View Full Version : stories from brazil.....

02-23-2004, 08:06 PM
figured i needed a place to share some stories...so why not celebrate my UN-banning with a post of my current adventures...

pictures to follow when i return to the states....PG-13 ONLY i promise!!!..


hola mis amigos...como estan ustedes??...ok, so that's spanish and they actually speak Portugese (sp?) here but it works a hell of a lot better then trying to speak english...at least 1/2 the words are the same...lol..

so i've been here now since wednesday afternoon at around 3-4pm...after 25 hours of travel from San Francisco...absolute insanity..suprisingly though i'm already on Brazilian time..5 hours later then the west coast...just stayed up as late as possible the first night here and forced myself out of bed the next morning...

so we're (big pete <--this is my dad and i) in Salvador...it's the center for Afro-Brazilian culture here in Brazil...basically, from what i have learned from the few locals i have spoken to in the various churchs we have visited, the slaves settled here back when they were freed in the late 1800's..as such, it's culture, music, art, dress, and overall appearance is VERY African...it's pretty cool although honestly not what i was expecting from Brazil as the images i had were of the more Spanish influenced Rio...where we go in about 6 days...

so Carnaval started last night...it's insane!!...Millenium New Years in Vegas? TAME..Spring Break anywhere? TAME..4th of July? a joke...lol...they start at about 4-8pm (depending on what area you are in) and go until around 4am each day until next tuesday...called Fat Tuesday..and then, lol, they have what's called the "Hangover Party" on an island off the Brazilian Coast until Friday or Saturday...i'm seriously worried whether or not i will be able to keep up...lol..and it's ALL done while dancing...the music is great!! of course if you like music with lots of drums, lots of rythm, and lots of horns...

so i'm sure you're all wondering about the girls...they are quite beautiful...although like i said previously the African influence here is honestly less my taste physically then all those pictures of Zilians dogg sends out..not that there are not still some of those types here..they are just the minority...that being said however, in the few days i have been here, i have seen countless girls i would take home on the spot based solely on looks...lol...picture slangs with amazinly lips..exotic facial appearance..PERFECT ass..and cute little perky titties...it's hard to convey accurately but suffice it to say they rank in the top of anywhere i have ever been...and supposedly they are twice as beautiful in Rio..

so we had our first run in with local theives last night...we were not sure when Carnaval started and were at the beach about a half hours bus ride from our hotel when everything started popping...so we just decided to stay..with our bag and cameras...BAD IDEA...lol..2 hours later the crowds got very very thick and people were pushing and dancing and just having a good time when 6 17-19 year olds (i'm guessing)...about my size or a little smaller tried to jump my dad for his bag (which contained my new digi cam and some clothes and money) and his camera which was in his hand...fortunately his size allowed him to push 4 of them off him immediately and keep a hold on his bag and camera which they tried to rip from his hands breaking the straps on both and tearing the bag slightly...i took out the other two when i punched one and the other ran..and as quick as they came they ran off into the crowds before the police could come over and fuck um up, which they do..the cops don't stand for anything an there are 1000's of them...it was pretty fuckin crazy though...scared the shit outta us both and motivated us to catch a cab back to our hotel to drop off the bag and anything which was in our pockets before returning to the party...guess you could say we learned our lesson the easy way as we lost nothing in the ordeal...

ok i~m sure this is more then long enough for my first installment..hope you are all very well...feel free to write back as i~ll be checkin email once every couple days or so...

see ya!!


alright, installment #2 of my Brazilian trip...it's only getting better!!

so here it is Sunday evening and i'm taking a much needed break from the dancing and crowds and picture taking and music to sit down for a few minutes...

much has transpired since i last wrote...the days are only getting more and more crazy...i thought thursday night was insane but it was nothing compared to friday, saturday, and now sunday...roads that were somewhat free of people are now packed shoulder to shoulder from 3pm - 3am (maybe later but i can't keep up that long and need to sleep..lol)

this place is like a fucking FFA (means "Free For ALL" to my my friends) at all times...guys have the right to do just about whatever they want...it never ceases to amaze me though when i see it...random guy walks down the street...sees a pretty girl he wants to touch or kiss...simply grabs her and pulls her to him and kisses and/or gropes her until he sees fit to let her go...and if she doesn't want him?..they don't care...i've seen the girls hit the guy, cover their mouth with their hands so he can't kiss them, attempt to run away...but to no avail...the guys are VERY persistant!!..lol..and it's all perfectly acceptable..when the girl, if unwilling, finally breaks away from the guy they both go on as if nothing occured...if they kiss, make out, whatever...they also go on as if nothing occured to kiss and fondle others...lol...i have yet to get the nerve to try it but i have seen numerous girls with whom i would like to...=)..its seriously like a frat party in the streets...lol..but ANYTHING goes...there are no boundries you can't cross...it's beyond me..

as for me, i did get my first Carnaval hook up last night...and she was legal, i think...lol..maybe not by US guidelines, i dunno...lol...not that we had sex anyway...i was mildly faded and down in the area where we first almost got jacked when i saw a group of about 6 girls checking out the tattoos on my arms and whispering to eachother...then one came over to rub it..i smiled at her and she told me it was very beautiful...so i began having a conversation with them trying as best to conversate with them only speaking portugese and me only speaking spanish...lol...it was actually not too bad...lots of hand signs...anyway eventually this one girl who had been pretty obviously into me for the last hour or so tells her friend she wants to kiss me who in turn tells me...lol...then i was encouraged by who i later found out was her aunt and her sister..lol..so i said fuck it..and started hooking up with her on the side of the street...dancing, hooking up, dancing, etc etc till it started to rain...i didn't even ask her to leave with me or anything although i'm sure it would have been more then acceptable with her family...i think they saw me a rich american who they would be more then happy to have her hook up with...lol..

so the beaches continue to be great..it's rained once and was still 90 degrees..

oh right..i wanted to share some of the costs of things...i'll convert it to US Dollars to make it easy...

beer: $.50 a can, full nice upscale dinner for 2 with drinks: $20, bottled water: $.30, this hour of internet use: $1.20, access to an exclusive elevated balcony from which to watch the festivities and a comemorative shirt: $20, nike shoes: $15.00

pretty much everything is the same price as it is in the US..but our money is worth 3 times as much...it's a rather nice change from a European vacation...

anyway i think i better get back out there...i'll talk to you all soon...

take care..


i'll continue the story here every few days...pretty much whenever i get to an Internet Cafe...

for the future though:

Carnaval ends tomorrow...then thursday we leave for Rio...we will spend 5 days there...then head to Curitiba in the Brazilian Rain Forest for 2 days..then down to Buenos Aires, Argentina for a week before returning to the states..

stories to follow!!!!!

02-23-2004, 08:20 PM
Wow you experienced the one thing I want to goto Brazil for (party/girls) and the one thing I fear there (theives/criminals)
Keep us updated, you write a good story.

02-23-2004, 08:32 PM
a good friend of mine just moved back to rio brazil... =( and her brother is still here. have fun dude!

02-23-2004, 08:34 PM
nice....glad your having a good time, hahaha, i would try and be all over the hot girls.

02-23-2004, 11:44 PM
(how refreshing it is to find someone who can actually spit out that much text without any mentionable spelling/grammatical errors...)

That sounds fuckin' GREAT!! =D Glad to hear you're having a good time down there.
Just makes me want to go back to Brazil!! Last time I was there I think I was 4 or maybe 5 years old... I hardly remember it! Now that I'm a little more "aware" of things (read: GIRLS and... well, culture, too!) I'd love to go back... sounds great! My mom (who was there with my dad not too long ago) mentioned that they have *great* coffee, too... which I'm a fan of. :)

:two thumbs up:

02-24-2004, 12:15 AM
Damn....Now my whole focus on life is to make it to parties worldwide. :bigok:

02-24-2004, 12:24 AM
lol good sheat man. sounds like a blast

02-24-2004, 03:12 AM
Dude forget the stories you need a digi cam! You know how many pornos are made there?!

I don't but the ones I've seen, all the chicks are hotttttttttttt. :-p

02-24-2004, 03:14 AM
good write up. A reason for me to brush up on my Spanish. So how much did the flight and hotels roughly cost? Sounds like a plan for next year.

02-24-2004, 03:15 PM
alrighty then, installement #3 of my trip...this will lead to the end of Carnaval...

i believe i left off on Sunday night while taking a break from the festivities. so after returning to things, my father and i found a great stage. (to set the scene a bit, there are randomly placed stages all over the 3 main carnaval circuits (i will tell you more about the circuits later). on these stages, throughout the night, different bands play. it can be anything from a drum and horn band to a full band with electric guitars and a lead singer.) anyway, this stage was tucked away overlooking the ocean and had a wonderful Samba band playing. there were steps leading down to a concrete dance floor in front of the stage that had been turned into a seating area. it was great to have a place to sit down and enjoy some good music as opposed to standing and dancing the whole time. after about 30 min of watching and grooving in my seat the dance floor starts to get pretty packed and a group of 4 girls begins dancing sort of in front of where we are seated. one of them is very cute. petite, maybe 5'4", dark tan, wearing a bikini top and shorts. so i catch her eye and one time and give her a smile which she returns with mild blushing. a couple minutes later her friends and her start giggling and i see one point at me. i smile at them again and give a slight wave. at which time the cute one is sort of pushed over towards me and timidly asks me to dance. now it's my turn to be embarassed. i have no clue how to samba. i do know the steps and the form but only from watching. but how can i say no? this is one of the more attractive girls i have seen. so i get up and take her hand and walk out in the crowd (which i am very thankful of, so no one will be able to see me look like an idiot..lol). we begin to dance and she is sort of making fun of me very playfully for my dancing technique. we both laugh and she begins to teach me the steps. anyway, after about 5min i get them down pretty good and the two of us are matching steps and having a great time. the band ended about a half hour later and her friends wanted to leave. we kissed and said our goodbyes and i'm still kicking myself for not asking her to dinner or anything or getting a phone number or giving her mine. oh well though, i was sure there would be others..........

so ended Sunday night...

ok, before i go on let me give a bit more background on everything here for those interested.

there are 3 main areas for Carnaval.

Barra: where we were the first and 3rd nights. where we almost got jacked and where i had my first hook up. it's the young area. attracts all the 15-20somethings. all the most popular bands. the play on top of what are called Trios Electricos. basically Semi Trucks whose rears have been turned into a mobile stage. mostly weathier people. upper middle class for sure.

Campo Grande: the middle area. a cross between Barra and Centro Historico. much more poor then Barra. most of the locals go here. they have some less elaborate Trios Electricos. more masses of people marching.

Centro Historico: the old district. this is where my hotel is. it's like the old downtown area. buildings date back to the 1800's. very beautiful area. cobblestone streets. mostly marching bands here. no much electronic stuff. just drums, horns, and dancers leading the procession. VERY African influenced.

ok, that should do for some background enlightenment..=)


we decided to take a Ferry to the Island of Itaparica. it's about 45 min off the coast of Salvador. VERY poor. VERY undeveloped. and VERY beautiful. the untouched natural areas were wonderful. the cab ride from the Ferry Docks to the beach was one of the best yet. rolling green hills and palm trees everywhere. we arrived at the Marina in about 20 min and decided to go to the beach first and then sight see a little later. hung out on the beach for a little while with the locals, had a few beers, took some photos of beautiful girls on the beach, and then walked along the water back to the marina area. by this time it was about 6pm and we decided to head back to the mainland. we hitched a ride with some guys and girls in an old VW bus back to the Ferry Docks and found the wait for the next ferry to be 2hrs!!! guess just about the entire island wanted to head to Carnaval.

we finally made it back and decided to turn in early after dinner and save up our energy for tuesday night which is the final and most insane night of all of Carnval.


we figured we'd do some simple sight seeing outside of the Carnaval areas and then return to the later in the evening. our first stop was an 18th Century church set on top of hill. called Iglesia De Bomfim. it was closed. lol. stupid Carnaval holiday!! so we took some photos from the outside and then walked about 15 min to the very tip of the Salvadorian Peninsula. what a view. you could see all of Salvador from here. there is an old fort here with retired army guns and such set on top of a hill. we walked to the top and went inside the fort to take pictures. while doing so i fell in love. with a girl, not the scenery. lol. i'll have to post pictures later because i don't even want to try and describe how beautiful she was. i talked with her for about 10 min but it was just too hard. she didn't speak a lick of spanish or english and her accent was too difficult for me to understand the majority of her portugese. i wanted to ask her to dinner or to the carnaval festivities back in the Centro Historico but i didn't know how to. once again, oh well. we kissed on both cheeks and said goodbye.

anyway, so here it is, Tuesday night, about 7:15pm. FAT TUESDAY. holy shit. madness!!! i know it seems like i keep saying that. like i keep saying how crazy it it. well i geuss that's cause i don't know how else to describe it. and every time i think it's as insane as it can get, well, somehow the energy, the volume, the madness, the whatever you want to call it is turned up again.

i'm gonna get back out there. gonna brave the turmoil. see ya on the other side.


02-24-2004, 03:22 PM
Wow you experienced the one thing I want to goto Brazil for (party/girls) and the one thing I fear there (theives/criminals)
Keep us updated, you write a good story.

u know..since that night we have had ZERO problems...it was our own fault almost for not adhering to the warnings in the guidebooks about bringing stuff to carnaval...

overall...95% of the people here could not be nicer. it's really very nice.

and thanks..i'll try to keep the stories interesting for you guys..i know it's a lot to read...

thanks to those who do.

(how refreshing it is to find someone who can actually spit out that much text without any mentionable spelling/grammatical errors...)

thanks adey, i actually do try to make it correct gramatically and spelling wise...i know it's much more tolerable to read. and especially at it's considerable length...

and yeah, the coffee is GREAT!!

Dude forget the stories you need a digi cam! You know how many pornos are made there?!
I don't but the ones I've seen, all the chicks are hotttttttttttt. :-p

have the digi cam...no USB ports on these computers with which to upload pics..so they will have to wait till my return..

the chicks ARE hott...very very very!!!!!!

good write up. A reason for me to brush up on my Spanish. So how much did the flight and hotels roughly cost? Sounds like a plan for next year.

brush up on your Portugese if anything..lol..

as for cost...depends on what you want to do...it could be done for cheaper then my father and i are doing it...but he is 50 and there are some things he requires as far as a private room, not a hostel, cab rides, etc...

i would guess our total trip (keep in mind this a month long trip spanning Salvador, Brazil...Rio, Brazil...The Brazilian Rain Forest...and Argentina) is going to cost about $2500 per person including airfare...

i would say a trip to Brazil for Carnaval could be done for $800-1300 per person all things included if booked far enough in advance and with luxeries cast aside...not ghetto by any means though...still a VERY nice trip for maybe a week to a week and a half...of which Carnaval is 5 days...

02-25-2004, 01:46 PM
cool, thanks. Dam, a month!? you guys are partying your socks off!

02-25-2004, 03:00 PM
sounds like fun dude.....

02-25-2004, 04:31 PM
GREAT great story!!! I really can't wait 'til I go to South America... whenever I go!! I'm definitely going to be bugging the parents to go down there as soon as possible! Very inspiring stories... your lively and vivid detail make me itch for some South American hospitality. :) :thumbsup:

02-25-2004, 06:23 PM
cool! I'm planning on going sometime in the near future....can't wait!!

02-26-2004, 02:45 AM
Nokeone, do you feel weird traveling and meeting chicks in front of your pops? I know I would. My last adventure was a one month trip with my best friend through Europe. We went to clubs, met chicks, drank it up in the bars, but I think it would be weird if my dad was with me. Maybe it's just the relationship that me and my dad have. We're good friends but I wouldn't be able to pull that stuff off in front of him. I really like the way you've described your experiences. It's kind of fresh to read something like this. I'm often reading about people's experiences in japan and it's cool to hear about another place of interest of mine. I think I want to go to Costa Rica after I go to Japan. I really wanna see the rain forests and surf in a far off land. Maybe Indo. Not sure just yet.

02-26-2004, 10:07 AM
take me next time !!

03-02-2004, 05:02 PM
hey hey...been a few...been busy between cities...these next two are rather brief and not as well written as the first emails but oh well..it's getting harder to find internet cafes...

installment #4 is omitted due to it's content which is alluded to in the following...don't think tooooo horribly of me...lol...not like i care anyway...:p

installment #5:

hey all!!! i know it's been a little while...and this will be short...though a bit longer then the last one...i'm sure you all want to know more about the prostitutes and all but it will have to wait as i only have 11min left of interent time in this cafe...

we have been in Rio now for 4 days....and you will be jealous to know that i saw my first Brazilian soccer game!!! it was unreal...so insane..i got to see it at Maracana Stadium...supposedly the largest in the world...we saw Flamingo play agaist Botafogo..the game ended in a tie...0-0...lol...a little dissapointing but there were a ton of shots on goal which made for some very exciting saves!!

also going on right now is the World Championships of Beach Soccer two blocks from our hotel at the beach at Copacobana...very very cool!! these people are crazy about their teams...wear the wrong shirt or even colors and watch out!!..lol..

so Rio is the spot..without a doubt..this is where i will be coming back to...shit i'd be willing to move here for a few months..it's really amazing...the girls alone make it worth it...not to mention the natural beauty and activities and weather and beaches and girls girls girls...never in my life have seen so many so beautiful...it's the images online that dogg (my friend) sends out of Brazilian Beauties...but in person...

ok 3 minutes...gotta run...can't wait to bring all of you here with me!!!!!! seriously.



and then the follow up email to some questions from my friends:

yeah i'd love to bring some of the girls home with me...trust me...there are more wifey caliber girls here then anywhere else i have ever been...and i'm sure most would be more then willing...US citizenship is quite the pick up line...lol

yeah joel, sorry but #4 was just a one line note that i paid for sex...lol..best thing i ever did in my life too...lol...=)..i hooked up with another girl here in Rio as well..better then the one i paid for, looks alone...i think these 2 are at the top of mine, or most any of our lists, save maybe a girl or two..if it was in the US...soooo out of my league...like model type..joel's (my friend who never lies) serious..i need to try and get the second to send me pictures...she gave me her email to stay in touch..and to try and figure out how to get together again someday..i think i'm in love...*sigh*..

i can't really call this another installment as nothing more has happened since i wrote last night..i'm just killing time right now until my bus leaves for Curitiba...Brazilian Rain Forest...

will write later...



03-02-2004, 05:21 PM
damn man! sounds crazy.. after three mardi gras Im dying to make it to carnival! mardi gras in NO was crazy too but man I wann ago to brazil for it!

03-05-2004, 11:26 AM
Nokeone, do you feel weird traveling and meeting chicks in front of your pops? I know I would. My last adventure was a one month trip with my best friend through Europe. We went to clubs, met chicks, drank it up in the bars, but I think it would be weird if my dad was with me. Maybe it's just the relationship that me and my dad have. We're good friends but I wouldn't be able to pull that stuff off in front of him. I really like the way you've described your experiences. It's kind of fresh to read something like this. I'm often reading about people's experiences in japan and it's cool to hear about another place of interest of mine. I think I want to go to Costa Rica after I go to Japan. I really wanna see the rain forests and surf in a far off land. Maybe Indo. Not sure just yet.

you know..it's not as weird as i thought it would be...my dad and i are pretty close...we get along well as friends and as father and son...and while i wouldn't bring any girls back to my room with him there..lol..i would be more then willing to hit on girls in his presence if we were at a bar or somethin having a drink...he's also single so i think that makes it a little easier as well...

yeah, costa rica and japan are on my list as well...along with countless other places...Europe trip this summer...for maybe a month or 2...see a ton in that time span i'm sure...Indo would be awesome...thailand...tibet...those would be a different world entirely...

good luck...and be sure to tell us all about any adventures you have...:)

03-05-2004, 11:33 AM
dam u lucky bastard, hahaha

03-05-2004, 12:59 PM
rofl..wdup noah...sounded like u had a blast ..big pimpin ... see any nice 240's?

03-06-2004, 12:39 PM
haha...nope..not a single 240, silvia, or any other variation..i have only seen 1 tricked out car int he entire time i have been down here...it was a Civic Hatch...done only mildly ricey..i think i got a pic of it...when i get home in a week i'll be making a website of all my pictures and posting the link here...

and i should be doing one more final installment encompassing the last week or so of my trip before too long..there is a ton i still wanna write about...just been too busy down here in Buenos Aires to spend the hour or so writing it...
