View Full Version : Help Please! Recaro Speed Seats

02-25-2004, 02:54 AM
Ok basically I'm determined to use these in my car.

1) I've been told that with the USA-Recaro brackets, they will sit about 1 inch higher than stock.
2) I've been told that with Japanese-Recaro brackets, they will sit way lower.
3) Is this all right?
4) If so, I need help finding some JDM Recaro brackets.

Now I've found out that the JDM version of our Speed is called the SR-III, if that helps. I've emailed Recaro USA and Recaro Japan, but have not yet gotten a reply. I'm also calling any JDM importer that I can find, including Motorex and G Speed Corp.

I also had a short email corrospondence with Sam from JSpec, basicallly here's how it went down.

I asked him if he could get new or used brackets and he said they were rare and that he couldn't. Eventually he revealed a trick. He told me to buy Bride brackets, and modify them to work with the Recaros.


1) Sam seems like a very busy and very nice guy haha.
2) If I can't find JDM brackets, has anyone else heard about this 'modifying the Bride brackets' trick?


02-25-2004, 03:57 AM
there are some people goign to japan on one of the forums, im sure they could get them at some shop over in jdm land. dont expect to get them for cheap tho

02-25-2004, 07:38 AM
Insteading of paying $150 each for Bride rails and then "modifying" them, just modify the recaro rails.

Case in point - I had stock Corbeau/Sparco/Recaro rails and sliders. Got fed up with hitting my head on the sunroof. Pulled out the welder, 8 hours later, I'm sitting lower than stock. Cost $10 + old rails (or sliders).

It's not too hard man, and it'll save you a poop-load of money.


02-25-2004, 11:35 AM
thing is, RECARO USA does not make brackets for our cars...

for the 10000000000000001th time...


-just like Sam said, buy Bride brackets then modify them....Bride brackets are like 30cm short or long (forgot which one) from the Recaro sliders..

-or buy Wedge brackets and have them modify to sit lower

-or buy JDM Recaro seat brackets

FYI, Recaro dopped the name SRD and renamed it Speed...also the shoulder bolsters are slightly smaller