View Full Version : Info on State Smog Laws

07-25-2012, 01:06 PM
Hey guys,

This is a bit of an odd request but I want to get some more information on individual state laws on smog.

I'm trying to figure out what states have smog laws pertaining to engine swaps which ones don't. Essentially I want to know what states are easy for us to have swapped cars and which ones (like California) dont.

If you do reply please let me know which state you're talking about.


07-25-2012, 01:22 PM
Every state is different and some states even differ from county to county. I know GA and FL changes from county to county as far as smog/safety inspection.

07-25-2012, 01:45 PM
NJ has no visual test anymore. For 95 and older they only do the sniff test and obd2 cars are scanned for any codes

07-25-2012, 01:49 PM
No inspection at all in Pinellas county FL. Neither I or anyone I know have ever been hastled about exhaust, swaps, cat converters, anything. Cops do not care.

Edit: Also, Skylines.

07-25-2012, 02:28 PM
NCDOT: Vehicle Emissions & Safety Inspection (http://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/vehicle/registration/inspection/)

95 and older safety inspection only, not even the sniffer.
OBD inspection for 96 and later with some understandable exceptions.

07-25-2012, 03:17 PM
ca pretty much anything past minor bolt-ons are illegal, but you can get certain engines to pass the inspection and the emissions test if you're lucky. the rb24-30 is just 100% off limits, so is the sr20, 20b, b20, b18c2. There are ways to get past most of these though.

07-25-2012, 03:39 PM
Portland Metro area, Oregon, is sniffer for non-obd vehicles. I've passed with sr, ka-t twice with each.

Some parts of oregon, there is no deq.

07-25-2012, 06:42 PM
As far as I'm aware of SC has none. You just take your car to DMV and register it.

07-26-2012, 08:27 AM
Michigan is completely fair game- no inspection, emissions, etc. of any kind. But I am sure you already know this. :)

07-26-2012, 01:58 PM
I just moved out of Utah, but there all cars I believe 35 (maybe 25?) years and newer in SLC county have to pass smog, visual and safety checks. My car even failed once because the windshield wiper sprayers only sprayed on one side during the test. Older than 25 they still have to pass visual and safety. Which is why I never once tried to register my 69 Camaro there. They're even more retarded than Cali.

It too is dependant on county.

Promise Land
07-26-2012, 06:39 PM
Michigan is completely fair game- no inspection, emissions, etc. of any kind. But I am sure you already know this. :)

Mississippi is also like Michigan. No emissions, but they just check basic vehicle operations for lights, turn signals, no major cracks in the windshield.

07-26-2012, 10:19 PM
Not many of you guys up here but...
Alaska, Anchorage/surrounding areas. No smog or safety test. Just go register at DMV.

07-26-2012, 10:21 PM
No smog or safety test. Just go register at DMV.I wish it was that easy. :naw:

07-26-2012, 10:30 PM
I wish it was that easy. :naw:

Yeah, Imagine how happy I was a few months back when I heard they were removing emissions testing from here this year.
After coming from CA and all the BS down there it was the best news ever for me.
Also tags are good for 2 years at a time here :)

07-26-2012, 10:41 PM
Reporting for Upstate New York: '95 and back is OBD-I, so there is only a "visual inspection of onboard emissions components," meaning, you get your Cats checked... And not much else. Most inspectors couldn't care less if you're running a swapped motor on OBD-I and most can't tell. Pretty much, if your CEL cycles, you're golden with legit inspectors.

'96+ gets a bit harder. Your CEL has to cycle, stay off, not be checking readiness or more than 2 monitors. I couldn't get my S14 SR to pass... But, again, most inspectors wouldn't care unless you fail the OBD-II check, because Priority Line to DMV. However there is no VIN-Recognition within the OBD-II ECUs before 2002.

2002+: Good Luck with that.

Current MY - 2: No need for an inspection. Pretty much automatically passes. More info at the NYS DMV site.

Technically, the DMV says you can only swap motors with the same or newer model year, and you have to retain the OBD system if it's 2. (Pretty sure the LS3 E-Rod is cool in any chassis for Upstate NY lolz)

07-26-2012, 10:55 PM
really you could just google smog laws " State name"

that being said NJ - smog sniffer before 95 after OBD II check every 2 years
NY - Same

07-27-2012, 08:38 PM
Yeah, Imagine how happy I was a few months back when I heard they were removing emissions testing from here this year.
After coming from CA and all the BS down there it was the best news ever for me.
Also tags are good for 2 years at a time here :)

You're military, should have registered it out of state. That was the thing that saved me in CA. FL plates FTW!!! I had CA plates when I was station in NJ, the moment I found out I'm going to CA, registered the car in FL. Now I'm in VA, cars still registered in FL.

07-28-2012, 12:26 AM
In the state of illinois the is no smog for cars 95 and under, but 96 and up still have smog but only from the obdII connector

07-28-2012, 12:40 AM
Missouri is county to county, most have emissions on 96+ and safety on everything. Some counties have no emissions laws

07-28-2012, 02:09 AM
^^^^ can someone get patches the hell outta here?!

07-28-2012, 06:36 AM
The majority of Florida, if not all of it, has no inspection/sniffer test. However there are state laws that "prohibit" the change of factory exhaust system and if the cops want to be pricks they will use it. As far as engine swaps go, it is fair game to put what you want and can afford in there.

07-28-2012, 08:11 AM
Every state is different and some states even differ from county to county. I know GA and FL changes from county to county as far as smog/safety inspection.

I live in Ga, and the closer you get to highly populated cities (i.e. Atlanta) the more and more likely that, that county requires emissions test. I live one county away from a non-emissions county and i "live there" so i dont need emmissions for my swap.

@JR_SS: There can be fine line there, what exhaust system should you use when you swap a vq in an s14? The vq oem exhaust or original s14 exhauast?

07-28-2012, 05:31 PM
MN has no inspections whatsoever. Just need a title to register it.

07-29-2012, 08:21 AM
I live in Ga, and the closer you get to highly populated cities (i.e. Atlanta) the more and more likely that, that county requires emissions test. I live one county away from a non-emissions county and i "live there" so i dont need emmissions for my swap.

@JR_SS: There can be fine line there, what exhaust system should you use when you swap a vq in an s14? The vq oem exhaust or original s14 exhauast?

Well considering its a swap into another chassis, I would use a system designed for that chassis and build a custom mid section to bolt up to it. However, I know that can be a bit of a challenge and at times impossible. Like I said, they generally use it for "investigative" purposes to see if there are other things they can get you for. If your car isn't obnoxiously loud, they don't really give you a second look. They have DB laws for the exhaust too. I'll see if I can find the statutes on it and post them.

07-30-2012, 12:31 PM
Thanks for all the replies fellas. This clears some things up for me.

07-30-2012, 02:05 PM
In Illinois only 3 or 4 counties have emission testing. It is only the OBD2 connector, no more sniffer. So that means only cars from '96+ are tested. Which sucks for me...

07-30-2012, 08:25 PM
Here in texas it's simple. Anything under 25yo needs to have a safety and emissions inspection, didn't matter if it's swapped or not. Engine swaps and loud exhausts won't get you in trouble as long as your car is inspected. I drove a 95 B20 straight piped integra for over a year and never got pulled over/hassled for it.

Anything over 25(like my s12) only needs a safety inspection. You don't need any sort of special plates to get around smog just as long as you pay your taxes and registration.