View Full Version : My thoughts on APC and the auto scene...

02-25-2004, 04:06 PM
ca18guy> This thread is going no where
TRUENOCOUPE please hold back the name calling that you seem to be doing alot of lately

Its off topic, thats one. Its car discussion about the scene, two. There should be no reason that the previous thread was closed, thats three.

Since I'm an old schooler I think I'm going to chime in. And, since the last thread was closed.. I decided to start my own. Want to close it? Go ahead, and I'll fuckin smash this site into pieces. ;)

For the first time in a long time, I disagree with Dousan and I actually agree with folks like Kreator and Burnmonster. I wont even start with TruenoCoupe, I think his opinions are useless and he's never been able to write anything more than insults and cheap pointless discussion on how he is the drift-king and we're all wanna-bes.

The way I see shit is quite simple, if you're a company you should be focused on things like selling quality products and having good customer relations and support. I dont support companies that sell crap, and its well known that APC has done nothing more than create bottom of the barrel products that have disgraced the automotive scene. Fast and Furious? I wont even get started, I wish the movie was never created and I think it did nothing more than confuse people who dont know better (as if most of america isnt already confused).

Rather than focusing on building a company with values like quality, tradition, reputation, prestige.. APC does the exact opposite and markets to low-buck folks who fail to understand the differences in craftsmanship and build-quality. Rather than make a movie that depicts racing culture, Japanese drifting culture, or anything good with VALUE -- F&F was made to attract kids and teach them the WRONG thing about cars and racing. They dont teach them of the dangers, they dont teach them about how having quality products is important when you're doing 100+ mph in your car and your life is depending it -- instead, they teach how you should tell your laptop to shut the fuck up while your bolt-on floorpan falls off. Is this reality? Yes. Realistically, its stupid.

I dont care what APC is doing for the drift-community, if they bring over cars, or any good they are attempting to do with that company name. The reality is, the gimicks have been made and sold -- the profits are in their bank and for now on, their reputation is worthless to me, as a car enthusiast and as a business owner.

The one thing I learned when I went to Japan is not about crazy cars with expensive parts. I learned to respect the craftsmanship that WENT into the cars which are worth 10-fold more than the parts. I learned to appreciate the businessmen who focus on building companies rooted with values and company philosophies. Companies that look to build loyal customer relations, NOT SALES AND VOLUME.

I may be American, but I very much despise what some of you fuckers stand for out here. I guess thats just my Greek nationality which prefers a temple made of marble, not Las Vegas which is made to look pretty on the outside but consists of mere foam and paint.


- Mike / ClearCorners.Com

02-25-2004, 04:15 PM
That thread was closed cause it was turned into nothing more then a back and forth arguement (with the same stuff repeating) and MAINLY the ussual name calling by TRUENO. I agree with you on the subject but don't act like there was no reason to close that thread.

02-25-2004, 04:20 PM
I guess thats just my Greek nationality which prefers a temple made of marble, not Las Vegas which is made to look pretty on the outside but consists of mere foam and paint.LOL that explains why you're so hard-headed and dare I say (at times) stubborn!!!!! :wiggle: just playing just playing. :p

I have pretty much no take on the issue of APC... there's the business side of me that agrees with dousan and empathizes with the need to make money and keep a business going (while maintaining as much profit as is possible)... and then there's the "gut feeling", more primal/reactionary side that is opposed to what APC stands for.

It's a hard thing to choose between the two, and on different matters I will choose a different point of view... in the case of APCs "contribution" to the car scene, I feel like really, they're just giving us what we (car ppl, not us zilvia/drifters per se) want -- clear tails, cheap exhausts and more style/looks than quality/performance. It's hard to blame them since I'm a firm believer in a company's relative success reflecting its ability to satisfy customers. -- Not us, since we don't patronize them, but the "rice" crowd, who do.

As has been brought up year(s) ago when Drifting was just starting to get big, "Drifting is the new rice." It's been in Dirty D(ousan)'s signature, and has been agreed on by pretty much everyone, drifters/grippers/showers/draggers alike - to that I think there's no denying. That said, it only seems natural for APC to get into it -- it's where the money is... and for that, there's nobody to blame but ourselves - the patrons and participants of the burgeoning drift culture.

On the other hand... Drifting, which can be seen as once being a more "pure" or grass-roots form of entertainment or motorsports (for spectators and participants alike) is also being "corrupted" by large corporations perceived to have roots elsewhere- especially rice- which is in some respects unfair to both parties....

You know what... I don't know where I'm going with this, so suffice to say that I'm neither a proponent nor am I an opponent to APC's involvement in the US drift scene.

Good day!

02-25-2004, 04:39 PM
If you notice, the cars sponsored by HKS, Vertex, Blitz, etc. use their products. The APC car uses... well... their decals?

02-25-2004, 04:45 PM
I just hope APC won't be making any clear/euro tail lights for the 240s, it would be a sad sad day. I don't like APC.

02-25-2004, 04:47 PM
I dont care what APC is doing for the drift-community, if they bring over cars, or any good they are attempting to do with that company name. The reality is, the gimicks have been made and sold -- the profits are in their bank and for now on, their reputation is worthless to me, as a car enthusiast and as a business owner.

i dont know if that quote will work but anyway...i think this is the point that i was making in the other thread. i personally dont care what APC is doing with drifting. because
1. i understand that they dont care about us, they just want money. and what ever they have done already has been good from a sellers standpoint. the president of this company is making his money. he may have crappy parts (ive never used any) but the only thing that means is that eventually people will stop buying his crap (hopefully). in the mean time, just buy better quality products from better companies.

2. whether they are here or not i still drive my car for myself. if drifting fell off the face of the planet as a result of companies like this one, i would still be fixing up my car and doing what i want to do with it. no clubs, no scene, no nothin just personal pleasure (of course parts may be harder to find, but thats not the point). i figure when i am old and dont car about racing anymore, im still going to love cars and fix them. i may not race them or nothing but that wont make me a poser, itll just make me old.

3. even if i dont support them and continually bash them...it wont do much good because for every 1 person who wont buy their products, there are probably 100 who will and do. at least for me the bottom line is its too much hassle for me to care about things like that.

besides, if anything we still get a chance to see real pro's go at it live, instead of on TV. right?

02-25-2004, 05:20 PM
Blah blah blah blah and blah blah blah.
-Mike Suckers / ClearCorners.Com
huh? what?

TruenoCoupe, I think his opinions are useless and he's never been able to write anything more than insults and cheap pointless discussion on how he is the drift-king and we're all wanna-bes.

-Mike Suckers / ClearCorners.Com

So, When did I ever talk about any of my drifting skills? *winking eyes trying to remember*

Its useless for me to re-write the same thing as Adey said which I agree. Business is Business. They targeted the right product, The right people and so on... They are succesful of doing it.

...It's a hard thing to choose between the two, and on different matters I will choose a different point of view... in the case of APCs "contribution" to the car scene, I feel like really, they're just giving us what we (car ppl, not us zilvia/drifters per se) want -- clear tails, cheap exhausts and more style/looks than quality/performance. It's hard to blame them since I'm a firm believer in a company's relative success reflecting its ability to satisfy customers. -- Not us, since we don't patronize them, but the "rice" crowd, who do. ....

02-25-2004, 05:27 PM
*Golf clap for you old_S13*

Okay, here is how I see it.....

APC is a company and a company's first point of business is to make money. APC has got that covered. They have found a happy median where they can make an inferior product yet still have people buy it. This makes good business sense.

Heres what gets me, while APC is trying to promote the import "racing" culture by marketing their products and events, but by maketing products that are not up the the quality of other products on the market they are literally destroying what they have tried to create. If APC was the only aftermarket parts company around, we all would have cars full of under develped crap that would break everyother day. We would have to go buy more and APC would make more money, and knowing they have a corner on the market would begin selling even shitter products at the same price becaue they know people will buy it. People would eventual get fed up with the crappy products and give up on trying to improve our cars, including most people on this board.

This is what is happening today. APC is one of the largest after market companys in America. Why? Because the kids who have seen the movies like F&F are willing to spend a little less on the low quality junk that APC produces so they can have the look (I dare to say the performance) of what they see in the movie or see in other peoples cars who have taken the time and spent the money to modify their car with quality parts.

These kids buying APC products are simply fueling the fire to increase APC's control over the afterproduct parts market. The smaller companies, that actually have quality parts and good customer relations, cannot compete with the marketing that APC puts out and are going out of business.

Every one who promotes the business and quality product of APC (even the events they put on) must ask themselves what the aftermarket for our cars would be like if APC never existed and all the products on the market were of quality build and of good customer service. While there might not be as many parts, there would not be as many 16 year old kids trying to slap a $45 wing their car thinking it will add 50 horsepower and a decade of driving experience. Not having as many parts is a small price to pay knowing the ones I do get are going to be of good quality and that everytime I pull up to a stoplight, some kid in a honda with APC stickers doesnt rev his engine at me, just waiting to drive wreaklessly and hit a van with a family in it.

02-25-2004, 06:53 PM
That thread was closed cause it was turned into nothing more then a back and forth arguement (with the same stuff repeating) and MAINLY the ussual name calling by TRUENO.

Hate the hater, not the game. I wanted to speak my mind on the topic and the thread was closed. IMO, if there is anything more pathetic than locked threads its locked threads in OFF TOPIC.

adey> I feel like really, they're just giving us what we (car ppl, not us zilvia/drifters per se) want -- clear tails, cheap exhausts and more style/looks than quality/performance.

I dont have a problem with their company existing. Taco Bell EXISTS, you dont see me boycotting them. I dont mind crappy companies because it helps me separate the IDIOTS. I mean if I see a car with HKS all over it I think to myself "okay, he could be a poseur" and then you see a car with APC all over it and you automatically KNOW he's a poseur. People need to remember its not about what mods you have, its about HOW the car is modded. I dont care if a car has an SR20 or an RB motor, the key isnt in the wording.. its in how the motor is built, maintained, and owned. Anything that is maintained properly is clearly evident to people who know their shit, thats the point I am trying to make.

On the other hand... Drifting, which can be seen as once being a more "pure" or grass-roots form of entertainment or motorsports (for spectators and participants alike) is also being "corrupted" by large corporations perceived to have roots elsewhere- especially rice- which is in some respects unfair to both parties....

Bullshit. The corruption exists mainly due to culture. Its the difference between the US which is solely responsible for playing things out and doing things with profit and volume in concern, versus other parts of the world where respect, loyalty, and reputation exists. Amazing how we hear about SOOO many companies in Japan causing scandals huh? Nope, Japan's rep is great.. you can walk the streets, take the subways, and deal with nothing but friendly people out there. Sure, there's its share of bad.. but its definately not like the US, thats for sure.

Every one who promotes the business and quality product of APC (even the events they put on) must ask themselves what the aftermarket for our cars would be like if APC never existed and all the products on the market were of quality build and of good customer service.

When I got involved in the 240SX community back when most of you guys didnt have 240's, the scene consisted of importing parts from Japan. The scene (IMO) still consists of importing parts from Japan, because thats where ALL the good shit comes. This is long before the JDM thing, because we all know JDM does not equal QUALITY. But, there's definately no doubt in my mind that MOST JDM parts tend to be quality. So where would we be? We'de be in a world where people either pay to play by importing OR, spending time doing-things-yourself. Either way, both of those are better than stooping to low quality mfg'ed parts.

Trueno> Business is Business. They targeted the right product, The right people and so on... They are succesful of doing it.

haha keep swingin off the nuts of companies like APC, Donkey Dong.. hehe man you're such a poseur.

02-25-2004, 07:08 PM
[b]Trueno> Business is Business. They targeted the right product, The right people and so on... They are succesful of doing it.

haha keep swingin off the nuts of companies like APC, Donkey Dong.. hehe man you're such a poseur.

OH LAWD. *roll eyes*

This is the funniest statement I have heard for awhile. People assume. I love it.

02-25-2004, 07:39 PM
heh, well i wrote a long ass post last time, but b4 i got to post, it was locked (thanx ca18guy! hehe jk)

anyways, in short, the idea of the post was: APC right away targeted the young people. Someone who just got their cars and pretty much knew nothing about them. The created all the cheap parts that resemble actual working parts and sold them for much cheaper, advertising as if they were as good. People, not knowing better, fell for it. Successful marketing? yes. Was it what people wanted? No. They just didn't know better.

At any rate. The rice scene is kinda dying out... Well people still put stupid shit on their cars, but they no longer claim it adds horsepower. They do say it's for show. Stupid? yes. Is it rice? No. Cuz if it is, so are lowriders.

What APC doing with drifting? They are making it into another rice explosion. They will start making drift parts for civics, come out with F&F 3 and will have street racing replaced with street drifting. And weird enough, that you people, so harshly defending APC, are the same ones eagerly flaming people who drift on public roads. Supporting APC will bring you exactly that. Mark my word. When drifting becomes non-profitable anymore, APC will dump it, and you ppl will be left with a fucked over drifting scene. If i was in your position, i'd rather live through more expensive events than have somebody "use" my sport to benefit themselves and then leave it dry.

02-25-2004, 08:25 PM
Every one who promotes the business and quality product of APC (even the events they put on) must ask themselves what the aftermarket for our cars would be like if APC never existed and all the products on the market were of quality build and of good customer service.

When I got involved in the 240SX community back when most of you guys didnt have 240's, the scene consisted of importing parts from Japan. The scene (IMO) still consists of importing parts from Japan, because thats where ALL the good shit comes. This is long before the JDM thing, because we all know JDM does not equal QUALITY. But, there's definately no doubt in my mind that MOST JDM parts tend to be quality. So where would we be? We'de be in a world where people either pay to play by importing OR, spending time doing-things-yourself. Either way, both of those are better than stooping to low quality mfg'ed parts.Just for the record, the BOLD stuff up there WASN"T from my post. :d

RE: your comments about it being the Culture of the US compared to the Japanese... I don't know how much you've dealt with Japanese people or how much you know of their corporate culture, but from my numerous indirect observations, they seem to be a culture that *appears* mutually respecful, loyal, quality-driven, motivated and honorable... but are in fact no(t much) better than "us" here in the USofA. I am led to believe (by even my mother, who was born and raised in Japan) that the japanese people/culture are extremely concerned with appearances and outward projection of themselves, while actually (inwardly) being extremely cynical and hypocritical. I don't think it's in most US corporations' intent (or mission statement) to "blatantly exploit imported fads {drifting} while we can, milking ids of every lincoln they've got while ridiculing said subcultures." It's more (I hope) the corporations "trying to taylor something foreign into a *widely* (key word) accepted domestic version of the trend". Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but I find it's usually better to save critical judgement for later.

This is NOT an attempt to slam the Japanese culture, which I acknowledge has been around for centuries longer than any claimed US "culture". I am not an east asian cultures expert nor have I seen any of this personally; I'm working off observations of friends who've lived there for numerous years, and from family, who have also spent almost 20 years there.

What I mean to say is simply "they're no better than us... at least in most respects." Their automotive (aftermarket) industry is as developed as ours, except the US "heritage" has been in muscle cars and big ol' dragsters. In Japan it's taken a different path, not least beacause they're not a (relatively) oil-rich nation like the US. They can't afford to build 5 litre V8s and put them in every other car on the road, because they didn't have the natural (fuel) resources for something like that. Ok I'm catching myself going on a tangent.

It may be more accurate to compare the US "drift culture" to the Japanese "hot rod" culture and the US "hot rod" culture to the Japanese Drift culture. Though they differ in age and development, I think they make for better comparison. Maybe if we looked at it from this angle, it would be (more) clear that it's just a case of mistaken identity rather than outright deliberate corruption of a subculture (here, APC getting into drift).

I think that might have made some sense...

02-25-2004, 08:26 PM
If you notice, the cars sponsored by HKS, Vertex, Blitz, etc. use their products. The APC car uses... well... their decals?

Thank you, this is exactly what i was thinking. Its not like APC built those cars, they were already used by the drivers and APC just put the stickers on them. I know htey put a lot of money into bringing them here, but do they actually use their own parts? How can they use those cars to endorse a product that is not actually being used, seems like somewhat false advertising to me. If someone sees those cars tearing it up with their top quality products and figures the APC stuff will be the same, what happens when they realize they bought shit. And i know it has more to do with the driving, but if someone uses APC springs instead of a quality coilover system, theres going to be a difference.

oh, and olds13, i had no idea you were greek, i am too.

02-25-2004, 08:47 PM
i dont think they use APC products, they just put their stickers on their cars, its like a way of saying thanx for shipping my car here from japan and accomodating their my needs such as letting them use their garage n tools, and the hotel rooms and etc..it doesnt necessarily mean they use their products..guess it depends on u see ittt

02-25-2004, 10:47 PM
2. whether they are here or not i still drive my car for myself. if drifting fell off the face of the planet as a result of companies like this one, i would still be fixing up my car and doing what i want to do with it. no clubs, no scene, no nothin just personal pleasure (of course parts may be harder to find, but thats not the point). i figure when i am old and dont car about racing anymore, im still going to love cars and fix them. i may not race them or nothing but that wont make me a poser, itll just make me old.

SMARTEST COMMENT EVAR! Read this. It's important.

I think both sides of the argument are a little too wrapped up in the "scene" to really see things clearly. APC lovers say APC is infusing the "scene" with big money and lots of visibility which brings more money, and that's true. APC haters say APC is out to take advantage of the "scene" to make themselves money and move on to the next fad in a few years... also true.

As a participant of no particular "scene", none of that matters to me. In this case, I agree with a lot of the things old_s13 is saying. I absolutely respect their right to exploit a fad and bleed it dry and really don't care if they do. I'll never respect them as a company, though, just because they don't produce anything I'd install on my own cars, and that's the bottom line. A company is worth respecting if they are known for good products and services, it's that simple.

02-26-2004, 12:13 AM
As a participant of no particular "scene", none of that matters to me. In this case, I agree with a lot of the things old_s13 is saying. I absolutely respect their right to exploit a fad and bleed it dry and really don't care if they do. I'll never respect them as a company, though, just because they don't produce anything I'd install on my own cars, and that's the bottom line. A company is worth respecting if they are known for good products and services, it's that simple.

Agree completely.....

A company can only be as good as the product it sells.

02-26-2004, 12:52 AM
At least know what youre talking about before you call someone a poser.

If APC didnt do it, someone would have; a more respectable company most likely but oh well. As such, thanking APC for creating the opportunity to see the cars etc is a little...misplaced.

02-26-2004, 01:07 AM
I will admit I am not a hardcore old school drifter, but I got into it prior to it really blowing up. I was shown drifting and 240's by my friends, and I was instantly hooked because I was so sick of seeing everyone ricing out FF cars and stuff, and this was a sport scored on style not any other bullshit, and I have been into sports that involve style and individuality my whole life (Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Etc.) Now it sucks to see the sport almost being "sold out" for whatever reasons. I really hate to see how every company is taking advantage of "drifting" It is basically what happend to skateboarding, it started as an underground alternative for the kids that wanted to do something pure and got turned into money making B.S.....Basically what I am saying is that I think regardless of what you are into there will always be poseurs and stuff, and when the media says stuff is "cool" then it gets even worse...basically I am just saying I think the people that are true to their cars and whatever motorsports they do with them will do the right thing. Look at it this way there are still guys tuning Honda Civics the right way, and maybe they will be looked at as ricers by the inexperienced but they have skill/knowledge/and HP to back them up. Just because a bunch of yuppie sucks start skateboading doesn't mean I am going to quit, I do it because it is something I truly enjoy, and that is how 240's have become. I am not going to say drifting because I am hardly an experienced drifter. So in short, stay true to the sport guys lol maybe that sounded corny and maybe this was a bunch of meaningless crap but its just my feelings on what has been going on in the RWD world.

02-26-2004, 02:19 AM
ALL OF THE APC BASHERS HERE ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID. Im sure many of you guys would agree with me. As bad as APC making the the Altezza Tailight craze, some of you guys should look at yourself. Im sure some of you guys back then thought the altezas were tite, and wondered when its coming out for the NISSANS. Be Honest. SOme of you guys wanted that... ALso Rice this, Rice that... Look at your own car... SOme guys got NISMO stickers on their cars, with just a Nismo shift knob, some of you guys got neons inside your car, stuff. like that.....

02-26-2004, 02:27 AM
If you don't have nothing to say, don't say anything. Simple as that. It's worthless posts like yours that put you on moderators' bad sides.

02-26-2004, 02:33 AM
ALL OF THE APC BASHERS HERE ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID. Im sure many of you guys would agree with me. As bad as APC making the the Altezza Tailight craze, some of you guys should look at yourself. Im sure some of you guys back then thought the altezas were tite, and wondered when its coming out for the NISSANS. Be Honest. SOme of you guys wanted that... ALso Rice this, Rice that... Look at your own car... SOme guys got NISMO stickers on their cars, with just a Nismo shift knob, some of you guys got neons inside your car, stuff. like that.....

you telling us your life story is not helping this thread.

02-26-2004, 02:45 AM
werent you the original thread starter of the first thread?

02-26-2004, 05:34 AM
...who can trust a company that makes this...
Cant wait til they come out with real brakes...

02-26-2004, 07:06 AM
...who can trust a company that makes this...
Cant wait til they come out with real brakes...
lol....I wasn't going to get involved in this thread after reading everything,but I have to admit,he does have a good point.

02-26-2004, 08:01 AM
ALL OF THE APC BASHERS HERE ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID. Im sure many of you guys would agree with me. As bad as APC making the the Altezza Tailight craze, some of you guys should look at yourself. Im sure some of you guys back then thought the altezas were tite, and wondered when its coming out for the NISSANS. Be Honest. SOme of you guys wanted that... ALso Rice this, Rice that... Look at your own car... SOme guys got NISMO stickers on their cars, with just a Nismo shift knob, some of you guys got neons inside your car, stuff. like that.....

true. There was a time. was fairly short though. Why did exist? Simple, cuz just like every other 16-17 year old kid (well i was 18) who just got their car (well second car for me, but first one was such a piece of shit i didnt even consider modding it), i had no clue of whats out there. I did however see civics with fartpipes and wings and saw they were considered cool. So i started thinking of body kits, wings etc etc. Was it what i really wanted? After having my car for 2 years, and being where i'm right now automotive knowledge wise, NOT A CHANCE. Back then, i just didn't know better. Thankfully had some cool friends to help me stay away from all the rice crap, and parents who'd bitch at me every time i raised the question of modifying the car heh.

02-26-2004, 09:31 AM
At least know what youre talking about before you call someone a poser..

Im "truenocoupe" which everyone valid as a 'poser'. But I LOLed.

02-26-2004, 10:05 AM
Im "truenocoupe" which everyone valid as a 'poser'. But I LOLed.

haha man, you sure you on the right forum? you blend in too much with the eminem chat rooms on AOLIM.. hahha "LOL LOL yo yo phat yo LOLs"

02-26-2004, 10:54 AM
Im "truenocoupe" which everyone valid as a 'poser'. But I LOLed.

haha man, you sure you on the right forum? you blend in too much with the eminem chat rooms on AOLIM.. hahha "LOL LOL yo yo phat yo LOLs"

HUH. Instead of me using stupid smily ICONS. I simply put a "LOLed" which stands for "LAUGHING OUT LOUD" IF you have no idea what it means... "ed" we pretty much know what it means.

You assumed like you know me which I "LOLed...ha...ha...ha...and ha..."


02-26-2004, 11:01 AM
:stupid: wonder how long this thread will take to get locked... :redxd:

02-26-2004, 12:07 PM
trueno trueno trueno.. when will you learn to man up and just realize the error of your ways. How can you LOLed? "Laughing out Louded?" Does that make sense? I guess for some it does. Either way, you're on crack.. cracky. LOL is just cheap AOL chatroom shit.. us hardcore ex-bbsers know about doing it right, you wanna laugh.. write it.. hahahaha yada yada...


Baka Sama
02-26-2004, 12:09 PM
APC, a California-based auto accessories company best known for designer taillight lenses, recently launched a line of parts called Drift Works. It includes special suspension parts, wheels and lightweight body panels.

APC has sponsored a Japanese team of drivers, flying them to the USA for competition and buying them a vehicle. The company plans to spend $150,000 next year flying the team to various events and supporting their drifting competition.

"We spotted this trend early," says Chuck Blum, head of business development for APC. "We feel like this is going to take off, so we have our teams doing demonstrations around the country." Japanese tire companies, such as Yokohama and Falken, which have been huge supporters of drifting in Japan, also are major sponsors of events in the USA.


I was really trying to stay away from this but a lot of people are talking about it, even from other sites.. http://www.automotiveforums.com/t124916.html YES! APC Makes parts out of the cheapest materials at the lowest cost aimed at the Y generation who don’t know any better. APC does not care about drifting in Japan or American drifting. They ONLY care about MONEY. As stated above ^ They saw that drifting is and will be popular in the US and decided they would be the first to make it big here. Regardless of what we or anyone else thinks! They might be the first but I can guarantee that when it does become mainstream here other companies will jump in too. Companies that make quality parts, parts we use on our cars right now. It’s useless to argue about this! Drifting is coming to the US, and APC is heading that movement. Thanks to their new line "Drift Works", ricers (because they’re the only ones who will buy it unless APC surprises us all and makes quality drift parts) will have cheap parts available to them right at their finger tips (wal-mart, pep boys, auto zone.. etc)

So in the end the question we need to ask ourselves is What are you gonna do about it?! Are you going to bitch an moan on threads that APC is sponsoring drift events? Are you going to sell your car and buy a sedan? Are you going to continue to drift (for those who do) and go to these events? Personally I think this will separate the real enthusiast from the “wanna-be underground driftas”. The wanna-bes will continue to bitch that “their sport” is becoming too popular and the real drifters will go to the events whether it’s sponsored by APC or Ford, because they love drifting. PERIOD

02-26-2004, 01:04 PM
trueno trueno trueno.. when will you learn to man up and just realize the error of your ways. How can you LOLed? "Laughing out Louded?" Does that make sense? I guess for some it does. Either way, you're on crack.. cracky. LOL is just cheap AOL chatroom shit.. us hardcore ex-bbsers know about doing it right, you wanna laugh.. write it.. hahahaha yada yada...


I LOLed. again. LOL.

edit: What is this AOL Chatroom you speak about? *huh*

02-26-2004, 06:58 PM
I love APC!!! I hope all the D1 drivers sport the neon this year. Word to yo motha!!!

02-27-2004, 12:59 AM
K I dont have much opinions on drifting even tho most of my friends out here are into it. Im not just for the simple fact that i love my car too much =p enuff bout that. YES APC is crap, we all know that. Yes, they are trying to make a quick buck out of the exploding drift scene. Yes I agree with some of the guys here that by APC sponsoring and supporting drifting events, that they are helping to bring out what used to be strictly underground into the mainstream. In the short run its good. In the long run...its definitely gonna take a dive. 1st and foremost, now cops know about the whole drift thing *which by the way i jes saw a great article in IMPORT TUNER about TOUGE and DRIFTING* I bet that article enlightened more cops on what to look out for. 2nd more kiddies gonna jump the bandwagon and try to drift off a cliff. How often do you socaLi guys see this happen in GMR??? No wait kiss GMR goodbye cuz the cops shut it down already. I dont see track events getting any cheaper so more than likely itll be on the streets...which means people will get hurt and accidents will happen. The only solution i see is somebody freakin build DRIFTLAND already!!! Drag racers got the 1/4 mile, skaters got their skate parks...so wheres a safe spot to drift for lets say $20 a session and not worry bout hitting a damn curve or another car? Wow that just turned into a rant... =p Oh wells...

PS: Grip not drift cuz its more fun anyways... =p Jk

02-27-2004, 06:11 AM
The only thing I see this causeing, which has alreayd been discussed, is the fact that because APC (a well known company oviously) is involded in this drift thing, there will be alot of uninformed & unexpeirenced drivers out their trying to drift on the streets with innocent people around.

I already see alot of drivers doing stupid things like drag racing on busy streets/highways and doing burnouts and dohnuts on these streets aswell. I really don't want to see a car, be it a civic or 240, sliding across the intersection and slamming into something.

APC is a company, trying to make money with whatever they sell. The thing we need to get worried about is stupid drivers on the road. I respect the guys who goto events and drift or autox or whatever. I even respect the drivers who go to someplace secluded and mess around were their isn't any danger except for breaking parts on your car. Atleast its "safe".

I just don't want to hear about drivers flying around busy intersections, which is what I belive this new Drift craze will premote

BiluMaster K's
02-27-2004, 12:48 PM
I'm kinda glap APC exists, i know noone asked me.....but it separates those who just jumped onboard after 2f2f (or whatever)/grabbed the 1st thing they saw in Pep Boys/ proclaimed entry to a new and exciting scene from those who live and breathe cars and motorsports, do weeks of research over parts for fun, and knows what works for thier set-up and what they should failry pay..does it make you less of a man for praising APC intervention, no. It makes you ignorant to the fact that they WILL bring nothing but mediocracy to the sport, shit...Mediocracy is APC's bread and butter!

I don't need a company to tell me driving hard is great.
I don't need company, I was gonna drive hard anyway.

No Motiv
02-27-2004, 11:37 PM
ca18guy> This thread is going no where
TRUENOCOUPE please hold back the name calling that you seem to be doing alot of lately

Its off topic, thats one. Its car discussion about the scene, two. There should be no reason that the previous thread was closed, thats three.

Since I'm an old schooler I think I'm going to chime in. And, since the last thread was closed.. I decided to start my own. Want to close it? Go ahead, and I'll fuckin smash this site into pieces. ;)

For the first time in a long time, I disagree with Dousan and I actually agree with folks like Kreator and Burnmonster. I wont even start with TruenoCoupe, I think his opinions are useless and he's never been able to write anything more than insults and cheap pointless discussion on how he is the drift-king and we're all wanna-bes.

The way I see shit is quite simple, if you're a company you should be focused on things like selling quality products and having good customer relations and support. I dont support companies that sell crap, and its well known that APC has done nothing more than create bottom of the barrel products that have disgraced the automotive scene. Fast and Furious? I wont even get started, I wish the movie was never created and I think it did nothing more than confuse people who dont know better (as if most of america isnt already confused).

Rather than focusing on building a company with values like quality, tradition, reputation, prestige.. APC does the exact opposite and markets to low-buck folks who fail to understand the differences in craftsmanship and build-quality. Rather than make a movie that depicts racing culture, Japanese drifting culture, or anything good with VALUE -- F&F was made to attract kids and teach them the WRONG thing about cars and racing. They dont teach them of the dangers, they dont teach them about how having quality products is important when you're doing 100+ mph in your car and your life is depending it -- instead, they teach how you should tell your laptop to shut the fuck up while your bolt-on floorpan falls off. Is this reality? Yes. Realistically, its stupid.

I dont care what APC is doing for the drift-community, if they bring over cars, or any good they are attempting to do with that company name. The reality is, the gimicks have been made and sold -- the profits are in their bank and for now on, their reputation is worthless to me, as a car enthusiast and as a business owner.

The one thing I learned when I went to Japan is not about crazy cars with expensive parts. I learned to respect the craftsmanship that WENT into the cars which are worth 10-fold more than the parts. I learned to appreciate the businessmen who focus on building companies rooted with values and company philosophies. Companies that look to build loyal customer relations, NOT SALES AND VOLUME.

I may be American, but I very much despise what some of you fuckers stand for out here. I guess thats just my Greek nationality which prefers a temple made of marble, not Las Vegas which is made to look pretty on the outside but consists of mere foam and paint.


- Mike / ClearCorners.Com

AMEN :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :bowdown:

03-01-2004, 11:37 PM
ok i just want to make a few valuable points! :rant2:

1) APC is shit= to shit X 2= forever-shit-product

2) you are all right and cool in my book, can we get along and move on?

3) im drunk. :rawk:

4) damn the ricer to hell. to hell. :Ownedd:

5) oh yea. dont forget to let the gas station attendant know, when they ask you what car you have, that its a "silvia" and you are a drifta :wackit:

03-01-2004, 11:41 PM
sport almost being "sold out" for whatever reasons. .

just on a note, you cant sell true sport, its pure. counting its a "sport". :x: :rawk:

240 2NR
03-03-2004, 07:31 PM
[b]The way I see shit is quite simple, if you're a company you should be focused on things like selling quality products and having good customer relations and support. I dont support companies that sell crap, and its well known that APC has done nothing more than create bottom of the barrel products that have disgraced the automotive scene. Fast and Furious? I wont even get started, I wish the movie was never created and I think it did nothing more than confuse people who dont know better (as if most of america isnt already confused).

Hey man, it's a Sprawlmart economy in this country for all the misguided principles it represents.

03-05-2004, 01:07 AM
Since I'm an old schooler I think I'm going to chime in. And, since the last thread was closed.. I decided to start my own. Want to close it? Go ahead, and I'll fuckin smash this site into pieces. ;)

The way I see shit is quite simple, if you're a company you should be focused on things like selling quality products and having good customer relations and support. I dont support companies that sell crap, and its well known that APC has done nothing more than create bottom of the barrel products that have disgraced the automotive scene. Fast and Furious? I wont even get started, I wish the movie was never created and I think it did nothing more than confuse people who dont know better (as if most of america isnt already confused).

Rather than focusing on building a company with values like quality, tradition, reputation, prestige.. APC does the exact opposite and markets to low-buck folks who fail to understand the differences in craftsmanship and build-quality. Rather than make a movie that depicts racing culture, Japanese drifting culture, or anything good with VALUE -- F&F was made to attract kids and teach them the WRONG thing about cars and racing. They dont teach them of the dangers, they dont teach them about how having quality products is important when you're doing 100+ mph in your car and your life is depending it -- instead, they teach how you should tell your laptop to shut the fuck up while your bolt-on floorpan falls off. Is this reality? Yes. Realistically, its stupid.

Aren't you the owner of Clearcorners.com? If I recall correctly, doesn't your company bake customer corners/tailights/headlights in an oven? You should be the last person here ranting about quality and tradition.

And another thing, you misguided fool. APC didn't produce the movie The Fast and The Furious. You should blame Universal Studios. And that movie was never intended to teach anyone anything, it's a freakin' movie made to entertain people.

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

03-05-2004, 01:44 AM
All you guys are bashing on APC this/that.... Lets see what happens when their DRIFT products come out...... i bet more tha 50% of you guys are gonna be like... " Im gonna get this/ Im gonna get that " Quit complaining....

look at this


03-05-2004, 02:04 AM
Aren't you the owner of Clearcorners.com? If I recall correctly, doesn't your company bake customer corners/tailights/headlights in an oven? You should be the last person here ranting about quality and tradition.

Oh I'm sorry, I guess since I'm the owner of a business I am not entitled to having an opinion. Maybe I should be fake and polite like the rest of shop owners who focus more on getting your dollar instead of telling it like it is. Seriously man, are you for real? How could you even comment on the products I sell which are hand fabricated and cost more than your fuckin CAR, and here you are talking about knock-off Altezza-styled lights? Nevermind, you're not into cars.. you're into body kits and carbon fiberGLASS.

And another thing, you misguided fool. APC didn't produce the movie The Fast and The Furious. You should blame Universal Studios. And that movie was never intended to teach anyone anything, it's a freakin' movie made to entertain people.

Thanks for that information, for a second I thought Universal Studios was an aftermarket lighting manufacturer and instead, APC was the production company responsible for filming the F&F line of films. DAMN.. those clever folks at APC *sure* fooled me, for a second I really did think they produced it. I guess I was confused by the PISS POOR production and STEREOTYPICAL ethnic roles in the movie. WHOOPS! My bad...

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

Your profile shows a link to: http://www.autodynamic.com

Not a bad site... if you're in the market for plug-in LED trinkets and Altekka tail lights made by underage children in foreign countries. Ah yes, thats putting the strong US dollar to use! haha

Seriously man, do you just lack common sense? Saying APC is *good for the scene* and appreciating movies like F&F is the equivelent of liking Brittany Spears and Jessica Simpson. Quit being spoon-fed by mainstream bullshit and put that head to use.



03-05-2004, 09:45 AM
Speaking of RICE...


03-05-2004, 09:45 AM
APC is just like any bussiness, aiming to get YOUR cash. its like shopping for stereo and buying Crossfire or JL audio at a expensive stereo shop or ordereing online, well, why "not" go to Walmart to buy Jensen? look ma, its soo much cheaper and it looks cool and i bet its the same stuff. WELL ITS NOt. You get what you pay for. "

"Quality is still quality even in Africa"

now we can :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: about this all day but the point has being said. APC wont make any quality products, its like Dollar General, trying to sell things for less with high volume, no R&D, no testing , NOTHING. what can we talk about more??? :hammer: :hammer:

03-05-2004, 09:54 AM
Speaking of RICE...


I fail to see how that is rice

03-05-2004, 09:56 AM
its not. its actually NICE. at least looks like quality. :ugh:

03-05-2004, 10:25 AM
All you guys are bashing on APC this/that.... Lets see what happens when their DRIFT products come out...... i bet more tha 50% of you guys are gonna be like... " Im gonna get this/ Im gonna get that " Quit complaining....

uhhh, no.
at least i'm not, maybe you are, i don't dig apc products... unless they actually do spend money for real r&d and produce real quality products which isn't likely

yes, apc did fund f&f, remember the skyline with the wonderful apc sticker? it's not like they slap stickers on for no reason...

03-05-2004, 10:27 AM
Yeah, I think its cool how the 3rd brake light is even cleared out, I don't tihnk its rice, but maybe I am a ricer. Oh well thats just my opinion. I think it looks clean and nice.

03-05-2004, 10:49 AM
Yeah, I think its cool how the 3rd brake light is even cleared out, I don't tihnk its rice, but maybe I am a ricer. Oh well thats just my opinion. I think it looks clean and nice.
Agreed....and don't fucking diss mike from clearcorners....he owns you....

Its a wonder this thread isn't locked yet.*shrug*

03-05-2004, 10:55 AM
I've already seen APC's "DRIFT WERKS" body kit for the S13, and I'm going to get it. Yeah! It'll be hella tight! :rolleyes: That body kit is fackin ugly. :gives: Let this thread die!

03-05-2004, 01:08 PM
I think Clearcorners does really good work, never seen it in person, but I am impressed and it seems like all of his customers have nothing but good things to say about Mike. I think his prices are a bit high, but you can expect to pay high prices for quality items, and if it costs too much then go buy a civic and put APC altezzas on it. hehe

03-05-2004, 02:34 PM
tuna coupe> Speaking of RICE... hahahhahhahha

welcome to 1996, remember those days, young buck? clear tail lytes and dynamax exhausts were ph4t back then, y0! nevermind son, you were born in 1982.. did you atleast have a license back then? haha please, go back to school.. you cant battle with me.

seriously now, what are you going to say to the owner of a 12 second car after he seriously whoops your ass on the track... I can picture it now "hey man, your car is fast as fuck.. but those tail lights are rice though." Especially considering that the single turbo setup on that guys car probably costs eight times as much as your car.

But thats besides the point, because now we're in `04 and brand new from Lexus is the RX330 with full clear LED tail lights. I guess thats rice too, but what do I know.. I'm just some lame ass lighting dude who should respect fine companies like APC.

Seriously, how many heads do I OWN on this forum now.. its as if I need a fuckin rack to collect them.

" LOL " ;)

03-05-2004, 02:59 PM
tuna coupe> Speaking of RICE... hahahhahhahha

welcome to 1996, remember those days, young buck? clear tail lytes and dynamax exhausts were ph4t back then, y0!

Dont' diss dynomax. In the import world dynomax and flowmaster might be a sign of rice, but last time i checked 9 second camaros and corvettes are running those exact exhausts.

03-05-2004, 03:56 PM
wopty fucking doo... A 12 sec supra. Should I be impress?

Goodlord. A 12 sec Supra. ahahhahhah

Oh now, Its "mad Tight Yo" then you come here and creticize about APC's product? Hypocrite.

If considering 'single' turbo setup that cost more than my car he must be really damn stupid to spend as much as that to run for '12's' sec. I LOLed.

Please tell me again how 'fast' that supra is. A 12 second Supra. WOW, That is really fast. < rolleyes >

tuna coupe> Speaking of RICE... hahahhahhahha

welcome to 1996, remember those days, young buck? clear tail lytes and dynamax exhausts were ph4t back then, y0! nevermind son, you were born in 1982.. did you atleast have a license back then? haha please, go back to school.. you cant battle with me.

seriously now, what are you going to say to the owner of a 12 second car after he seriously whoops your ass on the track... I can picture it now "hey man, your car is fast as fuck.. but those tail lights are rice though." Especially considering that the single turbo setup on that guys car probably costs eight times as much as your car.

But thats besides the point, because now we're in `04 and brand new from Lexus is the RX330 with full clear LED tail lights. I guess thats rice too, but what do I know.. I'm just some lame ass lighting dude who should respect fine companies like APC.

Seriously, how many heads do I OWN on this forum now.. its as if I need a fuckin rack to collect them.

" LOL " ;)

ryan hagen
03-05-2004, 04:13 PM
i used a $8 apc breather filter, the top came unglued and it fell apart, thought i was saveing $14 over the $22 k&n, lol wrong, had to go buy another..........

03-05-2004, 04:27 PM
I think a 12 sec supra is fast, I know I can't beat it or come close...
so, can your trueno coupe equal or beat 12 sec? if so, props to you, if not, I don't get your post?

03-05-2004, 04:31 PM
wopty fucking doo... A 12 sec supra. Should I be impress?
Goodlord. A 12 sec Supra. ahahhahhah
Oh now, Its "mad Tight Yo" then you come here and creticize about APC's product? Hypocrite. If considering 'single' turbo setup that cost more than my car he must be really damn stupid to spend as much as that to run for '12's' sec. I LOLed. Please tell me again how 'fast' that supra is. A 12 second Supra. WOW, That is really fast. < rolleyes >

yeah uh huh, so you cant spell AND you were born in 1982.. do I sense someone dropped out a tad early? "Whoop-dee-doo" "Impressed" "CriticiZe" ;)

haha man you're head is stuck SO far up you're ass that it grew back up the top! no wonder, you've got plenty of fertilizer to promote growth. HAHAHA

come now, shouldnt you be studying in the computer lab instead of trying to talk shit online? mauahaha go back to school, take english.. you need it.

kreator> Dont' diss dynomax. In the import world dynomax and flowmaster might be a sign of rice, but last time i checked 9 second camaros and corvettes are running those exact exhausts.

If you arent old-school you cant talk. This has nothing to do with dynomax being good or bad, this has to do with what was COOL and acceptable as a HOT car back in the early 90s. Anyone old-school enough would remember that all you needed back then was a muffler, some strobe lights, and a stereo system and your car was CRAZY hype back then. If you had a catback it was like WHAAAAT, hardcore!

Who cares if people with 10 second cars use dynomax.. it doesnt matter.. if I had a fuckin 10 second car i'de use straight pipe and say FUCK all the hype.. mufflers do nothing more than reduce the sound.. when you care about performance I think the last thing you care about is the "tone" of your muffler. Its ALL about straight pipe (just ask truenocoupe's mom, she has one in her pants)


03-05-2004, 04:31 PM
i used a $8 apc breather filter, the top came unglued and it fell apart, thought i was saveing $14 over the $22 k&n, lol wrong, had to go buy another..........

Imagine if they use their apc philosophy and build "driftwerks" suspension components like springs/shocks/coilovers/tension rods/tie rods...

03-05-2004, 04:48 PM
wei> ??? I think a 12 sec supra is fast, I know I can't beat it or come close...
so, can your trueno coupe equal or beat 12 sec? if so, props to you, if not, I don't get your post?

Hey Wei, you know the point behind saying what I said ISNT to show off because:
1) Its not my car
2) I dont like drag racing
3) I dont like ANY "scene" that becomes trendy

I dont look down on drag racing, I think its a great sport if thats you're thing. What I dont like are just stupid people who do things because its "cool." I didnt like the people who did that back then with drag racing, I dont like the people NOW who are trying to do that with drifting. I dont even like the people who listen to trendy music.. I think people should think for themselves.

Its not about how crazy your car is, how much money you've spent, how hardcore you are with the events.. its just about not supporting crap. Is this a difficult concept to understand? Apparently, for some it is. haha

I can say this, I've NEVER seen a car that looks good with altekka-styled tail lights except for the REAL ALTEZZA.. and that was cool when it FIRST came out because it was unique. Thank you APC and TYC for playing it out, its OVER. Even back when clear tails were somewhat cool, the reality is they SUCKED.. why? Because the quality of most of the tail lights was SHIT and because bulbs cannot make pure colors. SO, whats the point?

Now we have LED. Now things have changed. Except for one thing -- Trueno Coupe is still an idiot. He's like the stupid fat kid in school that keeps getting his ass beat OVER and OVER and OVER..

Trueno coupe.. you're fired. Go back home.. I'm done wasting my time with your retarded ass.. hahaha

03-05-2004, 04:52 PM

"Criticise" - hahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaha

I know, I mispelled it also but its not any worse trying to correct me with a wrong spelling. Retard.
yeah uh huh, so you cant spell AND you were born in 1982.. do I sense someone dropped out a tad early? "Whoop-dee-doo" "Impressed" "Criticise"


03-05-2004, 07:49 PM
haha man you're head is stuck SO far up you're ass that it grew back up the top! no wonder, you've got plenty of fertilizer to promote growth.

:eek2: :naughty: :rofl:

damn i havent heard that one in a while. nice comeback. :Owned:

03-05-2004, 09:21 PM
Well, I've spent about an hour reading this entire thread. I'm very impressed with the real straight forward ideas that pretty much everyone has brought to the table..here's my take on things.
The introduction of APC into the drifting "scene" is good and bad. It is for all the reasons everyone else has posted. No need to double post, thats how you get threads locked. However, there's a slim chance that APC could screw themselves over in this form of motorsport. Building cheap body kits and bolt on engine parts isnt hard. These things don't break when they're used. An exhaust isn't going to break if someone runs their car hard, if a rock hits it and breaks it..it's the rock's fault in the buyer's opinion. "Drift" pieces such as tie rods, tension rods, sway bars, ruca's and the like can and do break. If APC starts to produce these kind of products with the same quality they've delivered in the past, one of two things will happen. One: APC will see that all their parts are breaking on race day and people will get upset. This will cause APC to either withdraw from the drift "scene" indirectly by people realizing the lack of their quality and stop buying their products, or it will force APC to build better parts. Now, this may take a long time for people to see that it's the company's fault and they'll finally switch to JIC, Tein, HKS or w/e.
Anyway, I'm not really into drifting. It's cool and all, but I have HICAS :drool: I'm pretty sure the SCCA/Autocross will never be touched by APC and the rice industry. Kids think of Autocross and the SCCA, they think of the old guy next door with the old BMW or the kid thats into cars but has an old, ratty MR2 (hey pete!) Those are my two cents. I'm building my car to satisfy my motorsport needs; and all around well handling, comfortable, fast 240 :angel:

03-05-2004, 11:07 PM
who wants this thread locked.

03-06-2004, 12:46 AM
kreator> Dont' diss dynomax. In the import world dynomax and flowmaster might be a sign of rice, but last time i checked 9 second camaros and corvettes are running those exact exhausts.

If you arent old-school you cant talk. This has nothing to do with dynomax being good or bad, this has to do with what was COOL and acceptable as a HOT car back in the early 90s. Anyone old-school enough would remember that all you needed back then was a muffler, some strobe lights, and a stereo system and your car was CRAZY hype back then. If you had a catback it was like WHAAAAT, hardcore!

Who cares if people with 10 second cars use dynomax.. it doesnt matter.. if I had a fuckin 10 second car i'de use straight pipe and say FUCK all the hype.. mufflers do nothing more than reduce the sound.. when you care about performance I think the last thing you care about is the "tone" of your muffler. Its ALL about straight pipe (just ask truenocoupe's mom, she has one in her pants)


i guess i'm not old school enough, but dont mix dynomax and other performance companies into this. Yes, they are there to reduce sound, and running a straight pipe at the track is cool and all, but u are forgetting that some of those cars are also street legal. Which u would have to have a muffler for. Dynomax builds PERFORMANCE products not cheesy parts, and fact that stupid ppl put them on to sound cool, doesn't change the purpose of the product.

03-06-2004, 12:57 AM
Well on the discussion of rice everyone immediatly thinks of the Honda's. Yes to a degree this is true cause its the fad car that new drivers buy. #1 they are cheap and #2 they are everywhere. But what makes me mad is the people who dont look at a cars potential, they just jump to a conclusion. Being involved with cars for the last 2 years(im only 17) i have seen quite alot of crap and also some nice stuff. I am in a automotive night school class and i have seen some stuff that people bring in. Mostly Sunfires and other older american cars that are known for non stop problems. I have also seen Civic come in that havent had thier oil changed in 15k but they are still running. People have to understand that its the owners and aftermarket that make are giving the cars the rice status. Yeah when I first got my 240sx I just figued it was another Import. Well after joining this board and reading over everything, my outlook was different.

I realized that this is a rare car around where I live. I have seen some riced out 240's though that people at my school think are the best and call my complety stock (but clean) 240sx down because of this other car rolling on 17inch chrome rims and has a wing on the back. I dont care, because I am going to do to my car what suits me the best and only take advice from the "Scene" I'm invovled in which would be the performance aspect. APC is a company that has done by the book what I am being taught in Entrepreneurship class. They are feeding a certain market what the want and making good money in doing it. I am not part of that market so it does not concern me. This summer I am getting into drifting because its what I want to do, not because of the fad. In my area there really is no drifting scene and thats how it should stay. I dont want to be involved with the idiots that ruin it. I would rather go out to the track and learn and get advice from the people who have been racing at the track for years. Just my opinion...

03-06-2004, 01:23 AM
kreator> i guess i'm not old school enough, but dont mix dynomax and other performance companies into this. Yes, they are there to reduce sound, and running a straight pipe at the track is cool and all, but u are forgetting that some of those cars are also street legal. Which u would have to have a muffler for. Dynomax builds PERFORMANCE products not cheesy parts, and fact that stupid ppl put them on to sound cool, doesn't change the purpose of the product.

i dont care if you are old school or not, i dont care if its dynamax or brospeed or HKS.. the point isnt the brand man. The point is, anyone with a chrome MUFFLER on the back of their car was DOPE back then. Forget cat-back, if you had JUST a muffler it was "wow.. performance." Are you getting any of this? I dont care about the brand, it has nothing to do with that. Back in 1996 cars with stereos and strobe lights were HARDCORE. Body kit = full on show car.

toreno> who wants this thread locked.

hey. shuttup. go lock your own thread. i am old school and i have rep, therefor this thread exists. its not my fault idiots come in here and ask for an ass beating. they can easily chose to skip threads. but NOOOO.. trueno insists on getting his ass repeatedly handed to him because he supports companies like APC. oh well.. double check the name of this thread, its *MY* thoughts on APC and the auto scene.. me as in ME.. Mike... not me as in EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS FORUM. =)

Im hardcore like that.. dont jock. :)

03-06-2004, 12:16 PM
the way i see people react towards the trendy import scene, every kid that sees it automatically wants an asian girl and thinks they need a honda.. puahah..

Every kid I see with altezza lights thinks they are race cars, every $5 intake, $50 weld on muffler, and $80 coilovers equiped car is considered "tuned". Chit, Ive had kids in other 240s follow my ass around a university shopping center...

What I would now preach, is not to give media coverage to illegal racing or drifting etc.. What happens after you show something to the american audience? they go out and try to do it. Hell, you see sex everywhere in media, Teenage pregnancy and divorce rates are increasing every year, there is no way thats gonna decrease, so its just gonna get worse. I cant stand all these girls without babies daddies.. haha yah how does this fit in with the topic in hand? just that american youth will go for hype and not care about the long run. I dont want to give a hand in problems. I no longer work in the body kit industry (as some of you might have remembered).

Just my $.02, But with APC, they started advertising "DRIFT WORKS" wayyy before they even made anything for the 240 and yet they had pictured the Kstyle sileighty truck. So that should be a given that they did not prepare for this, instead "Lets jump into the drift scene since its gonna blow up". If everyone started building airplanes, Im not just gonna go "mold and copy" some thing and sell it, im gonna do tons of research and meet safety requirements and designs first.

03-06-2004, 07:20 PM
All you guys are bashing on APC this/that.... Lets see what happens when their DRIFT products come out...... i bet more tha 50% of you guys are gonna be like... " Im gonna get this/ Im gonna get that " Quit complaining....

look at this


Hey man you are confused, this isn't the thread where we are posting pictures of our girlfriends...you posted on the wrong thread.

HyperTek>If everyone started building airplanes, Im not just gonna go "mold and copy" some thing and sell it, im gonna do tons of research and meet safety requirements and designs first.

But that is the difference between you and APC, kind of like the difference between Clearcorners and APC. APC just makes tons of parts with extremely low quality control and they in turn have very low pricing. However, when a real company (I.E. Clearcorners) spends money on R&D, testing, etc. that costs them more money and their product is probably going to cost the consumer more money. I personally would rather spend the extra money on something that is higher qaulity, that meets standards, etc. I also kind of think that people can have trendy, knock off stuff, but the only people impressed by it are posers, or people with little or no knowledge of cars or tuning. I mean like no kid with his rice machine is gonna throw down a few bills on some taillights from Clearconers, but the people that do spend the large sum of money on taillights are recognized not as "ricers" but as true enthusiasts(this doesn't always hold true Some rich kids can f--- up beautiful cars with expensive parts and lack of taste). I mean there will always be people that live by equations like
Clear taillights = Rice
but I can tell when someone actually puts work into their car as opposed to just putting an Ebay body kit and some garbage can muffler on it to make it look fast. I am not sure if any of that really made sense, but I think you get the idea.

03-06-2004, 10:30 PM
Being someone who has family in that decieved margin of today's youth, it's hard on my patience to see more and more coverage of the "street racing culture". I enjoy street racing..I do it a lot. But i'm not an idiot about it. Anyway, when my stepbrother comes to me and says "Hey Drew, how about i buy a nonturbo eclipse and put a turbo on it and build the engine so i can run more boost". Brilliant idea, except you payed me to put your intake on..don't talk about stuffing the turkey if you dont know how to hold a knife. :Owned:
I'm caught in the middle because I believe in buying brand name parts for brand name quality (everything on my SR car is HKS, except for a couple GReddy things, but thats because i ran out of money). However, I dont spend a huge sum of money right off the bat in suspension so i can go drift during the weekends or go solo II every weekend. Some people may consider that 'a posuer' or however you guys spell it. Dont get me wrong, my cars have always been tasteful and very clean looking (check the KA-T on import fanatix). But, seeing as how I'm a highschool student, I don't have the money for a 'beater' and a 'race car'. I don't really know where I was going with that, but i guess its that i may come off hypocritical for snapping at the kids with a bunch of parts on their cars and all they do is street race when i do pretty much the same thing. The only differance is that I do my work and they shell out big bucks so Steve Speed at the shop can put their cheap parts on.
That arises a new question..if the typical APC buyer started doing their own work..would the popularity be such a bad thing? After all, it would teach them that you pay for fitment as well..nothing like a "universal" cat to ruin your day.

03-07-2004, 12:59 AM
240KAT That arises a new question..if the typical APC buyer started doing their own work..would the popularity be such a bad thing? After all, it would teach them that you pay for fitment as well..nothing like a "universal" cat to ruin your day.

Agreed completly. I have put on some cheap parts on cars. I fell that fitment and quality is something that should be looked at more. If people did thier own installs they would know what is meant by quality. For example: APC pedals. I put them on a dumb friends car. The have those stupid brakets that run up and down on both sides. Fist of all I could not get them tight enough so that the pedal did not shift around. After a day of driving the pedal managed to move itself loose and fall off on one side. Thats terrible fit, pedals should be bolted on and not clipped on. Are you just going to clip on those dual electric fans or actally fasten them on the right way? This is what separates APC from other manufactures. You can buy bolt on pedals but that 16year old does not know about that and buys the cheaper clip on ones, realizing later on down the road(hopefully realizing) that he/she bought crap that shouldnt even be made.

03-07-2004, 08:46 PM
Thank you, this is exactly what i was thinking. Its not like APC built those cars, they were already used by the drivers and APC just put the stickers on them. I know htey put a lot of money into bringing them here, but do they actually use their own parts? How can they use those cars to endorse a product that is not actually being used, seems like somewhat false advertising to me. If someone sees those cars tearing it up with their top quality products and figures the APC stuff will be the same, what happens when they realize they bought shit. And i know it has more to do with the driving, but if someone uses APC springs instead of a quality coilover system, theres going to be a difference.

oh, and olds13, i had no idea you were greek, i am too.

Im not defeding APC, they have crappy, cheap, etc products that I do not buy.

they are sponsors tho, I dont think that the guy driving the Viagra car in NASCAR necesarily takes viagra, you dont see an 8x10 sheet of plywood on the Home Depot car, etc, there is a lot more to getting a race car on the track than just using somebodies products, there is a lot of money, and companies put some of the money forward for advertising on a race car.

03-08-2004, 10:31 AM
Hey man you are confused, this isn't the thread where we are posting pictures of our girlfriends...you posted on the wrong thread.

.Heh heh....

BiluMaster K's
03-08-2004, 01:33 PM
I want to see any of you APC supporters run up to the Wednesday Drift in NJ, or any event in the WORLD for that matter, with giant APC graphics your doors and windows (and where you frugal ricers put them, i dunno). I know we all support a beginer that spins out tryin to sauce' it, but you would be mocked by ALL! You could link every turn, your still getting no props!
give it up, just leave!

03-08-2004, 02:15 PM

yeah uh huh, so you cant spell AND you were born in 1982.. do I sense someone dropped out a tad early? "Whoop-dee-doo" "Impressed" "CriticiZe" ;)

hey man...wtf is wrong with people born in 1982 ????

you guys both :blah: :blah: :blah: :zzz:

03-08-2004, 04:05 PM
hey man...wtf is wrong with people born in 1982 ????

dont claim to be old school if you didnt even have a license back then.. thats my point.

03-08-2004, 04:11 PM
hey man...wtf is wrong with people born in 1982 ????

dont claim to be old school if you didnt even have a license back then.. thats my point.

I LOLed. So much 'criticise'.

So you are telling me that you have a license then? Goodlord. Its time to get off the net, grandpa.

03-08-2004, 04:13 PM
You two are hilarious. Kind of like that movie, grumpy old men... the way you guys are talking! :D

03-08-2004, 04:19 PM
You two are hilarious. Kind of like that movie, grumpy old men... the way you guys are talking! :D

But Im for sure ain't no old men. hahahha wait... "I LOLed".

03-08-2004, 06:11 PM
I LOLed. So much 'criticise'.

So you are telling me that you have a license then? Goodlord. Its time to get off the net, grandpa.

:rofl: thats what i was thinking...

03-08-2004, 08:25 PM
Tuna> I LOLed. So much 'criticise'. So you are telling me that you have a license then? Goodlord. Its time to get off the net, grandpa.But Im for sure ain't no old men. hahahha wait... "I LOLed".

engRish moddafocka, du yu speak it? haha i love how you post just to hear yourself talk.

come on man, if you're gonna waste time on the forum atleast make it funny. you just sound like some retarded fobby asian kid. ha

03-08-2004, 09:08 PM
more like f.u.b.u :rolleyes:

03-09-2004, 09:33 AM
Tuna> I LOLed. So much 'criticise'. So you are telling me that you have a license then? Goodlord. Its time to get off the net, grandpa.But Im for sure ain't no old men. hahahha wait... "I LOLed".

engRish moddafocka, du yu speak it? haha i love how you post just to hear yourself talk.

come on man, if you're gonna waste time on the forum atleast make it funny. you just sound like some retarded fobby asian kid. ha

You sure are a grumpy old man.

You need to get laid but before doing so, So should consider of taking this...

03-09-2004, 10:26 AM
thanks truena, i could definately use some viagra.......

........i need something to help get me up so that i can bang your mom. haha :)

haha okay, either close this thread or delete truena.. i feel bad bagging on him, he just wont back down. Oh well, atleast he's persistent.

03-09-2004, 10:35 AM
its entertaining, keep it coming guys. 1 more comeback :naughtyd:

03-09-2004, 06:25 PM
thanks truena, i could definately use some viagra.......

........i need something to help get me up so that i can bang your mom. haha :)

haha okay, either close this thread or delete truena.. i feel bad bagging on him, he just wont back down. Oh well, atleast he's persistent.

I LOLed. You are so pissed off trying to involved Mom Jokes. Damn Ricer. hahahahha

woot woot.

I found a pic of old_man

03-09-2004, 06:55 PM
Jesus, this is all horrible.

03-09-2004, 11:33 PM
hahahaha, Who the fuck is that supposed to be?

03-10-2004, 11:02 PM
This is great. Somebody sticks their head up and bam! He smashes that sh*t right back down the throat. "Give this man some water, He's on Fire.!!" (Verbal rice)

The guy's right. This is degenerating into 1way madness. Like cars versus freight Trains. Kinda of fun to watch tho', from a far at least. GO MIKE.

03-10-2004, 11:14 PM
give me "G", give me an "O" :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:


03-11-2004, 07:57 AM
..i like the dancing fat baby more than this thread lol