what you were asking for. You say you are new to this, how are we suppose to know that You knew what you were asking for?

08-01-2012, 01:05 PM
brotha you can go to amplified motorsports or shitoku racing ask them about garage life they have numerous customers that go to them after they leave garage life because of half ass jobs they did a suspension job on a s2k half the bolts were not even tightened properly. They had a subby that took over a year to swap come on now man straight facts from my exprience and expriences of others. me lying doesnt make me sound cool or benefit me nor anyone else in anyway shape or form. this is to help others and explain how my exprience with this shop was.

Garage life is a brand new shop, have they even been open a year?

08-01-2012, 01:12 PM
looks pretty hagard to me is that is supposed to be finished product. the only thing i dont think should have a pic is the harness pic above the wheel. you have to notch the metal to get that harness out of the way enough.

08-01-2012, 01:34 PM
FIRST of all, WHAT did you bring your car in for to have done? For all we know, all that shit could have been there before you brought the car in.

08-01-2012, 01:36 PM
what where you getting done to the car in the first place?

that radiator support is epic

08-01-2012, 01:44 PM
I can tell you that this everything this man said is a lie. This is a 19 yr old kid who has made a reputation of himself for cussing out, insulting, arguing, and throwing racial slurs at numerous members of the drifting community and car scene whenever they disagree with him or argue with him. He has started too many online and personal arguments just b/c his ego was bruised. I dont need to tell you that Denise Llamas and Daniel Kuo runs Garage Life. If you really think Denise and DK operate like this joke of a person says he does, then i dare you to come down to this local shop and see for yourself instead of taking this immature guy's advice. This is not the whole story, this is only one side of a story told by a kid that has made a reputation of lying, and now stealing from car shops.

08-01-2012, 01:51 PM
And Max Dang did not get "kicked out" of your team. He quit your team b/c you tried to get him to do something he was not comfortable with then you proceeded to slam him w/ racist slurs then proceeded to harass him online on his page, your page, and your team's page. However, people cant get the whole story b/c you tend to delete your racist and crazy comments after you post them. But all it takes is a few words around the community, especially from those that throw car meets around the socal area, who you proceeded to try to start online fights w/ for who would have "the better car meet," to see the real story. Hit up the guys that are responsible for the KKW meet. Ask him if a guy from insomanics didnt try to harass him online over something trying to start shit just b/c those guys from insomanics were trying to throw a meet too. You're just trying to start fights and spreading lies through the social media and its pathetic.

08-01-2012, 02:02 PM
Wow. Denise is a good friend of mine. Good people. I've known her for years. She actually messaged me on fb because she was so upset. Here's our convo, she gave me permission to post it:

Denise Llamas
Kuya Norm!!!!

34 minutes agoDenise Llamas
i need your help

34 minutes agoNorman Carpio
Hi Denise how you do? How can I help you?

34 minutes agoDenise Llamas
some customer is complaining about us
and he wont pay the rest of his amount

33 minutes agoNorman Carpio
oh ok

33 minutes agoDenise Llamas
but the things he's complaining about, he didnt even ask us to work on it
it came that way
and some of the other stuff he's complaining about, he asked us to do it like that
and whenever you try to be stern with him and talk to him like an adult, this kid takes it as harassment
what should i do?

32 minutes agoNorman Carpio
did he sign anything? did u take any "before pics?

32 minutes agoDenise Llamas
yes i did
he signed a contract that he agrees to pay
he signed a contract that he would be responsible to inspect the car before he takes it

31 minutes agoNorman Carpio
did u document everything that would be done and not done? and any pre existing conditions on the car?

31 minutes agoDenise Llamas
i have all these

30 minutes agoNorman Carpio
you should be covered then

30 minutes agoDenise Llamas
yes but look at what he's spreading on zilvia

30 minutes agoNorman Carpio
let me read it

30 minutes agoDenise Llamas
he was expecting us to warranty his engine
but neither built it not installed it
why would we warranty that
he wanted us to warranty a tube front end
that's an offroad product. who does that?

28 minutes agoNorman Carpio
wow. why did the car catch fire?
or did it?
okay i posted in the thread. let's see what he says
just sit tight for now

23 minutes agoDenise Llamas
i'm not sure what happened. Dk told me that when he was welding the tube, one of the sparks landed on a wire and made it catch on fire. So he put it out right away.
Dk said he fixed it.
That moses guy was rude and arrogant right from the start.

22 minutes agoNorman Carpio
ah ok so it wasn't a big fire then

21 minutes agoDenise Llamas
no, it was a small fire. a fire that Dk took care of. it just so happened that Moses was there when it happened

21 minutes agoNorman Carpio
ah ok

21 minutes agoDenise Llamas
and for people who dont know about working on cars, im sure they would freak out about that

21 minutes agoNorman Carpio
he didn't even post what he was having done to the car. what was he having done?

20 minutes agoDenise Llamas
tub and half tub front end, but we needed to have the frame pulled because he crashed pretty badly.
he claims someone hit him
then why was it a major FRONT end collision?
and the way it looked, it looked like he crashed into a pole or something

19 minutes agoNorman Carpio
you have pictures?
was the car as janky in the pics when he brought it in?

17 minutes agoDenise Llamas
that's EXACTLY they it was when he brought it in

17 minutes agoNorman Carpio
lmao ok

17 minutes agoDenise Llamas
you could see the wires hanging out from the outside of the car

15 minutes agoNorman Carpio
so he expected you guys to work a miracle on it and make it look new in addition to what you were paid to do and when the stuff he DIDN'T pay you to work on looked the same he was all butthurt
did he talk shit to you guys? he says he was being insulted

14 minutes agoDenise Llamas
yes, he constantly did

14 minutes agoNorman Carpio
and all you were supposed to do is the tub thing and relocate fusebox?

13 minutes agoDenise Llamas
we weren't supposed to touch the engine at all
or any major harness work, that's some time consuming stuff

13 minutes agoNorman Carpio
relocate fusebox does not equal complete wiring job lol

13 minutes agoDenise Llamas
when I spoke to him like an adult, he would quiet up. i would talk to him like i would to another adult at my job when we're having a heated discussion
Norm, I'm educated. I know how to bring concerns about something and not have to resort to petty cussing and childish behavior

12 minutes agoNorman Carpio
i know you are

12 minutes agoDenise Llamas
I was the one who was talking to him and the kid is crying because an adult actually tried to talk to him how he needs to be spoken to

11 minutes agoNorman Carpio
so he was being very insulting and unreasonable?
did anyone there start insulting him or was it only after he did it
i think you're in the clear
from what you told me

7 minutes agoDenise Llamas
the one time i blew up at him
was AFTER he insulted us
and told us he wasn't paying us any money

6 minutes agoNorman Carpio
ok so you reacted to him

6 minutes agoDenise Llamas
he even just hung up on me

08-01-2012, 02:05 PM
First GL wasnt opened for more than a year so the Subaru story is pretty much BS

Also your car was already fucked up i've seen it, if you wanted someone to fix your car how you say you wanted it complaining about the radiator support and what not. Should of taken your car to a body to fix that part of your argument. It helps to be specific on what you want to be done too.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:05 PM
And Max Dang did not get "kicked out" of your team. He quit your team b/c you tried to get him to do something he was not comfortable with then you proceeded to slam him w/ racist slurs then proceeded to harass him online on his page, your page, and your team's page. However, people cant get the whole story b/c you tend to delete your racist and crazy comments after you post them. But all it takes is a few words around the community, especially from those that throw car meets around the socal area, who you proceeded to try to start online fights w/ for who would have "the better car meet," to see the real story. Hit up the guys that are responsible for the KKW meet. Ask him if a guy from insomanics didnt try to harass him online over something trying to start shit just b/c those guys from insomanics were trying to throw a meet too. You're just trying to start fights and spreading lies through the social media and its pathetic.

All I do is laugh at you who are you it is funny how people add there input on something they know nothing about like I said I have no reason to lie..

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:08 PM
Things that were supposed to be done:
Front half tub & tube support with double bash bar
R&R starter
Relocate & Mount fuse box
Relocated P/S reservoir
Frame pull
New sub frame brace
Battery relocation
Push start installation
Intercooler piping installation

08-01-2012, 02:12 PM
So all that janky shit you were complaining about was already there. And you insulted them and refuse to pay them because they didnt fix it.

08-01-2012, 02:15 PM
All I do is laugh at you who are you it is funny how people add there input on something they know nothing about like I said I have no reason to lie..

The way you are talking about your story, the lack of detail, etc. screams of something beyond what you have said going on. When people get all defensive, usually it means that they are at fault. Also, when people go around calling people liars, also usually means they are the ones in fact lying. Like someone else said, you come on here ranting, rather than telling us what was supposed to get worked on and what the end result was. You instantly started slandering their name and didn't allow us to decide for ourselves. The way you have talked about this incident basically makes our minds up for us. And ultimately, I think most of us won't believe you.

08-01-2012, 02:16 PM
So all that janky shit you were complaining about was already there. And you insulted them and refuse to pay them because they didnt fix it.

Yup. Totally agree.

@Sideways Insomniacs, I recommend that you work it out with garage life. You probably wouldn't want to have this end up in court or anything. It can get quite ugly.


08-01-2012, 02:18 PM
If this kids name is moses, he is not to be trusted or taken seriously. Ive seen his posts on fb and other places, he is a dumbass. His friends are nooo better either. I hope other garage life customers chime in with real experience with the shop.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:19 PM
Wow. Denise is a good friend of mine. Good people. I've known her for years. She actually messaged me on fb because she was so upset. Here's our convo, she gave me permission to post it:

Denise Llamas
Kuya Norm!!!!

34 minutes agoDenise Llamas
i need your help

34 minutes agoNorman Carpio
Hi Denise how you do? How can I help you?

34 minutes agoDenise Llamas
some customer is complaining about us
and he wont pay the rest of his amount

33 minutes agoNorman Carpio
oh ok

33 minutes agoDenise Llamas
but the things he's complaining about, he didnt even ask us to work on it
it came that way
and some of the other stuff he's complaining about, he asked us to do it like that
and whenever you try to be stern with him and talk to him like an adult, this kid takes it as harassment
what should i do?

32 minutes agoNorman Carpio
did he sign anything? did u take any "before pics?

32 minutes agoDenise Llamas
yes i did
he signed a contract that he agrees to pay
he signed a contract that he would be responsible to inspect the car before he takes it

31 minutes agoNorman Carpio
did u document everything that would be done and not done? and any pre existing conditions on the car?

31 minutes agoDenise Llamas
i have all these

30 minutes agoNorman Carpio
you should be covered then

30 minutes agoDenise Llamas
yes but look at what he's spreading on zilvia

30 minutes agoNorman Carpio
let me read it

30 minutes agoDenise Llamas
he was expecting us to warranty his engine
but neither built it not installed it
why would we warranty that
he wanted us to warranty a tube front end
that's an offroad product. who does that?

28 minutes agoNorman Carpio
wow. why did the car catch fire?
or did it?
okay i posted in the thread. let's see what he says
just sit tight for now

23 minutes agoDenise Llamas
i'm not sure what happened. Dk told me that when he was welding the tube, one of the sparks landed on a wire and made it catch on fire. So he put it out right away.
Dk said he fixed it.
That moses guy was rude and arrogant right from the start.

22 minutes agoNorman Carpio
ah ok so it wasn't a big fire then

21 minutes agoDenise Llamas
no, it was a small fire. a fire that Dk took care of. it just so happened that Moses was there when it happened

21 minutes agoNorman Carpio
ah ok

21 minutes agoDenise Llamas
and for people who dont know about working on cars, im sure they would freak out about that

21 minutes agoNorman Carpio
he didn't even post what he was having done to the car. what was he having done?

20 minutes agoDenise Llamas
tub and half tub front end, but we needed to have the frame pulled because he crashed pretty badly.
he claims someone hit him
then why was it a major FRONT end collision?
and the way it looked, it looked like he crashed into a pole or something

19 minutes agoNorman Carpio
you have pictures?
was the car as janky in the pics when he brought it in?

17 minutes agoDenise Llamas
that's EXACTLY they it was when he brought it in

17 minutes agoNorman Carpio
lmao ok

17 minutes agoDenise Llamas
you could see the wires hanging out from the outside of the car

15 minutes agoNorman Carpio
so he expected you guys to work a miracle on it and make it look new in addition to what you were paid to do and when the stuff he DIDN'T pay you to work on looked the same he was all butthurt
did he talk shit to you guys? he says he was being insulted

14 minutes agoDenise Llamas
yes, he constantly did

14 minutes agoNorman Carpio
and all you were supposed to do is the tub thing and relocate fusebox?

13 minutes agoDenise Llamas
we weren't supposed to touch the engine at all
or any major harness work, that's some time consuming stuff

13 minutes agoNorman Carpio
relocate fusebox does not equal complete wiring job lol

13 minutes agoDenise Llamas
when I spoke to him like an adult, he would quiet up. i would talk to him like i would to another adult at my job when we're having a heated discussion
Norm, I'm educated. I know how to bring concerns about something and not have to resort to petty cussing and childish behavior

12 minutes agoNorman Carpio
i know you are

12 minutes agoDenise Llamas
I was the one who was talking to him and the kid is crying because an adult actually tried to talk to him how he needs to be spoken to

11 minutes agoNorman Carpio
so he was being very insulting and unreasonable?
did anyone there start insulting him or was it only after he did it
i think you're in the clear
from what you told me

7 minutes agoDenise Llamas
the one time i blew up at him
was AFTER he insulted us
and told us he wasn't paying us any money

6 minutes agoNorman Carpio
ok so you reacted to him

6 minutes agoDenise Llamas
he even just hung up on me

Hahahaha the funny part is she completely left out the majority of what really happened.. She forgets tha Jesse completely cussed me out with ignorant non sense she herself called me cussing me out reason why she got Hung up on. I was not asking for a warranty on the motor they did not swap tha sounds foolish what I was asking for was a warranty on the bash bar set up they build on the electrical disaster the created they claim that's how it was when they got it they didn't do anything well how is it possible to wire a push start without messing with the wires how to you wire and fans why did my car catch on fire the day before I picked it up. Of course she will tell you her side of the story they way to make them seen as the victim of course I have brian tell me one price then I have will tell me another then Denise tells me another the have m 4 different times my car would be done everything I go nothing was done. Of course. Customer would be upset and complain. She claims I'm telling hem to do things I didn't ask for makes no sense I understand she is your good friend but until you know both sides can't make a judgement I admit at times I did raise my voice and have a temper but that is after being harrassed by them she says she tries talkin like an adult I have people as witnesses to them very abusing me. A he end of the day the work done on my car is shit it's not even what they said what they were going to do so people please before you start assuming you know how things will go cause you know the person doesn't mean it will be the same for everyone else

08-01-2012, 02:19 PM
All I do is laugh at you who are you it is funny how people add there input on something they know nothing about like I said I have no reason to lie..

you have everything to gain when you lie. Youre trying to ruin a good shop's rep, trying to get sympathy for your own stupidity, putting blame on someone else when it was your own fucking fault b/c ur car was messed up, and to try to salvage a horrible reputation you have made for youself. I know for a fact that you crashed your car months ago in a residential area b/c you were speeding down a residential area and you HIT AN OLD LADY that was pulling out. You were hauling ass and driving w/o a license b/c you got a DUI when you got into that accident. Stop trying to cover up your own stupidity by blaming other people. Your car was already messed up like that before you even sent it to GL. Numerous people have seen your car like that b/c you were so arrogant about your car, that you showed it off to everyone you could, despite not even know anything about what you had or how to work/maintain it.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:22 PM
First GL wasnt opened for more than a year so the Subaru story is pretty much BS

Also your car was already fucked up i've seen it, if you wanted someone to fix your car how you say you wanted it complaining about the radiator support and what not. Should of taken your car to a body to fix that part of your argument. It helps to be specific on what you want to be done too.

According to amplified motorsports that Subbie story is true they are the one that told me about it after I took my car there.. And actually they has been up for more than a year maybe not at there new location but def have been going on

08-01-2012, 02:23 PM
If this kids name is moses, he is not to be trusted or taken seriously. Ive seen his posts on fb and other places, he is a dumbass. His friends are nooo better either. I hope other garage life customers chime in with real experience with the shop.

Yea, this is Moses Udo, "head" of the supposed drift team, Sideways Insomanics. There's a reason he didnt put his name out there but he was ready to slander other people's names. Let the people judge for themselves...though if they know you moses, im pretty sure they already know what kind of person you are and how you deal.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:25 PM
First GL wasnt opened for more than a year so the Subaru story is pretty much BS

Also your car was already fucked up i've seen it, if you wanted someone to fix your car how you say you wanted it complaining about the radiator support and what not. Should of taken your car to a body to fix that part of your argument. It helps to be specific on what you want to be done too.

What you make no sense for a tubes front end there needs to be a core support not simple cheap brackets I was more that clear what I wanted done. It's hard proving my truth going up against a business. It at the end of the da I know aha is true.

08-01-2012, 02:26 PM
So what's your name then?

08-01-2012, 02:28 PM
Hahahaha the funny part is she completely left out the majority of what really happened.. She forgets tha Jesse completely cussed me out with ignorant non sense she herself called me cussing me out reason why she got Hung up on. I was not asking for a warranty on the motor they did not swap tha sounds foolish what I was asking for was a warranty on the bash bar set up they build on the electrical disaster the created they claim that's how it was when they got it they didn't do anything well how is it possible to wire a push start without messing with the wires how to you wire and fans why did my car catch on fire the day before I picked it up. Of course she will tell you her side of the story they way to make them seen as the victim of course I have brian tell me one price then I have will tell me another then Denise tells me another the have m 4 different times my car would be done everything I go nothing was done. Of course. Customer would be upset and complain. She claims I'm telling hem to do things I didn't ask for makes no sense I understand she is your good friend but until you know both sides can't make a judgement I admit at times I did raise my voice and have a temper but that is after being harrassed by them she says she tries talkin like an adult I have people as witnesses to them very abusing me. A he end of the day the work done on my car is shit it's not even what they said what they were going to do so people please before you start assuming you know how things will go cause you know the person doesn't mean it will be the same for everyone else

According to amplified motorsports that Subbie story is true they are the one that told me about it after I took my car there.. And actually they has been up for more than a year maybe not at there new location but def have been going on

Man, it's hard reading your damn english. Did you finish high school? Holy crap... your grammar effin sucks FOO vato esse.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:29 PM
So all that janky shit you were complaining about was already there. And you insulted them and refuse to pay them because they didnt fix it.

For someone who knows nothing of wha my car was like before it went here you have no room to talk. Only issue my car had was the front end damage.. Them cutting everything off and having nowhere to put my wiring is there fault before I took my car in I had my car legit wire tucked non of those wire you see where there sitting like that. Even simple matter of he fact of you knew the wiring was fucked and things were in poor condition as a shop why would you release the car?

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:30 PM
Man, it's hard reading your damn english. Did you finish high school? Holy crap... your grammar effin sucks FOO vato esse.

This is not high school I didn't know I was being tested on my grammar and punctuation.

08-01-2012, 02:32 PM
This is not high school I didn't know I was being tested on my grammar and punctuation.


Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:32 PM
Actually I put no ones name out there yes my name is Moses Udo I have nothing to hide I have tons of people who seem my car before it went in and seen my car in its current state. Sho all the post trying to defend GL to me is pointless..

08-01-2012, 02:33 PM
Anyone else see him ignoring my question and arguing with everyone else? I asked what your name is. Because if your name is indeed Moses, you already have a bad rep. And nobody gives a shit about what you have to say. Cool story bro.

08-01-2012, 02:35 PM
Actually I put no ones name out there yes my name is Moses Udo I have nothing to hide I have tons of people who seem my car before it went in and seen my car in its current state. Sho all the post trying to defend GL to me is pointless..


08-01-2012, 02:35 PM
Actually I put no ones name out there yes my name is Moses Udo I have nothing to hide I have tons of people who seem my car before it went in and seen my car in its current state. Sho all the post trying to defend GL to me is pointless..

Your words appear to have fallen on deaf ears. I don't think anyone feels bad for you or believes you. This thread should be locked by a mod and deleted. You should move along.

08-01-2012, 02:35 PM
His name is Moses

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:35 PM
Yea, this is Moses Udo, "head" of the supposed drift team, Sideways Insomanics. There's a reason he didnt put his name out there but he was ready to slander other people's names. Let the people judge for themselves...though if they know you moses, im pretty sure they already know what kind of person you are and how you deal.

But max you are funny bro all you do and had been doing is making up lies after lies posting all over fb non sense I have multiple screen shots people your own friends sent me of you talking shit on your page so you even speaking makes you a moron with no life who all he tries to do it bring down wha others are trying to create

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:38 PM
Anyone else see him ignoring my question and arguing with everyone else? I asked what your name is. Because if your name is indeed Moses, you already have a bad rep. And nobody gives a shit about what you have to say. Cool story bro.

Your right that's why clearly stated my name which is located right on top of your comment right.. Obviously people care if everyone keeps replying bad rep ha please. You know nothing of who I am or what I do sho keep talking your non sense this is good entertainment for me

08-01-2012, 02:39 PM
Also:if he tells us the story on how his car got wrecked in the first place itll say what kind of person this kid is.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:48 PM
Car was wrecked by a moron driving into it had nothing to do with my skill level of driving or wha kind of person I am -__-

08-01-2012, 02:49 PM
you have everything to gain when you lie. Youre trying to ruin a good shop's rep, trying to get sympathy for your own stupidity, putting blame on someone else when it was your own fucking fault b/c ur car was messed up, and to try to salvage a horrible reputation you have made for youself. I know for a fact that you crashed your car months ago in a residential area b/c you were speeding down a residential area and you HIT AN OLD LADY that was pulling out. You were hauling ass and driving w/o a license b/c you got a DUI when you got into that accident. Stop trying to cover up your own stupidity by blaming other people. Your car was already messed up like that before you even sent it to GL. Numerous people have seen your car like that b/c you were so arrogant about your car, that you showed it off to everyone you could, despite not even know anything about what you had or how to work/maintain it.

This is also the story i heard

08-01-2012, 02:52 PM
For someone who knows nothing of wha my car was like before it went here you have no room to talk. Only issue my car had was the front end damage.. Them cutting everything off and having nowhere to put my wiring is there fault before I took my car in I had my car legit wire tucked non of those wire you see where there sitting like that. Even simple matter of he fact of you knew the wiring was fucked and things were in poor condition as a shop why would you release the car?

Just because they knew the wiring was fucked doesn't obligate them to fix it unless you asked them to in which case you didn't.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:55 PM
If this kids name is moses, he is not to be trusted or taken seriously. Ive seen his posts on fb and other places, he is a dumbass. His friends are nooo better either. I hope other garage life customers chime in with real experience with the shop.

Nice to know I have staplers lookin at my fb lol

08-01-2012, 02:56 PM
Im waiting for your ethug friends to chime in as well. Ill challenge your m3 friend to an mma fight and a race down gmr again and hell pussy out of both, just like last time.

This is the last time imma post:

This kid is known for ahit talking and lieing DONNOT TRUST HIS WORD

08-01-2012, 02:58 PM
Not sure about Garage Life's work, but the owner DK still owes me $200, it's been well over a year.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:58 PM
Hahaha this turned out well in my book I posted my experience I had people read it justice is served many people can make assumptions when they don't know what happened haters will hate (MAX) but at the end of the day let them take me to court I have all the proof I need.. I have all the witnesses I need so I rest my case.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 02:59 PM
Not sure about Garage Life's work, but the owner DK still owes me $200, it's been well over a year.

See.. And people think I make things up

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 03:00 PM
Funny how all the dudes that talk shit on fb are now the same ones doing all the talking on zilvia hahaha I love it keep it comig lames you want to race him then take that up with him that's you and his issue not mine I dont own a m3.

08-01-2012, 03:17 PM
Not sure about Garage Life's work, but the owner DK still owes me $200, it's been well over a year.
That was bull shit! He dont you shit!

08-01-2012, 05:32 PM
Hmmm original post edited and taken down...

08-01-2012, 05:36 PM
Anyways, was wondering if you had pictures of the broken bash bar?? Could be good review, this review is not.

08-01-2012, 06:26 PM
Theres too much to read but a quick glance shows me OP is stubborn little kid that didnt get what he wanted.

From my experience with Garage Life, they are always outstanding people that are honest and hard working. From what i read on Denise FB log, its a much better back story then whatever you are ranting about. Why do you make your posts so vague? If you have a story,calm down and write what happened. Right off the bat opening this thread I see couple crummy pictures and no review and just couple random rants bashing on my local shop.

The stuff you say are very skeptical and from the looks of it, you asked for alot of stuff to be done but you never had them put it on your order sheet. Your obviously trying to bargain for more than what you payed. You may get different quotes from the employers but you are asking them off the top of the head how much this and that will cost. If you sat down and had the order put in, you would have gotten everything you asked for done.

Provide more details to your argument, I do not believe that any of the employers at Garage life would treat a customer this way unless brought upon. They are always upstanding guys with quality in their work.

Garage Life is a legitimate business, if you had something that was not done as promised, you should have a paper work and bill for the labor.. As do I.


Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 06:43 PM
Look at the new thread for those who need more detail and more photos all of your questions should be answered now..

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 06:43 PM
Theres too much to read but a quick glance shows me OP is stubborn little kid that didnt get what he wanted.

From my experience with Garage Life, they are always outstanding people that are honest and hard working. From what i read on Denise FB log, its a much better back story then whatever you are ranting about. Why do you make your posts so vague? If you have a story,calm down and write what happened. Right off the bat opening this thread I see couple crummy pictures and no review and just couple random rants bashing on my local shop.

The stuff you say are very skeptical and from the looks of it, you asked for alot of stuff to be done but you never had them put it on your order sheet. Your obviously trying to bargain for more than what you payed. You may get different quotes from the employers but you are asking them off the top of the head how much this and that will cost. If you sat down and had the order put in, you would have gotten everything you asked for done.

Provide more details to your argument, I do not believe that any of the employers at Garage life would treat a customer this way unless brought upon. They are always upstanding guys with quality in their work.

Garage Life is a legitimate business, if you had something that was not done as promised, you should have a paper work and bill for the labor.. As do I.


I do have it check the new thread

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 06:44 PM
Hmmm original post edited and taken down...

new thread up more detail more photos invoice included

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 06:45 PM
More organized thread up

08-01-2012, 06:52 PM
You owe me $2000 to compensate for frying my brain cells.

Sideways Insomniacs
08-01-2012, 07:03 PM


08-01-2012, 07:10 PM
You owe me $2000 to compensate for frying my brain cells.


I'm closing this thread because this is not a proper review and has turned into an ugly thread.