View Full Version : Shooting at Aurora Colorado theater @ Batman Premiere!

07-20-2012, 03:58 AM
Breaking news right now. Currently being reported that 14 are dead and 50 are wounded. Guy was supposedly wearing a gas mask, body armor, and threw tear gas. Crazy! Don't know what to think.

Police scanners are up and news channels are reporting including in local Colorado: 9NEWS Webcasts | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | 9NEWS.com (http://www.9news.com/video/9newsonline.aspx)

07-20-2012, 04:57 AM
Wow. Speechless. My condolences go out to everyone who has passed and been affected.

07-20-2012, 05:04 AM
i saw a movie maybe more than 3 months ago, crappy low production netflix, about some guy who was smart enough to get himself armor before going on a rampage shooting. Crazy stuff, shooters are getting smarter,messed up, especially to overlook or not care about kids,man i hope this guys sentence does him good.

07-20-2012, 05:06 AM
They have the death penalty in CO?

local news just said he possibly has a bomb still set up in the theater... But they also are saying 15 dead while google still says 14.

07-20-2012, 06:09 AM
Wow. Crazy.

07-20-2012, 06:48 AM
yea man seen this. crazy this morning. love and repsect to the family

07-20-2012, 06:59 AM
Damn this is fucked up, I wonder what the motive was to go shooting up a movie theatre??

07-20-2012, 07:19 AM
Bomb was at his apartment, I heard an infant was shot...

I also saw rampage that was a crazy movie

07-20-2012, 07:20 AM
Now they are saying 12 dead and 50+ injured...insane.

07-20-2012, 08:03 AM
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww. People that do this kind of stuff need to be torchered.

The youngest reported victim is a 3-month-old, who is said to be doing fine at University Hospital, where 20 patients, including nine in critical condition, are being treated. Another victim is a six-year-old being treated at Children's Hospital, where a total of six victims were taken. Their condition wasn't known. Victims were rushed to six area hospitals overall.

William Kent, who was in an adjacent theater, said bullets came through the wall but with the action on screen, people didn't realize what was happening.

Benjamin Fernandez, who was also in an adjacent theater, said he saw a young girl, around 12 or 13 years old, laying on the concrete when he exited the building.
"From what I saw, she had two bullet wounds in her leg and just blood all over her stomach. Her friends were all just yelling, crying. ... We were just all pretty much in shock," he said on "CBS This Morning."

07-20-2012, 08:41 AM
In regards to ^...

What happened in Colorado is obviously a terrible tragedy, but who the hell brings a 3 month old to a midnight premier of ANY movie, let alone an action movie like Batman. Not saying I'm the perfect parent, but that is just irresponsible parenting. There was also a 6 year old. That is still too young for a midnight showing.

07-20-2012, 08:45 AM
In regards to ^...

What happened in Colorado is obviously a terrible tragedy, but who the hell brings a 3 month old to a midnight premier of ANY movie, let alone an action movie like Batman. Not saying I'm the perfect parent, but that is just irresponsible parenting. There was also a 6 year old. That is still too young for a midnight showing.

There's always one...:picardfp:

07-20-2012, 08:50 AM
Forget "inoccent until proven guilty", if I was an officer on the scene I'd just say my finger twitched and shot that asshole in the head so the people who he injured and the family members of the ones he killed could've watched.

Shit like this is EXACTLY why I have my concealed carry. Never know when and where, and it's better to have it and never use it than NOT have it and NEED it.

07-20-2012, 09:15 AM
Damn this is fucked up, I wonder what the motive was to go shooting up a movie theatre??

maybe he missed out on getting a ticket and that pushed him over the edge

In regards to ^...

What happened in Colorado is obviously a terrible tragedy, but who the hell brings a 3 month old to a midnight premier of ANY movie, let alone an action movie like Batman. Not saying I'm the perfect parent, but that is just irresponsible parenting. There was also a 6 year old. That is still too young for a midnight showing.


07-20-2012, 09:18 AM
The fact that he didn't kill himself afterwards is kinda puzzling to me. I'm interested to find out more about this guy. Time to bring back public hangings...

07-20-2012, 09:19 AM
Forget "inoccent until proven guilty", if I was an officer on the scene I'd just say my finger twitched and shot that asshole in the head so the people who he injured and the family members of the ones he killed could've watched.

Shit like this is EXACTLY why I have my concealed carry. Never know when and where, and it's better to have it and never use it than NOT have it and NEED it.

Thats why im gonna get one. He also had a vest so that could have been a nast y brawl.

Sad event.

07-20-2012, 09:44 AM
In regards to ^...

What happened in Colorado is obviously a terrible tragedy, but who the hell brings a 3 month old to a midnight premier of ANY movie, let alone an action movie like Batman. Not saying I'm the perfect parent, but that is just irresponsible parenting. There was also a 6 year old. That is still too young for a midnight showing.

I don't care what people think, I agree with Exitspeed 100%. What kind of selfish parent brings an infant to the midnight showing of anything?!? What is up with parents these days?!? Not saying any of them deserved this in any way whatsoever but the thought of someone being more worried about seeing a movie than their child getting enough sleep is just plain ridiculous.

maybe he missed out on getting a ticket and that pushed him over the edge


You know, sadly I can see that being the motive for some fucked up individual to pull this kind of shit.

07-20-2012, 09:49 AM
this is purely disgusting, I wonder if he will bring some tie in to the Joker as he used the Batman premier as his stage. I can't even begin to think what the families are going through...

07-20-2012, 10:20 AM
This has got to be organized crime for gun control.

Theres got to be something much worse than the death penalty, thats just too easy nowadays. Wouldn't really be punishment in my eyes.

07-20-2012, 10:22 AM
This has got to be organized crime for gun control.

Theres got to be something much worse than the death penalty, thats just too easy nowadays. Wouldn't really be punishment in my eyes.

So you're saying the Illuminati are trying manipulate society into enacting tougher policies on gun control?

07-20-2012, 10:28 AM
Shit is sooo jacked up. Still taking head count of friends that were there.
People ask why you would take your kids to a midnight showing. Well because its SUMMER, so no school. Its batman, which would be a good movie.Also, I bet a lot of the people that bought their kids were young parents, so it was the only option they had. Fuck you judgmental fucks. There's always one asshole on a soapbox about something other than the issue.
What gets me is: I go to that theater a LOT. Was gonna go last night but we figured it'd be too packed. Usually there is a TON of police officers INSIDE the theater on premier night. I mean I literally counted 15 cops at the last premier I went to there.
Also, the mall it happened by is ghetto. I mean like big city ghetto. You have to be 18 or over to be in there after 4 p.m. without an adult. Lots of dumb-ass "chicken mcnugget" thugs in there. It reminds me of South East D.C., which is sad.
Prayers go out to the victims and family.
I think they should burn the guy alive, or put him in gen-pop and let them have at him.
Weird coincidence is: here in Colorado we house some of the nations MOST DANGEROUS criminals. We even have some from Guantanamo bay, and various other low lives....

07-20-2012, 10:32 AM
The fact that he didn't kill himself afterwards is kinda puzzling to me. I'm interested to find out more about this guy. Time to bring back public hangings...

Public hangings? Snapping someones neck is too quick and painless, there's no time to let him suffer that way, and he deserves that at least since he inflicted the same to so many innocent people. I have a better idea, shoot him in his left leg, then wait five minutes, then shoot him in the other leg, wait five more minutes, then move to the arms, then shoulders. Don't end it quickly, let him suffer as long as possible.

Thats why im gonna get one. He also had a vest so that could have been a nast y brawl.

DO IT! Then be sure you know the law inside and out so you have your ass covered. Most states have laws stating that even WITH a concealment permit you are not allowed to conceal in places of general assembly. That usually covers parades, protest events, churchs, etc, so it wouldn't be a stretch for them to deem a movie theater a place of general assembly since there are so many people there. Of course had there been someone in that theater with a weapon it would've taken some balls to go up against that.In that instance only a liberal whack job would try to get you on charges of concealing in a place of general assembly, I would love to see them try to rake the coals over someone who put their life on the line to protect a group of 30-40 inoccent strangers.

07-20-2012, 10:33 AM
3-D technology just got real!

07-20-2012, 10:34 AM
Shit is sooo jacked up. Still taking head count of friends that were there.
People ask why you would take your kids to a midnight showing. Well because its SUMMER, so no school. Its batman, which would be a good movie.Also, I bet a lot of the people that bought their kids were young parents, so it was the only option they had. Fuck you judgmental fucks. There's always one asshole on a soapbox about something other than the issue.
What gets me is: I go to that theater a LOT. Was gonna go last night but we figured it'd be too packed. Usually there is a TON of police officers INSIDE the theater on premier night. I mean I literally counted 15 cops at the last premier I went to there.
Also, the mall it happened by is ghetto. I mean like big city ghetto. You have to be 18 or over to be in there after 4 p.m. without an adult. Lots of dumb-ass "chicken mcnugget" thugs in there. It reminds me of South East D.C., which is sad.
Prayers go out to the victims and family.
I think they should burn the guy alive, or put him in gen-pop and let them have at him.
Weird coincidence is: here in Colorado we house some of the nations MOST DANGEROUS criminals. We even have some from Guantanamo bay, and various other low lives....

All of your joking aside though, who the fuck brings a 3 month old to a midnight movie premier?

07-20-2012, 10:56 AM
Shit like this is EXACTLY why I have my concealed carry. Never know when and where, and it's better to have it and never use it than NOT have it and NEED it.

If he was armored up, better hope you're carrying an FN 5.7 or something.

Granted you can always try to get him in the head, but it sounds like he was laying a lot of fire down and that might be easier said than done.

07-20-2012, 11:06 AM
No words. This is so awful...Why would someone do something like this? What would motivate you to do something this horrible to a group of innocent people who just wanted to have a good time?

And reading some of the reports from people there was frighting...


Paul Otermat crawled out of the cinema with his girlfriend.

"Me and my girlfriend were sitting on the left-hand side of the entrance and front right was an emergency exit and a man walked through there.

"He came in wearing a black jacket. I thought it was some sort of publicity stunt for a second but then he threw tear gas over the crowd directly behind where we were. Then he started firing shots to the crowd.

"My girlfriend and I ducked down and immediately dragged ourselves out of the theatre to a point where we were sure we were out.

"We ran through the lobby and heard more shots and we ran out into he parking lot and drove off. By the time we were leaving the cops were already on the scene, like six cops before we got completely out, just flying in.

"It was just really like, as traumatic as it was it was incredibly weird. There were children at that show. It was really crazy.

"He just walked in pretty casually, threw the tear gas, then he just started firing. After the first shot lit up the room we dived to the floor. We waited until there was a lull in the firing and crawled our way out of there.

"I thought it was a shotgun at first, others through it was a rifle, we really don’t know. All we saw was the flash of light and the guy walking.

"We only saw the one guy. As soon as the shots started, we didn’t stick around. Our people just dropped to the floor and a lot of people made a mad dash to the exit."


Alex Molano told Denver's 9 News how he saw a police officer carrying a little girl who wasn't moving.

"I don’t want to upset anyone by anything I say but I don’t think anyone should be kept in the dark by what happened. I spoke to a young woman who was in theatre Nine and what she described sounded like madness.

"She described how a man six feet tall kicked through the door wearing a riot helmet and a bullet proof vest and he was completely covered in black and wearing goggles.

"She saw he had a shotgun and her and her boyfriend dropped to the floor and started to crawl to get away. They got up and went through the emergency exit, she turned around and saw the man slowly making his way up the stairs and just firing at people, just picking random people.

"I saw four, maybe five people wounded who were limping and slightly bloody. I saw a girl covered in blood but didn’t have any wounds on here. It made me think the worst.

"I honestly don’t know whose little girl it was, but a cop came walking through the front door holding a little girl in his arms and she wasn’t moving.

"I’d heard another witness in my theatre, she was on the phone and the really messed up part for me was that she said she saw bullet holes in the little girl’s back.

"I honestly can’t think of any person who would intentionally hurt a little girl so it makes me think she got caught in the crossfire."


James Cameron saw a mother holding a little girl who had been shot in the back.

"By the sound of it, it sounded like there could have been three or four people in the shooting. There were definitely multiple calibres going off.

"There was a child struck, a little baby girl was struck in her back and that was something that’s going to stay with me for the rest of my life. You can never prepare yourself for seeing a mother holding her child. That’s the one thing that sticks in my mind.

"I’m outside the hospital now, people are walking in here and the waiting room is full. It’s crazy, I’m still feeling the effects of that gas. It’s horrible, it’s like something out of a sci-fi movie.

"It was crazy; it was like law enforcement just fell out of the sky. One minute I’m helping my friend, the next I’m yelling for help and then there was police everywhere, they responded unbelievably."

mowgli 240sx
07-20-2012, 11:09 AM
sad how people went out to have a good time, and this happens.

hope this guy gets what he deserves.

07-20-2012, 11:49 AM
This is so pathetic. I'm not sure what I heard is true, but they are saying the guys parents live in San Diego Ca, and he lived in riverside Ca and only stayed in CO for a year.

One of my brothers friends was shot, and another in the hospital. My brother would have been there if he didn't have work today at 6am. Thank
You God. I don't even know what to say other then I hope this fucker rots in hell.

And your right about the mall that is by the theater. Bunch of low life's hang out is what it is.

07-20-2012, 11:54 AM
The fact that he didn't kill himself afterwards is kinda puzzling to me. I'm interested to find out more about this guy. Time to bring back public hangings...


standing by to see him let off...

07-20-2012, 11:58 AM
If he was armored up, better hope you're carrying an FN 5.7 or something.

Granted you can always try to get him in the head, but it sounds like he was laying a lot of fire down and that might be easier said than done.

True. However if he went to the extent to bring a riot helmet, gas mask, and goggles you know he was well prepared. Taking that into account I would bet he had hearing protection on as well, I'm assuming of course. IF that was the case, the most he would hear would be muffled screams between gun shots which MIGHT make it easier to get a good shot off before he knew what was going on.

It would've been hell to pull off if you wanted to turn the tides on him, esp when you're settling in to see a movie you've been excited to see for a while, you're girlfriend or wife is beside you, it's almost the end of a work week and you're ready to just stop thinking and enjoy a movie, BAM out of no where shit hits the fan.

07-20-2012, 12:01 PM
Scary for those that actually carry like myself when your out... and the other guy is a juggernaut...

more the reason for well placed shots

07-20-2012, 12:57 PM
Guess his house is rigged with what cops are saying is a professional bomb job. What the hell was going through this guys head.

07-20-2012, 02:08 PM
Damn this is fucked up, I wonder what the motive was to go shooting up a movie theatre??

You don't need a motive to be fucked up in the head and commit acts of violence.

I feel sad for the people of Colorado, such niece people over there. I've been there 3 times. Once to a memorial dedicated to a girl who died in the Columbine shootings. This made me depressed.....

07-20-2012, 02:20 PM
Guess his house is rigged with what cops are saying is a professional bomb job. What the hell was going through this guys head.

he has a phd, he had all out armor, he even threw teargas, hes just a smart criminal and according to reports has nothing to do with middle east terrorism. Its not new that people of our own country are doing this but just think of how much more elaborate massacres can get or terrorist tactics.

Girlfriend hit me up today, crying, it was her hometown, so I expected it. I didn't expect that it was a theater she went to every weekend before she moved here and didn't expect for her to tell me a friend was lost, many injured and many unheard of. Sucks,its sad, its angering and its unfair, but what can you do? just smh and move forward. Prayers to people out their or those affected.

07-20-2012, 02:28 PM
Apparently this is the largest massacre now in United States history ever due to the fact of the amount deceased and injured combined.

Also what's sad is one of the girls that passed away here at the shooting, was a survivor of the Toronto mall shooting just a couple weeks ago. : /

What is the world coming to.. I'm really curious to hear the guys motive and the real story on how it happened step by step from both sides.

07-20-2012, 02:37 PM
So they did find out his house was rigged? When i left for work this morning they were going in with robots

07-20-2012, 03:14 PM
The news is saying he set his stereo to go off on a timer in the hopes that someone would call police to complain about the noise, the police would then enter his apartment and trip some of the traps. Crazy.

mowgli 240sx
07-20-2012, 03:22 PM
that dude is fuckin insane,
he had four guns legally bought from stores too

hope he fucking rots in hell

07-20-2012, 04:24 PM
that dude is fuckin insane,
he had four guns legally bought from stores too

Just wait for the gun fearing propaganda to start showing up and politicians trying to strip gun rights.:cops:

07-20-2012, 05:17 PM
I guess "Gangster Squad" is going to be shelved for a while.

07-20-2012, 05:48 PM
Apparently this is the largest massacre now in United States history ever due to the fact of the amount deceased and injured combined.

Also what's sad is one of the girls that passed away here at the shooting, was a survivor of the Toronto mall shooting just a couple weeks ago. : /

What is the world coming to.. I'm really curious to hear the guys motive and the real story on how it happened step by step from both sides.

That is crazy that this is the US' largest massacre, considering Norway where 65+ died and over 100 were injured.

People are a byproduct of society, yes there are exceptions, but politicians, government, and citizens create this contradicting, backassward country that is going down the drain. we idolize the kardashians instead of proper manners. we are worried about rent, when we should be worried about our kids education.

judging from the education level, i am guessing that he is one of the exceptions (meaning that he didnt come from a broken home and was raised on the streets) but i have a feeling more and more people are going to be snapping just like this.

We give them drugs to suppress the anger, rage, and anxiety when really they need a friend, a family, and a better lifestyle. we cannot provide these for the majority when everyone is too busy with everything that doesn't matter.

07-20-2012, 05:57 PM
What's crazy is he's calling himself the joker, and he died his hair red right before this.

07-20-2012, 06:00 PM

I am strawberry blonde and I do not approve of this.

gingers have it bad enough already.

i normally dont correct grammer but its dyed. I thought you said he died. i was like YESSSSS!, wait no..... :(

07-20-2012, 06:05 PM
Apparently this is the largest massacre now in United States history ever due to the fact of the amount deceased and injured combined.

uhh, oklahoma city bombing? 168 dead. 680 injured.

07-20-2012, 06:08 PM
uhh, oklahoma city bombing? 168 dead. 680 injured.

i think they are considering massacres to include a person using a gun?

otherwise you can say that civil war, 9/11, etc.

07-20-2012, 06:16 PM

I am strawberry blonde and I do not approve of this.

gingers have it bad enough already.

i normally dont correct grammer but its dyed. I thought you said he died. i was like YESSSSS!, wait no..... :(

Haha wow. I hate grammar and punctuation errors myself but since I'm watching the news and it's saying death and died, I wrote that while writing what I was thinking lol. Thanks though!

07-20-2012, 06:29 PM
When he was arrested by police, he told them he was "The Joker", and that he booby trapped his entire apartment... Turns out there was several bombs and explosives waiting to go off at his place...

07-20-2012, 06:34 PM

Link to story-

Video: Fla. man, 71, shoots would-be robbers (http://www.policeone.com/patrol-issues/articles/5839508-Video-Fla-man-71-shoots-would-be-robbers/)

07-20-2012, 06:57 PM
The dude dressed like bane. He is a batman nutjob.his own mother knew he had done it when saw the news. She should be held liable imo.

07-20-2012, 07:06 PM
If he really thinks he is joker, then a pro fighter should dress up like batman and beat him to death.

07-20-2012, 07:07 PM
The dude dressed like bane. He is a batman nutjob.his own mother knew he had done it when saw the news. She should be held liable imo.

He's 24 years old. She is not responsible for him.

07-20-2012, 07:14 PM
but who the hell brings a 3 month old to a midnight premier of ANY movie, let alone an action movie like Batman. Not saying I'm the perfect parent, but that is just irresponsible parenting.


07-20-2012, 07:22 PM

My cousin just posted this on my wall.

Omg, parents of that 3 month old baby were just on dateline. The kids head got stuck between seats exposing him to getting shot easily and the dad said he didn't want to get up cuz he didn't want to get shot. So not only is he retarded for going to a midnight showing with AN INFANT but what parent wouldnt take a bullet for their child???

Nice. And one of my friends was giving me shit for even making a deal out of there being an infant and a 6 y/o child there.

07-20-2012, 07:31 PM
Nice. And one of my friends was giving me shit for even making a deal out of there being an infant and a 6 y/o child there.

my condolences to all the victims and their families but fuck parents like this. inconsiderate and think the world revolves around them.

watching CNN right now and their interviewing these two fucktards. all 4 family members survived.
http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/abc_aurora_victims_rohrs_legarreta_sized_kb_120720 _wg.jpg
Jamie Rohrs, 25, said that before the movie started, he and his fiancee, Patricia Legarreta, also 25, had opted for seats in the second-floor balcony. Rohrs held their 4-month-old son, Ethan, while Legarreta sat next to her 4-year-old daughter, Azeria, who was asleep with her head in her mother's lap.

07-20-2012, 07:46 PM
He's 24 years old. She is not responsible for him.

Maybe i should elaborate my opinion a little bit more. She said in an interview she knew her son was involved in the shooting.

The dude is obviously wacko. His mother obviously knew this. If its not up to the mother to take care of a obviously mentally unstable person, then whos it up to? For the mother to know he was involved in the shooting, then obviously there was signs leading up to such an act from her son. Yet she hasnt had him taken care of. She never thought to tell anyone.

I think she is a very reasonable amount responsible for this.

07-20-2012, 07:55 PM
Parents bringing infants to theaters... smh. Not only is that disrespectful for everyone else when the baby cries, especially to an adult film, but to a midnight premier? where the movie doesn't end until 3am? You couldn't wait to watch it in the day? Fuck man.

RIP, this is a truly sad incident.

07-20-2012, 08:47 PM
Parents bringing infants to theaters... smh. Not only is that disrespectful for everyone else when the baby cries, especially to an adult film, but to a midnight premier? where the movie doesn't end until 3am? You couldn't wait to watch it in the day? Fuck man.
Go to Wal-Mart around that time.
You are guaranteed to see fat women with little kids shopping for the most random things.

07-20-2012, 09:21 PM
Go to Wal-Mart around that time.
You are guaranteed to see fat women with little kids shopping for the most random things.
Yeah, I like to go before I goto bed because it's packed any other time. I was giving the death stare to this lady with her kid in PJ's in the cart after he said "Mommie I'm sleepy"

When Finding Nemo came out I found a 11:30pm showing to avoid this kind of shit. Walk in and the Theater is mostly empty. When the movie starts I hear some child yell "NEMO!" I look at my GF like WTF...

07-20-2012, 10:46 PM
guy was rocking an AR with a beta mag.... calling himself the joker.. psych student becoming the patient I guess...

07-20-2012, 11:21 PM
Guess it's time to buy the AR I've been eyeing for a while, prices will likey sky rocket at the risk that the current presidential administration will push for some type of gun ban or tighter gun control. Not trying to derail or thread jack, but it's a possibility.

07-21-2012, 12:07 AM
The kids chime in again...!
Fuck you, its YOUR generation doing the weird shit. If your over 22, then your parents, almost guaranteed, have done similar or worse with YOU when you were younger.
Cars with no seatbelts
No car seats
Smoking in the car with the windows up
Tylenol/Robitussin to "help you sleep"
Beer in your bottles.
Righteous fucks. In this day and age, and especially in this economy, when you have kids you take the breaks you are given."Go see it in the day time?"....Spend extra money on babysitter instead of diapers or other usefull stuff. Take time off work to see it during the day...cause you know, bills can wait.
And I love the ones that say its rude to bring a kid to interrupt a movie. Fuck you, your the same ones that are sucking face with your busted ass girlfriend for half of the movie....
Good ol American entitlement. You fuckers are getting it wrong.

07-21-2012, 01:33 AM
guy was rocking an AR with a beta mag.... calling himself the joker.. psych student becoming the patient I guess...

A male Harley Quinn counterpart is more like it...

How that hell do you even hide an AR? Even one with a folding or collapsible stock its a huge fucking rifle; maybe you can readily conceal a para-trooper SKS, or short-barreled foldable AK with obscenely baggy clothes or with a trench coat. Even a modified short barreled Stg90 needs a backpack.

But an off-the-shelf AR with a 100-round magazine? (That is like 30 pounds how can you even aim accurately while absorbing the recoil without being 1.0 Rambo?)

Side note: Isn't Colorado an open carry state? You would think more people would be carrying, if they didn't already.

Anyone remember the SoCal internet cafe Counter Strike AzN/L337 murders that went on for a year every weekend? It was a running joke that an 'AzN' anywhere near a 30 mile radius from Garden Grove or Westminster was likely to die during the weekend.

07-21-2012, 01:53 AM
How that hell do you even hide an AR?

according to the news, he bought a movie ticket, left after 30 mins, proped the exit door open, went to his car, suited up and came back.

07-21-2012, 03:48 AM
good people die every day all over the world mourn for them. FOR WE LIVE IN A COUNTRY THAT GIVES A FUCK! And yes stupid parents taking their damn kids to a midnight movie release are just as selfish as those who would like to watch a film in a decent atmosphere without having to wear ear plugs to block out the damn kids crying next to them.

i've been in a movie where a parent was letting their kid piss into a beverage cup cause they were to lazy to take them out to the rest room. I called that bullshit out and had the whole family escorted out.

yeah i had them removed from the theater!!!!

07-21-2012, 05:52 AM
I was watching the nightly news in my area and they had interviewed the couple who had brought their 3-4 month old baby to the show. They also had a 4 year old there as well...

Seriously you couldn't see that in the day time?! You dragged these kids to a super late show like that!?!

And there was a girl who was killed who was nearly shot in Toronto (the Eaton Centre Mall) while visiting her boyfriend. Sad to hear that she just missed that, only to be shot and killed a few weeks later.

07-21-2012, 07:39 AM
And there was a girl who was killed who was nearly shot in Toronto (the Eaton Centre Mall) while visiting her boyfriend. Sad to hear that she just missed that, only to be shot and killed a few weeks later.
final destination 10!

07-21-2012, 08:05 AM
If you guys think parents taking their kids out of the house for 2-3 hours after midnight was horrible, You aint seen nothing yet. The day CARSLAND opened up, they have them camp outside california adventure. Even the one more Disney day (Leap year) back in feb. Shit was insane.

Anyways, back to topic. Dude was a really smart kid from what the report says... bachelors of science, top of the class.. dude finally broke down. I guess after taking that psychiatry class or w/e. He started self diagnosing himself, perhaps.

If that's the case, there can be a chance he can walk away a free man if court proves he has mental illness like one of the cases a few years back. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

07-21-2012, 10:05 AM
The kids chime in again...!
Fuck you, its YOUR generation doing the weird shit. If your over 22, then your parents, almost guaranteed, have done similar or worse with YOU when you were younger.
Cars with no seatbelts
No car seats
Smoking in the car with the windows up
Tylenol/Robitussin to "help you sleep"
Beer in your bottles.
Righteous fucks. In this day and age, and especially in this economy, when you have kids you take the breaks you are given."Go see it in the day time?"....Spend extra money on babysitter instead of diapers or other usefull stuff. Take time off work to see it during the day...cause you know, bills can wait.
And I love the ones that say its rude to bring a kid to interrupt a movie. Fuck you, your the same ones that are sucking face with your busted ass girlfriend for half of the movie....
Good ol American entitlement. You fuckers are getting it wrong.

Irresponsible parents will be irresponsible, no matter what day and age. Just because that shit was done before makes it okay now? You even read the interview? They left their kid stuck in between two chairs while they were hiding for cover. Spend extra money on a baby sitter? Fuck out of here with your backwards logic, how about don't spend any money on a movie so that you can buy your diapers. If you can spend $30 on a movie, you can spend $30 to have a baby sitter for 3 hours. If night time is the only time you can watch it, how about not at a midnight premier? How about 9pm the next day? Or even earlier? You gonna justify them because you probably do the same shit.

07-21-2012, 11:23 AM
The kids chime in again...!
Fuck you, its YOUR generation doing the weird shit. If your over 22, then your parents, almost guaranteed, have done similar or worse with YOU when you were younger.
Cars with no seatbelts
No car seats
Smoking in the car with the windows up
Tylenol/Robitussin to "help you sleep"
Beer in your bottles.

My parents didn't do any of that shit. Thank God I didn't have trashy trailer park parents. :rolleyes:

07-21-2012, 03:30 PM
The dad of that 6 month old child that died (Not sure on the age), i remember watching the news yesterday and they interviewed him near the hospital, he said they wouldnt let him see his child because he said a comment, then when the reporter asked what he said, he said i didnt say anything. Shit dont make since you trailer trash fuk.

I can see it now in the future, you need a license to have and own a baby. Must pass a educated course on how to take care of a baby.

07-21-2012, 03:54 PM
The dad of that 6 month old child that died (Not sure on the age), i remember watching the news yesterday and they interviewed him near the hospital, he said they wouldnt let him see his child because he said a comment, then when the reporter asked what he said, he said i didnt say anything. Shit dont make since you trailer trash fuk.

I can see it now in the future, you need a license to have and own a baby. Must pass a educated course on how to take care of a baby.

What the fuck did you just say?

07-21-2012, 03:56 PM
I doubt any of you knew this but..

James Holmes -- Cops Investigating Sex Site Profile | TMZ.com (http://www.tmz.com/2012/07/20/james-holmes-sex-website-penis-cops/)

No there is no nudity or anything, its just an article on him. The news isn't mentioning this at all though.

07-21-2012, 04:40 PM
The kids chime in again...!
Fuck you, its YOUR generation doing the weird shit. If your over 22, then your parents, almost guaranteed, have done similar or worse with YOU when you were younger.
Cars with no seatbelts
No car seats
Smoking in the car with the windows up
Tylenol/Robitussin to "help you sleep"
Beer in your bottles.
Righteous fucks. In this day and age, and especially in this economy, when you have kids you take the breaks you are given."Go see it in the day time?"....Spend extra money on babysitter instead of diapers or other usefull stuff. Take time off work to see it during the day...cause you know, bills can wait.
And I love the ones that say its rude to bring a kid to interrupt a movie. Fuck you, your the same ones that are sucking face with your busted ass girlfriend for half of the movie....
Good ol American entitlement. You fuckers are getting it wrong.

Your reasoning is a shining example of why society can't grow up and get over itself.

07-21-2012, 04:49 PM
I doubt any of you knew this but..

James Holmes -- Cops Investigating Sex Site Profile | TMZ.com (http://www.tmz.com/2012/07/20/james-holmes-sex-website-penis-cops/)

No there is no nudity or anything, its just an article on him. The news isn't mentioning this at all though.

Q. Who's the luckiest guy in the world today?
A. Fred Willard

LOL, peewee

07-21-2012, 04:51 PM
^^ minus killer2001 and select few but agreed!

07-21-2012, 05:01 PM
Also what's sad is one of the girls that passed away here at the shooting, was a survivor of the Toronto mall shooting just a couple weeks ago. : /

Her blog entry of that Toronto shooting was chilling...

Aspiring Sportscaster Among 12 Killed At Colorado Movie Theater; Last Blog Entry Was First-Person Account Of Eaton Centre Shootings [UPDATE] (http://deadspin.com/5927673/aspiring-sportscaster-killed-in-shooting-at-colorado-movie-theater)

07-21-2012, 07:33 PM
I blame rap music.

07-21-2012, 07:50 PM
I blame rap music.
This. It's blatantly obvious.

07-21-2012, 08:15 PM
What the fuck did you just say?

blah blah blah blah

07-21-2012, 08:17 PM
blah blah blah blah

i totally agree.

07-21-2012, 08:17 PM
What the fuck did you just say?
You heard me. What you gonna do about it ?

07-21-2012, 08:21 PM
But on a serious note, i cant wait to hear what has to be said on the trial on Monday.

07-21-2012, 10:32 PM
$30 for a movie. WTF do you live?
Left their kid: (not say they were right or wrong) Get shot at and watch people die around you and see how much logic aside from "get to safety" you follow. I BET you would fall apart (daftphunk). I'm guessing you dont have kids, cause if you did, you would know that sometimes you need a break, and outlet, and some fun, with or without your kids.

My statements still stand. this isn't a new strain or trend in parenting. People have been working with what they are given for AGES.

07-21-2012, 10:52 PM
i have kids, but i dont see a point to taking a newborn child into a movie with loud sounds, and tons of people at 12am.

doesnt make sense at all.

07-21-2012, 10:57 PM
i have kids, but i dont see a point to taking a newborn child into a movie with loud sounds, and tons of people at 12am.

doesnt make sense at all.


That, I do also have a 2 yr old now. Movies... shit they can wait, but an infant that's out of his/her crib at midnight... I dont give a fuck what reason you have. That's bad parenting. That movie will stick around the theaters for a good minute. And im sure they have showing at all times of day. That's the stupidest excuse ever. Yes, being a parent, a young one, you need your alone time. Let it be with your spouse, or just by yourself. but bringing an infant/toddler out that late is just being selfish.

07-21-2012, 11:03 PM

That, I do also have a 2 yr old now. Movies... shit they can wait, but an infant that's out of his/her crib at midnight... I dont give a fuck what reason you have. That's bad parenting. That movie will stick around the theaters for a good minute. And im sure they have showing at all times of day. That's the stupidest excuse ever. Yes, being a parent, a young one, you need your alone time. Let it be with your spouse, or just by yourself. but bringing an infant/toddler out that late is just being selfish.

Qft there is no reason you can justify bringing an infant to the opening of anything, except that you're a selfish prick! Same goes for the assholes that make their whole families go for days waiting for black Friday.

07-21-2012, 11:26 PM
The kids chime in again...!
Fuck you, its YOUR generation doing the weird shit. If your over 22, then your parents, almost guaranteed, have done similar or worse with YOU when you were younger.
Cars with no seatbelts
No car seats
Smoking in the car with the windows up
Tylenol/Robitussin to "help you sleep"
Beer in your bottles.
Righteous fucks. In this day and age, and especially in this economy, when you have kids you take the breaks you are given."Go see it in the day time?"....Spend extra money on babysitter instead of diapers or other usefull stuff. Take time off work to see it during the day...cause you know, bills can wait.
And I love the ones that say its rude to bring a kid to interrupt a movie. Fuck you, your the same ones that are sucking face with your busted ass girlfriend for half of the movie....
Good ol American entitlement. You fuckers are getting it wrong.
:picardfp::tweak: You sir are an idiot and obviously had the kind of parents you described

07-22-2012, 12:22 AM
$30 for a movie. WTF do you live?
Left their kid: (not say they were right or wrong) Get shot at and watch people die around you and see how much logic aside from "get to safety" you follow. I BET you would fall apart (daftphunk). I'm guessing you dont have kids, cause if you did, you would know that sometimes you need a break, and outlet, and some fun, with or without your kids.

My statements still stand. this isn't a new strain or trend in parenting. People have been working with what they are given for AGES.

Nor did I ever say it was a 'new strain' or 'trend,' I said it was irresponsible and it is. As a parent, especially of a new born, you should already know sacrifices are going to have to be made and unfortunately these parents couldn't sacrifice watching batman on opening night.

No I don't have kids, but when I do, I won't be bringing my infant child to midnight premiers of movies they can't even experience for my sheer selfishness and pleasure.

07-22-2012, 12:43 AM
and more about the couple that brought their 3month/4yr old...

A deranged gunman walked into Colorado theatre early Friday morning for the “Dark Night” screening and opened fire on nearly 70 people.

James Holmes, 24, sent the entire theatre into hysteria as he methodologically killed 12 people and injured 50 others.

James Rohrs and his girlfriend appeared on CNN to discuss the tragedy. He and his girlfriend attended the screening with their two children and witnessed the mayhem that ensued.

As chaos erupted, Rohrs placed his baby son Ethan on the floor and contemplated whether to jump over a balcony. He thought to himself, “Can I jump with Ethan without him breaking his neck?”

Rohrs soon became “disoriented from the gas” and lost his son. He then tells his girlfriend to run back and grab their children.

Rohrs is too stricken with fear to save his children. He is convinced he would die if he runs back.

As his girlfriend searches for their children, he jumps from the balcony. He said he “prayed” the gunman didn’t kill his four month-old baby.

Rohrs said he didn’t want to run back into the theatre because he didn’t want to die and leave his children as “orphans with no parents.”

In addition to running out of the theatre, Jamie Rohrs finds his vehicle and drives away.

Luckily, Rohrs later received a call from his girlfriend Patricia informing him she and the children were okay. Patricia suffered a gunshot wound to her leg during the melee.

Rohrs proposed to his girlfriend at the hospital.

coward ass.

07-22-2012, 12:55 AM
Oh shit, Rohrs should be brought on trial too for leaving his girlfriend and children like that. We know now who the pussy is in that relationship, if there still is one, god i hope not.

07-22-2012, 01:12 AM
coward ass.

wtf? Ok, if there was a good reason to not saving your kid, not going back=not getting killed=no orphan children, seems like a good EXCUSE, but getting in your car and driving away? wtf man someone should report that guy to cps or some shit

07-22-2012, 01:43 AM
and more about the couple that brought their 3month/4yr old...

coward ass.

Wow, father of the year material right there. What a selfish bitch

07-22-2012, 01:53 AM
You all laugh at that pussy of a man, but it's funny cause he proposed to her at the hospital and she said yes after he basically said in actions that I don't care for my family. Now who's really stupid lol?

07-22-2012, 01:56 AM
You all laugh at that pussy of a man, but it's funny cause he proposed to her at the hospital and she said yes after he basically said in actions that I don't care for my family. Now who's really stupid lol?

LOL:picardfp: Truth! I guess they were made for each other ;)

07-22-2012, 09:01 AM
@Daftphunk: You miss-understood that last part.
I...said its NOT a new trend. Or in other words you little kids are acting like parents haven't done this for ages. This is nothing new. Parents have been bringing their kids/infant to movies late at night for generation, and they still will for generations to come. Its called working with what your given. But again, you kids can't see past being judgmental and critical. The same group that, if you have kids now, are probably stressed so much in life you cant catch a break. Oh well, "hated by 12 judged by six"

@Eramo323: You dumbass, I just described the parents of most of us that are older than you. Your still a kid.....

I love how all you assbags are acting all high and mighty like you would have went back. Judgmental FUCKS. Truth be told, I bet most of you would have done the same thing in this situation. Yeah, i know, YOU'RE TOUGH, you would have gone Rambo on him or some shit huh? WRONG, survival instinct would have kicked in and anything that is not at arms reach would have been left behind. Don't be mad though, it's not a fault or anything. Its call survival INSTINCT for a reason. Its the reason military folk go through all that yelling and screaming in training that they do, to reset that instinct so they don't brake down to primitive and get themselves killed in a panic situation.

07-22-2012, 09:31 AM
I love how all you assbags are acting all high and mighty like you would have went back. Judgmental FUCKS. Truth be told, I bet most of you would have done the same thing in this situation. Yeah, i know, YOU'RE TOUGH, you would have gone Rambo on him or some shit huh? WRONG, survival instinct would have kicked in and anything that is not at arms reach would have been left behind. Don't be mad though, it's not a fault or anything. Its call survival INSTINCT for a reason. Its the reason military folk go through all that yelling and screaming in training that they do, to reset that instinct so they don't brake down to primitive and get themselves killed in a panic situation.

There is no excuse for leaving your girlfriend, infant, and 4 yr old daughter behind in a dangerous situation. I understand it was a extremely dangerous and scary situation, but this person decided to have children and therefore is wholly responsible for their safety. He dipped out like a bitch. I am not saying that I would have gone all COD MW3 on the juggernaught with armor and assault weapons, but I know that I would have done my best to protect my family (at least 3 people died protecting their loved ones from the gunfire). There is just no excuse for leaving your family behind like that.

Military "folk" are taught from day one that no one gets left behind.

The fact that this idiot brought a infant to a midnight showing should not be the discussion though. It takes away from the acts of the shooter and is an attempt at displacing some of the blame on others for being there. We can all agree that an infant does not belong at a midnight showing of any movie (I can debate whether a 4 yr old should have been there... but again, not the issue). Lets just all agree that we are lucky that we are not talking about how terrible it was for an infant to be shot and killed.

07-22-2012, 07:39 PM
@Daftphunk: You miss-understood that last part.
I...said its NOT a new trend. Or in other words you little kids are acting like parents haven't done this for ages. This is nothing new. Parents have been bringing their kids/infant to movies late at night for generation, and they still will for generations to come. Its called working with what your given. But again, you kids can't see past being judgmental and critical. The same group that, if you have kids now, are probably stressed so much in life you cant catch a break. Oh well, "hated by 12 judged by six"

@Eramo323: You dumbass, I just described the parents of most of us that are older than you. Your still a kid.....

I love how all you assbags are acting all high and mighty like you would have went back. Judgmental FUCKS. Truth be told, I bet most of you would have done the same thing in this situation. Yeah, i know, YOU'RE TOUGH, you would have gone Rambo on him or some shit huh? WRONG, survival instinct would have kicked in and anything that is not at arms reach would have been left behind. Don't be mad though, it's not a fault or anything. Its call survival INSTINCT for a reason. Its the reason military folk go through all that yelling and screaming in training that they do, to reset that instinct so they don't brake down to primitive and get themselves killed in a panic situation.

You're too myopic and narrow minded to see the whole picture.

Just because humans have been acting a certain way for centuries, doesn't make it okay. Acknowledging that it happens though (which is the point you're trying to make) is certainly the first step to correcting the core issue here.

On the other hand....

Because Darwinism.

07-22-2012, 10:57 PM
@Daftphunk: You miss-understood that last part.
I...said its NOT a new trend. Or in other words you little kids are acting like parents haven't done this for ages. This is nothing new. Parents have been bringing their kids/infant to movies late at night for generation, and they still will for generations to come. Its called working with what your given. But again, you kids can't see past being judgmental and critical. The same group that, if you have kids now, are probably stressed so much in life you cant catch a break. Oh well, "hated by 12 judged by six"

@Eramo323: You dumbass, I just described the parents of most of us that are older than you. Your still a kid.....

I love how all you assbags are acting all high and mighty like you would have went back. Judgmental FUCKS. Truth be told, I bet most of you would have done the same thing in this situation. Yeah, i know, YOU'RE TOUGH, you would have gone Rambo on him or some shit huh? WRONG, survival instinct would have kicked in and anything that is not at arms reach would have been left behind. Don't be mad though, it's not a fault or anything. Its call survival INSTINCT for a reason. Its the reason military folk go through all that yelling and screaming in training that they do, to reset that instinct so they don't brake down to primitive and get themselves killed in a panic situation.

You sir have proved to me that you are a full on retard.
Plus with a username like that I couldn't imagine how smart you are

07-22-2012, 11:06 PM
You sir have proved to me that you are a full on retard.
Plus with a username like that I couldn't imagine how smart you are, please explain what you meant by "your still a kid" I'm kind of curious

Yeah, we've been over this with him a few times already.

His name doesn't really lend much credence to his terrible arguments.
Older age =/= automatically right.

Just because someone is a "kid" or is younger than you, doesn't mean their arguments or point of view is invalid or incorrect.

07-22-2012, 11:12 PM
Yeah, we've been over this with him a few times already.

His name doesn't really lend much credence to his terrible arguments.
Older age =/= automatically right.

Just because someone is a "kid" or is younger than you, doesn't mean their arguments or point of view is invalid or incorrect.

Ahaha nicely put

07-22-2012, 11:39 PM
Dude prolli didnt have good relations with his parents. It's OK, bro.

07-22-2012, 11:43 PM
I wasn't saying kid to say your points are invalid.
"KID"argument: I just described the parents of most of us that are OLDER than you. Your still a kid.....
At least Daniel got it half right:
Acknowledging that it happens though (which is the point you're trying to make) is certainly the first step to correcting the core issue here.
The other half is: FUCK YOU. who are you to judge what someone does with their kid since there was no foreseen danger in taking a kid to a late-night movie. What, is it gonna give the kid brain damage? you say you're parents, What about the babies that are naturally up at that time of night?

Yeah, yeah, my user name..... Why you bringing up old shit for? Whats the relevance of your user names? does it mean you have a PHD in this subject? Yeah, I thought not. Ass.

"Military "folk" are taught from day one that no one gets left behind."

"There is no excuse for leaving your girlfriend, infant, and 4 yr old daughter behind in a dangerous situation. I understand it was a extremely dangerous and scary situation, but this person decided to have children and therefore is wholly responsible for their safety. He dipped out like a bitch. I am not saying that I would have gone all COD MW3 on the juggernaught with armor and assault weapons, but I know that I would have done my best to protect my family (at least 3 people died protecting their loved ones from the gunfire). There is just no excuse for leaving your family behind like that."
You wont know till your in that situation.
And, there are countless studies done on the behavior of people in crisis. All of them disagree with you about the masses. There are usually one or two that "die protecting their families", but its arguable that they felt life would be empty for them alone without their families.

"but this person decided to have children and therefore is wholly responsible for their safety"
^ And yet most all of the cases of child abuse, neglect, torture, rape, beating. Conclude almost as a whole that its those very people that cause them the most harm...Thus putting holes in your THEORY.

07-23-2012, 12:02 AM
It would be courteous to other viewers if people did not bring babies/young children to movie theaters for action adult themed movies.. Whining and crying from the graphic scenes and sounds does no good for the movie soundtrack/enjoyment. And the graphic scenes really shouldn't be viewed by young kids...

Some people grow up fine from seeing graphic movies/video games at young ages, and than some do not.

Who knows where this nutcase got this idea from. Individuality can be scary when some people just can't follow moral values.

07-23-2012, 12:04 AM
I wasn't saying kid to say your points are invalid.
"KID"argument: I just described the parents of most of us that are OLDER than you. Your still a kid.....
At least Daniel got it half right:
Acknowledging that it happens though (which is the point you're trying to make) is certainly the first step to correcting the core issue here.
The other half is: FUCK YOU. who are you to judge what someone does with their kid since there was no foreseen danger in taking a kid to a late-night movie. What, is it gonna give the kid brain damage? you say you're parents, What about the babies that are naturally up at that time of night?

Yeah, yeah, my user name..... Why you bringing up old shit for? Whats the relevance of your user names? does it mean you have a PHD in this subject? Yeah, I thought not. Ass.

"Military "folk" are taught from day one that no one gets left behind."

"There is no excuse for leaving your girlfriend, infant, and 4 yr old daughter behind in a dangerous situation. I understand it was a extremely dangerous and scary situation, but this person decided to have children and therefore is wholly responsible for their safety. He dipped out like a bitch. I am not saying that I would have gone all COD MW3 on the juggernaught with armor and assault weapons, but I know that I would have done my best to protect my family (at least 3 people died protecting their loved ones from the gunfire). There is just no excuse for leaving your family behind like that."
You wont know till your in that situation.
And, there are countless studies done on the behavior of people in crisis. All of them disagree with you about the masses. There are usually one or two that "die protecting their families", but its arguable that they felt life would be empty for them alone without their families.

"but this person decided to have children and therefore is wholly responsible for their safety"
^ And yet most all of the cases of child abuse, neglect, torture, rape, beating. Conclude almost as a whole that its those very people that cause them the most harm...Thus putting holes in your THEORY.
There is just no arguing with you
You're pathetic, maybe somebody needs to smack the stupid out of you
You're arguments are invalid (I'm not bringing up old shit, I don't remember ever having a conversation with you)

07-23-2012, 01:03 AM


he's in court tomorrow, wonder what he'll say. im thinking just sit there with a smile.

07-23-2012, 01:47 AM
I wonder if there is going to have a bail fundraiser for him?



07-23-2012, 06:36 AM
who are you to judge what someone does with their kid since there was no foreseen danger in taking a kid to a late-night movie. What, is it gonna give the kid brain damage? you say you're parents, What about the babies that are naturally up at that time of night?

Again, that the guy brought his infant and his 4 yr old to a midnight showing is not what is important about what happened. No one will ever agree with you that it is responsible to bring an infant to the movies. It is like when a mother drinks or smokes when she is pregnant. Everyone knows that millions and millions of children were born completely normal with moms who did that. That is basically the reaction here. Yes, your kid, your decision... but when you bring your kid to public places and do something that is way out of the realm of responsibility then expect to be judged.

"Military "folk" are taught from day one that no one gets left behind."

I think all of my clients at the Veteran's Law Clinic, my cousin who is an Army Ranger, my Uncle who is Vietnam vet, half of my neighborhood friends who serve now, and the rest of the service members I have met would beg to differ. But, hey, maybe you know different military guys than me.

"There is no excuse for leaving your girlfriend, infant, and 4 yr old daughter behind in a dangerous situation. I understand it was a extremely dangerous and scary situation, but this person decided to have children and therefore is wholly responsible for their safety. He dipped out like a bitch. I am not saying that I would have gone all COD MW3 on the juggernaught with armor and assault weapons, but I know that I would have done my best to protect my family (at least 3 people died protecting their loved ones from the gunfire). There is just no excuse for leaving your family behind like that."
You wont know till your in that situation.

I know I would not leave my family behind. I have been in situations where I could have fled or stayed. I stayed and let other people get away. Not getting into the situation, but I would argue that the majority of people who have a family and/or kids would do the same. Lets take a look at what actually happened in CO. 4 situations, in 3 the boyfriends laid on top of their loved ones and were killed protecting them, 1 ran away, leaving his Girlfriend, infant, and 4 yr old to die, he told his girlfriend to go back into the madness while he ran out of the theater, got into a car, and drove away. So using the community standard of relevance here, this guy does not deserve to have children, a family, or anything. If this was not a tragedy, someone could call CPS and report this guy and I would bet he would have quite the time trying to keep his children out of the states hands.

And, there are countless studies done on the behavior of people in crisis. All of them disagree with you about the masses. There are usually one or two that "die protecting their families", but its arguable that they felt life would be empty for them alone without their families.

Actually, you are wrong on this. The studies show that people actually tend to "rise" to the situation. That is why you find many times ordinary people do extraordinary things. Look at what happened in VA tech shootings, Columbine, 911. Ordinary people risked their lives to save others with reckless disregard for their own lives. People stayed together because you always have a better chance of surviving together than alone. But hey, point me to a study that shows in high stress situation people will leave those they are most responsible for behind - because I bet that number is exponentially lower than those that would risk their own life to protect them.

"but this person decided to have children and therefore is wholly responsible for their safety"
^ And yet most all of the cases of child abuse, neglect, torture, rape, beating. Conclude almost as a whole that its those very people that cause them the most harm...Thus putting holes in your THEORY.

No, my "theory" is pretty spot on. This guy is a terrible parent and should not have children. Just like those shitty parents who beat their kids, they should be placed in jail and have their children placed into a loving families care. When you have a family you do everything you can to protect them, not to hurt them or leave them behind. If that is not how you see it than you should not have a family because you are too selfish/stupid/sick to understand that when you begin bringing people into this world you immediately have a duty to that person. Your life becomes second to that life. Further, the people who do not understand this, those that beat/rape/torture/neglect their children, will go to jail (if they are reported, prosecuted, convicted etc) and are considered the lowest of low within the jail population. So yeah, I think even the lowest of society understand you take care of your kids and family.

07-23-2012, 07:16 AM
I'm not even going to respond to fyneyoungstunna's stupidity.

07-23-2012, 07:38 AM
fyneyoungstunna < this guy is such a tool bag.

Ok fine. They bring their kids at the movie because they have "no time" to have their
"own time". but at FUCKING MIDNIGHT SHOWING? Thats fucking selfish. Needless to say, that movie will still be on FIRST THING IN THE FUCKING MORNING. The argument wasnt bringing the child to the movies, Its bringing the child to the MIDNIGHT SHOWING!

Fucking ass hat.

07-23-2012, 08:10 AM
Justice won't be served.

He'll rot in prison rather than recieve the punishment he deserves.

YAY FOR JUSTICE! (rolls eyes)

07-23-2012, 08:35 AM
I've decided that fyneyoungstunna has got to be the best troll ever. Twice now he's gotten me to take him seriously.

No one can be as much of an ignorant idiot as him in real life. If so, America is fucked because there's got to me more of them out there just like him...

07-23-2012, 08:50 AM
I've decided that fyneyoungstunna has got to be the best troll ever. Twice now he's gotten me to take him seriously.

No one can be as much of an ignorant idiot as him in real life. If so, America is fucked because there's got to me more of them out there just like him...

Lol I was just thinking the same thing.

07-23-2012, 09:32 AM
Justice won't be served.

He'll rot in prison rather than recieve the punishment he deserves.

YAY FOR JUSTICE! (rolls eyes)

How much are you willing to pay as a taxpayer to the sole cause of killing this sick individual?

It is astronomically expensive for the state to legally kill a citizen once they have entered the judicial process. That obviously does not make anyone feel any better or have any "closure" (if they could even get any). So, purely economically speaking, it cost us less to keep the sicko alive than to kill him.

Because I think the people who commit these crimes can be extremely important in analyzing mental illness (or whatever is going on in their head), I personally believe keeping them as psychological lab rats (which is important so that first responders to these instances know exactly how to assess the situation - which they did here because of their previous experiences with columbine etc) is extremely more beneficial then offing them in the name of "justice."

And to anyone worried about the "insanity" defense, even in the extremely rare case that he actually is declared "insane" (less than 1% of defendants actually claim it, and less than half of those claiming are successful in their claim - that is also to say, not guilty by insanity because he could neither understand what he was doing, or that what he was doing was wrong etc - no idea what CO insanity defense is) that does not mean he would be free to roam the streets. The state will then detain him until they deem him not to be a threat to society, i.e., forever.

07-23-2012, 11:56 AM
It would be courteous to other viewers if people did not bring babies/young children to movie theaters for action adult themed movies.. Whining and crying from the graphic scenes and sounds does no good for the movie soundtrack/enjoyment. And the graphic scenes really shouldn't be viewed by young kids...

Some people grow up fine from seeing graphic movies/video games at young ages, and than some do not.

Who knows where this nutcase got this idea from. Individuality can be scary when some people just can't follow moral values.

This I agree with almost wholly. A baby is not going to comprehend the actionc/violence/adult theme.
A young child, however, may or may not be influenced by it. But still that's up to the individual parent.

Most of you asshats are saying that it's inconsiderate or selfish to the baby to bring it to a midnight show. HOW? the baby is not going to comprehend the movie. Its eight going to be asleep,feeding and ready to go to sleep, or ready to go to sleep. What does the time of night matter in that situation. Some parents even bring earmuffs or other protective wear. So I'm still not seeing how its selfish.

Ok fine. They bring their kids at the movie because they have "no time" to have their
"own time". but at FUCKING MIDNIGHT SHOWING? That's fucking selfish. Needless to say, that movie will still be on FIRST THING IN THE FUCKING MORNING. The argument wasn't bringing the child to the movies, Its bringing the child to the MIDNIGHT SHOWING!

^I'm the asshat? but YOU just contradicted yourself in two sentences. Plus most movie theaters don't open till noon or later....

@ Eramo323: There is just no arguing with you
You're pathetic, maybe somebody needs to smack the stupid out of you
You're arguments are invalid (I'm not bringing up old shit, I don't remember ever having a conversation with you)

Yes, Maybe you should come smack the stupid out of me. Pm me and I will send you my address and pay for your ticket to fly, or pay your gas to come out and do just that. I will not however pay for you hospital bill or your physical therapy. If you chose to bring your "homies" or some shit, they will all meet the same demise.....

@Ineedone: how is it irresponsible? irresponsible is leaving your kid at the playground UN-attended, and still before the millennium, that was common practice in your local neighborhood...

I think ALL of my family members who are military, all of my HS friends who are military, and ALL the other military people I know would disagree with YOU. But you are right, maybe we know different military folks.

You are believing what the news it telling you.
1 of those that "shielded" their family was arguably on the way out and died mid action.
The other two they are waiting on the verdict for. But, I can let you know some of what they find.

My previous neighborhood and at times my line of work put me in those situations. One time I stayed:
I was at a Safeway getting some Ben and Jerry half baked ( you know, the good shit). I heard a loud crash and people running. I was away from the commotion and had no idea what was going on. I was on my way out the back when I heard a mom screaming "somebody do something" and a little girl crying. I stopped and let it sink in for a sec, and then went up to help. turns out some drug guy was getting ready to use the kid as a shield against some other guys punches.

Another time, there was a good crowd of us in dc in a store. two men entered with assault riffles and opened fire. All of us ran. Turns out two of the men ran and left their families behind...They were closest to the gunmen.

Again Ineedone: In your last part, you are spouting THEORY. There are no Facts and scientific evidence to back this up. In FACT there are studies from earlier cultures that say the complete opposite. Kids were put out to test their merit at a young age and were only let into society if they survived. I know you are gonna say I'm citing "300" buy you should do some studies on early civilization and nomadic culture and you will be surprised at what you find in the area of child rearing. What you are saying, is THEORY of a modern culture aka U.S.

But we do agree and know the facts on the "keeping him alive" part.
Yes he will more than likely NOT be killed because of the Tax of it. Colorado people tend to not like to pay taxes. Sometimes to the point of losing their businesses or homes.
Hes been "evaluated" twice already, and a trial that the public will never fully know about. there are also other facts that they are keeping out of the news. Ill be able to tell you more in about three days. By that time my statue will be up.

07-23-2012, 12:12 PM
I think ALL of my family members who are military, all of my HS friends who are military, and ALL the other military people I know would disagree with YOU. But you are right, maybe we know different military folks.

I'm military, and I don't agree with you :) What branch is it that is teaching the "Save yourself" mentality?!? I remember comaraderie being a huge thing when it came to bootcamp and I'm sure for others it is the same. You know the whole I have your back, you have mine kind of thing. Please don't talk about military training if you don't know what you are talking about.

Overall, I think this has gone way off topic and it appears he had his first day in court this morning. I was talking to my sister and she was saying she might have gone to Med school with the guy or something along those lines but I haven't heard anything else.

07-23-2012, 12:28 PM
^never did I say "save yourself" DON'T put words in my mouth.

"Please don't talk about military training if you don't know what you are talking about."
You have no IDEA what I KNOW about military. Most of the males in my family are decorated war heroes, or purple heart vets. I would have been Marine if it wasn't for a roofing accident. Ive been through more debriefings than you have been through training....

07-23-2012, 12:34 PM
Anyone else who bothers to respond to this guy is just falling for trollbait.

07-23-2012, 12:39 PM
This I agree with almost wholly. A baby is not going to comprehend the actionc/violence/adult theme.
A young child, however, may or may not be influenced by it. But still that's up to the individual parent.

No one cares about what "influence" a violent movie may have on a young kid. Most of the young kids will have nightmares and you as a parent will now have to have a 4 yr old sleeping your bed for the next week. Again, not the issue.

Most of you asshats are saying that it's inconsiderate or selfish to the baby to bring it to a midnight show. HOW? the baby is not going to comprehend the movie. Its eight going to be asleep,feeding and ready to go to sleep, or ready to go to sleep. What does the time of night matter in that situation. Some parents even bring earmuffs or other protective wear. So I'm still not seeing how its selfish.

Babies cry, all the time. It is inconsiderate to bring an infant into a movie theater where it will cry. That is it. No rocket science. Just as annoying as idiot young kids talking the whole time. That is why if that shit goes down I politely ask an attendant to come escort the idiots out. If there was a crying baby, I would do the same.

Ok fine. They bring their kids at the movie because they have "no time" to have their
"own time". but at FUCKING MIDNIGHT SHOWING? That's fucking selfish. Needless to say, that movie will still be on FIRST THING IN THE FUCKING MORNING. The argument wasn't bringing the child to the movies, Its bringing the child to the MIDNIGHT SHOWING!

^I'm the asshat? but YOU just contradicted yourself in two sentences. Plus most movie theaters don't open till noon or later....

Batman has been playing at 9am at every theater around me. Midnight is a stupid time to take an infant to a movie if it is a movie you HAVE to go to with your infant. But again, not the issue.

@ Eramo323: There is just no arguing with you
You're pathetic, maybe somebody needs to smack the stupid out of you
You're arguments are invalid (I'm not bringing up old shit, I don't remember ever having a conversation with you)

Yes, Maybe you should come smack the stupid out of me. Pm me and I will send you my address and pay for your ticket to fly, or pay your gas to come out and do just that. I will not however pay for you hospital bill or your physical therapy. If you chose to bring your "homies" or some shit, they will all meet the same demise.....

Calm down there Macho Man Randy Savage. No one wins in a e-thug match. OhhhhYEEAHHHH

@Ineedone: how is it irresponsible? irresponsible is leaving your kid at the playground UN-attended, and still before the millennium, that was common practice in your local neighborhood...

If leaving your kid unattended at a playground is irresponsible... and I cannot believe I am typing this... How is leaving your kid in a movie theater where someone is shooting people responsible? Really?

I think ALL of my family members who are military, all of my HS friends who are military, and ALL the other military people I know would disagree with YOU. But you are right, maybe we know different military folks.

So they just left all their buddies behind when shit got real? Yeah I highly doubt that. Just stop with trying to argue with every point. I have met one of the last medal of honor winners, spoken to a previous Joint Chief of Staff for the Marines (or whatever his official title would be - Gen. Pace) as well as the Odiernos (both Son and Father).

Watch this and tell me how you can even think that the motto of just about every serviceman motto is "no one gets left behind." Shit, you even have battle buddies during training...Think whatever you want about Pace's politics, but this speech was pretty incredible (It picks up around 3:30 when he starts talking about Tony O, and the real story starts around the 6 min mark why Pace is a real dude). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdkz6n1z1iM

You are believing what the news it telling you.
1 of those that "shielded" their family was arguably on the way out and died mid action.
The other two they are waiting on the verdict for. But, I can let you know some of what they find.

Their was a 16(?) year old girl who stayed with her friend and held pressure on a neck wound while dialing 911 while shots were being fired. Or did the news make that up too?

My previous neighborhood and at times my line of work put me in those situations. One time I stayed:
I was at a Safeway getting some Ben and Jerry half baked ( you know, the good shit). I heard a loud crash and people running. I was away from the commotion and had no idea what was going on. I was on my way out the back when I heard a mom screaming "somebody do something" and a little girl crying. I stopped and let it sink in for a sec, and then went up to help. turns out some drug guy was getting ready to use the kid as a shield against some other guys punches.

Another time, there was a good crowd of us in dc in a store. two men entered with assault riffles and opened fire. All of us ran. Turns out two of the men ran and left their families behind...They were closest to the gunmen.

I do not care how tough you are, I am not going to get into a pissing match with anyone about how tough or awesome one is. I could give a shit.

Again Ineedone: In your last part, you are spouting THEORY. There are no Facts and scientific evidence to back this up. In FACT there are studies from earlier cultures that say the complete opposite. Kids were put out to test their merit at a young age and were only let into society if they survived. I know you are gonna say I'm citing "300" buy you should do some studies on early civilization and nomadic culture and you will be surprised at what you find in the area of child rearing. What you are saying, is THEORY of a modern culture aka U.S.

Please do not tell me you cited a fictional recreation of Greek mythology to prove your point... I gave you real situation where real people rose to the situation and sacrificed themselves for others. HOLY BALLS. Picking a soldier to fight is no where near analogous to being a decent human who protects his own. That is just a natural, paternal instinct. Even animals have that. That is not theory, that is fact. What else is fact is that not all people who become parents should be parents. Those that leave their kids and family behind when someone is shooting at a theater fit into that category. Stop defending the dude, it is ok that some people suck. That is also a fact.

But we do agree and know the facts on the "keeping him alive" part.
Yes he will more than likely NOT be killed because of the Tax of it. Colorado people tend to not like to pay taxes. Sometimes to the point of losing their businesses or homes.
Hes been "evaluated" twice already, and a trial that the public will never fully know about. there are also other facts that they are keeping out of the news. Ill be able to tell you more in about three days. By that time my statue will be up.

It will depend on whether the AG (who I think is up for election or is term limited if I heard correctly) decides to go for the death penalty (which is probably a definite at this point). Death penalty cases are extensive, but considering that the amount of evidence that the State surely has, it probably will be easy to win at the lower level. It is when the appeals start where it gets pricey and a bit more complicated.

07-23-2012, 12:40 PM
Anyone else who bothers to respond to this guy is just falling for trollbait.


That is what makes it fun.

07-23-2012, 01:00 PM
Ineedone: you fail at reading.
We agree about the young kid part of your most recent reply.
Its the baby part we see different.

A lot of babies cry all the time...during the DAY. we are talking night here.

Actually, midnight makes more sense. Especially by YOUR logic, because you will incur less people because of the time. Just saying.

"Batman has been playing at 9am at every theater around me"
Ok, I eat humble pie on this one. Most of the time theaters around here do not start showing until noon.

The playground thing; you should re-read that. I was being facetious and there was a double meaning.

Military thing: again re-read. I didn't say it was "leave your buddies behind" you just assumed.

Pissing match and tough? You retard, those were two cases of evidence for and against fight or flight.

Cited fictional reality.....FUCK CAN YOU READ? Did you read the whole sentence and the one AFTER that? Or do you just go through and pick shit out?

07-23-2012, 01:16 PM
^never did I say "save yourself" DON'T put words in my mouth.

"Please don't talk about military training if you don't know what you are talking about."
You have no IDEA what I KNOW about military. Most of the males in my family are decorated war heroes, or purple heart vets. I would have been Marine if it wasn't for a roofing accident. Ive been through more debriefings than you have been through training....

Cool man, I could've been a doctor if it wasn't for all those pesky years of school. See I have family members that are world class surgeons and have recieved awards for the medical breakthroughs they have come up with. I've been through more ER surgerys than you've been alive.
(that was all fictional by the way, but do you see how stupid that sounds?)

I don't care what you think you know, you're not in the military. But you would've fit in well with Marines being you act like such a hardass on the internet. Grow up dude, punching your way through life won't get you anywhere. I could care less if you could beat me in a fight or whatever you want to come up with next, it does not impress me. Your family may be war heroes, that does not give you any entitlement.

07-23-2012, 01:21 PM
Its unfair to the victims that died if this guy gets to live free for life in prison.. =\

07-23-2012, 02:17 PM
Its unfair to the victims that died if this guy gets to live free for life in prison.. =\

I wouldn't consider live free in prison as anything special. Besides, someone like that will be on lock down for the rest of his natural life. Way too many people in the jails would want to kill him to be known as the guy that killed that dude....

07-23-2012, 02:20 PM
What ever happened to the good ole western days of public hanging or the days of public beheading "off with his head", in the days of the knights.

07-23-2012, 02:36 PM
This is going to be so stupid. so much wasted time, money, resources, etc.

07-23-2012, 02:51 PM

07-23-2012, 02:53 PM
Keeping people in prison for life is so useless.
When it is an individual who does something like this they should either just put them down on the spot as soon as it is clear they did the crime, and if not, there are so many better things prisoners could be used for that would actually be beneficial to society.
Medical research, forced labor (concentration camp style), crash test dummies, etc.

That is not true and stupid.
Also, it is pathetic how everyone is already recycling this incident to fit their propaganda, whether it be about race, guns, religion, or whatever dumb view they want to push on people.

07-23-2012, 03:17 PM
That is not true and stupid.
Also, it is pathetic how everyone is already recycling this incident to fit their propaganda, whether it be about race, guns, religion, or whatever dumb view they want to push on people.

I saw this shit on facebook and facepalmed so hard. Everyone wants to play the race card all the time when it fits their agenda. If he was a top student that graduated with honors then he was a top student that graduated with honors. If he was some trailer trash hillbilly they would've portrayed him as such. Look at all the dumb fucks who tried to call George Zimmerman white when he is clearly hispanic. Stupid people start these sheeple bandwagons and don't even realize that they are just causing further racial hate. I hate the feel sorry for me mentality that some people have. If you want to make something of yourself you are the only one that can do that, the government isnt going to do it for you. *End Rant*

07-23-2012, 04:12 PM
You have no IDEA what I KNOW about military. Most of the males in my family are decorated war heroes, or purple heart vets. I would have been Marine if it wasn't for a roofing accident. Ive been through more debriefings than you have been through training....

Cool man, I could've been a doctor if it wasn't for all those pesky years of school. See I have family members that are world class surgeons and have recieved awards for the medical breakthroughs they have come up with. I've been through more ER surgerys than you've been alive.

With that thinking...I R wolverine

07-23-2012, 05:02 PM
With that thinking...I R wolverine

You have to go with the theme gosh don't you know anything?!?!


07-23-2012, 06:03 PM
You have to go with the theme gosh don't you know anything?!?!


I could've been a mutant if hadn't wasted all those years being born a genetically normal human being. I have family members who are mutants and serve in the X-Men. I've been through more mission briefings and debriefings than you've even read about or heard about in the news, the movies, your local comic shop, the watercooler, the drive through, Blind Susan's Gentlemen's club, the back of a taxi, or yo momma's house.

07-23-2012, 06:48 PM
James Holmes mugshot

07-23-2012, 07:44 PM
brotha on bathsalts gets blasted by cops while caught in the act.. why couldn't cops have blasted Holmes? They got witnesses and he took a few lives and was planned out .

I'm Trolling. It just happened that way.. but yeah lol

07-23-2012, 07:58 PM
Here's hope he doesn't have to stay in solitary confinement for too long, bubba def needs to give him a size 11 poop shoot. . . yeah.

07-23-2012, 08:08 PM
@ Eramo323: There is just no arguing with you
You're pathetic, maybe somebody needs to smack the stupid out of you
You're arguments are invalid (I'm not bringing up old shit, I don't remember ever having a conversation with you)

Yes, Maybe you should come smack the stupid out of me. Pm me and I will send you my address and pay for your ticket to fly, or pay your gas to come out and do just that. I will not however pay for you hospital bill or your physical therapy. If you chose to bring your "homies" or some shit, they will all meet the same demise.....

I would do it if you consider paying for my time on an hourly wage, since I would be taking time off work in which of course i won't, because you're and idiot and apparently I'm not the only one that thinks so. If not send me a PM i will send you my address you can come down here, waist you're own pathetic time try to beat me up? bring your "homies" :picardfp:

http://ct.fra.bz/ol/fz/sw/i53/5/4/18/frabz-come-at-me-bro-7ec978.jpg (http://i.fra.bz/1da6)Funny Pictures (http://fra.bz/)

I can take care of you're stupidity problem
Maybe then you will probably be able to think right
God 462 posts and not one single review, you must not have a life
Edit: this is my last troll reply since internet banging is not for me ..

07-23-2012, 09:52 PM
brotha on bathsalts gets blasted by cops while caught in the act.. why couldn't cops have blasted Holmes? They got witnesses and he took a few lives and was planned out .

I'm Trolling. It just happened that way.. but yeah lol

Because Cops are trigger happy in Miami

07-23-2012, 10:13 PM
Because Cops are trigger happy in Miami

Also depends on if he pointed a weapon at the cops. If he had turned and began to bring a weapon up, then he would have been dead for sure.

THEN the next conspiracy would have been that they killed him but there were others. Or that the government set him up and they killed him to shut him up.

07-23-2012, 10:17 PM
Also depends on if he pointed a weapon at the cops. If he had turned and began to bring a weapon up, then he would have been dead for sure.

THEN the next conspiracy would have been that they killed him but there were others. Or that the government set him up and they killed him to shut him up.

No, the Bath Salt guy was unarmed. They shot him because he refused to stop attacking the victim.

07-23-2012, 10:18 PM

That's racist. I feel offended.

07-23-2012, 10:33 PM

Wait, when youre white you get all those things automatically? Wtf ive been white for 23years and dont have shit.

07-23-2012, 11:48 PM
@ razorblade: wtf? Where the hell did you come up with fighting you?
Or the punching your way through life thing at? Are you on drugs?

07-24-2012, 12:04 AM
If this would've happend in Texas, he would've been dead that same night.

Fuck his trial and all that bs.

07-24-2012, 02:11 AM
"I can take care of you're stupidity problem"
certainly if you cant get your and you're right, you don't stand a chance with my "problem".
How do you start off billy bad ass, and then want to be paid to come out here, especially when YOU were the one who threw the gauntlet?

@ tqstarburst: while yes, I would love to see "justice" carried out, especially since someone made my best friend cry over a loved one. I also understand the value of dissecting a criminal mind. I do however say: once they are done with his mind, a person from each of the victims families should be allowed to dump one cup of gasoline on this shit bag, and then the parents of the youngest victim should be allowed to carry a candle over to him and set his ass on fire.

07-24-2012, 08:08 AM
Keeping people in prison for life is so useless.
When it is an individual who does something like this they should either just put them down on the spot as soon as it is clear they did the crime, and if not, there are so many better things prisoners could be used for that would actually be beneficial to society.
Medical research, forced labor (concentration camp style), crash test dummies, etc.

That is not true and stupid.
Also, it is pathetic how everyone is already recycling this incident to fit their propaganda, whether it be about race, guns, religion, or whatever dumb view they want to push on people.

I saw this shit on facebook and facepalmed so hard. Everyone wants to play the race card all the time when it fits their agenda. If he was a top student that graduated with honors then he was a top student that graduated with honors. If he was some trailer trash hillbilly they would've portrayed him as such. Look at all the dumb fucks who tried to call George Zimmerman white when he is clearly hispanic. Stupid people start these sheeple bandwagons and don't even realize that they are just causing further racial hate. I hate the feel sorry for me mentality that some people have. If you want to make something of yourself you are the only one that can do that, the government isnt going to do it for you. *End Rant*

Agreed. I saw that and just shook my head.

07-24-2012, 08:08 AM
I would do it if you consider paying for my time on an hourly wage, since I would be taking time off work in which of course i won't, because you're and idiot and apparently I'm not the only one that thinks so. If not send me a PM i will send you my address you can come down here, waist you're own pathetic time try to beat me up? bring your "homies" :picardfp:

http://ct.fra.bz/ol/fz/sw/i53/5/4/18/frabz-come-at-me-bro-7ec978.jpg (http://i.fra.bz/1da6)Funny Pictures (http://fra.bz/)

I can take care of you're stupidity problem
Maybe then you will probably be able to think right
God 462 posts and not one single review, you must not have a life
Edit: this is my last troll reply since internet banging is not for me ..


Correction 1 - You're AN<--- idiot

Correction 2 - WASTE <------ your pathetic time

On that note... Have him pay for your ticket and such. Go on a mini vacation, courtesy of fyneyoungstunna.....http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfUPvZ7p8jXThX5bn5M_1whtrMMjwhm KB3UJyNDRNhT61tdqRcb0dK4tVTOw

07-24-2012, 08:29 AM
@ razorblade: wtf? Where the hell did you come up with fighting you?
Or the punching your way through life thing at? Are you on drugs?

Yes, Maybe you should come smack the stupid out of me. Pm me and I will send you my address and pay for your ticket to fly, or pay your gas to come out and do just that. I will not however pay for you hospital bill or your physical therapy. If you chose to bring your "homies" or some shit, they will all meet the same demise.....

I know the above quote wasn't pointed at me when you said it, but it was in response to it. Calling someone out to come over and fight you just sounds dumb, it doesn't make your arguments anymore valid, and you know damn well that when he told you someone needs to smack sense into you he didn't mean it literally. Just figured it wouldn't be long before you resorted to it again.

07-24-2012, 09:54 AM
Oh, got ya.

07-24-2012, 11:10 AM
Anyways...fyneyoungstunna is a complete idiot so leave the troll alone already guys.

Back on topic is there any news on what James Holmes said in court?

07-24-2012, 11:15 AM
Did be plead yet?

07-24-2012, 11:34 AM

Correction 1 - You're AN<--- idiot

Correction 2 - WASTE <------ your pathetic time

On that note... Have him pay for your ticket and such. Go on a mini vacation, courtesy of fyneyoungstunna.....http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfUPvZ7p8jXThX5bn5M_1whtrMMjwhm KB3UJyNDRNhT61tdqRcb0dK4tVTOw

Oh nice, while you're at it go around zilvia and correct everyone else
you have nothing better to do? :keke:
I doubt his disability checks can cover it

07-24-2012, 11:39 AM
I know the above quote wasn't pointed at me when you said it, but it was in response to it. Calling someone out to come over and fight you just sounds dumb, it doesn't make your arguments anymore valid, and you know damn well that when he told you someone needs to smack sense into you he didn't mean it literally. Just figured it wouldn't be long before you resorted to it again.
Thank You, Only a real idiot would think of going out of state or out of town to try and beat somebody up, but if he's the idiot willing to do it then more power to him :bigok:

07-24-2012, 01:13 PM
Did be plead yet?

It will take a few months before his trial starts, they have to plan things out and pick a jury etc. Until than, he is in the safe security of a jail.

07-24-2012, 03:01 PM
This thread needs to move to loud noises....

07-24-2012, 03:07 PM
'Dark Knight' Shooting: 3 Boyfriends Die Shielding Girlfriends During Aurora Massacre (VIDEO, PHOTO) (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/23/aurora-shooting-boyfriends-died-protecting-girlfriends_n_1695290.html)

07-24-2012, 05:31 PM
@Eramo323: Wtf, you lil bitch. How are you gonna sit there and act like you didn't make the first comment. You pee sitting down from now on.

He's not in jail yet. wont go to Jail either. most likely he will be held somewhere southern Colorado.

07-24-2012, 06:09 PM
Great guy: Christian Bale in town visiting victims of shooting - The Denver Post (http://www.denverpost.com/theatershooting/ci_21147699/christian-bale-town-visiting-victims-shooting#724sf)


07-24-2012, 06:28 PM
Wow thats really cool that he is visiting victims.

07-24-2012, 07:03 PM

07-24-2012, 07:54 PM
wonder if they compared business cards...

07-25-2012, 12:21 AM
wonder if they compared business cards...

LMAO! i literally watched it yesterday, you my friend are as cool as a cucumber :cool: