View Full Version : Ka24e Harness Problem

07-07-2012, 03:49 PM
Hello zilvia,

i got a electrical issue with my 89 240sx. The problem first occurred when one of the ignition cables that are soldered onto the ignition switch got so hot it just melted off. Basically no power to ignition. Bought a new ignition switch but found one of the plugs connecting to the ignition switch was burnt out. Also burning a section of the cables. So We cut that section and directly wired it to the ignition switch plug but still nothing turns on. Next thing we tried was wiring the ignition cable directly form the ECU with power and still a no go.

Basically im stuck. I dont know if my ECU is fried or its something else. I get no accessories or fuel pump. I need help!

07-07-2012, 10:28 PM
If a wire was getting so hot it was melting, replacing it wont always fix the issue.. It must be arching somewhere..

If you do come to the conclusion that its the ECU, i do have 2 stock ka24e ecu's sitting here. Im not sure where you live but maybe i can ship it.

As far as wiring i suggest trying to make everything back to stock, you need to make sure all the harness is not arching on any of the body.. Its possible that a wires protective coating was cut or damaged and touching ground.

Also, did this ignition problem occur randomly ?? Just one day the solder melted ?

07-08-2012, 01:32 AM
Yea, i was planning on replacing the whole harness and the ECU. Or Just doing a Swap.

But yes, i was at a stop light and when i started driving the car, then it just jerked a few times and BAM everything turned off. The only thing that worked was Emergency's and headlights. But I might just look into getting that ECU off you.