View Full Version : Stockton - neil29115 - Will pay for assistance.

07-18-2012, 02:34 PM
Hello Everyone,

Thread Reference:

I purchased some rims back in April and informed the buyer I would pick up the rims or arrange for them to be picked up. The buyer stated that this would be no problem. I have now lost touch with the buyer and I am hoping this is not intentional, however I am requesting for some help from someone who might know "neil29115" (I have his contact info, name, address and cell phone but don't want to put that out at this point) or someone who lives nearby that can pick up the rims for me. I will pay a more than fair amount to do this for me. PM me with details. If the buyer does see this, please get in touch with me and we can finalize this once and for all.

Mods: If I have placed this in the wrong section, please let me know, but I think this area would provide the max exposure for the help that I am looking for.

Thanks Everyone,


07-18-2012, 10:43 PM
Setup a claim with PayPal. Seems kinda sketchy you don't have a response especially since you already paid

07-19-2012, 08:14 AM
Are you in stockton or is he I could drive down there and ship them to you if you want I'm only an hour away

07-19-2012, 02:02 PM
My 45 days are up on paypal. I opened a claim but it won't mean much.

I am in Santa Clarita. The rims are in Stockton. The rims could be picked up and dropped off at my cousins in Tracy. I'll pay a fair rate.

stilmissmysti - PM me and I can provide the address in Stockton and payment terms.

07-19-2012, 03:24 PM
you are an idiot. You waited past the timeframe for someone to ship wheels. This is why you pay paypal for insurance. Why even try calling him. I'm sure he enjoys your money.

07-19-2012, 05:24 PM
fckillerbee - Really?? I passed the timeframe? Damn. I wish I could have read my post above where I stated that. speaking of idiots....

Anyone else - PM me directly.

07-19-2012, 06:24 PM
well i'm just saying. that's like trying to return something after the return policy. Guy scammed you. Report to paypal. That's really all you can do. How do you even know this dude actually lives at said residence? How do you know he had said product.

Scammers are really good at scamming. There are millions of threads on here about dudes selling fake shit saying it's the real deal on their car...only to find out they've been mass producing the wheel, and the picture provided wasn't their car.

Drive down to the dudes house, and ask him for your money. Otherwise, you are gonna send someone else to do your dirty work, and if they are a legit asshole, you may get the dude shot at. Now you are putting someone's life at risk. Says your 37, I learned not to trust people a long time ago. After a week of not getting something shipped, you should have called paypal. Lessoned learned.

I work in online sales dealing with paypal and their claim/dispute processing. This dude could have already closed that account, and started another one.

07-19-2012, 06:35 PM
well looky here. Just by looking at this scammers profile, he's changed his number twice within the past 3 months if you want to know more about someone, just look at their postings.



sorry I didn't give you sympathy. You are a grown man acting like a 15 year old that was just scammed. I have buddies that have ordered $5,000 motors from shops and got scammed. You have to protect yourself. You should thank yourself it was only 2 bills.

07-19-2012, 07:06 PM
Thanks your last post was informative.

07-23-2012, 04:29 PM
he's changed his number twice within the past 3 months

He's probably using a text app, allowing him to use different phone numbers.
I just googled that number (209-405-5920) and found he's also on Nico.
Looks like your only option is a road trip. But is it worth it for $200..???
Unless you gansta and get gas $ too. :rl:

07-24-2012, 05:12 AM
Im in sacramento which is like 20-30 min from stockton. Lmk bud ill help you get your stuff.

07-24-2012, 08:28 AM
I had bought something from a dude and sent as gift, i opened a claim and still got my money back but it was also within that 45 days, def try it, if you have a good case their is a good chance they might help you out. Of course there are going to be the assholes that would rather sit here and say your dumb than try to fix whats wrong. I sent paypal every email and text the scammer sent me, call them up and talk to somebody on the phone is your best bet.